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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    kuya;1458329 wrote: Hi Fin and welcome boat indeed. Have you an idea what makes you slip? It might be worth giving the circumstances a thought in these early days.

    Hi Irish and :welcome:

    Perhaps it would be good to tell us a little about yourself, it helps to write it out, clarify if you will.

    Good to hear so much positivity today

    Keep trucking
    Hi kuya - I'm cooking dinner; then Hubby and I are going to watch Flight. Thinking of you, my Dear kuya. How is your Thursday? :happyheart:
    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

    The man pulling radishes
    pointed the way
    with a radish. ISSA


      Newbies Nest

      Hi day is wonderful, nothing special except good to be alive. Sober changes the colour of our existence who knew


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Newday.... Good to see you, I caught your post the other day but the nest had moved on five pages ...... It moves so fast!

        Saw your roll call post know I am biased but gonna say it...happy to see you still racking up those days

        All my best whatever your plans :h


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters!

          Wow, was that a boat I saw here? Looks wonderful fin
          Glad you are hanging in with the program.

          Hello & welcome Irish!
          Be sure to download the MWO book from the Health store here on the site. It has lots of helpful info.
          Wishing you the best!

          Big winter storm due to arrive by Friday ~ I am not thrilled but what can you do?
          Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest.

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Enjoy that's been in my mind all day.
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Newbies Nest

              The end of day 3 and things have mellowed out here.

              Tonight after yoga I knew that I had to drive past the mini mart and one second I thought "no problem", the next thought was, well, I can have..... And then I remembered what a sick thought that was and that was a big help.

              I am filling my body with cleansing water. :wd::waving:
              Day 1:4/4/2014


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Nesters: I had another AF day. It's day 3 on the honest and legit scale. Had half a beer on Super Bowl Sunday which rest my clock. Tasted like crap on NAL couldn't finish it, I
                Know I am on my way, the AF way. For myself, for my family, for my future!!!

                My wife was asking me who was my sponsor. I said I have like 15 or more people looking out for me on MWO. Her best friend's father and sister are alcoholics and AA is the only way. I'm sorta behind the 8 ball concerning AA and questions about when I'm gonna go to a meeting. She said "I don't believe you when you say you will never drink again". I said it doesn't matter what you believe, it's what I believe that matters and I am done with drinking!

                She said people in town know you have a drinking problem. I said I don't care what they think and it's none of my business what they think of me! It's what I think of me that counts!

                I don't like Bleach! I will forever hold that image in my mind, whenever I see a drink of AL- it's Bleach and it will kill me! That is unacceptable!
                Every bad decision, bad thing, bad outcome, has been a result of drinking AL. If I had any control of the event in question, I managed to screw it up with AL. I'm positive of this!

                Persephone: Thanks for the encouragement, This poison in indeed nothing to F around with! Bleach Baby Bleach!!!
                Jenniech: Thanks for the insight and advise. It wouldn't hurt to go to a few AA meetings and would makes my wife happy. Made so much sense about getting to know someone who has been down this road through an AA meeting. It would be hard to meet fellow AF outside of AA
                Kuya : thanks! Wow 9 weeks alone that's tough. I am already 5 weeks alone going on 6.
                I can do this!
                Lavande: I looked through the AA threads in the monthly section. They seem really sold on AA I may give it a shot
                Pinecone: Being honest with myself was the hardest part! To say out loud "I am an alcoholic and can never touch alcohol again". It's Bleach. My wife doesn't get the fact, that
                I get it it's poison it's. dangerous and deadly!
                Lolab: I hate winter also!
                Hippyman: thanks for the welcome! I am new but feel your genuine concern and encouragement!
                Ginger: I too am going to counseling I totally feel awesome here, reading and experiencing the encouragement. So much support and compassion here in MWO. Especially the ability to be honest open and expose our dirty secrets.
                Birdie: Thank you! I am so not ready for "one of those looks" that could happen in a face to face. Yes this is a Very Good Place!!!
                Slay: I really want to be free! I am so grateful to have landed here at this point of my life!
                Fin: Awesome boat you got this keep it up!
                K9: Flight scared the crap out of me. I saw myself on the TV. OMG
                Starfish: thanks for the welcome


                  Newbies Nest

                  K9Lover;1458382 wrote: Tess-
                  Enjoy that's been in my mind all day.

                  Wow K9 - That was some movie!! I could feel
                  the pilot's slavery to alcohol.

                  My hubby didn't understand why the guy couldn't just quit.

                  A person has to have walked in those miserable alcoholic shoes to be able to understand the hell of alcoholism.

                  The movie reminded me of so many things about alcoholism: mostly the lies. The Lies...

