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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    thelaststraw;1459727 wrote: Hi everyone,
    The satrt of day 4 for me.
    Thanks to those who replied to my comments with enouraging words. Y'all already mean so much to me. I see so much of me in your comments. It's so different to know of so many who have so much in common with me. Never had that before. Thanks for your love for each other and me. I read all your posts, every word.
    I'm with you on Day 4 and beyond
    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

    Go forward boldly and unafraid


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone-haven't been able to post for a couple of weeks as laptop been away for fixing (and my current blackberry is held together with tape - bring on the July phone upgrade date!). But have been following covertly at work when I can and has all been good to see/hear. Re talk of the film "Flight", it is still in cinemas here and I had no idea of its content, so would definitely like to see that now, and someone posted about "When a man loves a woman"-oh my god, I remember watching that in my teens and crying, wondering how anyone could get like that (I was already "aware" cos my dad was in and out of AA but never thought I'd be able to relate so personally!). I also recently watched "28 Days" with Sandra Bullock - anyone seen that? Very moving if a little cheesy. Anyway, happy weekend all - I went bowling last night, I drove and whooped everyone's arses sober and felt awesome! Today, I did a powerwalk with a friend, had an eyetest, and did the grocery shopping, before my daughter came home from her dad's and we snuggled up with some treats for last week's Glee (for those in the US, we have only had 5 episodes of series 4 so we are behind).Hoping for a good sleep, but currently almost-comatosed in front of Saturday night TV......!


        Newbies Nest

        Good thing its BIG, FUZZY-COZY AND WELCOMING OF ALL!

        Happy Saturday Nesters, today is my 15th day sober…the hangover free days are a delight to wake to, and that's just the beginning of the day!

        Spent some time catching up on the posts, as yesterday was spent mostly reading threads and pensive…

        Big Hello and XOXO's to: (forgive if I've missed U ) NSugar, LolaB, Star, Pinecone, K9, Overit, Tribal, Fin, LastStraw, Byrdie, Mimi, Ellie, Irish, Lav…whew!

        Tess - Is everything ok? You are missed when you aren't here...

        MeinS. Yay for day 5…cheers to you! :goodjob: I think it's wonderful that you have your plans for the evenings and are carrying it out! Sounds healthy and rewarding for sure.

        Jenni - Hope things are evening out with your family. You've been in my thoughts. Sobriety and Parenting are not for sissies! We have more strength than we give ourselves credit for.

        Kairos - I read your blog from your start day and I am truly inspired that you maintained true to your commitment throughout your vacation. I think that may be on the biggest triggers for many and you STARTED your AF journey that way. Hat's off to you my friend.

        Kuya - I read posts of yours all over this forum and you ALWAYS have encouragement, wisdom and a realistic response ready. Clearly, you are an integral part of this forum. Thank you.

        Siren - Don't know if you'll be checking in, but I wanted you to know that you are being 'held' my friend. Please, take good care of yourself.

        Happy Hippy - You are a big bowl of chicken soup for the soul! Always ready with a smile, a kind word of encouragement. You are a constant delight!

        Ican - Glad you're sticking around in the nest, it's a safe place to be

        Jimmy - Just noticed that you are in LA, one of my fave places to visit, though for the Jazz Fest not Mardi Gras! So glad you are here with us...

        Slay - The Rat is Losing his Teeth…awesome! Happy to hear your relationship with your daughter is on the mend. My daughter (she's 25 now) is still the joy of my life.

        Lucelastic - Welcome back! Congrats on the sober arse whooping! I thought 28 Days was freakin' hilarious albeit a serious topic. Sometimes its good to chuckle through the rough spots. Sandy Bullock is such a fine actress.

        Daisy - I JUST went through (with my mom) what you are going through with your dad. ANYTIME you want to rant, vent, cry, etc…please don't hesitate to reach out.

        OneRedShoe - Woot-woot on 6 days! Feels pretty damn good, huh?

        I am coming out of a deep, dark and dense fog. Life is starting to come into focus for me. I WANT TO LIVE, FULLY. I am grateful today. This forum and you folks have helped me more than you'll ever know…Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. If you feel like you may fall, reach out here and one (or many) of us will catch you!

