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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Patrick;1460705 wrote: well done MS, feels good does'nt it? ,stick with it.You've done the hard part now ,day by day it gets better and easier(not easy)but easier :goodjob:
    For me the first week was the hardest but now watch out for the voices telling you "that was great ,well done ,why not treat yourself to just one drink."I started to tell myself if I could go a week without AL I might be able to drink one night a week and go the 6 days AF no problem.DO NOT LISTEN TO THESE THOUGHTS.Too many times I have read threads from people who have listened to these and have regretted it.You have won the first battle,now go on and win the war.
    Thank you for the encouragement Patrick! Yes, it does feel good. I know this sounds like a cliche, but I really do feel like a different person. I understand what you mean about not easy... I almost stumbled on Sunday. But I'm so proud of myself that I did not! Now I'm looking to my second goal... 12 days. Wish me luck!
    Would you like you, if you met you?


      Newbies Nest

      Mein Sonnenschein;1460695 wrote: Day 7! Day 7! I made it to day 7! I'm not sure how I got here, I'm shocked as hell... but I'm here. Now to just get through the day...

      The weekend was super busy and went by soooo fast... I think that is part of what kept me away from AL. I'm trying to identify my triggers because I'm not entirely sure that I know. Saturday I took a "power walk" in the deep snow of a woody trail. That is one perk of country life, plenty of outdoor activities. My dog was with me which is always a comfort. I'm an athletic person and it's been YEARS since I enjoyed my outdoor activities without a hangover. I was shocked at how well I performed and how wonderful the beauty of nature looked without the thoughts of "I'm going to puke". It was a great feeling. Knowing that I was doing something good for my body, not just working my brain and body out of an AL haze. Saturday evening was a challenge because we ate out at a restaurant, but I was good and ordered sparkling water. It was not easy because I still have those "I'm missing out" feeling by not ordering an alcoholic drink, but I hope that feeling will pass.

      Yesterday was also busy and I was weak for a bit. I battled a bout of homesickness (for the USA) and was soooo tempted to go to the liquor cabinet. But I decided to juice instead. I would suggest everyone buy a juicer! Fresh juice is so healthy and allows a person to get so many nutrients in a quick and easy way. So while I was preoccupied making a healthy juice (apples, carrots, kale, strawberries and raspberries) I got over my "woe is me I must drink" feeling and instead felt great drinking the healthy juice. This gave my idle hands something to do and my mind some time to STFU.

      Feeling good today! It is so amazing to wake up without a hangover (for 7 days straight!!!). I'm still amazed. I guess I have not experienced that feeling for quite a while. I hope to keep up the good feelings all day and into the evening. My hubs is out of town this evening and this would normally be a HUGE trigger for me to drink a ton of wine or Jack, but I'm not going to. I'm going to restock my fresh veggies and fruit and create a great juice for tomorrow morning.

      I hope everyone else had a great AF weekend! And if you did not, no worries... today is a new day. I'm so grateful and happy to be part of this community!
      Congratulations on your 7 days Mein

      Look forward to seeing you post when you get your 12 days- you can do it x


        Newbies Nest

        Hey all, just reporting in on day 3 - already feeling a bit brighter. A lot of stress right now with situation with my dad. I feel so bad about withholding information from him (doc wants to stop treatment) since Friday. My mum wanted him to have a few more days of hope.
        Went to see his GP this morning and they will do bloods, hopefully today. Once the results are back, we will have to speak to my dad. We are afraid that when he knows he is getting no further treatment, that he will give up.......feel torn between backing my mum up to keep hope alive and being honest with my dad so that he still trusts me...
        I have an appointment with my own doc to check my blood pressure today - it was really high a week and a half ago, so need to keep on top of that. Actually, this has helped reinforce the benefits of a sober life. When I am there I will ask about the Non-smoking clinic and get myself enrolled in their programme.
        Haven't had as much time to keep up on all the progress in the nest but hope to when things get a little calmer around here; hope you are all reaching your calls and stay strong - we can do it!
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Newbies Nest

          daisy45;1460719 wrote: Hey all, just reporting in on day 3 - already feeling a bit brighter. A lot of stress right now with situation with my dad. I feel so bad about withholding information from him (doc wants to stop treatment) since Friday. My mum wanted him to have a few more days of hope.
          Went to see his GP this morning and they will do bloods, hopefully today. Once the results are back, we will have to speak to my dad. We are afraid that when he knows he is getting no further treatment, that he will give up.......feel torn between backing my mum up to keep hope alive and being honest with my dad so that he still trusts me...
          I have an appointment with my own doc to check my blood pressure today - it was really high a week and a half ago, so need to keep on top of that. Actually, this has helped reinforce the benefits of a sober life. When I am there I will ask about the Non-smoking clinic and get myself enrolled in their programme.
          Haven't had as much time to keep up on all the progress in the nest but hope to when things get a little calmer around here; hope you are all reaching your calls and stay strong - we can do it!
          Hi Daisy,

          First off, well-done on 3 days
          I can identify with the situation you face concerning your Dad as we went through the same with my Mum yrs ago:l It is a devastating blow to all concerned there's no other way to put it.
          Just want to let you know im thinking of you and wishing you strength :l


            Newbies Nest

            Well done MS, as Patrick says the first week is the hardest. Now all the alcohol is out of your body.

