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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    RC, you're a priceless treasure!
    Your worth and words beyond measure!
    When you go on a rant
    Don't tell you 'You Can't!'
    Tell them to F off with pleasure!!!
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks Byrdie! You are always here with cheer and a helpful hand. I have an angel helping me out right now, as I'm in need of a bit more of a personal touch. I'll give you a yell if I need some support. It may just be the word, HELP! So if you see it, you know I reaching out which has never been easy for me. I'm learning.

      Tess, you have nothing to apologize for. When we start letting go of our crutches, coping mechanisms and escape routes, we find there are issues we have to deal with that we have not been willing to address properly. Those raw issues can make us a bit touchy at times especially if we are prone to keep quiet in our pain. I understand how some of us suffer in silence and then turn to the wrong places for help. Sometimes that's why I get a bit cranky on this board for which I apologize for if I cause any harm. At times we try to help one situation and wind up hurting another. It's not always an easy balance. This is an open forum, so it gets dicey at times. I've been keeping quiet for the most part and have been blessed to have connected with a kindred spirit.

      It sounds like a little bit of confusion on your anxiety/panic attacks. I'm sure you've looked it up before, but here is a link if you haven't. I think heightened senses/sensitivity is due to a stimulated nervous system that can include anxiety and panic attacks. Sobriety for many of us isn't just about letting go of AL, but letting go of other things, too.




      Be well all! xo

      Anxiety Attacks & Anxiety Disorders: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment
      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


        Newbies Nest

        RunningCourage;1451774 wrote: Evening nesters... had to do a food shop today, was buying AF beer... got a bit pissed off with the checkout kid... so wrote a rant (copied from the Army barracks). For some light relief... so to speak.

        A wee rant

        I wis shopping in friggingtescos
        buying some fruit and some veg and whadayaknow -
        I'll pick up some beer
        (The AF kind ya hear)
        And to the checkout to purchase i do go

        The 'nana's and apples are beeped through
        And the milk and the bread beep beep too
        And the pork and the ham
        And the cheese and the lamb
        Everythings going through just tickety-boo

        That is....


        The laddie scans me bottles of beer
        Then looks to me, says "here, here,
        you do know with these
        that it's alcohol free?"
        I says "yes, now lend me your ear...

        "I KNOW they are alcohol free
        I aint blind, nor stupid, you see?
        So why do you ask
        When really your task
        Is to shut and beep through my items for me?"

        He says "but the bottles look so alike!"
        I said "I know, cos it's beer you thick tike,
        Do you ask the ladies
        or the good gentlemen
        Having picked brown, whether it's white bread they'd like?

        "Do you say to buyers of butter
        'you do know it's no butter it's another?'
        Or to red tops of milk say
        'You meant the green, ay?
        Or the blue - the blue's proper milk' you utter.

        Do you inform ladies that diet coke aint full fat?
        Or the lasagne is Weight Watchers tat?
        Please shut yer querying voice
        with regards my drink of choice
        You kid with the brain of a nat.
        You, my love, are too wonderfully funny and talented.

        Morning to all,
        Hope you get an answer Tess.

        Welcome stump....settle in, buckle up, and get ready to get well again

        Slay, no need to apologise, when you are in a bad place normal things people say get blown out of proportion. Glad FA is helping, she is awesome!


          Newbies Nest

          Tess-2;1451767 wrote: A girlfriend and I are going to see les miserables this afternoon. Fun! She is not much older than me and has three young daughters. Wow! Her hubs is watching the girls so that she and I can have a night out. Sweet! And she does not drink. Even sweeter!!
          Tess that is great! Nice to have somebody sober to pal around with.


            Newbies Nest

            Starfish1;1451462 wrote:
            Boy, I had a rough night myself with the craziest dreams I ever had. Wish kuya could interpret them for me. Hey Byrdie, I dreamt that YOU were my housekeeper(lol)

            Well off to church. Catch y'all later. Love you all
            I love dreams Star, whilst this is only a portion it is significant !

            The sober part of you (Byrdie) is cleaning house. Your psyche recognises the healing (cleaning ) you are doing.

            This speaks volumes on the stage of recovery you have reached


              Newbies Nest

              Evening nesters, RC and Byrdie your rhymes are priceless, love it! Slay glad your doing better.

              It's 75 and cloudy here in texas, cold hot cold hot decide already!

              Tomorrow is Monday and everything goes back to normal. I have always loved mondays because my schedule returns.

              We are almost to the end of the month and the Jan 1ers will be getting their 30 day hats on Wednesday or Thursday! congrats guys!

              I'm ready for bed and it's only 7 yeks!:shocked:


                Newbies Nest

                I'm not quite ready for bed yet odat - it's only 8 pm here - I'd be up before 4 am & sure as hell don't want to do that :H

                But I will wish everyone a safe night in the nest. There's a storm warning for tomorrow morning here, snow, ice, rain, the whole nine yards ~ swell

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  odat1234;1451846 wrote: Evening nesters, RC and Byrdie your rhymes are priceless, love it! Slay glad your doing better.

                  It's 75 and cloudy here in texas, cold hot cold hot decide already!

                  Tomorrow is Monday and everything goes back to normal. I have always loved mondays because my schedule returns.

