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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good Sunday morning Nesters,

    So quiet around here this weekend - hope everyone is well & just busy having fun
    Since it's not raining at the moment I'm going to head out and get busy with some garden cleanup. I harvested my birdhouse gourds (in the rain) yesterday, now I need to get rid of the vines. My chickens will love the clippings - a real treat for them

    Wishing everyone a great Sunday, will check in later.
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      HI All,
      Thanks for the ideas...although she is sober she still has all the interest in the edgy, fashion, music, etc. not much in common with faith based teens, sad to say... exercise is one goal and a health club seems to be an agreeable has great aftercare and they provide a sounding board via telephone and Skype albeit long distance... she is more optimistic this morning...we have all had lonely Sat. nights, just a slice of life....hopefully now she can try to define what she wants her evenings to be like and try to make it happen.


        Newbies Nest

        evening nesters hope everyone is doing well. unfortunately I succumbed last night and had wine, no reason just did it. Now wish I hadn't, not because I feel ill or anything it just seemed a pretty pointless thing to do.
        Oh well no point giving myself a beating up - can't do anything about last night but I can do something about tonight and one thing i won't be doing is drinking!
        Hope you're all more successful than me!
        Back later love sooty


          Newbies Nest

          New to the forum, need help in stopping drinking. I recently discovered that I want to use alcohol all the time and that scares me. A lot. Which is why I am here. I was drinking about 1 bottle of wine a day, some days none, some days a few beers. Not wanting to be drunk but wanting to "take the edge off". I knew that I was dependent on it, but thought I had it under control. Now I just want this monkey off my back. I have used something to hide my pain for a very long time. I don't want to "cope" anymore, I want to live better. I need help to stop, so I came here to find understanding. Thank you.


            Newbies Nest

            Morning All!

            Just a quick one as am already running late..urgh!!!! *headless chook continues to run in circles*

            Sooty-don't stress was only a little slip,and if your modding then its still part of the plan right!
            newbie22-welcome,you will get lots of help & support here! Just stick around and find a twig that suits you!:welcome:
            Fresh- what about suggesting your daughter use her new found knowledge and experience of getting sober to help others her age...they would probably listen to someone of their own age! Plus she would maybe meet others who are volunteering too. Plus it could lead her down a career path if she finds she likes it! Just a suggestion!
            Lav-can you come and tend our decrepit garden..poor thing is overgrown and pitiful right now!!! Neither of us have much time to fix it:upset:
            Tranq- what you getting up to outside on your weekends..more golf or other stuff??
            Fig- glad the date went well!! Yay for you and for moding!!:goodjob:
            To all the orest..luv you guys:h


              Newbies Nest

              Guess what...just counted and I am on Day 22 AF!!! WOW..never thought that would happen!


                Newbies Nest


                Wow! Chicken, that is are truly an inspiration. Keep it up hun. Weeeell, it was Sunni as our 3,000 poster.....I shoulda known.....congrats my dear. Free birdfood for a year. Well, just poppin in to say hello. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend....this 1st week of Football!!! Speaking of which, gotta get back to the game....sweet dreams cherubs....and welcome to our newcomers. You are officially part of our family.
                Pops & G


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey Chicken, Great idea!!, I have already started the process of nurturing it ...we'll see, she is a leader type so it may well give her focus...Thank you,


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good evening Nesters,

                    Looks like it was a pretty good day! The sun came out here so I'm happy

                    FH, I'm glad things are looking up for you & your daughter. Please keep us informed on your progress.

                    Sooty, no beating necessary! If you can enjoy a glass or two of wine from time to time & not go nuts - then by all means, go for it! I wish I could do the same but I'm afraid it's not in the cards for me. At least, not at this time. I have to remain happy with my AF status & not worry about what I think I might be missing.

                    newbie22, welcome! Glad you're here with us! Please find yourself a comfy twig in the nest & settle in, we're haapy to have you with us

                    chicken, 22 days - cluck, cluck! Good for you, are you doing the chicken dance right now???
                    I'm afraid gardens start out so nice & neat but end up looking like jungles near the end of the season. We had soooooo many tomatoes & peppers this year, I harvested dozens of birdhouse gourds yesterday. Everything left out there just needs to be pulled, tilled in - whatever! It's going to keep me busy for a while

                    Tranq, golf, football - anything else going on?

                    Always nice to see you Pops & G. It figures Sunni won the birdseed! Maybe she'll send me some to put in my gourds, keep all the birds well fed over the winter months around here

                    Calling it a day. Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Happy Monday everyone. chicken well done on day 22, unbelievable - well done you.
                      I'm back to abstaining again, decided that I don't want to drink at all. Useless activity - not even enjoyable anymore and I do not want to start on the slippery slope.
                      Newbie22 welcome - stay on here and talk to us, you'll find us all very friendly and supportive.
                      To everyone else have a good day I'll be back later


                        Newbies Nest


                        Not been here for a few weeks although wanting to be AF and would love to have you guys on my side.... I really would like to be happy and enjoy life, yes there has been lots of pain and hurt in my past which the alcohol took the edge off but I now know that is not the answer and I need to pick myself up and move forward. But I know I can't do this on my own so if you guys don't mind can i jump on this thread.........


                          Newbies Nest

                          Welcome Sonny....make yourself comfy!

                          And thanks guys for the congrats, I am feeling good!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning everyone!

                            Here we are on Monday morning & I'm off and running. Hope everyone's well. We're battling the swine flu here in our schools and so far so good with my kiddos.

                            Newbee: I've only been here for about a week, and I can tell you that logging in and reading off and on all day, every day has really inspired me to stay on track. I know exactly how you feel, but knowing you can hop on here and let it all out and know you won't be judged makes a such a safe place to be. You will only get encouragement here. And some great tips, too. No one will beat you up over mistakes or missteps. They simply pick you up and give you a little push to keep moving in the right direction. And, it's all totally anonymous so you'll feel safe speaking your deepest darkest secrets about your bad habits.



                              Newbies Nest


                              Sooty: ditto what I just said!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Argh. Not enough coffee this morning.

                                Sonny, I meant you!


