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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Jennie, I'm proud of you for staying strong. You can handle a power outage. They suck, but you CAN get through it without AL.

    There are a lot of conversations here about what, if anything, to tell our kids about our drinking and when. I started drinking at 15 and here I am. Kuya's son started smoking pot at 15 and still does at 23. My thought was maybe it's time to have an open conversation with your 15 year old about the fact that you have quit AL and that you'd like him to quit wheat he's doing.

    Good luck however you handle it.
    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters!

      Awaiting this big storm....just getting rain now.

      jenni, the fact is - shit happens. It's going to keep happening too. that's life.
      We can choose to handle out lives with a clear head or we can choose to hide in a bottle.
      I have survived raising two kids, I know it's not easy. If I were in your shoes right now I would take the direct approach with your 15 yr old! Confiscate his stash & lock his ass up. If you don't do it I'm sure the police dept. will. Take his cell phone, don't give him any room to wiggle. You really do not want him to end up with a criminal record & have to face fines, court hearings & possible juvenile detention
      You are the parent - take control of the situation now, while you still can.

      No matter what's going on I wish everyone a safe & AF Friday
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Happy Friday Nesters. Well it's an exciting weekend for Hippy. A dear friend has lost her place to live so I need to see how I can help her. There are a group of friends that are going over to help her pack and another friend who opened the door and welcomed her to stay there. You never really seem to appreciate what you have til it's gone. I'm grateful for all my blessings! :l

        I have a huge pot of chicken vegetable noodle soup that I got up early to make, cooking away on the stove. I figured I'd fill the crock~pot and take it along to be able to feed the helpers some "chicken soup for their caring souls".
        Keep smiling and STAY SOBER! Don't forget to give someone a HUG today!
        Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


          Newbies Nest

          Hippyman;1459043 wrote: Happy Friday Nesters. Well it's an exciting weekend for Hippy. A dear friend has lost her place to live so I need to see how I can help her. There are a group of friends that are going over to help her pack and another friend who opened the door and welcomed her to stay there. You never really seem to appreciate what you have til it's gone. I'm grateful for all my blessings! :l

          I have a huge pot of chicken vegetable noodle soup that I got up early to make, cooking away on the stove. I figured I'd fill the crock~pot and take it along to be able to feed the helpers some "chicken soup for their caring souls".
          Keep smiling and STAY SOBER! Don't forget to give someone a HUG today!
          So sorry to read about your friends situation. She is blessed to have caring people in her life to extend helping hands and chicken noodle soup to boot. Which I might add is one of my favorite soups! I hugged my husband and my dog. :H. You have a wonderful weekend.
          "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
          ~Author Unknown
          AF since February 4, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            oooh kradle - good question! Considering some of the idiotic things people do sue for nowadays...I'm guessing probably yes.:H

            Welcome to all the new people!!!

            Lav "We can choose to handle our lives with a clear head or we can choose to hide in a bottle." So true. Thats' what this really boils down to. Any one of us could look around and start adding things up and find reasons to "justify" drinking. But usually with a shift in thinking, we can use those same "things" to justify NOT drinking.

            jennie, you definitely have a full plate right now. :l Try to look at the bigger picture....all of those situations in the longer term. If you did choose to drink to deal with the stress - it would just add even more. You wouldn't be able to deal with clearly thinking through your boss's requests - or what to do about your son's situation. Which in the long run, will only make you more stressed and feel like sh!t...And you should be pretty experienced at losing power - right? I'm sorry to make light of it, but if it's unavoidable - you kind of have to know what you're going to do, and make the best of it. Maybe it could turn into a re-connecting time for sober you and your family...sounds like you all need it.

            Happy Friday everyone....

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              Kudos to Kairos! Inspiring to think I could go on I sloshed vacation... Jennie I'm sorry you're stressed. Proud you're sober .... No helpful advice on teenage son... That's hard but like others said, get on same page w hubs if possible .... Hippyman you are kind... Have fun helping! Hi to all else.... I woke up w a headache behind my eyes like a hangover and still sleep/wake zone scared the poop out of musket that I might have gotten drunk .... Bad dream ... I was so glad it was a dream


                Newbies Nest

                Good Morning Nesters! It is absolutely beautiful in my neck of the nest this morning. The snow storm that came through the night left a picture perfect view to announce a fresh day. All of yesterday's stress and problems are buried beneath its white hillside landscape, so I'll leave them there for today and enjoy nature's wonder with a positive attitude and a smile.

                I rented 'Flight' last night. WOW! WOW! A powerful movie. The life and lies of an addict...the message is frank and clear...destruction for self and others. The very end scene brought tears to my eyes. That famous question we so often hear echoing through the chambers of this forum. Again, WOW!!!! I woke in bed with it still on my mind. Highly recommended.

                Tess, we women surely have struggled with that ever present program running in our minds throughout our lives. Don't get me wrong, I feel great being thin and in shape, but the endless messages and pressure to be perfect according to what is deemed acceptable or in vogue in our society causes many girls/women a lot of emotional distress and ushers in the absence of self acceptance and love for who we uniquely are in lieu of what societal programming has decided makes us worthy. In many marketing campaigns it is used not to promote a healthy lifestyle, but rather to sell us things by creating and exploiting insecurities. Nothing healthy about that!!! My daughter went through a period of bulimia due to those programs. Thank goodness that is over with and she is beginning to fight back and realize that being a toothpick is not what gives her worth. I myself have wrestled with the whole 'don't eat' problem a good part of my life to gain acceptance. Thank goodness for age 50...I'm finally truly finding myself and wisdom has begun to rule this temple of mine.

                Sugar, I can't say 'no sugar' lol. I handled my bad day yesterday with sugar treats and a movie. We are over the two week marker...YAY!!! The rat is losing his teeth.

