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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    jenniech;1452853 wrote: Hi all
    I am back in reality....home from skiing Vail on my 49th birthday Sunday!! It was truly beautiful. And boy, did I get my exercise for the weekend!!

    I did so well on the business part of my trip to CO. Stayed sober during the Thursday bore of a "bowling and drinks" party. Awoke Friday completely refreshed and ready to ski. Picked my husband up at the airport. He has a fear of flying so it took awhile for him to warm up to being away from the kids for the weekend. We went out to a fancy restaurant in Vail for dinner. Before I could launch in.....wait, I need to be completely honest.....I could not bring myself to launch in on trying to explain to him why I can't drink anymore. It was such a beautiful place and far from my personal reality. Do you know what I mean? To talk about my alcoholism would be to take us out of that fantasy which was only going to last a couple of days. So, I hit a bump. It was my birthday, I was in Vail, alone with my husband. Yes, all excuses....I must say, I did not overdo it but I did drink. Driving home from the airport last night in the sleet and rainy highways all I could think about was going out and buying a bottle of wine to relieve the stress of traveling all day...through the snowy rockies, rushing to get flight after dropping off rental, dealing with screaming child on plane, getting baggage....yuck....but I rejected that thought as an option. So I feel ok today but sorry I let myself down. But luckily for my sobriety, there won't be anymore fantasy trips unlike any other in the near and far future. That was really a once in a lifetime thing (wow, expensive even with the business part of expenses and flight, car service etc. paid for by company)
    thanks for putting up with my ramble.
    new day: january 28.
    Thanks for the wonderful message and honesty.... Welcome back....

    All things in time if I am Alcohol free


      Newbies Nest

      New Day;1453291 wrote: I too am approaching the 30 day mark....tomorrow. I have been so busy I haven't been able to think past that 30 day goal. I had considered a week or so ago what my plans were going to be, and at the time it still seemed off in the distance a bit. Now it's almost here! What to do, what to do?
      I know my original intention was to learn to moderate but had read here that in order to know if you can, it was a good idea to first do 30 days.
      I suppose my desire is still to know whether that is possible. I had never given myself a 30 days break before......had always been afraid of quitting because I was afraid I would find out that I wasn't able to. Now I know I can .....with the support I've found through MWO and The Nest in particular.
      I'm not sure what my long term goal is just yet. I may continue to take it done day at a time for the time being.
      Whatever my long term plans turn out to be, I want to thank everyone here for their encouragement, advice and friendship. Two who helped me over a rough spot a couple of weeks ago, Lav and have been so supportive of not only me, but countless others here.
      I have never had this success on my I am very grateful to all of you
      I will most definitely still be around to maintain the strength I have gains by being a part of this wonderful place we call The Nest. :h:thanks:
      There is a very easy way to answer your dilemma I believe. If you could stay sober for 30 days easily, without any effort or can moderate.

      If it took a little effort during the first few days then was can moderate.

      If you struggled and were counting the hours of each day, each day of the thirty then you cannot.

      The definition of alcohol dependence is a desire to drink when you don't want to.

      If you are really honest, you already have the answer.


        Newbies Nest

        You guys sure have kept the Nest hopping today :H

        I want to send early CONGRATS to our 30 AF day girls New Day & Tess :wd:
        Persistence pays off around both have done well!

        Rainy, hang in there, you are doing well too even if you don't realize it yet

        Jenni, we all have to live with the choices we make. It's always your choice!

        I hope everyone is tucked in safely for a cozy night in the Nest!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Kuya....thanks for your response. The first week was tough mentally.....I was afraid of failing. The first social night I approached with apprehension, because I as afraid I'd fail.....but with mental preparation and encouragement for the Nest, I was surprised how easily I got through it. After that it hasn't been very difficult. I've substituted cranberry juice and soda for my first glass of wine and then herbal tea afterwards. I don't want to have a moderate amount on a daily basis, just to enjoy a glass with special meals like steak or roast beef.
          Shoot, have to go before I finish this. Will try and continue tomorrow. Nite all!


            Newbies Nest

            This is your post from when you came back to MWO, New Day.


            Here I am back after 4 years......I need to try again to stop drinking.....I gave mwo a try over the summer of 2008, and I had many days AF......but I left, and drinking daily resumed.
            I am so afraid of the withdrawal affects, that I have put off trying for far too long

            I am here to give it another serious try and will spend time with you to help me through the tough times I know are about to come.

            My adult daughter, son-in-law and 8 month old grandson are living with us now, so because they drink (moderately) and not during the week at all.....I can't clear out the alcohol. So come 5:30 pm, my tough time will begin......that's when I would have my first glass of wine. I haven't told the family of my plan....I just want to deal with this on my own.....I don't want them "watching" me.

