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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Ooh! Slugs! My Fav! You rhink they'd go with iced tea? I like the beach.

    No bum -warmer indeed. Are you getting "cheeky" with me Chicken? Anyone know how to fly in that cool V-formation?

    Have a fun weekend
    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Tranq!
      got a question for you (or anyone else who wants to lend me some wisdom)?

      When you got near the end of your 30days AF did you feel anxious about what next? I feel like another 30 seems alot easier and less scarey than Modding-even though that has been my long term goal .

      It's like I feel like I'm going to open Pandora's Box if I go back to it...apprehensive is a REALLY good word for my current state right now!

      And in reference to your be cheeky......NEVER...



        Newbies Nest

        Morning Nesters,

        Sunny & mid 70's here today! I see lots of hawks cruisin around this morning. Maybe I'll talk to them about the V formation thing although I think they're pretty much loners & don't bother
        I will only eat chocolate covered slugs...........

        Chicken, I was supremely happy when I met my 30 days, asked myself if I was ready for 1 or 2 glasses of wine and knew the answer was NO! So I have stayed AF all this time because I still don't feel I could be a happy moderator. Kind of like the smokes, have 1 and you're hooked all over again.........NO THANKS! In 7 days I will be 6 months AF - why would I want to screw it up now???????? I have way too much to lose so I'm keeping the lid on Pandora's Box!!!

        Tranq, I promise to not tug too hard on your tail feathers............really

        Well, we have a very decent weekend on board here so I think I'll head out & enjoy it!
        Have a great day everyone!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Hi gang, we've had a nice day here too so I've been out and about. Not long got in from a walk and feeling quite relaxed now. Think I'll watch some rubbish tv and go to bed early.
          Good to see everyone.
          Chicken I'm looking forward to your party - I really like elderflower presse - can I bring that, its a bit expensive but so yummy and I will share it.
          Can we play party games? I like charades and I'm sure I'd have lots of takers for throwing wet sponges at husbands - welsh or otherwise! Could you rustle up a pair/set of stocks do you think?
          Lav, tranq, sunni, and all to come, have a lovely saturday/evening.
          See you all tomorrow with your tailfeathers intact I hope


            Newbies Nest

            MOrning Tweeters!

            Funnily enough Sooty...yes I do have a set of stocks! As in the medieval variety to put naughty folks in so you can lob wet sponges at them! We had a medieval wedding and my father in law made sopme for us! We had a set of rules... THe Thirteen Thou Shalt Nots, and if any were broken that person/wedding guest was thrown in the stocks and colourful plastic balls were thrown at them! And yes,hubby started married life like that!

            It was fun!!! and on October 12th this year we will hit the 7 year mark!!!!!Wow...and I haven't killed him yet...AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
            By the way what is elderflower presse? I love charades, so that sounds great..thought we could maybe all swim a bit and maybe get Sunni to toe her boat behind her on her flight over, so we can all go for a ride!!!!
            Hey Sunni- you could toe a boat huh?Maybe that v formation would make it so you could all pull it like a trailer!!!! (Images in my mind)
            Way to go Lav..when do you hit 6 months? I shall raise a cup of green tea to you! Yes I think you're right, breaking the cycle now would be hard and VERY scarey stuff with AF! Still undecided what I shall do..but am leaning toward another 30 atleast!
            Chocolate slugs huh! Hey I know, what about chocolate coated witchety grubs? I haven't eaten them yet either? Hey Beag's, you ever had a witchety grub?

            There's a question for all the Nest..what is the strangest/most outlandish food item you have eaten? Can't say I've been all that adventurous, but have tried kanagaroo and did n't like it much. My dear Dad (an old stockman) ate snake, horse and other things while working on properties up north in the good old days!

            My hubby (the mad welshman/ex Oz navy) toured all over south east asia in his time and partook of deep fried flies/cockroaches and a few other things besides! Amazingly I still kissed him even when he told me this not long into our 'courting' days! Like I said...those Welsh are OUT there! But I must be tapped to have married him right?:H

            Anyway, enough rambling and clucking here! Got a 4yr old birthday to go to today with a Hawian theme...need to rustle up some costumes for me and the girls and wrap a present!
            Houswork before this etc urgh!
            Luv yas


              Newbies Nest

              Evening Nesters!

              Kind of quiet here today except for Chicken..........lots of clucking going on, it's music to my ears When it comes to strange foods Chicken, I'm a total chicken!!!!! My husband is a strange bird, he'll eat anything (rattlesnake, squirrels, etc.) but not me, eeewww I think of some tamer treats to bring to the party!

              Sooty, the thought of throwing wet sponges is very intriguing

              Chilly here in this end of the nest tonight - good sleeping weather!
              Have a safe night everyone.
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                Hello everybody!
                I've just scrolled through the pages & had a good chuckle - nice to see we're chucking a part-ay Chookers & one thing I really think we need is Part-ay hats! The more outlandish the better. I love parties with a theme so even a medieval one would be great - I've been a dirty wench before!
                As for the food,most bizarre I ever had was crocodile.It tasted like a cross between fish & chicken.Quite bland also. Never had a witchety though Chookers - but I reckon it has to be a case of mind over matter? Like on Survivor? Don't know if I'd be able to stomach some of those challenges though!!!
                Hey Lav congrats on the nearly 6 months.How fantastic.I bet you look & feel great.
                And yes I'm still busy with sheep (!!!) & Sunni - as a Vet,I'm often in rather delicate areas so anything to do with penises,vaginas,faeces,anuses & rectums really doesn't worry me if it'a an animal....makes my dinner time conversations rather spicy....some people get SOOOO embarassed by that sort of thing!! Or is that too much information already!???:H:H


                  Newbies Nest

                  Morning all, I'm not eating anything that crawls whether its covered in chocolate or not!
                  And partay hats will be compulsory Beags.
                  Chicken elderflower presse (should have acute accent over last "e") is pressed elderflowers turned into juice drink - elderflowers and water I suppose, its gorgeous.
                  So glad you've got the stocks - what a useful thing to have in one's home!
                  Have a good day everyone - blue sky here again! yippee
                  see you later


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hi All.

