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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening Nesters.

    I'm just checking in to say another day down. It's been a very busy one for me, so I haven't even had time to read any messages from my last posting. I'm working on those changes...had my hair colored and cut, found a new place to live and a few other tasks handled today. So...ZZZZZZZZZzzzzZZZZZzzzz...I hope everyone is doing well. I think February is going to be a big busy month for Slay, but change is good!

    Stay strong...let's make February an AF month. Feeling good today.


    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


      Newbies Nest

      Morning Nesters (for me anyway). We start a new month today, so it's a perfect reason for a new beginning. Any reason will do! Why can't we apply Kuya's reasons for drinking to not drinking? I won't drink because of reasons A-Z because it makes it worse!

      Day 8 and I am feeling pretty good today. I hope everyone else is, too!

      Thank you, star for my moon yesterday. I have the privilege or should we use another word(?) of having seen both yours and Byrdlady's nude behinds. So on that note, let's hope I don't have to see another one. LOL LOL!!!!!

      Tess, thank you for caring you sweet lady. I'm fine. I guess what I was trying to get across was that the alcohol really pulls me into a deep depression and both AL and depression leave us in that dark place. Although there are plenty of reasons not to drink, that alone should keep me out those 'spirits'. I had descended into a very dark place and have plenty of times, but life seems to have angels that come along just at the right time. At least one showed up at my doorstop recently and brought me enough light and hope to help me start pulling myself up out of those depths. It's hard to do alone, so you never know how much you may be helping someone by showing love and kindness to them.

      Byrdlady, we hear each other. As I said when I came back on the NN, I'm seeing more things this time around, and I'm paying closer attention to what people are posting. Some things seem to be sinking in more than before. I have a different motivation for a full quit this time. It's for me. It wasn't for me before. I am the type of person who does everything for others, and I leave me out of the equation. I'm in the equation this time, and that may be what makes it truly stick. I, also, had someone involve themselves in a way that was unselfish and put some real spark and light in my heart when I had just about given up. She's a wonderful angel.

      Kuya, you have a great way of getting right to the root of the problem with no nonsense. That hits us well when we are ready to hear it, but not so well when we aren't. You know that. lol I'm enjoying your no nonsense way of looking at the problem. Thanks for your contributions here.

      Sugar, looks like we are humming right along. Maybe I'll be a no sugar girl someday, but not this day. LOL

      Dottie, good luck to you on your meeting. I hope you breeze through it and feel well about all when you walk out that door today.

      Paulywogg, you really are kicking arse as Byrdie says. Bravo, girl!!!!

      Hipster, you're sounding great and happy as always. It's great to witness as we move along to achieve that place within us.

      Pers, I know that feeling oh too well. I drank many times to deal with it. Absolutely the wrong choice. Welcome aboard.

      Dest, I look forward to being able to post those many days. :goodjob:

      Welcome Aguy and Luce.

      To all others, RC, Lola B, honeysuckle, redrose, New Day, Pinecone, Jenniech, Lav, siren, sweetpea, nottoday, oneredshoe and anyone else I may have slipped past (I hope not; it's not personal in anyway) have a strong day as we can all do this together. We have each other to help.


      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


        Newbies Nest happy that you are on your path again. This time will be different.

        After my son was born I wrote this and, for some reason, feel like sharing it with you now.

        ( maybe the reason will become clear later)

        FOR MY CHILD

        The moment you were born, I knew my place,
        The moment I smiled, you knew my face,
        The moment I cried you knew I, too, was human
        And you could never return to my womb.

        For at that moment of your beginning
        I knew there was no start or ending
        Instead of an island within the sea
        There was no more of I or me

        But a part , instead, of a small story
        Of struggle and love and little glory
        Of tears and laughter and honesty
        And all my knowledge to you, from me.

        Having written this I realise is hard, truth is often hard to hear, but if spoken from the heart to help there is nothing more one person can do for another.


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning, Slay!

          I KNOW you are sober because no one who was drinking could keep all of those names straight. I'm impressed!

          Hey, we are past a week, friend, and soon will be in double digits. Let's hang tough!!!


