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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    ron9491;1452676 wrote: Just beginning and scared. Dr won't prescribe Tomapax due to my antidepressant.
    Should I still pay for hypnotherapy tapes and herbs?
    Hi Ron - I'm a newbie who happens to be awake at 1:00 in the morning in my little corner of the world. I don't know how long ago you sent this message. A senior member will be along. Until then, I don't want you to feel alone.

    I certainly know the feeling of being scared at the beginning. This is a great place to receive support!!

    I don't know anything about the Rx medications. So... wait to hear from a senior member regarding taking herbs with your antidepressant. I highly recommend the hypnotherapy.

    When I stopped drinking 29 days ago, I felt certain that I would need a prescription Rx (such as baclofen) to stop drinking. I had no belief in my ability to stop drinking on my own. Well, I didn't get a Rx: didn't know how to get it and by the time I figured it out I was a week or so into sobriety and discovered that I could do it without medication.

    I found reading other posts to be very helpful, especially during times when people were not able to respond quickly to my posts. Stay strong. As I say, someone will be along.
    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

    The man pulling radishes
    pointed the way
    with a radish. ISSA


      Newbies Nest

      Starfish1;1452215 wrote: Hi guys :l

      I was typing a great message this morning (in response to Lolab's post) about how much less depressed I am after kicking my beast to the curb, when I was RUDELY interrupted by a message that I had not paid my gasoline credit card bill for last month (oops!!! and ouch!!!) Okay, so got that straightened out and now I can get back to saying stuff like....

      "Gee, that was an honest mistake. I had several other things going on last week and simply forgot to send that payment in!"

      Whereas if I had been drinking, I would have been saying things to myself like-

      "You stupid, low-down, drunk!!! -look at how you always screw up. If you hadn't been drunk, you would have paid that bill. Now, because of your stupidity, you owe a late fee and interest on top of the bill"...blah, blah, blah :upset:

      That is one case in point showing the difference in my attitude about myself these days, compared to my old self. I think I'll stick with this attitude- the other was no good for me. And I owe it all to giving up the drink

      Star - There were so many great posts in the nest yesterday. And great poetry too. :H I didn't have time to respond. But this message, your message, "hit me where I lived," so I went back and found it.

      When I was drinking, I was BRUTAL with myself. The names that I would call myself certainly cannot be repeated here! I called myself a worthless drunk all of the time. I had kind of forgotten about it until I read your post.

      Now that I am sober, I can see ALL of me: the good, the bad, the ugly. And while I can still become frustrated with myself, I am beginning to like myself. I embrace myself like a loving mother with her imperfect child. When I make mistakes, I attempt to sooth myself. A brain free from alcohol is a beautiful thing!! :butterfly:

      Thank you for being so transparent. You have helped me a lot!! :huggy
      Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

      The man pulling radishes
      pointed the way
      with a radish. ISSA


        Newbies Nest

        Hi all
        I am back in reality....home from skiing Vail on my 49th birthday Sunday!! It was truly beautiful. And boy, did I get my exercise for the weekend!!

        I did so well on the business part of my trip to CO. Stayed sober during the Thursday bore of a "bowling and drinks" party. Awoke Friday completely refreshed and ready to ski. Picked my husband up at the airport. He has a fear of flying so it took awhile for him to warm up to being away from the kids for the weekend. We went out to a fancy restaurant in Vail for dinner. Before I could launch in.....wait, I need to be completely honest.....I could not bring myself to launch in on trying to explain to him why I can't drink anymore. It was such a beautiful place and far from my personal reality. Do you know what I mean? To talk about my alcoholism would be to take us out of that fantasy which was only going to last a couple of days. So, I hit a bump. It was my birthday, I was in Vail, alone with my husband. Yes, all excuses....I must say, I did not overdo it but I did drink. Driving home from the airport last night in the sleet and rainy highways all I could think about was going out and buying a bottle of wine to relieve the stress of traveling all day...through the snowy rockies, rushing to get flight after dropping off rental, dealing with screaming child on plane, getting baggage....yuck....but I rejected that thought as an option. So I feel ok today but sorry I let myself down. But luckily for my sobriety, there won't be anymore fantasy trips unlike any other in the near and far future. That was really a once in a lifetime thing (wow, expensive even with the business part of expenses and flight, car service etc. paid for by company)
        thanks for putting up with my ramble.
        new day: january 28.
        I just won't anymore


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters!

          Hoping to see a bit of sunshine today for a change!

          Slay, I hope you can keep moving forward, little by little & never look back. Moving out of the darkness into an enlightened way of living is truly beautiful

          Ron, I highly recommend the MWO Hypno CDs!
          They were a major part of my plan & I used them daily for a year or more! They helped me change my thinking & learn to relax without AL onboard

          Greetings Tess, NewDay & everyone!
          Wishing everyone a terrific AF Tuesday!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            It feels like SPRING!

            Happy Tuesday everyone. The weather outside is absolutely amazing. I hope that no one shows the weatherman a calendar. I don't think I ever remember getting the "Spring Cleaning bug" so early in the year before. It's been quite a long while since this house has had a GOOD olde fashion cleaning! It's only the end of January and it feels like March. Hmm, now where to start? I guess ...down come the curtins and into the wash. Thelma & Louise (my new washer & dryer) will be busy girls today. I can hardly wait for spring to really be here. I'm going into gardening big time this year! I'm wondering if the Ladies of our local Garden Club would welcome this old Hippy into their club??? We shall see? Don't forget to hug someone today!:wavin::jumpin::beach:eace:
            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
   Newbies Nest
   Tool Box
   How to get a sobriety plan


              Newbies Nest

              :goodjob:...I am almost afraid to do my math but it would be somewhere around 300oz. per day? How many calories?...I haven't a clue but it's no wonder I'm shrinking!YICKS!
              K9Lover;1452590 wrote: Hi Nesters!

