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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Nesters! I hope this day finds everyone in good spirits. Even if you are feeling down, know that tomorrow can be better if you are willing to change the circumstances and challenge the negative thoughts.

    Jimmy, I have a message for you.

    She said people in town know you have a drinking problem. I said I don't care what they think and it's none of my business what they think of me! It's what I think of me that counts!

    MS, I've struggled with depression from three points: a medical point, AL related and situation related. It sounds like yours could be both situational and AL related. The AL related depression will most likely resolve as your body adapts to the change. The situational depression is going to involve some positive thinking and creative action. You may be a bit isolated, but today with the internet you can involve yourself in groups, learning, games, or many interests. You can, also, order hobby materials to be shipped to your home to keep you busy. Many times in life we have to adapt to situations or changes we are experiencing and we can choose to focus on the negative or we can look for the positive and make the best of those positives. As my quote below indicates, the mind is very powerful in controlling our actions and our emotions. With that said, you are early on in your AF time, so hang in there and go a little easy on yourself. The brain gets pretty testy when you take away something it is used to.:l:h

    Tess, your comment by your husband reminds me of the following quote that can apply to many areas of peoples lives and the judgements we endure.

    "Don't judge me till you walk a mile in my shoes or live a day in my life."

    No sugar, day 14 for me and 15 for you. Hanging tough we are. How dare AL think of messing with us! We'll slay that lying rat to its death.

    Wishing everyone a strong and determined day regardless of what life throws at you.


    Slay Attached files [img]/converted_files/2049503=7403-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/2049503=7404-attachment.jpg[/img]
    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


      Newbies Nest

      I am grateful for good friends!

      Happy Thursday everyone! Well the weatherman is calling for rain today. The garden needs watering and the van needs washed. I guess I'll go out and do both of those things this morning. That's the surest way to make it rain that I know of! :H The girls need a bath so I will hide their shampoo and act like I'm gonna give them doggy treats to lure them into the bathroom. I've learned they will run and hide under the bed if I run the water in the tub first. They are very psychic. I really have to be careful what I think. If I think "Bath Time" they disappear?

      My sober life is so much better. Everyday simple things make me happy. I think that the only thing that could destroy my world is alcohol. I'm am no longer afraid of that. I've found the tools to make sure that I stay sober. I know you all can find your way out too.

      I am so grateful for all my MWO friends. It's wonderful watching you all get your lives back in order. Thank you for sharing your journey with me. I am truly inspired by your strength and kindness. :l It takes an alcoholic to help an alcoholic.
      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


        Newbies Nest

        Yay jenneich! I'm happy that Kuya suggested having a plan. I tend to work better when I'm organized, but I've lot my organizational tendencies once I was drinking heavily. I just found this online and wanted to share it with you... suggestions for fruit/veggie combinations to make healthy flavored water. And I usually use sparkling water as that is the German way.

        50 Awesome Flavored Water Recipes | 52 Kitchen Adventures

        Lavande, good job with you German! If you ever want to practice, feel free to message me. I need the practice as well. You are correct in saying how beautiful the small towns in Germany (and Europe) are. In fact, I often lose sight of the fact of the tremendous opportunity I have living here. I've spent weekends in many of the larger European cities, countryside, skiing in Switzerland... etc. But... you are also correct in saying that visiting for vacation is different than living. Especially the initial language barrier (NO ONE speaks English where I live... LOL). Thank you for relating to me on this topic. Most people tell me to hush and say I have a fabulous life. I wish I lived closer to a large city. I will have to plan more weekend trips. I recently figured out how to use Netflix in Germany so that is a huge help. At least I can watch some tv! Take care and thanks again!
        Would you like you, if you met you?


          Newbies Nest

          Love the boat, Fin!!!! That's really awesome...something to be proud of one you are 'fin'ished! That is going to be beautiful!!! It reminds me of Mark Harmon in NCIS. I haven't watched that show in a long time, but he was working on a boat in his basement.
          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Newbies Nest

            Slaythefear;1458519 wrote: Morning Nesters!

            No sugar, day 14 for me and 15 for you. Hanging tough we are. How dare AL think of messing with us! We'll slay that lying rat to it's death.

            Good morning, Slay

            In graduate school I slayed many rodents for my research. Surely I can take down this nasty one, also! Thanks for the mental image!

            This is AL the rat

            and his days are numbered!


              Newbies Nest

              jimmy - I will look for some posts by a member called Supercrew. He uses some techniques like your bleach imagery - and is incredibly inspirational. watch for some links to posts of his....I will try to find a couple before workout...(ooooh, I'm procrastinating - LOL!)

              Mein - I'll throw in there with kuya's excellent advice - that quite possibly part of your dissatisfaction with your current situation is just the fact that you are viewing it through the veil of alcohol. For me - when it was a part of my life - and not even just during the drunk or hungover times, but even when it was just a "part" of my "friend" that I knew would always be there...I really looked at things quite dismally.

