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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Tess, Glad you are OK!

    Tess, Please listen to Hippy. NOTHING IS SO BAD THAT A DRINK WON"T MAKE IT WORSE! If you click the "Toolbox" link at the bottom of this post you will find things that can and will help you. Give PEACE a chance to come back into your life!
    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


      Newbies Nest

      Happy Sunday everyone. We have had a wonderful time out at Rendezvous Frontier days. There were 1,500+ people camped in tents and it reminded me of Woodstock went 1840' There was a real sense of community and I made new friends. The music was down home and the food was simple. I LOVED IT ALL..except, they don't allow Doggers on property but the girls enjoyed the adventure of the Motel and walks in the surrounding area. The treasure hunting at local antique shops was a big success. Now to get my on~line store up and running. As much fun as we had, (as Dorthy would say) ...There's no place like home![/video]]Crosby, Stills & Nash - "Wooden Ships" (1969) - YouTube
      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


        Newbies Nest

        You are a little treasure yourself Hippy :h


          Newbies Nest

          :huggy:thanks2: Thank you very much Kuya! Everyday in EVERY keeps getting better and better!
          kuya;1451384 wrote: You are a little treasure yourself Hippy :h
          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
 Newbies Nest
 Tool Box
 How to get a sobriety plan


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning Nesters!

            Still very chilly & frosty around here - Brrrr!!!

            Tess, so sorry you have to deal with panic. I have some experience in that department myself but it's gone now. AL only makes it worse.

            Hippy, nice you enjoyed your event

            Greetings to everyone & wishes for a great AF Sunday!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning to All,

              I apologize for yesterday's "public display" of my panic attack. I was having a normal Saturday, doing homework and housework. I decided to check into The Nest around 4:30. I read a few posts and wrote a bit. And then I started to feel the dread of panic. It's a familiar and definite sensation. Then my husband called. He had been visiting his sister who has lung cancer. He said he was bringing home dinner and a bottle of wine. Full panic exploded in my brain.

              I don't have panic attacks very often, thankfully, but when I do I try to understand what set it off. There is not always a clear explanation. I don't know what triggered it yesterday. It was not the mention of wine -- I was already in panic by the time my husband called.

              When I panic I become very sensitive. Every sound, smell, thought, emotion becomes magnified. My perception was that my husband was yelling at me. But as I thought back through the entire event, I realized he wasn't "yelling" at all. He was saying, from the kitchen, "Dinner is ready."

              I wasn't struggling with the wine. (I can tell by reading some of your posts that I gave the impression that I was going to drink some wine.) No. I had told my husband that I would not be having wine with dinner. My struggle was all in the gray matter contained in my skull. I hate red wine. The only alcohol that might tempt me would be a frosty beer.

              Yes, Lav, I have seen more than one doctor for panic. This is a long-standing problem. Doctors always want to prescribe anti-anxiety medications, which I don't want to take because they don't help and I don't like the side effects.

              So... thank goodness it is Sunday morning and all is well in my brain and in my home. Thanks again for all of your support. I do feel embarrassed. But what is done is done.

              My beautiful dogs are dancing around me and eagerly awaiting breakfast.

              Everyone have a pleasant AF Sunday. ~ :angel:
              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

              The man pulling radishes
              pointed the way
              with a radish. ISSA


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning/afternoon Lav and everyone else in the nest

                Tess- i too am sorry to hear you are suffering panic attacks. They are nasty buggers, but good news is there is plenty of literature about them (i know you like reading) and techniques on how to manage them. Knowing what they are, why they happen and how to cope when one does happen is more than half the battle. Goes without saying that booze does not help.
                Hope you are ok today, please let us know xo


                  Newbies Nest

                  Xpost Tess. Glad to hear things are better today

                  Have you ever tried alternative therapies for your panic? I had just 2 sessions of CBT which really helped and also learned a little mindfulness which tbh i think would benefit everyone in the world whether they have panic or not


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning Nesters! I hope everyone has a nice evening and is waking up to a fresh new AF day! Hippy, I'm glad you and the girls had fun but I am selfishly glad you are back with us now. It's a shame that irresponsible dog owners ruin things for the rest of us!

                    I may have this sleep thing licked, albeit with some OTC assistance. ZZZ-Quil rocks my world. It doesn't knock me out, but when I decide it's bedtime it keeps me asleep the whole night. I haven't slept like this in ages. When I was drinking I rarely dreamt. I think I read that you don't really get into a good REM cycle when you go to bed drunk. I have been rediscovering that my dreams are absolutely hilarious and vivid. They are like little movies I get to watch each night.

                    Have a great Sunday everyone!
                    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Tess-2;1451407 wrote: Good Morning to All,

                      I apologize for yesterday's "public display" of my panic attack. I was having a normal Saturday, doing homework and housework. I decided to check into The Nest around 4:30. I read a few posts and wrote a bit. And then I started to feel the dread of panic. It's a familiar and definite sensation. Then my husband called. He had been visiting his sister who has lung cancer. He said he was bringing home dinner and a bottle of wine. Full panic exploded in my brain.

                      I don't have panic attacks very often, thankfully, but when I do I try to understand what set it off. There is not always a clear explanation. I don't know what triggered it yesterday. It was not the mention of wine -- I was already in panic by the time my husband called.