                Mimi, I have severed several of those relationships on my first AF stint, but I've been going through some very trying emotional times and went back to them for some comfort. I can't say I truly regret having done that where I was at because I was that mentally broken down, but now that I've passed through the on my knees laboring to breathe phase, it's time to get tough again about staying clear of things that aren't going to be cohesive with my long term plan.

                Welcome Daisy, Tribal Rose, and Irishtea! Nice to have you here. (I hope I didn't miss any new comers.)

                Ellie, day 7 is great! You'll get to see stars backside today. LOL!!!! You've made it to the first mile marker. BRAVO!

                MS, nice planning!

                Good work, Kairos! You are nailing this AF goal.

                Ican and Jimmy, hang 4 is over half way to day 7. :goodjob:

                Morning Kuya! Getting right to it as usual. You are a great asset to the NN.

                Morning Lav, Brydie, Lolab, Pinecone, Fin, Hippyman, Overit, New Day, K9, oneredshoe, Jenn, Star and anyone else I may have missed.

                Wishes for strength to everyone today in whatever life throws at you!


                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                  Newbies Nest

                  I didn't scare poop out of a musket lol... Only myself ... Damn autocorrect


                    Newbies Nest

                    Icanwithoutacan;1458831 wrote: Day 4- irritable. Glad to see you all though! Fin, I'm scared to death of being boring or not interesting while sober! Ugh
                    I think Byrd has this one right. We're much more fun to be with sober. It's the illusion of grace and ease that we think AL brings on. However, to a sober observer, it's just the opposite. I've also started to notice that when folks around us start getting tanked, they don't even realize we are sober and then all of a sudden, we become more attractive somehow. It's weird.
                    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                    Go forward boldly and unafraid


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good morning Friends, Friday before Mardi Gras was a huge excuse to get waxed here in La. The Saturday ,The Sunday, The Monday and OMG Mardi Gras Tuesday more liquor consumed here than any other time of the year. Actually looking forward to watching a few parades, catch a few beads and actually remember all of it.

                      Daisy and Tribal: Welcome! It's a great place with great people.

                      Kairos: Vacation kills me, we have 5 weeks a year at a nice condo in FLA that will be tough
                      Awesome Job staying away from the bleach!

                      Jenni: Hang in there! Sober is so much better. I looked at drinking as my Time Burner. All it did was get me through the day and onto the next. All my problems and issues were still there Waiting, Smiling, and a little bit Bigger only thing was I felt like crap, hurting and miserable.

                      To all my friends facing the big storm, Take care be safe!
                      We get hurricanes all the time here in La. Power outages are a 100% chance for days.
                      We try and make the best of it by thinking "Hey what a great excuse to cook all THE GOOD STUFF we have in our freezer that we we're saving for a special occasion" Use the BBQ if you have to for heat. Candle light and Gourmet it works for us here.

                      I'll check in tonight everyone have a great AF Friday, later


                        Newbies Nest

                        Good Morning, gang!

                        Busy day ahead for me, but just catching up on posts from last night-
                        :welcome: The last- pull up a twig and make yourself at home- we will help you do this!
                        Tribal- We are glad you are here :l - let us be your family! We want to help you and we understand where you are coming from.
                        Daisy- Welcome Back! We are here for you. Lean on us- everything will be okay. I think you are ready now, Daisy!
                        Jimmy- good deal on learning to set boundaries. I believe all of us here have that personality that just wants to help and please everyone. It gets to be too much, sometimes and so we try (tried) to escape with the drink. We take care of everyone but ourselves, that way. Keep up the good work!
                        Kradle- Thanks for posting! Sorry you are going thru such a rough time. Stick close! We are here for you!
                        Mein and Hippy- you two sound great! Your enjoyment in your daily plans is shining thru!
                        Kairos- So proud of you for getting thru that vacy AL-FREE. That is AWESOME!
                        Ican- I hate those drinking dreams. Glad it was just a dream, hon!
                        Jennie- WOW, girl! What a load you are carrying, girl. You are doing so well. Just take it one day, one problem at a time, sweetie. You WILL get thru this - one way or another. It will be a lot easier to do it sober (just like you are doing). The alcohol is NOT the escape our AL brains believe it to be. Remember, dear- No matter what, no matter who!
                        Hi to pinecone, slay, lola, k9, tess, lav, fin and byrdie-
                        looking for our "star" of the day- Ellie's mom :H



                        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Yoohoo, Elliesmom

                          IT's time for your PRIZE!!!!!

                          Here in the newbies nest, we award a full moon to those brave and strong souls who conquer a full week of staying AL-free and I believe, my dear, that you have done that!

                          So, Ellie :moon: Here ya go!

                          Your award from the Newbies Nest for staying away from that beast AL for a full seven days! We congratulate you! Carry on!!!



                          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Sober Red Haired Boy

                            Happy Friday - I just ran through "Red Haired Boy" this AM at 100 BPM. Hit this Link:


                            Previous high water mark wad 94 BPM. Not being hung over actually speeds up the fingers!
                            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                            Go forward boldly and unafraid


                              Newbies Nest

                              :H Well THAT was a surprise --- Thanks Star!! After I quit laughing I cried - what a cool prize to give. I saw a few other posts yesterday saying something about the stars and the moon but had no clue what that meant...just thought I'd missed an inside joke. Which apparently I DID!

                              Thank you, thank you, thank you all. No way could I have done this past week without this group! To other newbies, hang in there - it gets better.

                              Much love to you all! :h


                              For supplement dosage/schedule go to:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Elliesmom, just let me say congratulations to you! I am truly so happy for you. How funny that you didn't see it coming either! You had some support here, but you did all the work under YOUR OWN steam! Much respect to you!
                                "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                                AF 11/12/11