            It's really the sleep issues that are scaring me.....I remember I would be so restless and get jumpy legs that would not allow me to go to sleep unless I took a sleeping pill......and they are highly I don't want to trade one addiction for another.

            Any suggestions...I also have melatonin and valerian on hand to try instead of a sleeping pill.....but a lot of times they aren't effective enough.

            Bearing in mind your own words, do you not think it might be good to stay AF for a while longer? It took around 100 days for me before the magic happened and now I would never go back. You tried before, left and were drinking daily for four years. I know there were things going on for you but do you want to risk another four years of hell?

            If you found the last little while easy then what I am suggesting will be a walk in the park. There is a lifetime ahead for wine with a nice steak. If you return to your previous drinking that lifetime may be considerably shortened.


              Newbies Nest

              Okay so I am so glad I came over here today....I wasn't really sure where I should be posting, the thread thing had me a little confused. Now I get the Newbies Nest. I have done a lot of reading over here and I am impressed, not to say that I wasn't with all of the other "places" I have checked out on MWO. It is a little different over here in the Nest, now I know why people kept telling me to check out the nest. I checked in for a role call a while back....and may have posted in this area before but wasn't sure what I was doing at the time......I am not the most computer/online community savvy person. I have done some reading over here and my head is spinning from the amount of knowledge, wisdom and support. Not that I haven't found all of these same assets in other areas of MWO, this area just seems to be a little bit of a better fit for me. I think I am going to stick over here for a while if you all don't mind.
              "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
              ~Author Unknown
              AF since February 4, 2013


                Newbies Nest

                We are glad to have you Onered! Stick close to us :h
                :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Oneredshoe;1453310 wrote: Okay so I am so glad I came over here today....I wasn't really sure where I should be posting, the thread thing had me a little confused. Now I get the Newbies Nest. I have done a lot of reading over here and I am impressed, not to say that I wasn't with all of the other "places" I have checked out on MWO. It is a little different over here in the Nest, now I know why people kept telling me to check out the nest. I checked in for a role call a while back....and may have posted in this area before but wasn't sure what I was doing at the time......I am not the most computer/online community savvy person. I have done some reading over here and my head is spinning from the amount of knowledge, wisdom and support. Not that I haven't found all of these same assets in other areas of MWO, this area just seems to be a little bit of a better fit for me. I think I am going to stick over here for a while if you all don't mind.
                  And so glad you found the nest One, I, too was so confused when I first arrived.

                  Just play with the won't break it


                    Newbies Nest

                    Welcome Oneredshoe...nice to have you here.

          ! You really know how to tackle our lapsing memories. As I was reading New Day's post I was hearing what my own mind had told me as we forget the truth about ALs effects. Great work! Please remind me if I start saying that again because that one factor in my lapses. I really do forget the anguish. Another very important factor I have discovered is even if I could moderate, it causes me to slide into depression without realizing it's the alcohol making it worse.

                    Great job!

                    New Day, you will make up your own mind, but from experience, Kuya's right on it! I can see that more clearly now and sure hope I don't forget again.

                    Night all...hang tough. We're in it together.
                    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning to all in the nest,

                      Off to work soon for a long day, so just wanted to say a big CONGRATULATIONS to the 30 dayers, Tess, New Day and Kairos

                      Also to Running Courage who hits DAY 60 today

                      Have a good day all xo


                        Newbies Nest

                        Goodnight to All,

                        I only slept a couple of hours last night. So like a tired child, I needed a nap this afternoon. I've been busy with homework since then, and am ready to call it a day.

                        sweetpea - You're off to work. I hope your day is a good one!

                        I'm going to take the dogs for their last walk of the day through the neighborhood, and then it's "lights out" in this house.

                        Everyone have a safe and cozy night in The Nest. :danthin:
                        Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                        The man pulling radishes
                        pointed the way
                        with a radish. ISSA


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning, I started posting yesterday after years of lurking and I mean years!
                          I received some lovely words of support and encouragement, The sweet Byrdlady pointed me in the direction of the nest. I have no doubt this will not be easy, but I so want to get sober, far to many lost days through hangovers, and now my health is shot!
                          Day 4 for me, That's a first in a very long time
                          All have a great day xo


                            Newbies Nest

                            day 4 hanging in there


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hi Stumps, me too. Have you got a solid plan?



                                Newbies Nest

                                not yet im just going to aa online meetings and a few meetings in person id like to go to more but i have no car, i am on the bus route but im still kinda screwed up mentally right now maybe in a few days i will get on that bus and start hitting some and try to find a sponsor