                  It feels wonderful to live in honesty. And freedom. ~
                  Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                  The man pulling radishes
                  pointed the way
                  with a radish. ISSA


                    Newbies Nest

                    Tess-2;1458391 wrote: Wow K9 - That was some movie!! I could feel the pilot's slavery to alcohol.

                    My hubby didn't understand why the guy couldn't just quit.

                    A person has to have walked in those miserable alcoholic shoes to be able to understand the hell of alcoholism.

                    The movie reminded me of so many things about alcoholism: mostly the lies. The Lies...

                    It feels wonderful to live in honesty. And freedom. ~
                    I felt it too. Certain scenes just made me want to cry...opening the beer to pour it down the sink...yep, did that more times than I can count.

                    Welcome jimmydama!!
                    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Guten Morgan (good morning) to the nest.

                      Day three for me... and feeling my depression. It really started yesterday evening. I had to work late at the office and I found myself feeling sad and lonely for no reason. Just completely down. And I started hating the town I live in... again. A bit of background on that... I was a so-called "city girl" in the USA, but now I live in a small town in South Germany. This is the town where my husband was born and grew up. He had an amazing job opportunity in a city close to us and wanted some time living back home to Germany, so we decided to jump on the opportunity. Little did I know what I was in for. I really do not enjoy this small town at all. I've been here over two years and as much as I try to be positive and look at the nice side of small town living, I find myself loathing my situation from time to time. Yesterday evening was no exception. It's snowing here and, again, since we are a small town there is no good city support with clearing the roads. Plus, I found out that one of the ONLY restaurants in our small town is closing because there is not enough business. Oh how I miss city living. And warm weather (I lived in the South in the USA). Anyhoo, enough with my vent. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really miss home today and that is usually a trigger for my drinking. I will start to miss my old life and I drown my sorrows in AL. I will try to stay strong all day and avoid shopping for AL this evening. ODAAT

                      Thank you for listening! I hope everyone else has a wonderful day! :thanks:
                      Would you like you, if you met you?


                        Newbies Nest

                        MS ..... It doesn't sound like you are going to be there forever......why not treat this as a time to get sober so that you go back to the US as a new person.

                        did you avoid drinking tonight? You sounded very uncertain.

                        You must dig deep and get brave about this.

                        Hoping is no good.....quitting is not a fairy must PLAN to succeed.

                        Plan your route home.
                        Plan your meals and non AL drinks
                        Plan your evening routine.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Jimmy.....well done you. You sound positive and certain of where you are going with are halfway there. it is ALL about attitude.

                          Your image is bleach, one member here uses the image of embalming fluid that I gave her.......cos that is what alcohol would be for many of us, if we continued drinking.

                          Keep on trucking :h


                            Newbies Nest

                            kuya;1458475 wrote: MS ..... It doesn't sound like you are going to be there forever......why not treat this as a time to get sober so that you go back to the US as a new person.

                            did you avoid drinking tonight? You sounded very uncertain.

                            You must dig deep and get brave about this.

                            Hoping is no good.....quitting is not a fairy must PLAN to succeed.

                            Plan your route home.
                            Plan your meals and non AL drinks
                            Plan your evening routine.
                            Kuya, very good point. Quitting is not a hope or a wish, it is "one day at a time" and a plan. It is only the afternoon for me here in Germany so I'm making my plan now. I packed my gym bag when I was home for lunch so immediately after work I am going to go to the gym (I love working out), drive immediately home, make a big salad, build a fire in the fireplace and relax on the couch. I'm staying away from shopping and the grocery store... I have enough healthy food at home! I also have a case of sparkling mineral water in the cellar so I'll mix up a healthy lemon/cucumber/water drink. I'm actually thinking about starting a personal daily planner so I don't get off track, including shopping lists. Thank you for the support and encouragement!
                            Would you like you, if you met you?


                              Newbies Nest

                              Guten Morgan Nesters!
                              Wie gehts? See, I do remember my high school German class from the dark ages:H:H

                              MS, I toured Germany back in 1998. The small towns were lovely to visit but I can imagine living there is tough for you. I'm not much of a city girl but I was a suburban Philly kid & having easy access to big city events, shopping, etc was always nice. Now I live in cow country & I thank God for my internet access! No amount of AL will change your situation for the better. Use your internet lifeline to help keep you on the straight & narrow like I do

                              Jimmy, your thinking is right on ~ keep going & the people around you will soon see than your plan is working for you

                              Work, hungry animals & chickens waiting for me so I'll get going.
                              Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!

                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Your plan sounds FABULOUS!!! I will copy it as soon as I can!! Love your ideas and pictured myself doing the same thing...gym, straight home, big salad, sparkling water, roaring fire, RELAX....ahhhhhh heaven.
                                I just won't anymore