            Newbies Nest

            Hello all back at day 2, man this depression hurts, the hangover is still ther but I did not drink.
            And I am going to try to stop looking at her facebook page, which I havent since last night. Still angers me tho that someone in there 30's still posts meaningless things about the other after a breakup. Its childish but then it got me to drinking so I guess I cant control it. I ask I wonder know since everyone espcially the girls I meet have facebook pages, I hate the thing and it broke up my last relashionship because I would confront her as to who these friends are why always when we are together checking your phone for facebook updates. ahhhh hard to meet someone without it now adays.


              Newbies Nest

              Well DONE to you A Guy and also to our Slay!!! Nothing is SO BAD that a drink won't make it worse! SOBRIETY is like a gift from God to me. I spent so many years in the prison of alcoholism and now I AM FREE...and you can do it too. I know you can! :goodjob: :l
              Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
     Newbies Nest
     Tool Box
     How to get a sobriety plan


                Newbies Nest

                kuya, that's beautiful...I"m all choked up and typing through blurry eyes...not only for the reference to the the mother/son relationship, but the the truth and honesty part....thank you.

                Congratulations all around! Nosugar, I don't think I had already congratulated you - and also a to slaythefear for one week. It looks like you are taking some huge positive steps forward. One day, you'll look back at this as a positive time of change.

                Welcome persephone - and congratulations to you on one week - there must be plenty of mooning going on!!! The insomnia may come and go for some time - but it will iron itself out. I labeled myself an insomniac back in the drinking days. I never ever slept well. And I thought, for the most part, that it was just ME....I didn't blame it on the alcohol. But now I sleep great most of the time. (still an occasional night of less than perfect sleep but who doesn't?) I used Hyland's Nerve Tonic, and Calms Forte pretty regularly for awhile, but now I don't use anything. It took time - definitely - just - in your tired state - don't let alcohol tell you that IT is the answer. It's not. It's the cause of all of this.:l

                Today is Friday. If you're new to this - have faith. A weekend without alcohol might seem daunting but if you commit, by the END of the weekend, you'll have a couple more days under your belt and you'll have the added confidence of knowing you did it...Your body will have had two days of relief from poison...and your soul will feel better from not being beaten up on by your mind....


                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                  Newbies Nest

                  AGUYFROMNC;1454848 wrote: Hello all back at day 2, man this depression hurts, the hangover is still ther but I did not drink.
                  And I am going to try to stop looking at her facebook page, which I havent since last night. Still angers me tho that someone in there 30's still posts meaningless things about the other after a breakup. Its childish but then it got me to drinking so I guess I cant control it. I ask I wonder know since everyone espcially the girls I meet have facebook pages, I hate the thing and it broke up my last relashionship because I would confront her as to who these friends are why always when we are together checking your phone for facebook updates. ahhhh hard to meet someone without it now adays.
                  Hi, Guy

                  Maybe while you get going on this you could cancel your FB account if you feel that it is your trigger. Spend your social-networking time here with us!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Happy Friday and happy February 1st. everyone. It's the end of a week but the beginning of a whole new month. So many new and exciting things to do and see. Life is grand now that I'm sober! February is one of my favorite months. It's great because spring is almost here and it's Valentine month (Month for Lovers). I'm such a romantic It's a wee bit chilly today and I must go set up camp for the weekend. Garb of the day will include my Alpaca poncho that I bought in Peru. This southern weather has given me little chances to wear it. I also bought a cap right off a Shaman's head. It has little ear flaps and everything :H but I'm not sure it's cold enough for that?
                    Have a joyful and SOBER weekend and try to be kind to others and especially to yourself...YOU ARE SO WORTH IT! :l
                    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
           Newbies Nest
           Tool Box
           How to get a sobriety plan


                      Newbies Nest

                      You are right , I need to cancel my facebook account, that is a trigger, I am worried that the next woman I meet is going to have a facebook account and I will have the old thoughts in my head. Its not easy to remove them for me .. This place is way better than facebook anyways. Good Morning to all.


