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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    thanks so much friends i was clean for 6 years and ive been drinking for about 2 months i will be spending a lot of time here and at meetings im so sick of drinking, off to a meeting.


      Newbies Nest

      Slay, thanks for the update. How you are doing alcohol-wise? In my own twisted thinking, I used to say my AF days were my body count. Because each day we don't drink kills AL some. What is your body count, if you don't mind my gives me a guage as to where you are. As you know, I keep up with such things so I can help folks with rough patches. Ex....the days after 7 get rough til you get to 13. The days right after 30 are tough, etc. It's none of my business, but I hope you are well down the road! Hugs to you! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning everyone in the nest. I will be posting more here due to kuya stats post. I read everyday already. Tess glad you made it through to the other side ok. Slay I am sorry for your pain. I hope you have a great day. Stump welcome. You already know this is a great place.

        I am off the the vitamin shop to pick up my multi, I have to go on sunday cause its right next to the liquor store. I thought I was going to have to find a new shop or a new multi but then i realized that I can go on sunday cause the stores are closed. I know the laws are different everywhere but here in Texas they are open 10 - 9 everyday except sunday. That is a blessing because if here were like vegas and they were open 24/7 this would be so much harder!

        have a great day yall, i will check in later, going for an average of 5 posts a day!


          Newbies Nest

          Hello, everyone.

          I am happy to say that I didn't "mess up" my calendar (or my life) by drinking last night so I am now on day 4.

          This evening will be a challenge -- several friends and I enjoy watching Downton Abbey (don't spill the beans lucky people who don't live in the US!!) but part of the fun is, of course, drinking wine. I plan to decline, but since I know they already think I have "issues" because I don't eat sugar and like to work out intensely, this will probably be met with "knowing looks" among them and perhaps direct comments to me. Part of the reason I've been on/off/on/off since last July is that I would be doing fine AF until an event such as this came up and in an effort not to be 'weird', I would choose to have a drink with the intent of going back to being AF the next day. And -- I really would have only 1 or 2 glasses of wine that evening but invariably this would start a cycle of daily intake of 3/4-1 bottle of wine on my own. I have rarely consumed too much alcohol when part of a group so people around me likely consider me a 'normal drinker'.

          I plan to be posting here tomorrow that I am on day 5 (and that Anna and Bates are living happily ever after...).


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Gals and Guys in The Nest,

            I am taking a break from writing a research paper. I'm nearly finished, which is a good thing. It is due tomorrow!

            Lav - I'm thinking of you and your chickens today. Don't know why -- just thinking of you and hens and chicks. They are happy thoughts! :chick:

            kuya - Have never thought about this before, but when I tell my doctor that I'm having anxiety or panic, she does not ask for specifics. To my memory, no doctor has asked me to recount specific symptoms. So, the next time I see my doc I will give her the specifics and see what she thinks. I've never, ever considered small seizures or epilepsy. But you make a good point because I do have a very heightened sense of what is going on around me during these events. My grandma likes to say, "Tess is a Nervous Nellie." And grandpa likes to say, "Tess is a smart cookie." So I guess I'm a smart cookie with nervous nellie chips... :helpme: Or maybe they are both full of baloney. It runs in the family...

            Stump - You were AF for six years. Six years!! You can do it again and make it a double. Yes, you can!! 12 years easily. You can do this!! Hang out with us in The Nest.

            Starfish - I'm happy that your phone battery died last night. If I had a cyber-eraser, I would wipe the entire event from MWO. I am an introvert (hard to believe, I know!), and, like a wounded dog, I prefer to crawl off to a private place to lick my wounds. BUT the event happened AS I was posting -- so there it was for the world to see. I hope you are having a peaceful Sunday. Yes, I need to have my tooth filed!! :wings:

            Slay - Thank you for your insightful post. I apologize for breaking into your conversation yesterday. Really, it was not any of my business. Maybe i should talk to a counselor or someone about various life events. I tend to keep to myself. People see a happy, more-or-less successful, and helpful person. But, of course, they don't see the pain because I keep it, mostly, under wraps. I am very sorry and sad for the hell you are going through.

            Byrdie - I am not going to get one dollar from you! Yes, my tongue keep looking for the missing corner of my tooth... Strange, but I just really chomped down on that salad fork for no apparent reason. Yes, I agree, this is a new day full of possibility!! :rays:

            ODAT - Thanks for your support. I am so proud of you! You are wise to stay away from liquor stores during open hours!!

