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    Newbies Nest

    mimi911;1460320 wrote: Tess2- Namaste to you as well. I am on day 9 of a 20 day yoga challenge. I have to do 20 straight days of yoga, keep a yoga diary (they provide the book with the format done for you) and then your name is entered into a drawing for all kinds of prizes. Really fun!...

    ...Again, I eat healthy all day but at night I want chocolate. How do you get over cravings in the evening? Please give advice. For me giving into cravings in the evening weather it is food or drink is unhealthy and out of control, they go hand in hand...
    Mimi - good for you on the 20 day yoga challenge. That is an admirable commitment!!

    I just posted a poem, but first I talked about "there's gotta be a little chocolate in life too." Now I'm here reading about your struggle with chocolate and cravings. Sorry to have been insensitive. Actually I was using "chocolate" as metaphor for pleasure.

    I don't have the solution for your nighttime cravings, though I wish I did.

    My stage in recovery is: I am successful if I don't drink alcohol. That is my number one priority. For me, to take up drinking again is to die. Would one drink hurt me? Of course not. But I WOULD NOT STOP at one drink. And I'm justifiably afraid that I would never stop drinking alcohol again.

    So... for me, for right now, if I was craving chocolate or a nice steak or a banana split, and if eating any of those things would keep me from drinking alcohol, I would eat to my heart's content.

    For me, right now, I can't worry about my waistline too much. Do I want to get healthy again? Absolutely! But I want to stay sober more than anything. Every other goal pales in comparison to staying sober.

    Some day I will be in a different stage of recovery. (My best guess.) And then I may be able to say no to the banana split and NOT turn to the bottle. Until then, where's the ice cream scoop??... :blushing:
    Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

    The man pulling radishes
    pointed the way
    with a radish. ISSA


      Newbies Nest

      Evening all. My current dilemma - and not at all alcohol-related, is should I get a cleaner? My mum always managed with me and my sister but at most, she worked a few hours a week - I work 40+, plus commuting, and am a single mum - feel so middle class to employ someone to clean for me but I just don't seem to have the time, and it could be one thing alleviating some guilt of being such a bloomin' failure!!


        Newbies Nest

        The solution to chocolate cravings is protein.

        Tess .... You are right to relax about food and get solid sober time and not stress about....well, anything.

        To all nesters,
        Stress, whether mental or physical is a major trigger, so aim to keep drama at bay.

        Lolab has mentioned how she would actively court stress and drama to create an excuse to drink. I think many people do this.


          Newbies Nest

          Lucelastic07;1460429 wrote: Evening all. My current dilemma - and not at all alcohol-related, is should I get a cleaner? My mum always managed with me and my sister but at most, she worked a few hours a week - I work 40+, plus commuting, and am a single mum - feel so middle class to employ someone to clean for me but I just don't seem to have the time, and it could be one thing alleviating some guilt of being such a bloomin' failure!!
          Stop wearing your knickers over your tights! :H

          Get a cleaner!


            Newbies Nest

            Tess-2;1460423 wrote: Mimi - good for you on the 20 day yoga challenge. That is an admirable commitment!!

            I just posted a poem, but first I talked about "there's gotta be a little chocolate in life too." Now I'm here reading about your struggle with chocolate and cravings. Sorry to have been insensitive. Actually I was using "chocolate" as metaphor for pleasure.

            I don't have the solution for your nighttime cravings, though I wish I did.

            My stage in recovery is: I am successful if I don't drink alcohol. That is my number one priority. For me, to take up drinking again is to die. Would one drink hurt me? Of course not. But I WOULD NOT STOP at one drink. And I'm justifiably afraid that I would never stop drinking alcohol again.

            So... for me, for right now, if I was craving chocolate or a nice steak or a banana split, and if eating any of those things would keep me from drinking alcohol, I would eat to my heart's content.

            For me, right now, I can't worry about my waistline too much. Do I want to get healthy again? Absolutely! But I want to stay sober more than anything. Every other goal pales in comparison to staying sober.

            Some day I will be in a different stage of recovery. (My best guess.) And then I may be able to say no to the banana split and NOT turn to the bottle. Until then, where's the ice cream scoop??... :blushing:
            Please join me!! Yum, YUM!
            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
   Newbies Nest
   Tool Box
   How to get a sobriety plan


              Newbies Nest

              Well I just had a hell of a kick in the pants...I was looking for some windex under my kitchen sink, and found 4 empty gin bottles liter sized....holy crap. My husband takes out the garbage and recycling, so I hid them all over the place and would bring them to work on weekends and toss them out, but never got everything. I don't even remember where all the hiding places are, because I'd empty them at night and hide them before I went to bed and have a hard time remembering where the next morning. We have a big old house with lots of nooks and crannies. So after the kitchen sink, I remembered the screen porch, because in winter we don't use it and just store stuff out there. I found about 12 more liter size bottles and several empty boxes of wine hidden under the porch furniture, and that's all probably from just since Christmas. I can't even imagine what shape my liver is in. I can't stop thinking of it soaking in a bathtub of AL and absorbing all of that poison. I so, so, SO never want to go back to that. 10 days ago I had no hope and thought everything would be easier if I died, and now I want so badly to live.


              For supplement dosage/schedule go to:


                Newbies Nest

                And in "empty them at night", I don't mean pouring down the sink. I drank every drop.


