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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    well said fig.
    I'm moving into week 2 of halved AL intake,not yet AF but awaiting the book & cd's so I can set myself up well.
    I find it continuously amazing how warm people are on here (only 1 or 2 blunt exceptions that I've read!) & the wonderful hints & tips to try & avoid the big AL. I've printed out the tools part of the Monthly Abst thread & read it daily.
    I really enjoy being here,possibly feel the most comofrtable I've ever felt in a "strange room" in all my life.


      Newbies Nest


      Yes, New and Fig we're all on the same team here; it's great to be able to share feelings with others who know exactly how you're feeling. Remember, we're all a 'special' breed.

      Lav - "Tranq, golf, football - anything else going on?" Yes golf! Yes football! And what else is there? Ha. I just run out of hours in the day.

      Off to work now. Take care.
      Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


        Newbies Nest

        Hey, happy Monday morning nesters!

        We have a sunny start here in this end of the nest, I'm happy.

        Sooty, re-dedicate yourself, you'll do just fine, I know it!
        Sonny, Fig & Beagle - our newest members, glad you are still here with us. Let's make some good progress this week toward your goals! Stay close, we're here to help

        Tranq, the weekend is over, time to turn your attention to IT matters - good luck with that

        Have a few quick things to take care of in my shop then prepare for my grandson's arrival. His Mom is taking classes Monday & Wednesday afternoons so I'll be on babysitting duty. I'm going to have to teach him to walk soon - all this time on the floor, although it's great fun, is killing my knees

        Have a great day everyone, I'll check back later.
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Lav thankyou for that phrase "rededicate myself" I really like that and I intend to do just that.
          To the newcomers welcome and make yourselves at home. This is a good place to be.
          Gotta rush, things to do, talk later


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Everyone!

            Sooty, way to get back on the bus!!!

            Chicken, I forgot to mention earlier that you just Rock Awesomely!!!

            Yep Lav, work certainly gets in the way of good golf.

            Take care all.
            Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


              Newbies Nest

              Hi tw - yes I'm back on the bus and driving with care! Hope everyone had a good day - I did and it was comforting to know I can switch back into non-al gear!
              Well done everyone, see you all tomorrow


                Newbies Nest

                Evening Nesters,

                I think we're still missing quite a few birdies here!! Hope they all return soon

                Sending warm greetings to beagle & fig - how's it going? Please let us know............

                Sooty & TW, keep your eye out for our missing nestlings, OK?

                Pops & G - I'm's hard yo keep track of everyone! You have much more experience at this

                Hope everyone has a good, safe night!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Fly-by Greeting!

                  Late check-in, just got home... poooooooooped!

                  Free bird food??? Yahooo! :H Thanks PR!
                  Day 37 coming to an end (in like 15 minutes) - weekend was busy, emotional (again), and just plain a lot of physical work. Didn't get done as much as I would have liked - but lots, regardless.

                  Welcome to all our new comers... will catch up and address more appropriately tomorrow. Now, this little bird needs to tuck its beak under its wing!

                  Night night ... missed you all big time!
                  Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                  Winning since October 24th, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Afternoon Tweetlings!

                    Well can I just say with all honesty and a great deal of vehemence that PMT suxeth mightly!Yea verily!
                    Sorry to all the menfolk, but right now I am Medusa Chicken and my family are all treading on dangerous ground....
                    I think my problem is that I have recently stopped the pill cause hubby had the 'snip' and the hormones are all over the shop! I feel very much like I either want to curl up and hibernate or scream at the world!!!!!!!!Urgh:upset:

                    Anyway, just needed to get that off my chest (apologies all) and now I shall finish on a positive note...

                    Sunni big hugs for Day great is that!
                    Lav- I've been out of sorts and just not in the right frame of mind to stick around much as you can see, probably scare off any just staying quiet for a bit while I find a way of telling 'medusa chook' where to go!
                    Sooty- I'm sitting at the back of the bus,can you turn the music up and put on something happy and boppy?
                    Hey Tranq- hmmm, right now I ain't rockin' too well! More like flapping around in circles!But thanks, you made me smile!
                    beag's- here for you girl! take it slow and steady okay!
                    Fig- you crack me up:H That's the sort of goofy stuff I do.....but for me I can't blame it on anything but sheer freakiness!
                    Newbie and all the rest...stay close and keep peeping!
                    Okay..I'll flap away with what dignity I have left and check back in at a later time!
                    *tries to tuck head under wing and continue to flap..with dignity*


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hi everyone and a very hormonal chicken! The mind boggles - what sort of music would take your mind of things my dear -some Rolling Stones, Neil Diamond - Robbie Williams - you can choose! Hope you're feeling calmer now.
                      Sunni you rock girl, you can choose the music for tomorrow cos we don't want to upset chicken today .....
                      Lav, hope you're keeping strong
                      Fig have a good tuesday
                      Tw take good care of yourself now d'yu hear?
                      Beagle , Newbie and everyone else to come have a good day and keep on trucking or bussing ....that used to mean to kiss you know!
                      See you all later
                      love sooty


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning Nesters,

                        Plan to enjoy the sunshine today, rain to return tomorrow!!