            NoSugar - I can already see your AF Day 5 post tomorrow. So, just like your calendar, you can't mess me up!! :H

            Bye for Now ~
            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

            The man pulling radishes
            pointed the way
            with a radish. ISSA


              Newbies Nest

              Byrdlady;1451464 wrote: Welcome Stump. I couldn't believe this happened to me, either, but alas....If you ever met me in person, I'd be the LAST person you'd ever think would be an ALK! So we come in all shapes and sizes and there's no discrimination! It's an equal opportunity offender! Whatever the reason you are here, we're glad you found us. We have LOTS of success here, and I count myself among them. Please see the link in my signature line for the Tool Box. Folks have contrubuted 100's of tips and coping skills to help you get started, and keep going!! We are glad you're here! What brings you by?

              Tess, as you say, past is passed. I'm so sorry that happened and hope you and your tooth are feeling better today. I'll give you a dollar if you can keep your tongue from messing with it today!! ehehehe....something my dad used to say when I lost a tooth.
              Today is a new day, full of wonderful possibilities!!

              Hippy, so glad you and the girls are back!! Did they enjoy their LaQuinta experience? You will have to look back at the posts you missed, we posted snaps of our dogs!!! Lav did one for me....anyway, happy you had such a wonderful trip. Hope it was WARM where you were!! We are could hang meat in this house!! Brrrrr! (I AM bundled up!)
              Hope everyone has a pleasant Sunday....go out and do something nice for someone'll make you feel good! Hugs, Byrdie
              LaQuinta ROCKS!!! Everyone made such a fuss over the girls and were feeding them goodies (I don't allow) at the breakfast buffet. They loved all the new smells on their daily walks.! Thanks for asking Byrdie. I'll look back and see the pics.
              Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
     Newbies Nest
     Tool Box
     How to get a sobriety plan


                Newbies Nest

                Lavande;1449457 wrote: Good evening Nesters,

                Had a busy but good day myself!

                New Day, sorry about your FIL. Have been thru all that & more. Hope you get some decent sleep tonight, yuo certainly deserve a good night

                Fin, what can we do to help you stay on your plan? Keep trying!!

                Byrdie asked me to post a doggie pic for her - so here's the Byrd dog

                Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the Nest!
                OMG...What a sweet face! Is that your new bowie wow Brydie?
                Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
       Newbies Nest
       Tool Box
       How to get a sobriety plan


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hippy, thank you for the compliments on my doggie. NO, she is not new, we've had her for 5 years...but we are just doting parents, you'd think she was a novelty act, everything she does we just ooooo and ahhhhh! It's nuts how she has us wrapped!

                  Hope everyone is having a peaceful day in his/her head! You can do whatever you set your mind to!!
                  Happy Sober Sunday evening! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hippyman;1451618 wrote: LaQuinta ROCKS!!! Everyone made such a fuss over the girls and were feeding them goodies (I don't allow) at the breakfast buffet. They loved all the new smells on their daily walks.! Thanks for asking Byrdie. I'll look back and see the pics.

                    Happy Hippy - You always brighten The Nest. Thank you!! Delighted to hear that you and your girls had a fab time!! Welcome Back ~ :hithere:
                    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                    The man pulling radishes
                    pointed the way
                    with a radish. ISSA


                      Newbies Nest

                      NoSugar;1451570 wrote: Hello, everyone.

                      I am happy to say that I didn't "mess up" my calendar (or my life) by drinking last night so I am now on day 4.

                      This evening will be a challenge -- several friends and I enjoy watching Downton Abbey (don't spill the beans lucky people who don't live in the US!!) but part of the fun is, of course, drinking wine. I plan to decline, but since I know they already think I have "issues" because I don't eat sugar and like to work out intensely, this will probably be met with "knowing looks" among them and perhaps direct comments to me. Part of the reason I've been on/off/on/off since last July is that I would be doing fine AF until an event such as this came up and in an effort not to be 'weird', I would choose to have a drink with the intent of going back to being AF the next day. And -- I really would have only 1 or 2 glasses of wine that evening but invariably this would start a cycle of daily intake of 3/4-1 bottle of wine on my own. I have rarely consumed too much alcohol when part of a group so people around me likely consider me a 'normal drinker'.