                For supplement dosage/schedule go to:


                  Newbies Nest

                  You are doing great. It keeps getting better and better. Soon all the bottles will just be a distant memory and you'll be living a SOBER life of Freedom! Keep your eyes straight ahead on the prize. A happy, healthy sober future! :goodjob:
                  Elliesmom;1460488 wrote: Well I just had a hell of a kick in the pants...I was looking for some windex under my kitchen sink, and found 4 empty gin bottles liter sized....holy crap. My husband takes out the garbage and recycling, so I hid them all over the place and would bring them to work on weekends and toss them out, but never got everything. I don't even remember where all the hiding places are, because I'd empty them at night and hide them before I went to bed and have a hard time remembering where the next morning. We have a big old house with lots of nooks and crannies. So after the kitchen sink, I remembered the screen porch, because in winter we don't use it and just store stuff out there. I found about 12 more liter size bottles and several empty boxes of wine hidden under the porch furniture, and that's all probably from just since Christmas. I can't even imagine what shape my liver is in. I can't stop thinking of it soaking in a bathtub of AL and absorbing all of that poison. I so, so, SO never want to go back to that. 10 days ago I had no hope and thought everything would be easier if I died, and now I want so badly to live.
                  Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
         Newbies Nest
         Tool Box
         How to get a sobriety plan


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hippy's right, Elliesmom....I stashed mine in an ottoman here in my office...when my hubs was out for any length of time, I'd gather them up and take them to a nearby carwash's dumpster. One time I emptied it out, I had 37 one liter boxes in there...I bought boxes so I could crush them down more easily. I was mortified at the number of boxes there were, but even THAT didn't make me stop.
                    Our liver is an amazing healing organ...I hope mine is smiling today instead of being poisoned every single day. You are doing great....maybe in the near future you can tell this story to help someone new. If WE can do it...they can too!! It takes a dose of reality sometimes to see just what the hell we were doing to ourselves. Well done! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      THANK YOU, Byrdie and Star and all you wonderful nesters! I totally accept my full moon.
                      It was so very close yesterday, but I feel wonderful today and very optimistic about the future. Thank y'all so much again, I so appreciate all the support and kindness.

                      Elliesmom: would love to get some of your high protein high nutrient recipes, I feel like I'm hungry all the time.

                      Ican: Thank you!

                      Tess: Love the poem, I always think of how many possibilities and routes our lives could
                      Have taken. As a child I lived near a set to train tracks that divided my town, I would lie in bed at night and listen to the train whistle, when the wind was out of the north. I always wondered where it was heading and what it would be like to be on that train. I thought anywhere was better than where I was emotionally!
                      P.S. I've been tearing up some "Chunky Monkey" ))

                      Kuya: I to want to be a quite, patient and wiser person, I'll get there "one day at a time"

                      Mimi: Good luck on the yoga commitment, it's good to have things we look forward to.

                      Luce: Get the cleaner, it's one less thing on your mind, do something fun instead. I wish I had one here. I'm doing a lousy job keeping my appt in shape.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Elliesmom;1460489 wrote: And in "empty them at night", I don't mean pouring down the sink. I drank every drop.
                        Love your honesty.....humour will be your salvation.

                        One member here found bottles after eight months ...... Posted us a piccie too. Don't sweat it Ellie, I found one two weeks ago and I didn't hide them. Must have been 'tidying' :H:H


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good afternoon everyone! Sorry I have been out but as Byrdie said my Internet has been down! What a pain!
                          Just want to thank Byrdie and congratulate Jimmy on the full moon!
                          Has anyone seen one red show today? One red, you reported 6 days yesterday and I believe we may owe you a moon, dear!
                          This is your prize for kickin AL arse for a full week! We are so proud of you!!! Carry on!!!



                          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Lucelastic07;1460429 wrote: Evening all. My current dilemma - and not at all alcohol-related, is should I get a cleaner? My mum always managed with me and my sister but at most, she worked a few hours a week - I work 40+, plus commuting, and am a single mum - feel so middle class to employ someone to clean for me but I just don't seem to have the time, and it could be one thing alleviating some guilt of being such a bloomin' failure!!
                            I have had a cleaning lady for 10 years at least (not the same one the whole time). I have zero guilt about admitting that I want things to be clean but I HATE to clean and refuse to do it. I want to spend my time and energy doing things I enjoy. If you can afford it, go for it! Plus you are helping someone else earn a living, too.
                            Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Starfish1;1460506 wrote: Good afternoon everyone! Sorry I have been out but as Byrdie said my Internet has been down! What a pain!
                              Just want to thank Byrdie and congratulate Jimmy on the full moon!
                              Has anyone seen one red show today? One red, you reported 6 days yesterday and I believe we may owe you a moon, dear!
                              This is your prize for kickin AL arse for a full week! We are so proud of you!!! Carry on!!!
                              Starfish1......You are right today is my 7th consecutive day AF. I haven't been posting a ton lately as I haven't been feeling well. But I have been doing a lot of reading here. We sure have a busy nest. To all the "new nesters" a great big giant hello and a hug from me. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.
                              "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                              ~Author Unknown
                              AF since February 4, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Evening Nesters!

                                Interesting common goal many of us are seeking here...a more quiet, patient and wiser person. Were we all loud, impatient, dumba**...errr...LOL!!!! I have no comment!

                                In regards to hiding the bottles, this is not completely relevant to a drinking problem, but it is relevant to sneaking. When my daughter was in her teens, I was gone one evening, so her and her friends decided to sneak my vodka I had in the freezer. These funny amateurs replaced it with water. LOL! You all know vodka in the freezer doesn't freeze. BUSTED!!!! To boot, she still tried to deny it. REALLY? REALLY? The lengths we all go to in order to hide something we know is wrong.

                                It's raining and dreary here. I'm going back to sort some paperwork and then veg. out some more. Thank goodness I don't have the makings for a banana split here. Stop it Hipster and Tess. It looks too good on a vegetable day like today.

                                Have a pleasant day or evening in whatever part of the world you are in.


                                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