        All the best, to all of you...:lilheart:
        "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


          Newbies Nest

          Lucelastic07;1459862 wrote: Hi everyone-haven't been able to post for a couple of weeks as laptop been away for fixing (and my current blackberry is held together with tape - bring on the July phone upgrade date!). But have been following covertly at work when I can and has all been good to see/hear. Re talk of the film "Flight", it is still in cinemas here and I had no idea of its content, so would definitely like to see that now, and someone posted about "When a man loves a woman"-oh my god, I remember watching that in my teens and crying, wondering how anyone could get like that (I was already "aware" cos my dad was in and out of AA but never thought I'd be able to relate so personally!). I also recently watched "28 Days" with Sandra Bullock - anyone seen that? Very moving if a little cheesy. Anyway, happy weekend all - I went bowling last night, I drove and whooped everyone's arses sober and felt awesome! Today, I did a powerwalk with a friend, had an eyetest, and did the grocery shopping, before my daughter came home from her dad's and we snuggled up with some treats for last week's Glee (for those in the US, we have only had 5 episodes of series 4 so we are behind).Hoping for a good sleep, but currently almost-comatosed in front of Saturday night TV......!
          Lucelastic07- I have never seen the movie "when a man loves a woman". I will have to check this one out. I highly recommend "Flight". For me the movie was like a reality slap in the face....I saw so much of "me" in the movie that it made my heart hurt. I am so glad that someone here recommend it.....I think it was k9lover, not sure. Go see it

          To everyone else....happy day to all of you.
          "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
          ~Author Unknown
          AF since February 4, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            Hi everyone! I hope anyone in the NE of the US are safe and warm and don't need to go anywhere today. We didn't get hit too badly, but it's so cold that the snow is turning straight to ice. Not fun.

            I woke up tired, but thankfully not really hung over this morning. After posting on here I went and dumped out my drink and went to bed. This morning I went to jiu jitsu, then krav maga - so essentially 2 hours and 15 minutes of constant movement. I have been eating and drinking water ever since I got home.

            I'm about to go upstairs and watch Netflix while I make Italian Wedding soup and figure out what dinner is going to be. Thanks to everyone for thinking of me today. I am going to try to start again tomorrow. Hippy - I have been reading your wonderful thread for us newbs who stumble. Thanks so much for that. The only good thing I can say is that my recent bad days weren't nearly as bad (as far as alcohol consumption) as a typical day before finding this site.

            I watched Flight last night and the hub and I had a good chat about our situation. Flight was really good. The most compelling part for me was SPOILER ALERT: the hearing when he finally stopped lying and admitted to the depths of his drinking. It's what I can't do IRL and so for him to do it the way he did was so striking to me.
            Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


              Newbies Nest

              My, my what a successful bunch of nesters we have.

              Well done to all of you!

              And Siren.....dumping alcohol is a very powerful thing.....I have NEVER done it :H.....if it was open it was consumed.

              Slay your upcoming legal battle will be very stressful but try to remember you will come across so much better if you are, and look, sober. My ex always turned up to court hungover and LOOKED like the person he was, which went against him every time.


                Newbies Nest

                I also watched Flight this was a great movie, and I related all too well. Thanks, K9, for recommending it!!!
                It never ceases to amaze me at the power of this addiction (of any addiction I guess) is a cycle that takes work to break, but we are all living proof that it can be done! Stay the course nesters!! There's no feeling that comes out of a bottle that can compare to the self satisfaction of getting and staying sober!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hang in there no matter what and no matter who!! Byrdie
                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                Tool Box
                Newbie's Nest


                  Newbies Nest

                  Elliesmom;1459735 wrote: Good morning, all -- I went to a celebration for a colleague last night in a bar, which I didn't want to do, and woke up this morning feeling hung over. I had a headache, sore back and really sore arm. Except that it was because: (1) I went to bed so early and slept so long that I was laying down too long for my back; (2) I was sleeping so deeply that I slept on my arm wrong; (3) The headache? Well, still purging AL from my system, I think, because they've been there every morning. Because all I had last night was a club soda with cranberry juice (and fruit to make it look special). Getting over that "first" I think I can do more.

