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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Tess-2;1455255 wrote: Alrighty then...

    My husband is a Marine. God bless the United States Marine Corps.

    Um.. could he help me with preparing dinner?

    Guess not, he's still on the front lines.

    That's okay, I can boil water... Sort of...

    Really, I'm kind of a good cook. I'm a much better cook when I'm not drunk...

    Still, hmm... not sure how exactly to salute a Marine.

    I've attempted... and have been chastised.... :sorry:
    Now I am the one who is confused.....your husband is away now?


      Newbies Nest

      K9 I know how u fell. we have a 15 year old beagle who is not in good health but we love the little bugger so we try to keep him comfy...

      Newbie's Nest

      Tool Box
      AF 9.1.2013


        Newbies Nest

        kuya;1455258 wrote: Now I am the one who is confused.....your husband is away now?
        No, my Dear kuya, my husband is safely at home. But, in some ways, he's still "on the front line" in his mind.

        So.. when I ask, "could he help me with preparing dinner?" I am just being silly.

        Just being silly...

        Goodnight ALL. I hope your Friday evening (or Saturday afternoon) or whatever!!... is delightful. I love you bunches -- I simply cannot help myself. ~ :loveyou:
        Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

        The man pulling radishes
        pointed the way
        with a radish. ISSA


          Newbies Nest

          Evening Nesters!

          Great news, Dottie. That job has been giving you grief for a long time.

          Kuya, I love that signature the Recluse has, too. We all want to use it now. lol

          Byrdie, now that you've figured that out, will you teach it to my daughter. I'm only allowed to be of the non human kind. Get back to me and let me know how that goes.

          Aguy, Byrdie is right. I'm going through heartache, too. It's painful. It hurts. It's dark and gloomy. It's the pits of all pits, but you know, it will pass with time. I know you hate hearing that when you are hurting so bad...yes, I KNOW! We both know it's true though. You just have to fake it till you make it and get through that grieving process, but you can help yourself along by trying to attach to as much positive thoughts as you can right now and thinking about all the bad qualities she had, too. lol There are lots of articles online about surviving a heartache. Maybe it will help reading some of them for relief here and there. It darn well SUCKS!:upset: But look over yonder...there's a light to follow. Head that way and give the alcohol the Byrd. Alright, so my humor isn't so good. I put my movie, Underworld on hold to take a peek online. It's not exactly a humorous movie. I'll get back to it.

          Stay tough, stay AF.


          Slay Attached files [img]/converted_files/2043887=7393-attachment.jpg[/img]
          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Newbies Nest

            Good night nesters. K9 I'll be thinking of you and your baby sweet of Kuya to offer her guidance. That's gotta feel like an ace up your sleeve. :-)

            I'm hopeful for another good night of sleep. i started cutting back (from 2 cups to 1 - LOL!) on my coffee 3 days ago...and have been sleeping great. not sure if it's related or's a bit of an experiment. Either way, it won't hurt me to eliminate caffeine. i don't drink sodas at all - so it's just two cups of french press in the morning...So I'm switching to a detox tea for one and a nice honey lemon vinegar hot drink for the other. Wish me luck..:-)

            Congrats Dottie - Ihope the time flies til the end of March!

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              Good night everyone! Sorry I have been MIA lately - long days at work and then not wanting to be overly social afterward. I have been reading and keeping track of everyone's successes. I'll try to contribute more.

              I need to get back on track with healthy eating and sleeping well. This is where I slip - when I get so stressed at work and I'm working long hours and don't have time to exercise - that's when AL sneaks in and gets a big foothold. Al masks itself as a good stress reliever, but it LIES. It just causes all sorts of other stress.
              Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                Newbies Nest

                K9Lover;1455237 wrote: Dottie -
                My little Sandy in the picture is a mutt...not sure what she is exactly...the pound thought a spaniel and maybe chow mix...but weren't sure. She's the one that is getting old and sick. Tomorrow we go to vet and hope we're not on a downhill slide. I've had her 13 years and I can't imagine living without her :upset:
                I'll be thinking about you and Sandy tomorrow and sending positive vibes for a good outcome.:l


                  Newbies Nest

                  Wishes for a safe & cozy night in the Nest for everyone

                  Congrats to everyone for moving forward, earning full moons, etc.

                  K9, hope all goes well for you tomorrow,
                  Dottie - happy for you!

                  I am busy helping to care for my two grandsons. The Pediatrician says they both have croup - yikes!
                  Fever, crying & copious amounts of snot - yay
                  I will be busy for a few days!

                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    good night nest!
                    I have been SO BUSY the past couple of days that I have worn myself out. Spent the afternoon at work today wanting to drink wine....not sure why...probably because I was so tired...
                    So, I came home from work, quickly made dinner, ate it and then promptly fell asleep and it was only 8:30!!! Woke up 4 hours later so I am a bit late in checking in....but now my eyes are starting to droop again but just wanted to say that I really enjoy reading all of the posts.
                    I am thinking of all of you....
                    Good news is I did NOT drink even though I spent the afternoon romanticizing about it at work...
                    On to day 6
                    Sweet dreams!!! I myself am REALLY looking forward to a Saturday being spent NOT HUNGOVER
                    I just won't anymore


                      Newbies Nest

                      So... being the insomniac that I am (it's about 1:00 in the morning in my little corner of the world), I'm thinking about the shift that occurs in a relationship when an alcoholic partner gets sober.

