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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Eagerly awaiting Kuyas take on this
    AF since 1st Sep 2012
    NF since 1st Sep 2012

    If you want to feel better visit


      Newbies Nest

      allankay;1451029 wrote: Eagerly awaiting Kuyas take on this
      Psychic connection matey! :H:H


        Newbies Nest

        LOL - perfect timing...

        Yep Allan- I completed the first two phases and then decided to make up a hybrid program of P90X and Insanity. I really feel that each program makes up for what is lacking in the other. I love my weight training days but feel exhilarated and exhausted after my high cardio insanity right now going strong - and loving it...(at least I am right now - as today's workout is OVER - LOL) Either way - not bad for a close to 50 yr old lady....:-) My body fat percentage is in the low/lean range and I'm getting some serious muscle....Once again - evidence of us being the types that go after everything in life with complete gusto....I drank to an extreme and now I'm totally committed to this. :-)

        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


          Newbies Nest


          Firstly let me congratulate you on 2000+posts.

          I am doing pretty well in general. I am starting a 3 year corporate finance management course. This will mean no more free weekends or evenings for the foreseeable future. The programme consists of 3 courses every six months with an estimated 150 hours per course. That’s 6x150 = 900 hours of training per year, for three years. Evenings 6-9pm and weekends 9-5pm. And a full time job in between. I am also still training for a marathon. We have training sessions and meetings with nutrition experts. So I have very little time to think about drinking or have a social life


          How is your son doing? What’s new in NZ?

          AF since 1st Sep 2012
          NF since 1st Sep 2012

          If you want to feel better visit


            Newbies Nest

            I hadn't even noticed the posts!:H

            Allan you are the poster child for quitting and remaking your life.
            Don't beat yourself up about not posting are in a new job, new body and very busy. My life is the same but sober.....which is fine cos my life was great before.....I was just too hungover to appreciate it !

            The kids are all good, my oldest just got engaged to a lovely girl, my middle boy is 'same old' but fine, my daughter matures daily into the most awesome young woman.

            I am last.

            I will PM my email to start that discussion about NZ emigration.

            Keep on trucking Allan :h


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks Kuya.

              I don’t know what the job market is like in NZ but given I successfully complete my training, I should be considered a specialist and be able to obtain a working visa.

              May be I should create an online profile or look for a kiwi girl in London

              AF since 1st Sep 2012
              NF since 1st Sep 2012

              If you want to feel better visit


                Newbies Nest


                how old is your oldest son? I thought he was still a teenager?
                AF since 1st Sep 2012
                NF since 1st Sep 2012

                If you want to feel better visit


                  Newbies Nest

                  allankay;1451059 wrote: Thanks Kuya.

                  I don?t know what the job market is like in NZ but given I successfully complete my training, I should be considered a specialist and be able to obtain a working visa.

                  May be I should create an online profile or look for a kiwi girl in London

                  Way to go Allan :H

                  Now THAT is forward thinking and a BLOODY good idea. There are a lot of young Kiwis doing their OE, tis a tradition here. Sometimes they get involved with a pom and are then tortured by not being able to return home.

                  If you were to put your desire to come here on your profile it would be honest AND you would attract Kiwis. Win, win mate


                    Newbies Nest


                    your abbreviations bewilder me. OE? POM?

                    AF since 1st Sep 2012
                    NF since 1st Sep 2012

                    If you want to feel better visit


                      Newbies Nest

                      We Brits are poms
                      OE is overseas experience. Kiwis still suffer from being an old colony that believed all life originated in Europe though many now OE in the Far East as that is our nearest large neighbour.
                      Most will return to raise families.......much like migrating birds return to their breeding grounds :H:H:H


                        Newbies Nest

                        Have to say it!

                        Green card abuse and physical abuse are NO laughing matter!!!! I am at the end of both and I'm ashamed of this conversation on this board.

                        Because we have all shared a common struggle does not mean we should support wrong behavior or thinking.


                        Reread those posts and then educate yourselves. Ugly stuff.
                        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                          Newbies Nest

                          Slaythefear;1451097 wrote: Green card abuse and physical abuse are NO laughing matter!!!! I am at the end of both and I'm ashamed of this conversation on this board.