                        Newbies Nest

                        AGUYFROMNC;1454864 wrote: You are right , I need to cancel my facebook account, that is a trigger, I am worried that the next woman I meet is going to have a facebook account and I will have the old thoughts in my head. Its not easy to remove them for me .. This place is way better than facebook anyways. Good Morning to all.
                        A Guy, GOOD DECISION I think! :goodjob: I'm glad you are with us. Stay close and reads lots. Check out the Tool Box for great ideas on how to stay sober and get happy.
                        Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
               Newbies Nest
               Tool Box
               How to get a sobriety plan


                          Newbies Nest

                          AGUYFROMNC;1454864 wrote: You are right , I need to cancel my facebook account, that is a trigger, I am worried that the next woman I meet is going to have a facebook account and I will have the old thoughts in my head. Its not easy to remove them for me .. This place is way better than facebook anyways. Good Morning to all.
                          Hi, again, Guy

                          I have one other idea for you to consider. You seem to really want to be in a relationship, which is positive. But maybe if you could concentrate on Guy right now, you'll be a Guy that the kind of woman you really want to spend time with will be attracted to. I think many of the females in this nest are, like me (54 y), kind of old for you but I think we can be quite a bit of fun! I have had several good laughs reading the posts. There was even an apparent poetry contest here a few days ago.

                          Please feel free to ignore the above if I've mis-read your situation and I apologize for butting in.

                          In any case, I hope you have a great, AF day!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Kuya, what a beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing it with us. Truth is something that we folks with addiction having trouble hearing. We find it to be 'an attack'...judgemental or arrogant. Gosh, nothing could be further from the truth..after all, we've walked in the same shoes on the same path and we all started with Day 1. Addiction Head (Dick Head for short) does that to us. It reminds me of that song ''Smiling Faces"...smiling faces tell lies (and dat's da troof!). I can sugar coat the reality of breaking the cycle of addiction, or I can tell you what to expect so you are prepared for it....which would YOU prefer? It ain't always pretty.....

                            AGUY....if FaceBook is driving you nuts, take that site off your favorites and off your computer for now. It sounds like another addiction....and like with any addiction, you gotta cut off its food source. I bet if you put it aside for, say a'd feel better!! Maybe after that you'd see it for what it is...a hotbed for gossip. I have plenty of GOOD friends that have nothing to do with FB, and it doesn't jeopardize our friendship in the least. If it's a source of misery, get rid of it!!

                            I hope everyone has a strong plan in place for Super Bowl weekend! Ball games are NOT an excuse to drink!!! Get your plan in place now so you aren't caught off guard!!! Arm yourself with whatever it takes to maintain your quit! Have a happy, sober day! Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Morning All,

                              I haven't had a chance to read through the posts this morning, but I will be able to do that in about an hour. I hope you are all off to a great start on this lovely Friday!

                              I just wanted to say, very quickly, that I had another dream about alcohol last night. It was about "hard liquor," which I never drank. I don't recall the details of the dream except for wanting that alcohol. As I was waking up I thought (with no small amount of concern), "Have I been drinking?" A split-second later I realized it was a dream -- and I was so happy!

                              I wonder how long it takes for the brain to let go of its attachment to the idea
                              of alcohol?... :stop:
                              Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                              The man pulling radishes
                              pointed the way
                              with a radish. ISSA


                                Newbies Nest

                                Tess-2;1454895 wrote: Good Morning All,

                                I haven't had a chance to read through the posts this morning, but I will be able to do that in about an hour. I hope you are all off to a great start on this lovely Friday!

                                I just wanted to say, very quickly, that I had another dream about alcohol last night. It was about "hard liquor," which I never drank. I don't recall the details of the dream except for wanting that alcohol. As I was waking up I thought (with no small amount of concern), "Have I been drinking?" A split-second later I realized it was a dream -- and I was so happy!

                                I wonder how long it takes for the brain to let go of its attachment to the idea
                                of alcohol?... :stop:
                                Awhhh Tess, I had those dreams for about 6 or 7 weeks. I would wake up in a panic and think "HOW DID THIS HAPPEN AGAIN"??? What a relief to figure out it was just a DREAM AKA nightmare and not really part of my life anymore. It's been a couple months since it happened to me and I pray it never will again!
                                Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                       Newbies Nest
                       Tool Box
                       How to get a sobriety plan

