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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi everyone!
    Sun, your home is beautiful! Your price is awesome too.
    Anyone have a weekend plan?
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      Newbies Nest

      Thanks LTG - actually, I'll be lucky if I get $289,000 here :upset:

      Anyone have a weekend plan?
      Cleaning... HERE, this time. *sigh*
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        Newbies Nest

        Hello's everyone been??? I have been busy with school and work, so I haven't been keeping up here in the Nest. I have missed you all and sorry for leaving you all hanging before the second date!!! :H

        Ok...I have had the second date. It was quite relaxing. We just hung out at his place and watched a couple of movies. Both comedies, so it was nice to be laughing!!! Anyway, third date is upcoming this weekend.

        Well, I must get back to work. I wanted to make a quick fly-in and say hi! Have a great day everyone!


          Newbies Nest

          Evening all, lovely to see so many of us on here today. Sunni your home is fab and so is the web site I wish you luck in selling it. It would go just like that in this country.
          Chicken glad you're clucking away again nicely - hey I wouldn't mind being a grey nomad - i like the idea of following the sun and then coming back home again in the summer, shall have to think about that!
          Lav lovely to see you as always and I agree this weather is just beautiful. We have rain forecast for saturday then back to good weather - and about time too!!!
          Tranq and Fig have you tried meditating to get rid of thoughts of al? I've really got into that this week and have hardly thought about drinking - honestly its worth a try
          Things to do tonight folks, get daughter packed for return to university etc so probably won't be back on till tomorrow.
          Have a good rest of Thursday everyone, see you tomorrow


            Newbies Nest

            Evening Nesters,

            How's everyone?
            We had super cloudy skies today but no rain, tomorrow the sun returns
            Completely dark out at 7:30 pm - oh yeah, the season is changing. A little tired today probably due to so much time on my hands & knees yesterday playing Grandma! This has to count as exercise, right???
            I am just so happy & grateful to be AF & able to spend this time with my grandson, couldn't ask for more

            Newbies beagle & Fig - hope you are both well!
            Sunni, any bites on the property yet? God, I hate selling property - it works my last nerve!
            LTG, how are you?
            Chops, good to see you. A third date huh? WTG girl!
            Hi Tranq, know you will fly in at some point.
            Sooty, good luck helping your daughter pack - fun, fun!

            For those of you that remember my moaning last month about our outrageous school tax bill here - well, we filed the appeal and have just been notified that we will be paying almost 50% less from now on I guess it's worth it to open your beak & chirp up once in a while!!!!!

            Have a safe night one & all.
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Everyone.

              Beag's I think I'll leave the sheep comments alone. Used to think a kiwi was a bird or fruit. I will say that nz produced one of the few sav-blancs I enjoyed. Must be all that sheep poop fertilizer huh. Blech, what a thought - glad I'm not drinking so much.

              Hey Sooty, I've tried meditation, but never thought of it to set aside AL thoughts. I'm really not very advanced in it, so wouldn't know how to go about accomplishing that. But it does seem like the hypno cds kind of do that for me - ie- leave the AL thoughts to the subconscious mind and let me just think about other stuff - like getting a real life.

              50% is darn good chirpin' Lav. You must of really laid the Lavandittude on them. And yes, I like to get down south 'round about February when I'm really sick of winter here. Orlando the last couple years - I've never been to Myrtle Beach or anywhere in SC, but it's on my list. On my way to the California desert next week. Summer's last fling for me.

              WoW Fig - half-marathon training! That's great -- and very ambitious! Sounds like a positive alternative to AL fer sure. Keep after it. I love to run, but can't go that far. It's not too crazy. I like going to the gym on Friday nights 'cause that's a drink-time for me too, along with the fact that everyone else is in the bar instead of working out so the gym is empty and there's no wait for machines. Ha. If you want to talk real crazy it's walking a mile and a half to buy another 12-pack because I was already too drunk to drive - gotta be glad to put the real insanity behind us!

              Yeah, We should be Snow-Birds! Can we move this nest someplace warm? Shouldn't we start flying south? How 'bout Oz -- I wanna party with Chicken and Beagle.

              Take care everyone!
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest

                Hi tranq - I'll come to that party with chicken and beagle - lets get the tickets booked!
                I have been trying to use meditation just as a calming thing as I find I'm more likely to think of al when I'm stressed or irritated - which is very often living with my husband!
                It seems to be working at the moment with regards to al but not in relation to husband, could still thump him on regular basis!!!
                Anyway weather not so good today but not raining yet so this is a quick one as I gotta get things done.
                Have a really good Friday everyone - the weekend cometh - a time to relax and refresh!
                Talk later
                love Sooty


                  Newbies Nest

                  Arvo All!
                  Just a quick *cluck* from the chook! you are all welcome to some of our weather over here..but it aint that sunny maybe don't book them tickets yet!!!
                  Massage & long walk to relax this arvo & treat self for this week AF..feeling good and happy and content with things! Can't handle the gym...too many intense people for me....but do a bit of wlaking, hydro and stuff at home! Getting Wii sports/fitness soon..yeah!
                  Hope everyone is still doing their thing! And happy, have a good weekend tweeters and see you in a bit!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey Chicken.