                      When I panic I become very sensitive. Every sound, smell, thought, emotion becomes magnified. My perception was that my husband was yelling at me. But as I thought back through the entire event, I realized he wasn't "yelling" at all. He was saying, from the kitchen, "Dinner is ready."

                      I wasn't struggling with the wine. (I can tell by reading some of your posts that I gave the impression that I was going to drink some wine.) No. I had told my husband that I would not be having wine with dinner. My struggle was all in the gray matter contained in my skull. I hate red wine. The only alcohol that might tempt me would be a frosty beer.

                      Yes, Lav, I have seen more than one doctor for panic. This is a long-standing problem. Doctors always want to prescribe anti-anxiety medications, which I don't want to take because they don't help and I don't like the side effects.

                      So... thank goodness it is Sunday morning and all is well in my brain and in my home. Thanks again for all of your support. I do feel embarrassed. But what is done is done.

                      My beautiful dogs are dancing around me and eagerly awaiting breakfast.

                      Everyone have a pleasant AF Sunday. ~ :angel:
                      Tess ..... Have you been checked for epilepsy? What you describe sounds more like petit mal than panic attacks. The heightening of the senses of sound and smell is the reverse of panic attacks when, usually, outside stimuli are blocked and focus is internal.
                      Also the randomness of the attacks is weird IMO.

                      Just a thought


                        Newbies Nest

                        starting day one going to a meeting at 11 i cant believe im here again


                          Newbies Nest

                          stump68;1451454 wrote: starting day one going to a meeting at 11 i cant believe im here again
                          Stump, Do whatever it takes NOT TO DRINK ALCOHOL. We've all fallen off the wagon. In my case...too many times to count but let us help give a hand back up.
                          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                 Newbies Nest
                 Tool Box
                 How to get a sobriety plan


                            Newbies Nest

                            Welcome, Stump! We are glad you have found us! This is a great time to be a nester because of all the great folks we have. Sounds like you may have been here before? What brings you in today? We are all ready to help. Congrata for taking positive steps to get sober!
                            Tess, sweet friend. My phone battery died last night and I missed being with you in your time of need! I am sorry. Sounds like today will be better for you. I don't know anything about panic attacks but I do know about chipped teeth. Broke one of mine on a frito years ago and it's bothered me ever since. The dentist can sand it down a lil bit, if you didn't know.
                            Siren, glad you are sleeping better.
                            Boy, I had a rough night myself with the craziest dreams I ever had. Wish kuya could interpret them for me. Hey Byrdie, I dreamt that YOU were my housekeeper(lol)

                            Well off to church. Catch y'all later. Love you all



                            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thank you, Byrdie for your concern. It is always appreciated. I'm very aware of how abuse has effected many people who are now alcoholics or abuse alcohol to escape. Many of them suffer from panic attacks which I have been having at night lately. I have an intuitive sense you might say. This was my main reason why I responded so abruptly to the post asking why men can't do it and the whole concept in the post. I found it highly destructive and insensitive to the nest, not just me, but others here who have past or present problems regarding the issue. It needed to be stated and I did it. So, I am done now.

                              Lav, the issue is related to sobriety. I will make no further comment, but my intention was to prevent certain members from harm as well as relate my feelings regarding the issue.

                              Tess, I am sorry for your experience last night. I feel the insensitivity here had a direct result in stimulating fear in you either consciously or unconsciously. Our body tends to learn how to react to certain thoughts, worries, memories, and stimuli. My intent with my first post on the matter was simply to halt it in its tracks and bring light to the intensity and results of the problem. You may want to talk to someone about those panic attacks and your past regarding this issue. We can experience a lot of anxiety when we are not in control of something that is or has harmed us. It can set off a whole lot of nervous issues and learned reactions in our brain just like alcohol rewires our brains. It may require some direct acknowledgement and retraining of your reactions when you are able to handle it. We don't become alcohol abusers out of thin air; there is usually some issues that begin our decent into escape, relief, etc. Big:l and much :h.

                              Topic closed. Over and out!


                              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                                Newbies Nest

                                Welcome Stump. I couldn't believe this happened to me, either, but alas....If you ever met me in person, I'd be the LAST person you'd ever think would be an ALK! So we come in all shapes and sizes and there's no discrimination! It's an equal opportunity offender! Whatever the reason you are here, we're glad you found us. We have LOTS of success here, and I count myself among them. Please see the link in my signature line for the Tool Box. Folks have contrubuted 100's of tips and coping skills to help you get started, and keep going!! We are glad you're here! What brings you by?

                                Tess, as you say, past is passed. I'm so sorry that happened and hope you and your tooth are feeling better today. I'll give you a dollar if you can keep your tongue from messing with it today!! ehehehe....something my dad used to say when I lost a tooth.
                                Today is a new day, full of wonderful possibilities!!

                                Hippy, so glad you and the girls are back!! Did they enjoy their LaQuinta experience? You will have to look back at the posts you missed, we posted snaps of our dogs!!! Lav did one for me....anyway, happy you had such a wonderful trip. Hope it was WARM where you were!! We are could hang meat in this house!! Brrrrr! (I AM bundled up!)
                                Hope everyone has a pleasant Sunday....go out and do something nice for someone'll make you feel good! Hugs, Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