                      When my husband and I met, I didn't drink at all. Drinking was simply not a part of my world. My husband drank "socially," and that was fine with me. I really didn't give his drinking or my non-drinking much thought. My husband is an extrovert and I am a introvert. So, in the classic manner, opposites were attracted to each other. We fell in love and married.

                      We are a fortunate couple because I actually like him and he actually likes me. We are day and night, oil and water, "never met a stranger" and "alert to stranger danger." But we click. Then came alcoholism (for me) and with it, all of the sneaking and hiding and lying. He became the detective - out to expose me, and I became the crook - out to get away with the perfect crime. We carried on in this manner for five years.

                      Now I'm sober. So the rules of our marriage have changed, yes? The rules have changed...

                      My husband says that I make him happy. He is intrigued with the way that my heart is so full of love. And he says that my "heart full of love" surprises him, given what I have been through. Well, we ALL have "been through" so much!! I don't know of anyone who has been spared from The School of Hard Knocks.

                      I volunteer with Hospice. So I am reminded on a regular basis that life is short. Even if we live to be very, very old - life will feel a bit short at the end.

                      My husband and I are learning to navigate the new path of a marriage where both participants are sober and "of sound mind." It is ALL GOOD, as the worn-out words proclaim. But it is also ALL DIFFERENT.

                      I wonder what others in this situation have experienced.

                      Okay, I'm going to try to rest a bit. ~ :flower:
                      Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                      The man pulling radishes
                      pointed the way
                      with a radish. ISSA


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good morning! I had another good night's sleep.

                        jennie - glad to hear that you're still with us. All of that wanting and romanticizing will fade---it really will.

                        Lav, I hope the little ones get better soon! Is croup the one where cold air helps? i remember my neighbor walking her little girl outside at night help with something...can't remember if that was it.

                        To everyone else - enjoy your Saturday! If you're thinking - "ah hell, I'll start again Monday"...just stop a minute and think. Maybe you've been "lucky" so far...maybe you haven't done anything really bad when drinking...but just maybe today would be the day...that you'd do something life changing when drinking. Maybe someone would get hurt. You already want to stop. Just don't take that backwards step today.

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          It's a balmy 16 degrees here this morning - Brrr!

                          Tess, to be perfectly honest with you......
                          I got something I never expected when I quit drinking & smoking. My chronically depressed husband just couldn't stand seeing me haul myself together the way I did so he left. Married 37 years & he just leaves with no warning or explanation
                          We don't always get the results we expect & sometimes I think it's just as well. We are still married, living seperately & that's just the way it is. Our 40th wedding anniversary will certainly be a non-event this June :H

                          I hope everyone has a busy weekend planned to keep themselves out of trouble. I am not a sports fan but I know most people are & the lure of the Super Bowl will be an issue for many. Don't let something like that throw you off track

                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi Lola,
                            Cross posted!
                            Yes, a shock of cold air sometimes does help kids to clear their little airways when they have croup, ugh!
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning/afternoon nesters

                              Greetings from a sunny but cold Belfast.

                              Yesterday i worked my last shift before having a week off.

                              I struggled feeling torn between two battling parts of my mind. The AF one which is growing stronger yet still is weak and the other 'drinking' one which was shouting loudly how much i deserved/needed a drink to celebrate/relax/chill etc.. just because i was finishing work for a while, like WTF?

                              It is scarey how you can be sailing along feeling quite content being AF and BAM a drinking thought just appears as if from nowhere and tries to romanticise and fool you that you didnt/dont have a problem, that you deserve a wee bottle or twenty. Unfortunately in the past i succumbed to these thoughts many times, then suffered with the physical and emotional side-effects

                              Well thankfully i didnt succumb and am proud to have another day in the bag

                              I posted on the army thread and also on the roll-call early morning knowing then i couldnt live with the shame if i fell. I read many posts on this site to reinforce why i cant ever drink again. I left my purse at home so that i couldnt stop at the offie on my way home from work. I told my brother who lives with me NOT to bring home any wine as often he would on a Friday eve.

                              I was tired, angry, tearful and pretty much f**ked-off last night. The old miserable drinking brain whinging how unfair it was that others could enjoy a few glasses of wine of a Friday eve, why cant i?

                              Thankfully the sober voice is gaining some strength. I CANT DRINK end-off. Get over it, move on, start living life. Learn to experience the good and the bad without the numbing effect of booze.

                              Sorry folks just needed a wee rant to myself.

                              Going to start my week off with a walk around an amazing park full of wildlife right here in this city. How lucky am i to have such a place so close? The laundry and housework can feck off for a day

                              Happy Saturday all xo


                                Newbies Nest

                                no hangover = a FANTASTIC start to the weekend!!!

                                Siren: You sound like me.....too busy at work = a lot of stress. That USED to lead to a bottle of wine which would mean a lousy night sleep so I would not got to gym in morning because hungover and tired which would lead to stress at job which would lead me right back to the bottle. I would get fatter, more irritable and depressed with each day of that endless cycle.

                                Now, when I get really stressed at work, I take 30 minutes for lunch, NO MATTER WHAT, and I go for a very brisk walk. IT is AMAZING what that does to me. I get back to the office totally refreshed.
                                I just won't anymore

