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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Brydie.

    The girl's night was Thursday and I took in quite a bit of AL that night trying to escape. Oh boy, I escaped right into more darkness. It doesn't take much AL to bring our brains right back to day 1. I have to cope with these issues in my life AF...I MUST! So today would be day 5 of starting a new 30 day count. This will be my third time I've had to go at it, so third times a charm? You bet! Keep my arse in check. No madda who, no madda what!

    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


      Newbies Nest

      Slaythefear;1452906 wrote: Good job, sugar! You and I are riding along the approximate same day count from my last Thursday night out with the girls. Let's do 30 days together. I've done AF stints before, but I have allowed it back in enough to set my brain clock back again, so I'm right there with you doing a 30 day count.

      Committed and ready.

      Sounds good! I saw on other threads there are several new people at just about the same point. I hope they make their way to the nest and we can join up for a Fabulous February!!


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks Star. I do feel more positive today.

        Rednose, I'm with you on the relationship problems, so lets do this together. I'm on day 5 of a new 30 day count, so jump on board with me. We are close in days. Let's stay strong.:l

        I hate posting early days again on the roll call especially seeing all my first quit buddies up in the 100s, but I'll jump over there and keep count with some of you.

        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          Newbies Nest

          rednose;1452914 wrote: Good Morning all, as some of you know I had four days, almost five and I had a meltdown
          over a relationship and I drank. So here I am again starting day 2.
          I feel really good this morning. I really think the exercise is helping.
          I have lost 5 pounds. Woot Woot
          Should I be posting here or on the Newbie?s roll call???
          Wishing you all a AF day
          Please join the newbies in the nest celebrating a Fabulous AF February!. We have a few days to get a running start and then we plunge in this weekend! The more the merrier so let's get going!


            Newbies Nest

            Looky here, Slay, my date would have been a year sooner IF I had gotten on I try not to focus on that...this is about ME! And where I am today! Congrats on Day 5! Star is warming up her MOON I bet!!!

            No Sugar, you are doing great!!! I'm so glad to see your success! You have reminded me...maybe I can figure out how to put the Newbie's Nest link in my signature line, too!!! This site is hard to navigate (in my opinion) signature line will be nothing but a series of LINKS!!! :H:H:H Thanks for making me think of that!!! Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              Starfish1;1452916 wrote:
              NOSuGAR- Fantastic job in getting thru that witching hour, but I would like to suggest to you to go ahead and eat a high protein snack (whilst surfing this site and waiting for dinner time). I promise it will help. Since I stopped drinking, I do NOT let myself go without food, no matter what time it is. Get some nuts or cheese or something to keep your blood sugar level stable. I promise it will help.
              Just yesterday I tried that! I was not at all interested in the left-over broccoli smothered in cheese that was in the refrigerator but I must admit, it helped.

              I think part of what made me become addicted to wine was the physical response to breaking a prolonged afternoon fast. Of course the brain drives the body to do what it needs. My brain just made a bad choice. A glass of wine seemed like a more normal and enjoyable thing to consume before dinner than food. And, it wouldn't make me too full to eat dinner.

              That was fine for a long time until 1 glass didn't do the trick. Anyway, time for some better 'breaking-the-fast' choices -- luckily I love nuts and cheese!

              Thanks for the post!


                Newbies Nest

                We're all fired up Sugar to WIN! Go over to the roll call and copy and past into your reply window and add your name and day count before hitting submit reply. It keeps everyone aware of where we are in the journey.

                Bryd, I know. I just see those high numbers on my fellow first time quitters and say UGH! I'm focused on the positive, though. It took me shoving my pride and negative chatter under my feet to admit it, but I'm back in the game.

                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                  Newbies Nest

                  Byrdlady;1452934 wrote: Looky here, Slay, my date would have been a year sooner IF I had gotten on I try not to focus on that...this is about ME! And where I am today! Congrats on Day 5! Star is warming up her MOON I bet!!!

                  No Sugar, you are doing great!!! I'm so glad to see your success! You have reminded me...maybe I can figure out how to put the Newbie's Nest link in my signature line, too!!! This site is hard to navigate (in my opinion) signature line will be nothing but a series of LINKS!!! :H:H:H Thanks for making me think of that!!! Byrdie
                  Dear Brydie, May Happy Hippy share the nest link in my signature too...please? :l
                  Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
         Newbies Nest
         Tool Box
         How to get a sobriety plan


                    Newbies Nest

                    HOT DANG, I did it!!!!!!!!!! Hippy, the nest is OURS! Spread the word, I say!!
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Slaythefear;1452922 wrote:

                      I hate posting early days again on the roll call especially seeing all my first quit buddies up in the 100s, but I'll jump over there and keep count with some of you.

                      I haven't posted in that Roll Call yet because I haven't figured out whether we are supposed to post the days accomplished or the day we are working on. This won't matter later when 1 day is less than 1% of the total but right now, 1 day is relatively HUGE for me!

                      So, what's the protocol?


                        Newbies Nest

                        Brydie, copy the link in your address window for the NN, the go to User CP, hit on Edit signature and paste it in the box. Hit submit and you're all set.
                        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                          Newbies Nest

                          NoSugar;1452944 wrote: I haven't posted in that Roll Call yet because I haven't figured out whether we are supposed to post the days accomplished or the day we are working on. This won't matter later when 1 day is less than 1% of the total but right now, 1 day is relatively HUGE for me!

                          So, what's the protocol?
                          I include today in my count. So Friday was my first day AF after my Thursday night head slammer then Sat, Sun, Mon and Tues (today) for a count of Day 5...the day we are on.
                          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                            Newbies Nest

                            Byrdlady;1452943 wrote: HOT DANG, I did it!!!!!!!!!! Hippy, the nest is OURS! Spread the word, I say!!

                            Have a good day all. I better get something done.


                            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                              Newbies Nest

                              Starfish1;1411764 wrote: WOW IFI -

                              Thanks for chiming in here with your experience and what a wonderful person you are for wanting to help your fiancee. Settle in and make yourself at home. Feel free to share your insight- we are all ears!
                              Do you think your fiancee would like to join us online?
                              Sorry i haven't posted since my very first one! I've returned briefly but didnt have the time to figure out how to navigate around the Site. As of today my fiancee hasn't beat her addiction. I stay with her a few days to watch her and keep her sobor. After I return home she gives in and drinks. This has happened more times than I can remember. She doesn't like to take meds and she won't pay for professional help because she already owes from prior attemps to beat her problem.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Ificanyoucan;1411761 wrote: Greetings everyone! I stumbled no that was the old me! I discovered this site in hopes of helping my fiancee with her addiction to alcohol. While I'm here I might be able to offer insight for anyone wanting, needing to get sobor. This Thanksgiving will be twenty six years of sobriety. Most people ask me how did I do it? I wish I could answer that myself. The easiest answer would be "don't drink". The closet thing I could say is that I am SCARED as hell to try and drink. No matter how good it looks how good it feels be scared of it! Surrender to it because it will beat you and everyone around you. Be scared of it leave it alone you can't win.
                                I am quoting you again, IFI. Again, 26 years sober is awesome. It may even be a record here on the site!
                                I am so sorry your fiancee is in such a bad spot right now and again, commend you for wanting to help her. We all understand where she is- wanting to stop and prove to you that she can do it, but slipping again as soon as she has the chance. It is all too familiar and very sad. I am sure she is just as upset by it as you are. I understand that she may not be financially able to seek professional help, but did you mention our website to her? Maybe she will hang out with us here and get some help.



                                I am only one drink away from never being sober again.