                          Because we have all shared a common struggle does not mean we should support wrong behavior or thinking.


                          Reread those posts and then educate yourselves. Ugly stuff.
                          What are you talking about Slay?


                            Newbies Nest

                            You've read my situation. I'm on the receiving end of someone who married me for a green card and has been abusing me, so I find all this laughter about marriage for green cards and abuse a bit unsettling. It's an increasing problem as you well in three. I've been to counseling recently and a support group and this isn't something to make light of. Violence is never the answer. You don't bust someone in the chops or throw then into a dresser because you don't like what they said. Being a bigger guy next to a smaller woman should tell you right there why you don't slug them one and you walk away.

                            Sensitive subject which is why I am so down right now and unable to contribute much here. Please don't make light of the subject. It's very harmful.:upset:

                            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                              Newbies Nest

                              Slaythefear;1451104 wrote: You've read my situation. I'm on the receiving end of someone who married me for a green card and has been abusing me, so I find all this laughter about marriage for green cards and abuse a bit unsettling. It's an increasing problem as you well in three. I've been to counseling recently and a support group and this isn't something to make light of. Violence is never the answer. You don't bust someone in the chops or throw then into a dresser because you don't like what they said. Being a bigger guy next to a smaller woman should tell you right there why you don't slug them one and you walk away.

                              Sensitive subject which is why I am so down right now and unable to contribute much here. Please don't make light of the subject. It's very harmful.:upset:

                              You have COMPLETELY misread the exchange between Allan and I. Allan would be eligible for residency on his own merit. He and I have discussed his emigrating since the second week we were here.
                              If you read the posts properly you will see we were advocating that a man wanting to emigrate to NZ should actively seek a Kiwi girlfriend since an English girlfriend may not want to emigrate ( this was the case with my son when I emigrated... It split us as a family for 4 years).

                              Many Kiwis want to return home after a period abroad, why not actively seek such a person? Stupid not to IMHO.

                              There was NO suggestion that he 'use' anyone. Unlike your situation Allan doesn't need to. He is a qualified person whose experience is sought after here. But he is also currently single and would like a girlfriend ....... Surely it would be unfair NOT to promote his future plans?

                              You are over sensitive Slay. I understand.

                              As to violence, neither I nor Allan promoted it. You must direct those complaints elsewhere.


                                Newbies Nest

                                kuya;1451111 wrote: You have COMPLETELY misread the exchange between Allan and I. Allan would be eligible for residency on his own merit. He and I have discussed his emigrating since the second week we were here.
                                If you read the posts properly you will see we were advocating that a man wanting to emigrate to NZ should actively seek a Kiwi girlfriend since an English girlfriend may not want to emigrate ( this was the case with my son when I emigrated... It split us as a family for 4 years).
                                Many Kiwis want to return home after a period.
                                There was NO suggestion that he 'use' anyone. Unlike your situation Allan doesn't need to.

                                You are over sensitive Slay. I understand.

                                Yes, I am very sensitive and I give you that, but that is why I said please don't make light of it. I was actually referring to the earlier question about why a man can't hit a woman. Yes, there are exceptions where a woman gets ugly. I knew one of those and she actually got arrested and charged because he called the cops. She tried to assault me as well and was stopped by a friend. I don't believe there is ever a good reason a man should become violent with a woman. There should be no question about WALKING away. To hell with the EGO! Being a man isn't about ego. It's about being a 'real' man who understands how to conduct himself and control his ego.

                                Yes, sensitive, indeed!

                                I was checking in because I was feeling week tonight. I didn't really want to encounter the question of why a man can't hit a woman.

                                "Why is it ok for women to be violent towards men or should I say why are men not allowed to return the aggression if pushed that far by women." Reference was to a 'tiny girl'. Men are much stronger the majority of the time! He could restrain vs. pounding her. He could walk away and call the police as well. The conversation started over some verbal nastiness. Oh well. Walk away. People today have lost a lot of manners. You don't hit them because you feel it is aggressive. We'd all be hitting each other. I have never laid a hand on someone. I never will.

                                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