                    I'm on my way to California, so not sure when I'll be able to pop in again...

                    So glad you've got the stocks - what a useful thing to have in one's home!
                    Sounds a little kinky you two... But okay. Hey, Whatever flaps your wings!

                    Yes, Chicken, apprehensive is a very good word. Like Lav says, I think you have to be sure about which way to go. If it not for socializing, or out to dinner, etc. I'm not drinking. Period. But I was a little leery about taking the first on after gettting through 30 days af.

                    On the food question - alligator, frog legs, I love oysters (some people are grossed-out), crawfish - all it took was a trip to New Orleans here to turn me into an adventerous eater. Great, unique food in that city.

                    Take care all. Gotta fly.
                    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                      Newbies Nest

                      *chook wipes brow with wing*
                      Day 28 and just scraped in! Hubby poured me a drink this afternoon and handed it to me! Was SO tempted to take a sip...but poured it down the sink instead! I AM NOT STUFFING UP MY 30 DAYS!
                      So there AL!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Chicken put him in the stocks and hurl things at him - well done you for pouring it away!
                        You rock and cluck girl.
                        Lovely afternoon here, my little chickadee just left to go back to university so house strangely quiet.
                        Going for a walk in a min with himself and the dog - be good to get some fresh air.
                        Have a good rest of sunday everyone, will pop back later to check on you all


                          Newbies Nest

                          WTG Chicken - good for you
                          Getting those 30 AF days in becomes a real personal thing, doesn't it??????

                          Tranq, wishing you a safe trip to the left coast!!

                          Beagle, you're sounding strong, great! I can still gross out a room full of people telling tales from my Nursing days.........most people don't have a clue what the human body can do when challenged

                          Sooty, I've never heard of elderflower presse - wonder where I could find it in these parts! Sounds interesting though.

                          Wishing a great day to all Nesters, will check in later
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            i posted this on another thread I hope it is o.k. to post it here also:
                            I am on day 46 AF. When i decided to quit (again) I asked my husband to help me by getting rid of all the AL in the house. He was very nice & supportive & i thought he did this for me. Friday night he pulled out a big bottle of our fav wine from where we used to keep it and poured himself a glass right in front of me. I was shocked etc. The next day when i was calmer i asked him why he did that. He went on a macho rant about is he not allowed to have 1 glass of wine or 1 beer after 6 days of work? I said I know you do not have the problem I have with AL but I am getting mixed messages from you about me & my drinking. Then he said he doesnt care what i do or dont do (AL) that is my decision. I said well when i drank you did complain a lot about it. He was like yes because i would come home after a long week and all the AL was gone (that he said he bought) i had drank it all so it all came down to $$$$$$$$$$$$ he spent for AL, then he had none to drink. He also told me in so many words that I am not as much fun since i quit drinking we dont go anywhere. (i no longer want to go to bars or the wineries). I said well i do have a stressful job, i come home TIRED and you are working 2 jobs that might have something to do with it also but he does not see that as a reason at all. I feel him drinking our old fav wine in front of me (as well as having it where we used to keep it after I thought he got rid of it for me) was a very insensitive, rude , mean thing for him to do. I am hurt by his comments and lack of sensitivity/understanding. I fear we want different things in life this is my second marriage (his first) and without the mask of AL my depression is so much worse..In a few months i will be 50 and i really feel as if there is nothing left to look forward to in life other than getting old and dying. So i did ask him to put the wine somewhere anywhere where i dont know where it is,. It is still in the old place. I asked him if i was addicted to heroin would he leave that laying around the house where I could see it and he acted like that was a stupid statement and that is when he started his rant about him after a long week of working 2 jobs, is he not allowed 1 drink in his house etc.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Evening Nesters,

                              Chicken, Sooty hope you both had a good day/night!

                              Queen, I've missed you lately but so glad to hear you've accumulated 46 days - terrific
                              I am sorry though that you are meeting so much resistance at home. That's not even a little funny! May I suggest moving his wine or beer to somewhere you don't need to go, such as the garage? That's where my husband is keeping all his stash these days. I know it's there but at least I don't have to look at it. It would be wonderful if we could all get the support we feel we really need - but - it turns out that we can get by just fine without, if necessary. Continue to focus on you & what's good for you. I kind of get the feeling sometimes that, just maybe, my husband is jealous & a little afraid of all the changes I've made in the last 6 months. Oh well! You just continue to be good to yourself!

                              Hi to Pops & G.

                              Well, I guess this weekend is over, going to call it a day!
                              Wishing everyone a safe night in the nest.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good evening Nestlings,

                                just returned from one last weekend on the boat - and have the sun burn to prove it! Happy to read the party preps are taken care of... Hats I will do... slugs... errrrm... nooooooope!

                                Queen, I'm so very sorry to hear your hubby is less than supportive. Actually, I think they kinda 'forget'? Mine (who IS totally supportive) has also been leaving open bottles of wine in the old place - so far it hasn't bothered me too much but I will remind him anyways to get rid of them. And, as Lav said... I think many here have experienced their partners becoming a little frightened and/or insecure about the 'new' person emerging. My advice would be to wait a day or two until you feel a little calmer yourself and bring the subject up again - see if you can't get a better response. Btw... FORTY-SIX DAYS!!!! I am tremendously proud of you! Bloody well done!

                                Peepers, I'm tired - need to find a quiet twig. Will tweet at ya on the morrow! Nighty night!
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

