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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I posted it, silly! :H

    Here it is again: Stunning 77 Acre Country Property For Sale: Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Hi All!

      Wow Sunni-that is stunning! what a beautiful place! I could SO live in a place like that!You have done a fantastic job on the house/property and the website!!

      mltp-you've done well, don't beat yourself ony leads to more negativity and bad habits..move on and make this a new day/new start....always a learning curve!

      Hi Sea- what's Dallas like this time of year?
      Lav- our weather is strange at the moment! We are supposedly in Spring, yet still having cold snaps and downpours..but then balmy days inbetween!
      Wildflower season over here in the Midwest of WA so lots of visitors and 'grey nomads' travelling around the place!
      Pops & G- you can get comfy again, I've stopped the Medusa impersonation now!!
      Beags-how you going?
      Sooty- thanks for the music- Rolling Stones sounded great!
      Everyone else- keep on keeping on folks..see you in a bit!


        Newbies Nest


        Ha ha ha....Sea, I hardly ever see you anymore, but when I do, it's always after a Pat's win......your win was ugly too, just like my Chargers. By the way, Tranq, I live in think it's hot in SD.....give this a try. I've never lived in SD, but been a SD sports fan for 35 years..............long story...........involves Willie McCovey.....ha. Well my cherubs, I'm gone the next few days at work....will peek in when I can. Take care of G for me.......................Pops..........and G


          Newbies Nest

          Hi everyone!
          I haven't been on for a bit as I've been busy with sheep work (no,I'm not a Kiwi so no rude jokes!!!) - but have been lurking to keep an ear in tune with you all....but I can't go through all those pages! Arrgghh!
          Hope you're all doing fine.
          Me - sort of.had a few small slips but no hangovers for the past 10 days (but not AF sorry!)
          Things I'm learning : to swear less. AL makes me aggressive when I'm tired & no doubt argumentative to my husband.So even though i'm tired from the physical work,less AL makes me less grouchy.
          To slow down - & do things slowly to complete the task at hand without flying off to try & do 5 other things a the same time.I'm a hyper person when I'm going to bed with AL (the rotten bastard) so tend to be in a flurry most days
          To forgive myself.Having spent so long filled with self loathing & mentally flagellating myself for my AL habit,I'm trying to be a bit kinder to my poor beaten-up soul.
          More will come later.


            Newbies Nest

            Evening Nesters,

            One very tired (but happy) Lav here! Spent 6 hours watching my grandson today, he's a blast! I had forgotten how busy a 9 month old can be, ha ha.

            Chicken, good to hear you clucking! Now I have to ask - just what are 'grey nomads'?? My imagination is going wild..........

            Sea, enjoy your assigment in TX, don't work too hard! I don't miss those long shifts myself.

            mltp, glad you are with us! I'm sure, when you are ready, you will meet your 30 day goal

            LTG, good reminder - changing habits & making new traditions is vital in this journey!

            Pops, you don't work too hard either. We'll keep an eye on G for you!

            Sunni, your property is just beautiful! I can see why you're reluctant to sell it. Was that Miss Sophie in the pictures? You will always have your beautiful pictures & fond memories of your home to keep with you. Time moves on I suppose.........

            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi beagle,

              Good to see you - we cross posted.
              Continue to be kind to yourself, it helps
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Thanks Lav - hard trying to undo possibly a life-time of mental bashing.
                What's the weather like where you are?
                If anyone wants to start up a wind farm,I reckon we've got enough here to power up a reasonable sized city.Like Moscow.
                Doesn't really do the hair-style much good, in fact wind-swept is my permanent style!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hi All.

                  Just rolling in - it's gotten a bit cooler today down around 70 here. Uh oh - I don't want to see winter at all.

                  Hi Mltp. Like the others said, don't beat yourself up over a little wine. Great job on 23 days -- there's a lot to take away from that huh? You asked: "I can't believe how much of my thought processes this takes up! Is it the same for you guys or does it fade eventually?" I had the same experience for a while - I've kind of decided to try to quit thinking about AL much at all, and try to focus my thinking on other areas, and expanding other interests. I figure that I've been controlled by AL for too long. I do have a healthy respect for its power though.

                  Renewal, AZ is hot, SD is not. Made it down to Scotsdale (golf) and Sedona (hiking) last fall. That was a fantastic trip. Much cooler there in October.

                  Sunni, good luck on selling your place. It is truly a gorgeous property. Beagle, now I have to find out what kiwi has to do with sheep. Hmmm. Welcome back Chickers - you'll be sneaking up on thirty soon. Glad you're feeling better. Gosh, you watch some tough stuff on tv. I know how you feel about how we've abused our bodies. One of the great things about being AF is when you start to realize how much better you feel physically and how much clearer you think.

                  Hello to any new folks, or anyone I've missed. Getting tired here. Have a great evening.

