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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Mein Sonnenschein;1453517 wrote: Hi All
    . I really, really, really want to do 30 days... or am I not ready? I have to say 5 days AF feels fantastic. I notice that I am more productive at work and at home, and I've been the gym a lot this January since I joined the MWO community. .
    Mien.....I think you are ready to do 30 days.....but don't look too far ahead. I found it best to do one day at a time, especially the first coup,e of weeks. You already have experienced how good AF is worth the struggle when the cravings hit you to fight back. Find what helps you it coming here and posting, or pouring yourself an AF drink and sipping on that. That's one of the things I did...I made a cranberry juice and soda in my favourite wine glass (red wine was my drink of choice). You'll find that after a couple of weeks the cravings get weaker, or maybe it's that we get stronger and know how to deal with them better....I'm not really sure which it is. Look forward to watching your success!

    To all .....thank you so much for the congratulations, and Byrdie, I'll wear my hat with pride today. I really didn't think I could do it when I started, but i have, thanks to everyone's encouragement and support here in this wonderful place we call The Nest. :h
    Thank you all so much, I am very grateful:thanks:


      Newbies Nest

      kuya;1453786 wrote:

      No sugar ....I was only an at home drinker, the association soon goes. I had alcohol in the house over Christmas and the thought of drinking it never even occurred to me. Believe me the power of this addiction fades fast once you are committed.
      I feel very committed and am already feeling a distance from the whole thing - like it really wasn't me. I don't want to become complacent and go backwards, though, and I'm fully aware that it has been only 1 week.

      As I drove past a store today that is not where I usually buy groceries but where I used to occasionally stop by to oh-so-casually pick up a bottle of wine, a nice cheese, and some vegetables for a nonexistent get-together that evening, I was remembering some of the my embarrassing, contrived, sneaky behaviors. I felt like I was watching a movie of someone else's life. It felt weird but not necessarily bad -- I don't want to be associated with a person who acts like that.

      Anyway, I know it WAS me and I don't have any plans to sneak around like that again!

      I am eager for the complete fading of this dang addiction. Thanks for the encouraging words.



        Newbies Nest

        NoSugar;1453840 wrote: I feel very committed and am already feeling a distance from the whole thing - like it really wasn't me. I don't want to become complacent and go backwards, though, and I'm fully aware that it has been only 1 week.

        As I drove past a store today that is not where I usually buy groceries but where I used to occasionally stop by to oh-so-casually pick up a bottle of wine, a nice cheese, and some vegetables for a nonexistent get-together that evening, I was remembering some of the my embarrassing, contrived, sneaky behaviors. I felt like I was watching a movie of someone else's life. It felt weird but not necessarily bad -- I don't want to be associated with a person who acts like that.

        Anyway, I know it WAS me and I don't have any plans to sneak around like that again!

        I am eager for the complete fading of this dang addiction. Thanks for the encouraging words.

        the amount of money I wasted not only on booze but on groceries to cover the fact that I was ONLY there for the booze....... Like it fooled anyone.


          Newbies Nest

          New Day;1453804 wrote: Mien.....I think you are ready to do 30 days.....but don't look too far ahead. I found it best to do one day at a time, especially the first coup,e of weeks. You already have experienced how good AF is worth the struggle when the cravings hit you to fight back. Find what helps you it coming here and posting, or pouring yourself an AF drink and sipping on that. That's one of the things I did...I made a cranberry juice and soda in my favourite wine glass (red wine was my drink of choice). You'll find that after a couple of weeks the cravings get weaker, or maybe it's that we get stronger and know how to deal with them better....I'm not really sure which it is. Look forward to watching your success!

          To all .....thank you so much for the congratulations, and Byrdie, I'll wear my hat with pride today. I really didn't think I could do it when I started, but i have, thanks to everyone's encouragement and support here in this wonderful place we call The Nest. :h
          Thank you all so much, I am very grateful:thanks:
          New day, I wish you courage with your decision to moderate, and courage if it gets out of hand to come right back and not wait four years.
          I leave you with your last post of 2008. This disease is progressive, the last drunk is the best that it gets.


          Hi AKgirl ---- I haven't posted for the past week because I went back to my heavy drinking again. I thought I too had it more under control and could moderate, but no, a few days of moderating made me slip back to heavy drinking.
          Have just come back from dinner out where I had 1 generous glass of wine and I made a cup of tea as soon as I got home, but I'm dying to have another glass right now.
          Need to start over ... again!

          End quote:

          If this seems a harsh thing to post, I don't care. I want you to be well.