                    What, you think we can fly downunder overnight? We're birds not aeroplanes! I think we should start flying south now before I freeze my tail feathers!

                    Off to work for this almost frozen fowl...

                    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning Nesters,

                      Goodness Tranq I'll have to get someone to knit you a bum warmer if you lose all your tail feathers............

                      Chicken, glad to see you! I've been avoiding intense people myself - including certain relatives! I feel much better these days being surrounded by complete strangers, people that aren't watching & waiting for me to screw up! That whole mindset creates resentment for me & I try to avoid that.

                      Sooty, it's cloudy here this morning as well but it is supposed to be a dry day. I hope so because I'd like to get back to work on those garden beds

                      Wishing you all a terrific Friday and the last weekend of summer!
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest


                        Good morning birdlings!
                        Uh-oh.. today really looks/feels like fall here. No talk of freezing off body parts please.. that'll come soon enough :upset:

                        Soooo... chicklet and beagle are having a party for all of us? :H I'm so in! Always wanted to be down under - rather than upside down... I've done that.

                        Lav... great news on the tax bill! It pays to open your beak sometimes, doesn't it!?
                        It seems to be working at the moment with regards to al but not in relation to husband, could still thump him on regular basis!!!
                        :H Sooty, you crack me up!

                        Chops!!! A THIRD date??? :giggle: You really need to work on your presentation of details, though... :H Well, good luck... sounds like you're enjoying yourself!

                        Well, Mr. Wonderful sat me down last night for some negotiations. I said that I wanted to stay home this weekend (we've been away on the boat, at my property, etc. for the last 2 months pretty much) and there's stuff to be done around here. Soooo... he's tackling the indoor cleaning list and I'll take the outside, and tomorrow we're heading out for one more trip on the boat. The things I have to put up with.. I tell ya! :H

                        On another note, I've made it past 40 days and my 'funk' is slowly lifting, I think. I feel a little more chipper today. So, another AF weekend - here I come.

                        I'm sure I'll check in again later - but just in case.. have a wonderful weekend, everyone!
                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Woo Woo!!! 40 days for Sunni! Yay!

                          Not sure I need that bun warmer just yet Lav -- I'll keep an eye on the weather channel. Warmed up a little here again.

                          Yes, Sooty - that line cracked me up too. If meditation can't help -- thump it all! I kind of like that advice.

                          Crazy weekend for me -- flying to west coast on Sunday. Should be a challenge to my new found al coping skills. Travel has always been whoopy time for me -- but I've been doing pretty well so I'm not too concerned. I have a pretty full itinerary, so not a lot of time too get into too much trouble.

                          Take care all. ttyl.
                          Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                            Newbies Nest

                            Evening Nesters,

                            Sunni, 40 days - WTG girl Now let's make a pact to keep it going, no matter what!!!! I am very happy for you!

                            Sooty, we'll have to have a private talk, I could use some instruction on spousal thumping...........sometimes they leave you no choice

                            Tranq, are you heading to my favorite city San Fran? I absolutely would live there if I could, Monterey is pretty nice too!

                            So when DO we leave for that Aussie party? At the rate I move anymore it will take me a long, long time to get there.........

                            Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest!
                            Hope G is ok while Pops is working
                            AF since 03/26/09
                            NF since 05/19/09
                            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Hey Lav.

                              I'm seeing birds flying south every day now -- never a good sign. Maybe I can give you a tow if you get tired, just don't rip out anymore tail feathers.

                              Not San Fran -- I love that town too. I'm flying into Ontario and driving over to Palm Springs - La Quinta. Looking forward to the change of scenery. I was at Monterey when I was a kid. I'd like to play golf at Pebble Beach some time which is on the peninsula. I've spent a fair amount of time in San Diego - and I always have a lot of fun there.

                              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                                Newbies Nest

                                Party Oz-style!

                                Right then Nesters!

                                I am going to hold this party on a local beach in the mid-west in we have the nice warm weather going on.....
                                All birds will be required to wear obligatory wide-brimmed hat; sunnies, 30SPF suncream, bathers & beach towel:

                                Also required by each bird will be: byo bbcue food and your own esky of AF drinks;

                                Can you think of anything else Beag's????

                                I'll get a bonfire going on the beach so you guys can see where to land okay! Trust me Tranq- you won't need a bum-warmer for those absent tail-feathers in summer over here!

                                Sunni you are a champ,congrats on 40 days..what an inspiration to us all!!!!!!!
                                Sooty- mad welshmen for hubbies tend to be stressful I find! I know where you're at! Mine has cyclonic characteristics sometimes!
                                Where are all our new perchers??? Or are they already heading south...can't trust those younguns when there's a party going on
                                Ahh well,this little chicken needs to go scavenge for some party food it would do we all like slugs and earth worms???Just something to flesh out the birdseed huh!:H
                                Luv yas!

