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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    how about you nottoday do you?and if so what is it?


      Newbies Nest

      Tell me about it. I feel sick to my stomach and have barely slept, oh and full of anxiety, the joys! I thought I was going to croak it on Sunday had to have the paramedics, It's the wake up call I needed. I work from home just as we'll I could give Freddie Krueger a run for his money the way I look this morning. hope all goes well with the sponsor. Xo


        Newbies Nest

        X post. not really a plan yet feel so off couldn't face a drink! I am going to go through the tool box, I do have the supps L glut etc. and a hypno tape to get me started x


          Newbies Nest

          Hi Stump and NotTo - wow you guys are lucky to have each other as quit buddies. How are you both feeling today? My Day 4 was a personal record for length of sobriety in a very long time. I think it was the first day of my quit where I woke up actually feeling OK and didn't have most of my wd symptoms.

          Stay close to the Nest and partake of loving support from people who have walked in your shoes and come out the other side. If you read enough, you'll see that it does get easier with time and willpower.

          Have a great AF hump day! :h
          Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


            Newbies Nest

            Hi Siren
            Thank you for your support. My blood pressure is still slightly high so I feel like I've got cotton wool between my ears. I have been a boozer for a long time so I reckon it might be a few more days before I feel normal! Working from home so I have the opportunity to keep checking in. Trouble is I would much sooner be on MWO than doing a bunch of boring paperwork. I've so got to ask what's a Hump day? I'm intrigued xo


              Newbies Nest

              nottoday;1453423 wrote: Hi Siren
              Thank you for your support. My blood pressure is still slightly high so I feel like I've got cotton wool between my ears. I have been a boozer for a long time so I reckon it might be a few more days before I feel normal! Working from home so I have the opportunity to keep checking in. Trouble is I would much sooner be on MWO than doing a bunch of boring paperwork. I've so got to ask what's a Hump day? I'm intrigued xo
              Hump day is Wednesday cos after it you are on the slide down to the weekend ( I didn't know the term either till I came here)


                Newbies Nest

                Hi Kuya
                How very true! Although I slid most days xo


                  Newbies Nest

                  to my fellow nesters:
                  thanks for keeping it all really really helps.

                  someone commented on how they don't want to tell anyone about their quit. I was like that the first time too. I am slowly telling those who need to know which makes it all the more harder to keep the quit knowing that you will disappoint others if you fail. You become accountable.

                  Here is where my head is at right now:
                  I am an alcoholic
                  I want to quit
                  I am ready to quit....
                  No, that isn't totally true....I want to be ready to quit.....why can't I honestly say I am absolutely ready?
                  I just won't anymore


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi Jenniech
                    not even my nearest and dearest know the true extent of my alcoholism! Or at least I think I have fooled them.
                    I have never even been honest with myself, sad but true. Something has just shifted in me and I want to quit.... hopefully your light bulb moment is around the corner xo


                      Newbies Nest

                      Happy Hump day!

                      :wings::wings::wings:Happy Wednesday Nesters and HAPPY HUMP DAY TOO! Well I guess that means we are over the hump and the busy weekend is almost here. It looks like the weather is gonna be grand so maybe we shall set up our tent and go camping. Today my plans are to try to make it out to our Farmers Market. It does my heart, soul and body good to buy fresh fruits and vegetables from local merchants. It's a simple way to support our community. OMG, I'm such a My veiw of how the World should work hasn't changed much since the 60's. All we are saying, is give peace a chance! (((HUGS)))) to all my pals and may Angels watch over you!
            [/video]]John Lennon- Give Peace a Chance with Lyrics - YouTube
                      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
             Newbies Nest
             Tool Box
             How to get a sobriety plan


                        Newbies Nest

                        thanks nottoday
                        I am really trying to be completely honest with both myself and my husband. It is hard!! Having MWO as a tool and you folks really helps me keep it honest.
                        I think that is a big hurdle that I am still trying to get over.

                        I have a sponsor too. I am avoiding talking directly with her because I know how disappointed she is that I fell off the wagon over the weekend. But, thank goodness for email because I am being honest with her in my emails. I just have to get up the nerve to actually speak directly with her.
                        I just won't anymore


                          Newbies Nest

                          :goodjob: IMO, It takes making a decision that you will do whatever it takes to stop the compulsion to drink. Each of us here have different ways of finding the power to do that. Some go seeking a Higher Power to help them. That sometimes works. Other may have the power within themselves to say NO. A sobriety buddy is a useful Ali to have. I believe it takes an alcoholic to help an alcoholic. For me it took medication to stop the compulsion. You'll have to test things out to find what works for you. What I can tell you is that it is possible. You CAN do it. I KNOW YOU CAN!
                          nottoday;1453430 wrote: Hi Jenniech
                          not even my nearest and dearest know the true extent of my alcoholism! Or at least I think I have fooled them.
                          I have never even been honest with myself, sad but true. Something has just shifted in me and I want to quit.... hopefully your light bulb moment is around the corner xo
                          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                 Newbies Nest
                 Tool Box
                 How to get a sobriety plan


                            Newbies Nest

                            Slaythefear;1453328 wrote: Welcome Oneredshoe...nice to have you here.

                  ! You really know how to tackle our lapsing memories. I can see that more clearly now and sure hope I don't forget again.

                            Night all...hang tough. We're in it together.
                            And we ARE all in it together! That is the only point of the site, accountability and support.

                            Slay, I think by the time I quit I HATED alcohol, I knew I was controlled by it and despised the stuff. So I have NO euphoric recall.

                            The days of a glass of wine with a meal never was no meal, two bottles of wine and a drunken fry up at midnight :H

                            If our drinking had brought us so low that we googled and found MWO we were ALREADY in deep trouble, and we KNEW it.

                            Surely, before coming here, each and every one of us tried to moderate? Before posting that first time we all read for hours hoping WE were not THAT bad?

                            We ALL wished we could moderate, but hell, when I was a child I wished I could fly ! :H

                            Given the choice now I would not moderate as I have been sober long enough to realise drinking is a con, one that we all fell for hook, line and sinker.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters! Stick to your plans and have a great AF day. I'm somewhere around day 148. I keep forgetting now because it's so good not to think about AL. Life keeps getting better!
                              we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


                                Newbies Nest

                                That is GREAT Nurdi. We are close on our sobriety time. Today is 128 for me. Life just keeps getting better and better! :goodjob:
                                nurdl;1453445 wrote: Good morning Nesters! Stick to your plans and have a great AF day. I'm somewhere around day 148. I keep forgetting now because it's so good not to think about AL. Life keeps getting better!
                                Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                       Newbies Nest
                       Tool Box
                       How to get a sobriety plan