              Just a quick post...been busy today. Hello to all the Newbies! Welcome...we are glad you are here. Stick close to CAN do this, and we can help!

              I drank 100 ounces of water today...then I did the math and realized I was drinking 144 ounces of beer every night...when I see the size of that 100oz. bottle...yikes. :egad:
              Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
     Newbies Nest
     Tool Box
     How to get a sobriety plan


                Newbies Nest

                good morning all, not much time, just reading back, have a good day and Jenni, welcome back on the wagon!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters! Jenni....don't be hard on yourself......I would have done exactly what you did, and the best part is because you had those AF days and the company success before, you were able to limit it and not let yourself be taken into ALs grip after you got home and back to reality. You've shown that in real life you can be AF.

                  Hippy.....I'm sooo jealous that you are having fine's mild for here in Canada today, but overcast, grey and rainy. With snow on the ground, no thoughts of gardening in my section of the I won't entertain thoughts of Spring cleaning either....hahaha! I'm sure the ladies would be very happy to have you join their gardening club. Another fine way to meet people with the same interests.
                  And welcome to Ron.....sounds like you are ready to get your life back.....stay close and you will find the support you need to do that.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning Nesters. Although I had a tough time sleeping last night, I feel more positive today. I am in full commitment mode again. I don't feel particularly strong about anything, but I feel the commitment again to getting better and improving my life. Maybe another dark cloud has traveled outside my radar...something to be GRATEFUL for.

                    No AL for slay...the sneaky devil in disguise. He's no friend of mine.

                    Have a successful day in achieving your goals today.
                    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                      Newbies Nest

                      NoSugar;1452270 wrote:
                      My new mini-goal is to have my first AF Monday of the month.
                      Did it!

                      From ~4:30-6:30 p.m. is tough -- I think I am getting hungry for dinner (but we don't eat that early) and a nice glass (read: 1/2 bottle) of wine while I cook seemed just so pleasant and obviously at that level, took away the hunger pangs.

                      I keep telling myself I can be tough for 2 hours a day! I think about the situation much more than that (and I will be glad when this is no longer constantly on my mind) but the acute physical challenge is really of a relatively short duration. So, I spend quite a bit of time during those hours trolling this site. Thanks to all of you for all the posts that for 5 days have gotten me through!

                      Today's mini-goal: Day 6 AF so that when I go to the dentist tomorrow I don't have the tell-tale red wine-stained tongue that no amount of brushing will fix!

                      I hope today is a good one for all in the Nest!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good job, sugar! You and I are riding along the approximate same day count from my last Thursday night out with the girls. Let's do 30 days together. I've done AF stints before, but I have allowed it back in enough to set my brain clock back again, so I'm right there with you doing a 30 day count.

                        Committed and ready.

                        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                          Newbies Nest

                          Ron, so glad to see you again, I hope you stick around. I've heard so many people swear by the hypno CD's. I didn't order them because I didn't want the charges to show on my credit card, so like most everything else I do, I did it the long way around!! So take heart, it is do-able with nothing but the strength of THIS NEST!

                          Slay, I'm glad you are back on this Day 1? You will find tremendous peace in your head once the AL is gone. I'd have never thought it until it happened to me! I always considered myself a tortured soul...thought that was my lot in life. Alas...the joke was on me, I was only torturing myself (with AL!). MindPeace is priceless!

                          Paulywogg reminded me of something last night in a post she had about an herbal remedy she had on hand. She'd seen something on tv that this thing was good for such and such....but when she read the label it contained AL. I am reminded that many a nester has fallen out by taking meds they had on hand with AL in them. This is where a little pre-Planning comes in. Try and go thru your medicines and toss out, yes TOSS out the ones with AL in them. Go to the store and buy replacements that do not contain it. I have 2 different kinds of cough medicine on hand in case I need it. I can see my poor hubs in the store trying to find something for me home sick on the couch. Think ahead...when you are sick the last thing you want to do is fuss over a dang cough medicine. Have it on hand already....I know how my head works, I'm not going to flirt with disaster! (got the tee shirt already)

                          Hope everyone has a happy, sober Tuesday! Byrdie
                          All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                          Tool Box
                          Newbie's Nest


                            Newbies Nest

                            beginning of day 2.

                            Good Morning all, as some of you know I had four days, almost five and I had a meltdown
                            over a relationship and I drank. So here I am again starting day 2.
                            I feel really good this morning. I really think the exercise is helping.
                            I have lost 5 pounds. Woot Woot

                            Should I be posting here or on the Newbie?s roll call???

                            Wishing you all a AF day

                            All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Slay :l, so glad you are feeling so well today. You sound GREAT!

                              NOSuGAR- Fantastic job in getting thru that witching hour, but I would like to suggest to you to go ahead and eat a high protein snack (whilst surfing this site and waiting for dinner time). I promise it will help. Since I stopped drinking, I do NOT let myself go without food, no matter what time it is. Get some nuts or cheese or something to keep your blood sugar level stable. I promise it will help.

                              Hi Jennie, glad you had a great trip. Here's the butt velcro-:tape:
                              You can sit next to me now. if you want :whee:

                              Tess, thanks for your sweet message. I love you :h



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Rednose! Please post here AND in the roll call. We are happy to have you on board.



                                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