                      I plan to be posting here tomorrow that I am on day 5 (and that Anna and Bates are living happily ever after...).
                      :goodjob: Keep on adding up those days. It gets better and better!
                      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
             Newbies Nest
             Tool Box
             How to get a sobriety plan


                        Newbies Nest

                        A girlfriend and I are going to see les miserables this afternoon. Fun! She is not much older than me and has three young daughters. Wow! Her hubs is watching the girls so that she and I can have a night out. Sweet! And she does not drink. Even sweeter!!
                        Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                        The man pulling radishes
                        pointed the way
                        with a radish. ISSA


                          Newbies Nest

                          Byrdlady;1451679 wrote: Hippy, thank you for the compliments on my doggie. NO, she is not new, we've had her for 5 years...but we are just doting parents, you'd think she was a novelty act, everything she does we just ooooo and ahhhhh! It's nuts how she has us wrapped!

                          Hope everyone is having a peaceful day in his/her head! You can do whatever you set your mind to!!
                          Happy Sober Sunday evening! Byrdie
                          Enjoy her silliness Brydie. My girls have me wrapped too! I love em sooo much and they make life so much fun!
                          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                 Newbies Nest
                 Tool Box
                 How to get a sobriety plan


                            Newbies Nest

                            Evening nesters... had to do a food shop today, was buying AF beer... got a bit pissed off with the checkout kid... so wrote a rant (copied from the Army barracks). For some light relief... so to speak.

                            A wee rant

                            I wis shopping in friggingtescos
                            buying some fruit and some veg and whadayaknow -
                            I'll pick up some beer
                            (The AF kind ya hear)
                            And to the checkout to purchase i do go

                            The 'nana's and apples are beeped through
                            And the milk and the bread beep beep too
                            And the pork and the ham
                            And the cheese and the lamb
                            Everythings going through just tickety-boo

                            That is....


                            The laddie scans me bottles of beer
                            Then looks to me, says "here, here,
                            you do know with these
                            that it's alcohol free?"
                            I says "yes, now lend me your ear...

                            "I KNOW they are alcohol free
                            I aint blind, nor stupid, you see?
                            So why do you ask
                            When really your task
                            Is to shut and beep through my items for me?"

                            He says "but the bottles look so alike!"
                            I said "I know, cos it's beer you thick tike,
                            Do you ask the ladies
                            or the good gentlemen
                            Having picked brown, whether it's white bread they'd like?

                            "Do you say to buyers of butter
                            'you do know it's no butter it's another?'
                            Or to red tops of milk say
                            'You meant the green, ay?
                            Or the blue - the blue's proper milk' you utter.

                            Do you inform ladies that diet coke aint full fat?
                            Or the lasagne is Weight Watchers tat?
                            Please shut yer querying voice
                            with regards my drink of choice
                            You kid with the brain of a nat.


                              Newbies Nest

                              RunningCourage;1451774 wrote: Evening nesters... had to do a food shop today, was buying AF beer... got a bit pissed off with the checkout kid... so wrote a rant (copied from the Army barracks). For some light relief... so to speak.

                              A wee rant

                              I wis shopping in friggingtescos
                              buying some fruit and some veg and whadayaknow -
                              I'll pick up some beer
                              (The AF kind ya hear)
                              And to the checkout to purchase i do go

                              The 'nana's and apples are beeped through
                              And the milk and the bread beep beep too
                              And the pork and the ham
                              And the cheese and the lamb
                              Everythings going through just tickety-boo

                              That is....


                              The laddie scans me bottles of beer
                              Then looks to me, says "here, here,
                              you do know with these
                              that it's alcohol free?"
                              I says "yes, now lend me your ear...

                              "I KNOW they are alcohol free
                              I aint blind, nor stupid, you see?
                              So why do you ask
                              When really your task
                              Is to shut and beep through my items for me?"

                              He says "but the bottles look so alike!"
                              I said "I know, cos it's beer you thick tike,
                              Do you ask the ladies
                              or the good gentlemen
                              Having picked brown, whether it's white bread they'd like?

                              "Do you say to buyers of butter
                              'you do know it's no butter it's another?'
                              Or to red tops of milk say
                              'You meant the green, ay?
                              Or the blue - the blue's proper milk' you utter.

                              Do you inform ladies that diet coke aint full fat?
                              Or the lasagne is Weight Watchers tat?
                              Please shut yer querying voice
                              with regards my drink of choice
                              You kid with the brain of a nat.
                              Nicely done RC! :H :H :H :H

                              My worst check out story was when the woman behind the register told me I was buying the wrong kind of toilet paper. Do we really need to have this discussion?


                                Newbies Nest

                                RC - Love poetry! All kinds of poetry! A wee rant is priceless. Yes, you have a poet's heart! Ever been "pregnant" with a poem? Bet you have!... :heart:
                                Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                                The man pulling radishes
                                pointed the way
                                with a radish. ISSA