                        Sunni, welcome back, missed you too! Poor Sooty & I had the nest to ourselves all weekend. It was kind of scarey but we're OK
                        So what are you planning to do with all that birdseed?
                        Hope you had a good night's rest!
                        Chicken, poor, poor chicken! I remember going through that hormone is awful! I felt so nasty I used to physically remove myself from my family just to prevent hurting anyone's feelings. I can remember spending the better part of the afternoon fixing a nice meal for everyone only to sit down at the table to eat - bursting into tears (for absolutely no reason) & having to leave the room. I don't miss that phase of life at all. Hang in there, it will pass Whatever you do, don't lose your cluck!!!

                        Sooty, tune up that music real loud........we need to keep chicken distracted, ha ha!!

                        Hello to beagle, fig, TW & everyone, will check in later.
                        Have a great Tuesday!
                        AF since 03/26/09
                        NF since 05/19/09
                        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning peepers!

                          I'll warn you ahead of time... grab a sandwich and your fav non-alcoholic beverage - this may be a lengthy post! :H

                          First off... Hello and welcome to our newbies! You've indeed found a wonderful place of support and invaluable information. Everyone here is ON YOUR SIDE. We want to see you succeed and will lend an ear (eye?) or helping hand anytime. Please feel free to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable.

                          Chicken.. my clucky friend... CONGRATS on your MANY AF days! Just awesome... you're doing fantastic! As for the 'Medusa' syndrome... boy, do I emphasize. I have this impeccable timing when it comes to THAT time of the month... always when physical exertion is required of me (e.g. this past weekend, and of course the LAST time, I was at my place)... so not only turn I into a blubbering mess, but get to deal with severe back pain, cramps, and the likes. So much fun. I'm just glad Mr. Wonderful doesn't carry a gun... or I'd prolly have been toast by now :H

                          Sooty, glad you're driving this bus again... if it was left to me, we'd probably gotten lost a long time ago! And, no beating up, ok? You will get there... you are well on your way.

                          Fig, glad your date was a pleasant one... you did very well, by the sounds of it! And, where is Chops??? Didn't she have a second date this weekend??? We need the dirt! :H

                          Lav, you sound good and busy as usual! I know what you mean about the garden at the end of the season.. looks kinda yuck, eh? Had to laugh about the grand baby killing your knees... could you IMAGINE having another one? Sometimes you read about a woman in her 50s getting preggo again *shudder* I just couldn't do it anymore! :H

                          Beagle and Newbee... how are you holding up over there on your twig?

                          Tranq... you must be happy about the prolonged golf season? Amazing.. summer has finally arrived here!

                          Ok, this will have to do for now. Need to get some work done. Hope you all have a great Tuesday!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Newbies Nest


                            Mornin my fine feathered, seems like the hormones are flyin all over the nest........not in my comfort zone there!!!! Guess I'll have to talk football in a bout' those Chargers??? For any who didn't see (ha), they won last night....WASN'T pretty, but hey, it's a win...........wishing you all a wonderful day.
                            Pops & G


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi lovely to see you sunni and pops - and of course you as well Lav. I've had a good day and am going to catch up on some tv now.
                              Chicken hope you're feeling better soon - log on to youtube some of the meditation sites are really lovely.
                              See you all tomorrow gang
                              loads of love to all who've been and all to come


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi all. Just a quick hop on the branch to see what's shakin'.

                                Welcome back Sunni. Hey, and You Rock Too! Day 37 is great! And yes, the weather has been fantastic here. And I'm getting ready for a week off next week for the last big golf-fling of the season.

                                Sooty - thanks for the shout out - "Tw take good care of yourself now d'yu hear?" It's weird 'cause I was in a bit of a funk today - I know I haven't caught what Chicken's got - I just have a little mental trash to take out I guess. Any how, it made me feel better to know you guys are there.

                                Gotta run. By for now!
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

