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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I need to stay in the nest tonight where there's sanity and compassion. There's crazy people trying to set up lawsuits out there and being really mean... :eeks: Yuk...

    Not drinking though...I promise Byrdie I won't drink at anyone!
    Staying close.


    PS : Can you sue someone for being an asshole?
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      Newbies Nest

      jIMMYDAMA;1458884 wrote: Good evening nesters, it's Day 4 feeling empowered and grateful!

      ...Tess: I cried in my counseling session too! I feel so much better having shared my problems and issues. I never ever cry! My mom died 2 years ago and not a tear. I loved my mom very much, not a tear. I think we may be making progress!...

      Take care and God bless my friends!
      We are making progress, jimmy, significant progress!! Thank you for your blessing. Thank you for your friendship. You take good care too. We will talk again tomorrow. ~ :flower:
      Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

      The man pulling radishes
      pointed the way
      with a radish. ISSA


        Newbies Nest

        Welcome Irish and Last Straw! I'm also new and about to begin day 7.

        Irish - I know the hiding routine. I would go through a litre of gin every 3 days. When a gin bottle was emptied (and started 1/2 full that day) I'd fill it back up 1/2 way with water and put it back into the liqour cabinet before going to bed. Then I'd buy a new one the next day, pour out the water-filled one, pour 1/2 of the new gin into the old bottle, then hide the new 1/2 bottle in my china cabinet. This is the first time I've ever admitted that to anyone, ever. Just typing that reinforces for me what a huge problem I have.

        Damn, the strategic talent pool of this group could run covert ops for the CIA. Maybe we missed our calling?

        Byrdie --- Thank you so much for sharing the Stages, that was powerful. My toes were definitely close to dipping into Stage 4. That's powerful information to be armored with.

        Have a wonderful evening, everyone!


        For supplement dosage/schedule go to:


          Newbies Nest

          Lavande;1458866 wrote: Good evening Nesters,

          ...Recycling bins don't hide as much as you think :H
          Last week my neighbor put her recycling out for pick up on a very windy day. I came home to find the contents of her bin strewn all over the road ~ yeah, she drinks... :H

          Love it!! Yes, we think we are pretty sneaky. We're just kidding ourselves. Ah, Lav, it feels so good to be sober. Really, really nice!! I hated all of the lying and sneaking. You know, the contents of my miserable life strewn all over the road... Thank you for your generous counsel and care. ~ :heart:
          Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

          The man pulling radishes
          pointed the way
          with a radish. ISSA


            Newbies Nest

            Hello / I read this board a lot and see lots of wisdom. I'm middle aged and wanting to change my ways of dealing with everything. I've always leaned on the booze to manage. It ain't fun anymore. You folks here sound so happy. I want that too. I don't have a bucketful of family around to confide in - It's just me.


              Newbies Nest

              Confide away! Glad you're here. Jimmy we r on same day! Go for it


                Newbies Nest

                Hey all; I am back on board! Definitely a Newbie - fallen back into the drinking game! I know the drill and need you! Some of you know my story - dad really not in a good place and started insulin injections yesterday. I am the designated caregiver and will be injecting him every day at 11am. I think that says it all. I think his illness has really hit me hard and even though I know drinking is not the answer, I have found myself back in this cycle again.
                Stressful days and wine for relief at the end of it! The sensible side of me knows the truth, that it only makes it worse, so I am committing myself here, for me and for my dad. Day 1! I am looking forward to getting back to normal and getting to know you all again.
                I have been reading here when I can and agree with Kuya's view on the fact that the people who seem to make it are the ones that post more often. I am taking that on board and will use it as my new strategy. I find right now that my days are given up in looking after my dad but I know this is just as important (he would want it for me) so will do my best to post often.
                Haven't read back yet, but with my sober time ahead I will get up to date. Looking forward to it and getting to know the new faces and reconnecting with the oul muckers!!!!!
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Just needed to sneak in and say :welcome: to LastStraw, TribalRose and Daisy, so glad to have you here. I will read up and check in again in the am. Cozy night in the nest friends, sleep well :heart:
                  "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Day 4 AF. I'm so happy it is Friday!

                    Yesterday, by the suggestion of the helpful people in this community, I made an evening plan:

                    >Drive down the gym and get in a good workout.
                    >Pick up my dog from "daycare" on the way home (my husband's mother LOL)
                    >Build a fire in the firplace.
                    >Make a huge healthy tasty salad.
                    >Make a healthy sparkling water/cucumber/lemon drink.

                    I am happy to say... that it was a success! Despite the crazy snow storm I braved my way down the hill (I live on an "alb" in Germany), had a wonderful workout at the gym, had a wonderful dinner (arugula and field greens with cherry tomatoes, home made ranch dressing and shaved Parmesan cheese), had a wonderful drink (small glass of milk with dinner then flavored sparkling water) and watched the movie "Flight". This movie was also suggested by more than a few Nesters. I have to agree with some of the comments from the Nest... this movie is powerful. The addiction, the denial, the cycles, the loss... I felt like I could so relate to this man. When he looked at the bottles of AL I could almost FEEL what he was thinking. There was one scene where the main character was gazing into a fridge full of beer, wine and liquor bottles and I have to admit I was salivating. I won't give away what happens in the movie, but I can say that I have fought many battles with hotel mini-bars. I have a consulting job where at times I am on the road weekly. I've had many a battle to stay away from the mini-bar in my hotel room and I would always lose. I have a difficult time sleeping in hotel rooms (and sleeping period) so my thinking was that if I pass out, I'm getting sleep. I'm learning now that this is not the case, passing out is the furthest thing from sleep. Anyhoo... I would encourage everyone on here to watch this movie because it is powerful and I've been thinking about it since last night. And as much as I loved gazing at those beautiful liquor bottles in the movie, I have no desire to act like the main character. Watching a blubbering, stumbling drunk from a different perspective makes me realize how much I must have embarrassed myself in the past, and I don't want to do that to myself anymore. I've actually passed out in front of friends, family, work colleagues... had whole conversations with people that I don't remember. Never again.