                  My 15 yo asked if we could have a garden this summer and start seeds this weekend. Looking outside at 2 feet of snow, with another foot coming tomorrow, planning a garden seems ridiculous and impossible --- and so the exact perfect thing to do!

                  Straw: You're not alone anymore. Loneliness has been the name of the game for so long. It's crazy how even when you're with the people you love and who love you most, that one dark secrets makes you feel nothing but isolation no matter who you're with. Hang in there together with me and others! :l

                  Happy beautiful Saturday, all!
                  WOW! You sound like you are totally ready for this!! Great attitude!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Oneredshoe;1459878 wrote: Lucelastic07- I have never seen the movie "when a man loves a woman". I will have to check this one out.

                    To everyone else....happy day to all of you.
                    I rented from iTunes yesterday - pretty painful to watch under the circumstances but a good movie and yet another reminder of why I am here and what I need to do. $3.99 well spent!


                      Newbies Nest

                      I agree hubs asked me, "did YOU do that?" and I had to tell him that I did.. Humbling, yet liberating. It is really a prison to be under the control of AL... B
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        Yah, I'm fine, thanks...


                          Newbies Nest

                          Caper;1459987 wrote: Yah, I'm fine, thanks...
                          What's up caper? Your mood says lonely, but you hardly ever post.

                          You wanna chat ?


                            Newbies Nest

                            Originally Posted by Tess-2
                            Wow K9 - That was some movie!! I could feel the pilot's slavery to alcohol.

                            My hubby didn't understand why the guy couldn't just quit.

                            A person has to have walked in those miserable alcoholic shoes to be able to understand the hell of alcoholism.

                            The movie reminded me of so many things about alcoholism: mostly the lies. The Lies...

                            It feels wonderful to live in honesty. And freedom. ~

                            Posted by K9
                            I felt it too. Certain scenes just made me want to cry...opening the beer to pour it down the sink...yep, did that more times than I can count.
                            I love my daughter more than alcohol

                            QUIT SMOKING: 1-14-13 - BAZINGA!

                            Happy Saturday/Sunday Everyone!!

                            K9 - Pouring alcohol down the sink. Yes, that became a ritual for me. I was a daytime drinker (sadly), and every night I was certain that I was "done with drinking" and would not need any of my stash the following day. So... I would secretly dump any remaining beer down the drain. It pained me to see the precious golden liquid going down the drain, so I would grab a swig or two during the process. Is there anything more pitiful than alcoholism!!...

                            I went to visit my parents today. I find myself being much more of an observer. It's kind of like watching a movie (that I am not enjoying). I don't say much. Well, I didn't ever say much. But I FELT a tremendous amount. Now I'm kind of numb. Well, not exactly numb. Maybe "detached" is a more descriptive term. Anyway, it's not easy to be a parent. It's one of the toughest jobs out there. The only job that is tougher, to my knowledge, is to be the child...

                            Hubby and I are going to his sister's home for dinner. It will be fun to see everyone. But, you know "bookworm me," I'd rather stay home with the new book I got today: On Looking. I once saw a cartoon about two people with my personality on a date. They are sitting back-to-back, perfectly content together, each of them reading a fab book... :H

                            Have a delightful evening All ~
                            Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                            The man pulling radishes
                            pointed the way
                            with a radish. ISSA


                              Newbies Nest

                              Tess .. That slightly out of body, detached feeling lasts a while. It is just like you are watching scenes from a movie.

                              When it goes you become TRULY present for the FIRST time. It is like the detachment caused by drinking becomes replaced by a quiet, patient, wiser self you have never known before.
                              Truly amazing.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Detachment...yes, that is the word. I was more quiet and reserved as I learned who I was now. I didn't want to go out much, not because of the prescence of AL everywhere, but because I was introspective? When that stage lifted, it was as if I was stepping into a world of color, and one of HOPE. Something I'd lacked for a long time. I felt awake for the first time in so many ways. I was/am GRATEFUL to be alive. I savor life now, and I don't plan to piss it away by drinking. Byrdie
                                All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                                Tool Box
                                Newbie's Nest

