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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest


    Quiet day here in the nest.....Sooty, good to see you as always.....and Tranq, gotta like a golfer.....hoping everybody has a terrific evening and a wonderful Wednesday.
    Pops & G


      Newbies Nest

      Saying good night Nesters!

      Hope everyone had a good day I did get some garden cleanup done today, much, much more to do.

      Sunni, my knees are rested which is good because I get to watch the little guy again Wednesday afternoon. NO, I could not imagine having a baby at this age, no way. I really enjoy having him here for a few hours at a time but that's enough! For the love of God, what are these 50 something women thinking having babies???? Hope you caught up on your rest too

      Hi Tranq, enjoy the golf weather while it's still here! How do you fill those hours during the winter???

      Chicken, my fine clucky friend - hope you're doing better!

      Pops & G, hope you are well

      Sooty, how are you?

      Hope we hear from our newer nestlings soon.

      A good evening to all, stay safe.
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hello again.

        Lav - Those hours in the winter? I spend more time at the gym; play guitar; I used to drink a little you know; but mostly just get depressed waiting for the warm weather to come back... LoL. I always find ways to keep busy somehow.

        Renewal -- glad to hear the Chargers won! I couldn't stay up here, it was the late game. I love the Chargers and San Diego too. I always have a great time there; but you guys have no idea about what winter is like.

        Good night all!
        Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


          Newbies Nest

          Morning all, lovely to see you on this sunny autumn morning! Just got back from docs - they can't sort out my thyroid medication, I'm either too high or too low - sounds typical for me!
          But in a good mood and ready to rock and roll. Hope everyone has a fantabadozy day.
          Back later
          love sooty


            Newbies Nest

            Good morning nesters!

            Just saying HI and want to let you know, that I am reading the thread an tried really hard to catch up but I gave up on page # 12345!

            Have a great AF day everyone!

            XoXo MZ


              Newbies Nest

              Hi MamaZ!

              How're you doing? There's not a big need to catch-up on this thread... it's more like an al-free cocktail party. Just stop by, dive-in and share what's on your mind. It's just a great place to stay accountable and get/give advice and support.

              I bop around a lot of various threads, especially in the long-term mod, abstaining forums, supplements forum, etc. There are lots of gems of wisdom and interesting topics all over this site -- could keep you busy for years.

              Morning Sooty. I feel for you, had some thyrroid issues myself. A great autumn day to you!

              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                Morning Nesters,

                Cloudy in this end of the nest, rain on the way today! Guess I'll turn my attention back to indoor projects for the next few days. I do have Monday & Wednesday afternoons set aside for watching my grandson this semester while my daughter-in-law is in class. That's real fun time for me

                Tranq, I suffer from SAD (never officially diagnosed but I know I have it). My electric bill suffers during the winter months, I keep turning all the lights on, ha ha!

                Sooty, hope you can get your thyroid levels straightened out soon - definitely will make you feel better!

                Welcome MamaZum, hope you have found a comfy twig here in the nest - glad to have you with us

                Wishing everyone a great Humpday, will check in later
                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Evening All!
                  Popping in just before bed...feeling better..sorry I've been a glum chook! Hit me hard this time for some reason..but glad to say still AF! Infact, am thinking I will probably be staying that way for awhile now..don't want to wreck good pattern. Watched a program of those reality hospital shows about very sick people need ing transplants...made me really think...gadzooks..what in hell was I thinking...what horrible/deliberate things have I done to my liver...not to mention my other poor organs? What has my poor body done to me except live and breathe and stay relatively healthy and strong for 35 odd years? How ungrateful am I to treat myself with such disrespect?
                  Poor little me....lucky little me.....getting healthy again now!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hello Nesters
                    I know that I have been scarce, but FINALLY headed for my first Travel assignment in Dallas, TX, and NO, I will NEVER be a Cowboys
                    How "bout those Pats Renewal????
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Newbies Nest

                      Tranquilly, sunshine, lavande, chicken etc.. one of the newer nestlings here, sorry I can't remember all your names. I know I don't post often but I am a stealth member (reading often but not posting). I can't explain how much encouragement you guys give me! I was AF 23 till today but oh bugger, I needed some wine for the Oxtail slow cooker tonight and that was the end of that :bang. Obviously I know I'm being stupid seeing as I never buy more than 500ml to cook with in case I'm tempted! Oh bugger! I've managed to avoid drinking at club and parties for 3 weeks but the 500ml red cooking wine defeated me, how stupid is that! and so bloody petty! Ah well let's start again. You chaps give me such courage reading of your daily lives and challenges. What really grinds me is trying to control my thought processes. I'm going on leave next week to the Eastern Transvaal, an area with scenic roads and beautiful passes (also logging trucks, snakes, cows goats etc..) and I have been anticipating it so much. One of my hubby and my traditions however, is having a draught at the Woodsmans pub before tackling the fun passes and I have been wondering if I would avoid AL or just have the one. I can't believe how much of my thought processes this takes up! Is it the same for you guys or does it fade eventually? Initially I was so guilty after the last episode that stopping was easy, but, as time progresses and you stop blushing when recalling what an ass you made of yourself the last time, it gets more difficult. Ah well just wanted to vent. Thanks so much for your support guys, my hubby is prepared to not drink/drink my shooter (he's precious) but he really can't understand why I can't stop after the first one. Cheers all, hopefully I make 30 days next time.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey Mltp! Good for you and 23 days! Maybe avoid that recipe for awile? My hubby and I have a road trip tradition that we now share our granddaughter - we stop for ice cream :h Wishing you the best :wings:
                        LTG AF January 13, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hello, there, nest dwellers!

                          Sorry, have not been around - have been very busy building a little website to help sell my place... have a look, if you like * Country Home For Sale *.

                          Sea!!! Have you still not arrived in Tx yet??? I heard about your upcoming 12-hour night shifts.. *ugghhh. That must be tough.

                          Hello mltp! Hey, 23 days is nothing to sneeze at! You know now you can do it! I think LTG is right.. best to avoid the recipes that require wine I have had to.

                          Little chicken... you do seem to cluck a bit more energetically today! Good to hear! Yeah, it's pretty sad what we put our bodies through... needlessly.

                          And hello, dear Lav.. glad you got some of the jungle sorted... I haven't yet!

                          Tanq, MamaZ, Sooty, and Papa G... always glad to see you popping in!

                          Ok, no time to chat today - behave y'all!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Sun! It's late for you to chime in :h Have you been pretending to work today? :wings:
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              Newbies Nest

                              :H Funny gurl! Grrrrumble...

                              Well, honestly, I haven't done any WORK work... just been working on the site for my place. A soon to be ex-neighbour brought up a good point... I may get more money trying to sell it overseas - so that's what I've been working on. Unfortunately, I have no updated (like within the last 3 years) pictures of the upstairs... so those will have to be empty room pics. Not happy about it, but can't be helped.

                              What's the word on your roof, hun?
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Want the URL to site when done. I love the idea! Rain is about to start again so roof may leak again. A work in progress, I guess. So happy to have Sea coming here. We are going to Starbucks with yet another member from here. So very cool :h
                                LTG AF January 13, 2011