            Newbies Nest

            That's ok Kuya.....back in 2008 and through until 2012 I was in a very lonely and dark place .... And not because of AL, but AL is where I escaped to. I had drank for years but during these years it did become a crutch. Never made anything I was dealing with any better.....but it made the pain and loneliness disappear for a few hours.
            I've had to deal with a heartbreaking situation and discovery of a financial crisis that almost broke up my 35 year marriage. At the stage of life when most people are planning or enjoying their retirement, it's been a tough haul to get to where my heart is just starting to heal .... The financial part will take longer.
            So, coming out the other end (very slowly) I feel stronger now.
            Still haven't decided what my long term plans are....still taking it one day at a time until I feel more sure of myself.
            Thanks for caring enough.


              Newbies Nest

              Yes, New Day, that's the power of this site....if our words won't resonate, maybe your own words will. I hope you will stay the AF course. The chances of one of us moderating successfully are about as good as the odds on that single lottery ticket I've got on the refridgerator. If we could never do it before, why would this time be any different? More knowledge? More self awareness? More self control? We all know that addiction is addiction, and you can't moderate an addiction. You have to cut off its food source....I will stop preaching now, but it's like watching someone you care about walk into a propeller. Thanks for listening....Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                I have to agree with Kuya's & Byrdie's thoughts New Day!
                It's your addictive mind telling you that it's different this time. The voice is still telling you to drink AL & you already know what happens. I wish you the very best in whatever you decide to do

                Have a safe night in the nest all!
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi Friends,

                  Kairos and NewDay, I'm so sorry that I missed your 30 days announcement earlier, I was reading from my phone. Congratulations to both of you!

                  No Sugar, also huge congratulations for your AF week! Yes, I too made many trips to stores to pick up stuff, and beer. I think 9 volt batteries might be the stupidest thing I ever bought so I could buy beer...Not being like that now is just delightful.

                  Jennieich, I think it takes some courage to confront that question openly. I know it isn't easy, but sitting with that question should prove fruitful for you.

                  Meinsonnenschein, if someone asked you to stop eating apples for 30 days, you could probably do it with no problem at all. When it comes to drinking, when we suggest to our drinking mind to go 30 days, the drinking mind says "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on now, what's the big deal, etc etc." I think that is the beauty of the 30 day idea, the mere suggestion of it can make us see that we have a real problem just imagining the 30 days. We have all started many times, and it is painful to face.

                  Starfish, Sweetpea, Kuya, K9, Byrdie, Lav, Oneredshoe, Hippyman, Tess, Slay, Rainy, Nurdl, Dottie, great to see you all!

                  I hope everyone has a great AF night!
                  "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                  AF 11/12/11


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrdlady;1453494 wrote: ...I don't know about you, but when I began my journey, 30 days seems absolutely impossible...Until I did it. We all KNOW the work and dedication that went into this milestone. As I always do, would you have a few words for our New to how you were able to do it, and what you have learned? Thank you so much for being part of this I always say, we have LOTS of success here!! Thank you! Byrdie

                    Thank you, Byrdie, for the 30-Days-AF Hat!! If my house were to catch on fire, after getting people and animals out, that hat is the only possession I would run back in for. Nothing else matters nearly as much to me.

                    As it turns out, I do have a few words for our New Newbies. Big surprise, yes?... :question2:

                    If you are on the MWO site, reading this post, chances are good that you have a problem with alcohol. You may think that your problem with alcohol is not as big a problem as some other
                    people have with alcohol (you know, those alcoholics). Well, that may or may not be true. But if you are not already a full-blown alcoholic, and you continue to drink, you are going to become one. And if your life isn't already a big mess, and you continue to drink, it's going to get very messy. Stop drinking. Stop now. Run as fast as you can from hell-on-earth toward true freedom -- and don't ever look back.

                    If I developed alcoholism (and I did) you will too. I was the classic "good girl": I didn't cause trouble and I didn't get into trouble. I studied hard, worked hard, was kind and generous and loving, and usually chose the harder paths in life over the easier ones. I was successful. Five years ago I started drinking to ease some anxiety -- to calm my nerves.

                    Thirty-one days ago I stumbled across the MWO site as I searched in despair for a way out of my addiction to alcohol. I was a complete and total mess. I had hardly a shred of hope of ever being able to free myself from the clutches of alcohol. Now I have been sober for 30 days. 30 days!!

                    How did I do it? I want to say that it was a miracle. And it was. But really, all of life is a miracle. And telling you that it took a miracle for me to stop drinking is not very practical or helpful, right? I mean, you can't drive over to the supermarket and grab a box of "miracle."