              With some nice AF time under your belt, you just might be able to see the occasional glimpses of charm in your town. It's that color of your existence that kuya was talking about. :-)


              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                NoSugar;1458538 wrote: Good morning, Slay

                In graduate school I slayed many rodents for my research. Surely I can take down this nasty one, also! Thanks for the mental image!

                This is AL the rat

                and his days are numbered!
                I LOVE IT!!! LOL!!! I'm going to use that picture somewhere for a visual.!:goodjob: My first AF round that I started in August went well as I visualized myself slaying AL. I gave it a persona of a real enemy and I was the badass slayer! It worked for me. I wasn't fully ready yet, though for several reasons. Some of us still think we can moderate and maybe some people do succeed. For me, I just go too far and it changes who I am. A true enemy. I had to work through some painful changes in my life as well and fell back to some AL relief. Today, I've made some tough changes, and I want a better life than sharing it with an enemy or two.
                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                  Newbies Nest

                  holy cow. I think there were 6 posts while I was's gonna be one of those days!!! Hi all. :-)

                  Here ya go jimmy. This is supercrew's story.

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    grateful to be here

                    Good morning all. i am so grateful to be here sober for another day and thank you all for being here too.:new:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Nesters......I too am grateful to be AF and for this site. I've got a birthday brunch on Saturday that I'm throwing for my 33 year old daughter that I have to start to prepare for. If I was hungover it would be so much more of an effort to do......still a big effort but with a happier frame of mind.
                      I'll be in the kitchen for a big have a great AF day everyone, whatever your plans.
                      We're also supposed to be hit by a major snowstorm later today and into Friday.......Hippyman, I wish it were only rain! Good luck with the doggie baths!


                        Newbies Nest

                        peaceseeker;1458545 wrote: Good morning all. i am so grateful to be here sober for another day and thank you all for being here too.:new:
                        Hi, Peaceseeker.

                        Come add your name to the newbies' roll call so all of us can enjoy your progress along with you! The daily posting helps keep the focus on the plan.

                        Have a great AF day!


                          Newbies Nest

                          New Day;1458549 wrote: Good morning Nesters......I too am grateful to be AF and for this site. I've got a birthday brunch on Saturday that I'm throwing for my 33 year old daughter that I have to start to prepare for. If I was hungover it would be so much more of an effort to do......still a big effort but with a happier frame of mind.
                          I'll be in the kitchen for a big have a great AF day everyone, whatever your plans.
                          We're also supposed to be hit by a major snowstorm later today and into Friday.......Hippyman, I wish it were only rain! Good luck with the doggie baths!
                          Thanks New Day. One dogger done. All bathed, blow dried, nails trimmed and ears cleaned. She just gave me "THE LOOK" that says she's not speaking to me and went to hide under the bed...... and 2 more to go.

                          Here Zelda...come on Zelda. Cookie time! She is not buying that one
                          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                 Newbies Nest
                 Tool Box
                 How to get a sobriety plan


                            Newbies Nest

                            lolab;1458541 wrote:

                            Mein - I'll throw in there with kuya's excellent advice - that quite possibly part of your dissatisfaction with your current situation is just the fact that you are viewing it through the veil of alcohol. For me - when it was a part of my life - and not even just during the drunk or hungover times, but even when it was just a "part" of my "friend" that I knew would always be there...I really looked at things quite dismally.

                            With some nice AF time under your belt, you just might be able to see the occasional glimpses of charm in your town. It's that color of your existence that kuya was talking about. :-)

                            Thank you lola, I hope you are right! I'm on at day three with a goal of day 5, so maybe day 5 will be better. Thank you for the support!
                            Would you like you, if you met you?


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning Nesters!
                              Welcome Peaceseeker!! I love that name, and you will find it in short order! The conflict that goes on inside the head of someone like us is, well, Mind Boggeling! If they could make a movie depicted what's inside our'd be ugly for sure. I don't know if this is your first attempt at quitting or not, but I can promise you that once you get AL out of the picture, the Voices fade into the background. Please visit the Tool Box (link below) for valuable tips and coping skills to get you started. Tell us what brings you by! We are glad you found us...
                              Have a wonderful AF Thursday everyone! Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Mornin' Nesters,

                                Fin, ICan, IrishT and Peace :welcome: So glad you are here. BTW Fin, BEAUTIFUL boat. Bet that can keep you busy!

                                Jimi, Mimi and Mein: thinking of you today and wishing you well getting through the first handful of days. Hope we hear from you today...

                                K9 - Ah, wow! on Flight (and thanks for the warning, no kiddos around though, just my dad & step momma . It was indeed painful to watch and so well acted. Ultimately I walked away with an even stronger resolve and grateful to have begun this path. Thanks for recommendation.

                                Jenni, thinkin' of you with all the temptations and triggers around you, but you seem to be doing a really great job :wd:

                                Hello and Many thanks to all you regulars, your words are always an encouragement. :l

                                Here's to a happy, healthy, poison free day...
                                "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:

