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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Thanks Byrdie. I was just surfing around, but didn't come up with anything specifically related to giving up alcohol. I'm intensely serious quite often lately. I don't feel it's a negative or bad experience, it just feels much deeper than it has in the previous quits. I didn't completely cave or relapse the last time/second time I drank from my original quit, so maybe that's why it seems different this time. Since August I have quite a few sober days under my belt, but I've had some binges through dealing with some serious problems. Maybe I'm really ready to change and grow up to reality. I'm just wondering how much of the way I'm feeling is really me and how much is just the current analytical mode. I appreciate the response. Oops, was that a smile and a laugh?

    Have a pleasant evening.
    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


      Newbies Nest

      Jenni --- I'm with you on the tired front .... I can't wait to get to bed every night..... I only wish i could then fall asleep. I toss and turn and have "restless leg syndrome" which makes me crazy! After a couple of hours it usually goes away. Let's hope our energy levels perk up! We have a lot of living to do!

      Slay, I've always been sort of reclusive ... guess it's part of having a shy person, so I'm not the right person to answer that ..... but look at Byrdie!
      Byrdie .... I'd love to see you in action at some of those parties ..... I bet you are a lot of fun to be around!


        Newbies Nest

        Congrats, MS and Mimi! :goodjob:

        And Welcome Snowflake and S1179. I've found this nest to be a wonderful place to be...

        Slay - I bet whatever you're going through is a good sign, if the other quits didn't work and and this is a new feeling for you. Being contemplative, reflective and seeing the forest through the tress are traits that most people admire a great deal in others. Maybe it's just freaking you out because it's been there all along, and on some level you knew that but are just letting it out?

        I'm no therapist, but I've felt all kinds of things over the past 4 days that are new to me. Like being totally GIDDY in the morning, which is really bizarre as I've never been a morning person - I think its a high from feeling the opposite of shitty like every other morning of my life for so many years. I've always been a fairly serious person who takes work very seriously, so the giddies are weird, which my boss noticed today. By afternoon the high wears off, but there's a selfish thing going on that makes me care very little about work. I still can't seem to get one dang thing done -- at work or home -- and I don't even care. Not a good personality trait for the long-term, but I'm riding it out and hoping for some of your clarity, focused ability to concentrate, and taking life a bit more seriously might rub off on me (like so I don't get fired...). We're evolving, but I think it's more of a continuous journey, not a destination. Today we're at one point on the trip, and whatever we're feeling can't be permanent because we'll continue to constantly evolve and the landscape will change. At least I think so. I hope so!

        Cheers to all for great next day,

        Day 10 (double digits...yippee!)


        For supplement dosage/schedule go to:


          Newbies Nest

          Good Evening Nesters, a long, quiet day at work. Everyone must have been Mardi Gras-ing

          Jenni: I'm so very tired too, really tired!

          Slay: I think I've been over analyzing everything all my life, but so much more lately and sober. I think we just have more time on our hands now that we aren't drinking.
          (Sober time is way longer than drunk time) and we get to think about things for a longer period of time, thats my take on it anyway.

          Elliesmom: I find that I'm super excited and eager in the AM but late afternoons I've been hitting the St Johns Wort and Valerian root pretty hard. It seems to help put me in a better mood and a state of calm that I so desperately need. (Was always high strung and wrapped too tight )

          Tess: Yes what's done is done, we learn and move on! Thank You.

          Welcome s1179: this is a wonderful place, filled with caring fantastic people! :welcome:

          Good Night everyone, sleep tight. Tomorrow will be my 1st Mardi Gras without AL in over 30 years! Wow I'm getting old, take care and thank y'all. j


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening nesters,
            You all have been very busy today & that's nice to see

            Hello & welcome Snowflake & s1179!
            I know the Tool box has already been mentioned as a great place to visit but be sure to reaf the MWO book too. You can download it right from the health store here on the site. That's where I started, it has a lot of good info for you.

            Congrats to Mimi today too - good job

            Jimmy, I have filled my sober free time with tons of reading. Learning new, exciting & useful ways to think, live & build on your spirituality is wonderful! I have also spent a huge amount of time these last 4 years with my grandkids. The oldest is 4 so I've been involved every step of the way in his development & it's the best Just keep moving forward, you'll have nothing to regret!
            We will all join you in an AF Mardi Gras!

            Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              I have discovered something.

              I am not craving alcohol. I am feeling rebelious. It is the one thing I have control over (not actual control) but something he really can't have a say in the matter.

              I know this doesn't sound right since last week I was worried for my marriage but in this alcoholic brain, it makes sense. (not really but kind of).

              And, if you are wondering if I am drinking right now because of my silly post the answer is "absolutely not". (I don't have anything in the house to drink!!!!!)

              Good night my friends, great job on another AF day.
              Day 1:4/4/2014


                Newbies Nest

                Mimi not quite sure I understand but I know that rebellious feeling right now too... Idk what that's about ...


                  Newbies Nest

                  LOL, I know what I mean in my head it just is hard to put it down on paper.
                  Day 1:4/4/2014


                    Newbies Nest

                    New and Scared!

                    Hello everyone. I am new here and pretty scared right now. I decided last night that I need to quit drinking and as of right now I am scared, anxious, angry and trying my best to not go get a glass of wine right now. Ughh, I just wish I could fall asleep!:new:


                      Newbies Nest

                      stacyluh;1461289 wrote: Hello everyone. I am new here and pretty scared right now. I decided last night that I need to quit drinking and as of right now I am scared, anxious, angry and trying my best to not go get a glass of wine right now. Ughh, I just wish I could fall asleep!:new:
                      Don't be too scared. The first few days are hard work, but everyone here has been through them and read how they feel after only a few days sober.

                      Treat yourself like you would if you had the flu. Plenty of fluids with lemon juice, some good food and rest. Sleep will be hard so rest.

                      You will get through it. I read on your thread you were drinking up to two bottles of wine daily so stopping shouldn't present a problem with withdrawals.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Oh ....go pour that wine down the have quit.

                        Get all alcohol out of the house. It is too tempting.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Stacyluh and all you newbies- Just want to say welcome. We all came to the decision that we need help. It's scary, we wonder how we're going to do it (I still wonder) but all we can do is take it one day at a time.

                          Today I'm not drinking. We are all here for you. hang in there and get ready for this crazy ride.
                          Day 1:4/4/2014


                            Newbies Nest

                            As usual great advice kuya. Glad you came over here Stacyluh. The first few days are hard.... There are a bunch of us just starting here .... Jimmyd, Mimi, elliesmom, Jenniech, ms, sorry if I left out anyone.... So hard to navigate on my phone ..... JOIN US)))) I found day 4-5 hardest for some reason ...hang tough .... Eat! Eat early and often this first week ..... Welcome. .... Oh K9, lav, Hippyman, Byrdie, kuya all have great advice and sober time so look up their posts


                              Newbies Nest

                              I did get rid of all the alcohol in my house. I am trying not to go to the store and get a bottle. As far as withdraw, I am more concerned with the mental aspects right now and not the physical.
                              As of right now my husband is the only one who knows I am quitting. My kids however did tell me I was cranky tonight


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thanks for the positive will be day 4 ....
                                Am feeling hopeful that I really can do this.....Life will be so much better....right???