                  We are almost to the end of the month and the Jan 1ers will be getting their 30 day hats on Wednesday or Thursday! congrats guys!

                  I'm ready for bed and it's only 7 yeks!:shocked:
                  Go to bed then.....there are no rules but you will wake in the middle of the night


                    Newbies Nest

                    Lavande;1451851 wrote: I'm not quite ready for bed yet odat - it's only 8 pm here - I'd be up before 4 am & sure as hell don't want to do that :H

                    But I will wish everyone a safe night in the nest. There's a storm warning for tomorrow morning here, snow, ice, rain, the whole nine yards ~ swell

                    I sometimes do that, go to bed at 8ish, wake at 3am, play for an hour then back to bed. It's kinda fun occasionally.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning all in the nest

                      Off to the dentist for me this morn ( Tis just a check-up so fingers crossed i dont need any work x
                      Its one of my pals birthday so im hoping to meet up with her and her adorable baby twins later

                      Hope you all have a Happy AF Monday xo


                        Newbies Nest

                        Rabsy,Rabsy, a fair wee rant,
                        bout going into Tescos and havin a tant
                        Its not his job to say what you do
                        But just to put the shopping through!!

                        What you should have done you see,
                        Is when he said its alcohol free,
                        Replied "now thats good, but oh my oh my
                        Do I get it for nowt or do I have to buy?"

                        Now heres a task the next time you go,
                        The answer to this I dont know,
                        Even tho it says its alcohol free,
                        It is still you need ID?

                        (well you wouldnt..but some of us might!!!) :H:H:H
                        af since the fourth of July 2012...howzat then proudly marching into year 12


                          Newbies Nest

                          good morning nesters! Beautiful monday! Mick that's so funny! Good job!

                          I didn't go to bed till 9 but was up at 4 anyway, slept pretty well though.

                          Have a great day nesters and thanks for being here!
                          ALL I HAVE TO DO IS GET THOUGH THIS DAY AF


                            Newbies Nest

                            Slaythefear;1451815 wrote:

                            ...Tess, you have nothing to apologize for. When we start letting go of our crutches, coping mechanisms and escape routes, we find there are issues we have to deal with that we have not been willing to address properly. Those raw issues can make us a bit touchy at times especially if we are prone to keep quiet in our pain. I understand how some of us suffer in silence and then turn to the wrong places for help. Sometimes that's why I get a bit cranky on this board for which I apologize for if I cause any harm. At times we try to help one situation and wind up hurting another. It's not always an easy balance. This is an open forum, so it gets dicey at times. I've been keeping quiet for the most part and have been blessed to have connected with a kindred spirit.

                            It sounds like a little bit of confusion on your anxiety/panic attacks. I'm sure you've looked it up before, but here is a link if you haven't. I think heightened senses/sensitivity is due to a stimulated nervous system that can include anxiety and panic attacks. Sobriety for many of us isn't just about letting go of AL, but letting go of other things, too.




                            Be well all! xo

                            Anxiety Attacks & Anxiety Disorders: Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment

                            Slay - What you say makes a lot of sense. Total healing, which includes sobriety (but is not only
                            sobriety) involves tending to all of the wounded parts of ourselves. I'm just beginning to understand this.

                            I am delighted to hear that you have connected with a kindred spirit. That IS one of the best blessings in life: a healing balm is given and received.

                            I have done almost no research on anxiety/panic attacks (which is a bit surprising because I enjoy reading). I tend to be the opposite of a hypochondriac. I am not sure what that term would be, but I attempt to minimize or dismiss personal afflictions. Thank you for the helpful link.

                            Be gentle with yourself. You are loved! Tess :huggy
                            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                            The man pulling radishes
                            pointed the way
                            with a radish. ISSA


                              Newbies Nest

                              Mick;1452048 wrote: Rabsy,Rabsy, a fair wee rant,
                              bout going into Tescos and havin a tant
                              Its not his job to say what you do
                              But just to put the shopping through!!

                              What you should have done you see,
                              Is when he said its alcohol free,
                              Replied "now thats good, but oh my oh my
                              Do I get it for nowt or do I have to buy?"

                              Now heres a task the next time you go,
                              The answer to this I dont know,
                              Even tho it says its alcohol free,
                              It is still you need ID?

                              (well you wouldnt..but some of us might!!!) :H:H:H
                              Wow! Went to bed with poetry and am waking up with poetry! Poetry in The Nest. Love it! Thank you Mick!! :giggle:
                              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                              The man pulling radishes
                              pointed the way
                              with a radish. ISSA


                                Newbies Nest


                                Happy Monday EVERYONE! I love Mondays. It's the start of a whole new week. it's a chance to see the World thru new eyes and leave last weeks problems in the past. It's gonna be an exciting and busy week ahead. I have so many new ideas for craft projects and I'm also planning an on~line store. Don't forget to hug someone today and as always...stay SOBER and be HAPPY!

                                ps. May Angels watch over you all!

                      [/video]]The Mamas And The Papas - Monday, Monday 1080p (remastered in HD by Veso™) - YouTube
                                Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                       Newbies Nest
                       Tool Box
                       How to get a sobriety plan