                    So Friday is usually my day to pick up more AL from the store but I'm not going to do it. My plan for today is:

                    >Work late (I have a meeting with my company in the USA so I must adjust to their time zone)
                    >Drive to the grocery store and pick up ONLY the ingredients required for healthy chicken and veggie lettuce wraps (cool recipe I found on Pinterest)
                    >Snuggle on the couch with my hubby and sweet pup, Brody
                    >Tonight I'm going to experiment with cucumber and mint sparkling water.

                    Have a wonderful day everyone!
                    Would you like you, if you met you?


                      Newbies Nest

                      good morning!
                      It is really early here but I am up and can't sleep. I am dealing with my own PERFECT STORM. Here is my list....need to get it out there:
                      1. Past two days have been extremely stressful with work/alcohol. A two day conference in NYC which is really just an excuse for everyone to drink on the company dime. It was important for me to go professionally because people I work with flew in from all over the country who I don't normally see. So, I commuted to the city wed. and thurs. and met these people for lunch. Much drinking....EXCEPT ME. I feel great about that. Nonetheless, it was very STRESSFUL and I have an "emotional hangover" from it.
                      2. After lunch in city yesterday, I had a meeting with my boss's boss. He didn't tell me why he wanted to meet me. There was a good chance I could have been fired (my department is not doing well) Talk about anxiety!! Got through it without losing my job. Nothing earth shattering....but he does want me to think about who I will need to FIRE at the end of March. So I guess that means I am not on the list? But, I have to be responsible for WHO will be on the list. STRESSFUL.
                      3. I have two teenagers, 13 and 15. Last night while helping my youngest son with HW, his phone was dinging. I asked who was texting him so late and he told me for past few days he has been getting his older brother's texts as well. Weird, but true. My 15 year old is smoking pot which got my Charlie so upset he was crying. He is so upset that his brother is doing drugs and is afraid for him. I had to comfort him and assure him it would be all right without showing him how upset and angry I was about what was in those texts. STRESSFUL.
                      4. 15 year old son appears to be buying large bags of pot and then weighing it out and rolling joints to sell to friends. He hides them in the boys bathroom at school and then the friends come and get them. We have kept a very open dialogue with him in past about the pot and have been walking the fine line of discipline and potential alienation. But after last night's text reading, I see that he isn't just experimenting. He is active and even worse, a drug dealer!!! I am so upset. STRESSFUL.
                      5. My husband has very strong opinions on how to handle this. Don't get me wrong, he is not verbally or physically abusive with our son, but he just has a clear idea in how to handle and my suggestions are just dismissed. I respect his judgment but as my son's mother, is it ok for my husband to figure this out and confront him or should I insist on being involved and perhaps say something wrong (I don't exactly have a stellar past in the pot area). STRESSFUL.
                      6. unable to sleep because all of this stress has created gigantic knots in my back. Lack of sleep and pain = STRESSFUL
                      7. We expecting a "historic blizzard" with wind gusts of 65mph. that means there is a very good chance we will lose power. The last time we lost power for hurricane sandy I lost the fight and drank after almost 90 days sober.....STRESSFUL

                      very emotional and teary today for the first time since this last quit. need help from the only people who can relate to what I am feeling. I don't want to drink but I am afraid of myself given the perfect storm I am in at the present moment.:upset:
                      I just won't anymore


                        Newbies Nest

                        Jenni......keeping it simple.

                        How proud and empowered YOU will feel waking up sober after a day like today.

                        Every problem you mention, and all of them together are a damned good reason to stay sober.

                        Imagine dealing with all this with a hangover ...... Ouch!

                        (BTW I totally understand the kid with pot, got one, has driven me nuts with that and unemployment ..... He is now 23 but started at 15.

                        As far as him being a dealer, that is difficult since i dont know the local laws. You and hubby need to agree how to deal with it before tackling him, your main concern is HIS use, selling it is a separate worry. I know why my son used dope, do you know why yours does?


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Guys,
                          Just checking into newbies nest to say a hello. Got back from vacation yesterday 3 weeks al free - not bad going I think considering I was so early into being sober!!! It wasn't the trial I was expecting. In fact I enjoyed it and I am looking a lot better than I did in early december that's for sure.I look forward to getting to know you all as I continue my journey into Spring.
                          Take Care,
                          Sobriety is its own reward


                            Newbies Nest

                            Kairos;1458994 wrote: Hi Guys,
                            Just checking into newbies nest to say a hello. Got back from vacation yesterday 3 weeks al free - not bad going I think considering I was so early into being sober!!! It wasn't the trial I was expecting. In fact I enjoyed it and I am looking a lot better than I did in early december that's for sure.I look forward to getting to know you all as I continue my journey into Spring.
                            Take Care,
                            Well done Kairos.... That is an awesome trigger to conquer, you should be VERY proud as many, even with substantial sober time, stumble and drink when on holiday :goodjob:


                              Newbies Nest

                              thanks for that Kuya...... you are SO RIGHT> i can't imagine dealing with all of this drunk or hungover. Then again, if I were drunk or hungover, I would not be dealing with it at all.....or blowing it. Now that you say that, I must say yesterday's meeting with the boss went well all things considered....and I remember with DETAIL everything that was said
                              I just won't anymore


                                Newbies Nest

                                and I forgot to say, your question about WHY my son smokes pot did not go unheard. I am really thinking long and hard about that one. Thank goodness I am sober for him too.
                                I just won't anymore