                    So, specifically, what did I do? 1) I read the posts of other people on the MWO site and gained information and encouragement. 2) I began to post. I just started writing and writing. I am normally a quiet person. But I wrote as if my life depended on it, because it did. 3) I got honest. I had turned into a liar in my attempt to keep my alcoholism a secret. 4) I removed all alcohol from my home and replaced it with fun and fab AF beverages. My fridge looked like a cooler straight out of Whole Foods market. 5) I purchased the MWO book, ordered and began to use Kudzu Rescue and Hypnotherapy CDs. 6) I exercised nearly every day from day-one of sobriety. 7) I significantly improved my diet. Previously my "diet" was 90% beer with a 10% side of junk food. 8) I made friends in Newbies Nest who helped me every step of the way. 9) I cried and shook and ranted and walked the floor at night -- but I would not allow myself one drop of alcohol. 10) I started a gratitude list and added to it every day.

                    What has 30 days of sobriety done for me? 1) I am no longer sneaking alcohol, lying about my drinking, and worrying about how dispose of the empties. 2) I no longer wake up with crushing anxiety, a nasty hangover, and a ton of regret. 3) I have lost 33 pounds. 4) My blood pressure is coming down. 5) I had a $20 per day habit. If my math is correct, I saved $600 (less what I spent on colorful AF beverages). 6) I can think straight. 7) I have shredded my well-thought-out suicide plans. 8) I am learning to like myself. 9) My dogs are happy. 10) I am free! I AM FREE!! I am forever free from the living hell of alcoholism!!!

                    Stop drinking. Start loving yourself and the people who share life with you. Stop making excuses. I know all of the excuses. I've used every excuse thousands of times. You are not going to outsmart alcohol. You can try. I'm certain that you have tried. There is only one word that you can say to alcohol that is going to save you: NO. :no!:

                    Join us in The Nest for a while. We make pretty good company. You CAN stop drinking. It is your choice. We would love to extend a helping hand. ~ :byebye:
                    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                    The man pulling radishes
                    pointed the way
                    with a radish. ISSA


                      Newbies Nest

                      Beautiful post, Tess! Well said! I will re-read this every day between now and my Day 30 (and after). By that time you will be on Day 45 and I look forward to another inspiring post.
                      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Pinecone;1453946 wrote:
                        No Sugar, also huge congratulations for your AF week! Yes, I too made many trips to stores to pick up stuff, and beer. I think 9 volt batteries might be the stupidest thing I ever bought so I could buy beer...Not being like that now is just delightful.
                        Pinecone, your funny 9V batteries somehow reminded me of a story from my adolescence --
                        My dad was going out and because I really needed them, I asked him to stop at the store and get me some tampons and because I wanted some, bubble gum.
                        When he returned, those 2 items were all that was in the bag! I couldn't believe he didn't buy other stuff to "mask" my purchases. Since I was still embarrassed to buy tampons at the age of 14, I could not believe a MAN could stand in line with only those and gum on the belt. If he were a drinker, he probably would have the guts to stand in line with nothing but a bottle of booze and not waste his money on the other stuff!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thank you, Tess, for taking the time to write that message to those of us following you! I believe every word you wrote and so much want it all to be true for me and all others on MWO who want to be free of this AL yoke! I am looking forward to reading more of your wise and kind posts as we all move forward on this incredible journey.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good Night to All,

                            Siren and NoSugar - thank you for your kind words. Your encouragement means so much to me.

                            Hubby had a bit of surgery today and is tucked safely and comfortably into bed.

                            I'm going to walk the dogs; then curl up with a good book.

                            It feels delightful to be sober. Every beautiful, precious, sober moment in life is a gift to be cherished. Let's not give it away to that nasty old alcohol. :yuk:

                            Sweet Dreams ~ :balloon:
                            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                            The man pulling radishes
                            pointed the way
                            with a radish. ISSA


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters

                              Tis off to work for me again on a very wet and windy morning. Im tired and my body aches but so happy to still be AF

                              Keep up the good work everyone xo


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning Nesters
                                Day 5 for me....
                                Wow Tess -2 Every word of your post meant so much to me and I Will refer to it often, Thank you.

                                stumpy my quit buddy how are you doing?

                                busy day for me, I have been seconded to look after my Foster daughters 2 year old, for a spot of baby sitting! think I might need a Nanna nap later.
                                onwards and upwards nesters
                                Notts xo