            Daisy.... So sorry you have this terrible task with your dad, no one can take it away but :l


              Newbies Nest

              Hi Sweetpea ..... Are you well? Hope so


                Newbies Nest

                good morning!!
                I watched Flight yesterday. It was an ok movie. I thought they glamorized the goodman character too much.
                I have a confession to make. When I go to AA meetings, I lie and say my date is 1/18, not 1/28. Isn't that stupid? I don't know why I do it. Well, I do know....when I had to change my date I was ashamed that I had failed once again and didn't want anyone to know it. So now I am spending WAY too much time obsessing over it. I need to come clean. Such alcoholic behavior!! And so stupid and meaningless to everyone else but myself!
                other than that, feeling good today and I don't want to drink.
                I just won't anymore


                  Newbies Nest

                  Jenni......cut yourself some slack honey.

                  The beauty of MWO is being honest because of the anonymity ..... We can rediscover ourselves here.

                  In the greater scheme of things you are intending on a lifetime sober so WTF difference does ten days make.

                  Come clean when you feel more confidant


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    Rain on a Monday morning ~ oh well!

                    CONGRATS on your 7 AF days MS :yay:
                    It truly does make a huge difference, keep going

                    Daisy, take care of yourself right now so that you can help take care of your Dad. I know how hard this is on the whole family :l

                    Greetings to Sweet Pea, Kuya, & everyone!
                    Have a great AF Monday on & all

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning Nesters! Perhaps the overwhelming stress I have been under at work is over for the moment. Thursday I sent out for review the presentation with the figures I have been compiling. The first feedback was that it was too late to be of any use (feedback from my boss's boss). I definitely disagreed, but whatever. Saturday I got a message from the same woman that I should send the slide deck to her manager (the project sponsor), which I did. I got a message back Sunday that she loved the presentation and that it would be very useful (whew).

                      Perhaps now I can concentrate on myself for a while. I have been working quite a few extra hours since mid December. My birthday is on Saturday, so I'm thinking of taking Friday off and having a long weekend. I might even jet off to somewhere warmer where I can just relax.

                      I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
                      Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Siren136;1460828 wrote: Morning Nesters! Perhaps the overwhelming stress I have been under at work is over for the moment. Thursday I sent out for review the presentation with the figures I have been compiling. The first feedback was that it was too late to be of any use (feedback from my boss's boss). I definitely disagreed, but whatever. Saturday I got a message from the same woman that I should send the slide deck to her manager (the project sponsor), which I did. I got a message back Sunday that she loved the presentation and that it would be very useful (whew).

                        Perhaps now I can concentrate on myself for a while. I have been working quite a few extra hours since mid December. My birthday is on Saturday, so I'm thinking of taking Friday off and having a long weekend. I might even jet off to somewhere warmer where I can just relax.

                        I hope everyone has a wonderful Monday!
                        Happy Birthday. You deserve some time for you! It's a huge accomplishment to get sober and you are going great!!! :l
                        Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
               Newbies Nest
               Tool Box
               How to get a sobriety plan


                          Newbies Nest

                          ICAN, oh wow. Good job. This site helps me too.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Happy Monday Nesters! Another start of a whole new week and a busy week it will be. Tonight I have been asked to join a local living history group at their meeting and the Garden club meets this week too. Now that I'm sober I am getting more and more involved with community events. It great meeting so many new people and they really seem to like me! I really think that has a whole lot to do with me finally liking myself! This weekend I have another Frontier days at a different state park. This one is close enough to home so the doggers and I won't have to stay in a Motel. I Hope to see lots of the new friends I made at the last event there. Don't forget to smile. Life is supposed to be fun. SOBER life, for me is MEGA FUN! :H
                            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                   Newbies Nest
                   Tool Box
                   How to get a sobriety plan


                              Newbies Nest

                              So, it only takes a week for AL to be out of the body? So, after day 7, it won't be the chemical AL we are dependant on anymore, but the basic habit? I'm just wondering what to look forward to. I have read many AL articles on the subject from Mayo and Web MD and the like. What to you guys say?


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello to all

                                First of all - sorry I am jumping in and not replying to anything specific on this thread but..... I posted this on a separate thread on "Just Starting Out" but it was kindly suggested that I pop into the Newbies Nest - so here I am:

                                """I was a Member of this wonderful community back in 2007 (under a different name) and I see that many of my old friends are still here and doing great ? what a great shame for my family that I gave up my alcohol free days ? they were the best days ever ? the happiest my family and I have ever been.

                                To summarize, I am a Mum to four wonderful children ? wonderful husband ? I hold down a full time job, but I still manage to drink 1-2 bottles of wine every evening. My husband can take it or leave it ? it really doesn?t bother him ? he is just as happy with a soft drink ? I am so jealous. He doesn?t even try to discourage me from drinking now ? he just lets me get on with it. I class myself as a ?functioning alcoholic? as I am never absent from work due to alcohol and get through the days OK ? but I?m always desperate to get home so I can pop the wine whilst I start preparing the evening meal, and then I just can?t stop. My latest ploy is just to have one bottle of wine at home so I have no choice in the matter. I have seen myself not even being in the mood to drink (not often) but still something makes me uncork a bottle and of course off I go.

                                Every morning I tell myself the same thing ? not today ? but still I continue ? but today I want to try to start the alcohol free journey once again ? One day at a time, so this is Day 1 for me. I don?t have much to say at the moment but I just wanted already to sign up so I have somewhere to report to every day.

                                There is so much more to say ? so many familiar stories to tell - but that?s the basics ? and I really want to get started - I was also wondering if anyone else would be starting off today as Day 1 ? maybe we could start together as some company would be nice?

                                Thanks very much for listening,"""

                                In the meantime, I have already had some lovely encouraging posts and I think I will still continue the other thread for "One Day at a Time" just to get on my feet, and also check in on the Newbies Nest also - if that's acceptable to everyone?

                                Many thanks


                                If you don't know where you are going,
                                you'll end up someplace else.