                  Good night and take care all.
                  Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi TW,
                    New Zealanders (commonly called Kiwis) are kind of bored on that little island home & women are either in short supply or related to the menfolk ( a bit like Deliverance) so the menfolk tend to look differently at a female sheep - they then put on the wellington boots (for traction in the mud),get some velcro gloves (for grip on wool) & well....go for it. So any reference to me being busy with sheep has to swiftly be clarified that a) I am not a Kiwi, & b) I am not a bloke. Thus me being busy with sheep has entirely different connotations to a NZ man...does that help? That I don't carry lustful thoughts for woolly herbivores? I don't even carry lustful thoughts for non-woolly herbivores,for that matter.
                    Hmmm,this thread has taken a turn for the worst thanks to my gutter brain!!!!
                    Carry on everybody.....:H


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning all, sun is shining on another beautiful autum morning, I had the best night's sleep for a long time thanks to listening to relaxation CD before bed.
                      Hope everyone has fabulous day and achieves their goals.
                      Back later - think we'll have Bruce Springstein today gang and really rock the bus!
                      See you later


                        Newbies Nest

                        OOOOH! Beag's you are so going to get in trouble with the Kiwi's....! I'm going to move my perch a little away from you so I don't get hit by the fallout!

                        Lav-'grey nomads' refers to the armada of caravaning retirees who travel northwards every winter in WA to escape the colder weather in winter. Alot will head to places like Broome, Darwin etc and hole -up for months on end, before migrating south again to their homes!

                        Evening to all the rest of our Nesters! Hope all is well and we are all 'peeping' merrily along on our comfy twigs!



                          Newbies Nest

                          Yep Chicken - I'm waiting for the Kiwis to fling hydatid-ridden sheep poo at me. However, I am well used to being arm deep in shit so will weather the storm!!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning!

                            Woke up groggy this morning and am just coming out of the fog. I picked up the MYO book and read it in bed last night. I hadn't read it in a few years so it's like it's brand new all over again.

                            Went for another long run last night and it felt so good. Hopefully won't be too sore. My half marathon is not until January but i'm getting there. Did I tell you that I am not a runner? The only reason I signed up to train was that the sessions were on Mon, Wed. & Frid nights and nights are when I tend to drink. I had to substitute it with something. I couldn't think of anything else that would really work. Geez, the things we did to drink, and the things we do to NOT drink.....

                            Sunni, your property is gorgeous! Wish I had some surplus $$$ around. Looks like a lovely escape.

                            Sea, I used to live in Dallas. Basically, it's impossibly hot in the summer. Winters have ice storms. Not much in between.

                            Tranq, you are so right about how much thought is put into this not drinking thing. Seems like it's the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about at night. And in between, well, depending on the time of day, my brain can be hollering at me non-stop. I wonder too if it will ever fade away. I surely hope so!

                            Have a wonderful Thursday!

                            Everyone have a great day!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters,

                              Hope everyone had a good night!

                              Beagle, our weather here is moving towards 'Fall'. It's cooler, in the 60's & 70's, quite pleasant actually. This is my favorite time of the year except for my Hayfever Allergies! Glad to see you moving right along on this journey. Changing our thinking styles is tough but necessary. Try to not waste time worrying about the past - it's history. Focus on today & how much better you are right now Be sure to duck when the sheep poop flies, ha ha!

                              Tranq, this is MY weather, no kidding. Have you ever travelled South during the winter for a golf break. I know people that head down to SC in Feb & March just to play golf!

                              Sooty, Tune up 'The Boss' for us, that's great!!

                              Chicken, thanks for the clarification on 'Grey Nomads'. Here we call them 'Snow Birds'. They head South to Florida for the winter to escape the snow. My husband's grandparents used to do that - they kept a 2 bedroom Condo in Florida and stayed there October thru April every year. I can't afford that lifestyle so I just stay put & deal with the cold & show!

                              Fig, you sound good, glad you checked in! Lots of luck with your running - I never could run, not even as a kid!

                              Hello to everyone to come today, will check in later.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning Nestlings!

                                :H Beagle... one might almost suspect you have HAD to explain/defend your involvement with sheep before...

                                Chicken, glad you're back to your clucky self! Fig.. running? I'm with Lav... couldn't run if my life depended on it (well, not for very long, anyways)! Good luck, my dear... I admire your dedication! Sooty... way to go on the good night's sleep.. makes a big difference, doesn't it? And yes.. crank up some happy tunes please! Dunno exactly why but I'm in a real funk these last few days Tranq, I'm with you.... I do NOT want to see winter - couldn't we vote to skip it or something? As a matter of fact... 'snow' is a dirty four letter word in my world Mltp... I hear ya about the obsessive thoughts... some days seem to be better than others. And in time they WILL fade somewhat. It is very much a 'retraining' issue, me thinks.

                                Lav, yep, the black one is Miss Sophie The bay is the 'devil horse' - no longer with me :H
                                I just hope I'll get everything done and over with quickly now... as stupid as it is intellectually (it's only STUFF), it's really taking a toll on me. There is still much to be done to get it ready to 'show' and put on the market here - but I figure I'll give it a try overseas until then. Who knows.. I may luck out.

                                Papa R... have a quiet shift - we'll spoil G in your absence as usual

                                Have a grand day, all!
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

