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    Newbies Nest

    Could I have a moon Byrdie? I'm on day 9 and I know it's silly but I worked really hard for my 7 days and it would mean something to me thx


      Newbies Nest

      Happy Mardi Gras to all!

      I have a few O'Douls (NA) beer iced down, a sack of crawfish to boil with my family. I am in a great mood, I hope all goes well. I haven't seen my family in 5 days (sober time is way longer than drunk time) Feels like 2 weeks. I miss them very much. 7 weeks today since I've been apart, really starting too suck. When all this is done and I'm firmly on the right path I will be able to say I did it on my own and alone with no support from my family! Feels really good in a weird sorta way!

      (Of course I would never be able to make it without you guys, I really mean that! Y'all are my true second family, I appreciate and need y'all more than ever, Thanks for being there)

      Oh well, I am still in a great mood, come hell or high water I'm going to have a wonderful day! Starting Day 9 happy, holy, healthy, honest and void of any hostilities.

      Stacy luh: Welcome stay close this is a wonderful place full of caring fantastic people.:welcome:

      S1179: Hang tough Great job keep it going its gets better.

      Hippy man: NOLA has awesome coffee houses, awesome everything. I spent quite a bit of time there (and $$$ . ) dated a girl there a hundred years ago, don't know how we didn't kill ourselves!
      Neither one of us had an off switch, there are 1000's of bars & tried to visit everyone of them.
      Some of the most Excruciating pain I can ever remember was drivin back from NOLA!
      I'm with you, Hippy man, Coffee anyone!

      Lola's, Kuya, Last straw, Lavender, Elliesmom: Sugar cravings are really strong with me too!
      I was like WTF I'm a big low carber, watch the sugar, etc. I have clipped 3 double snicker bars, 1 quart of Duffs red velvet cake ice cream and 2 pints of Chunky Monkey -again WTF!
      I NEVER eat ice cream EVER. I wasn't even aware I was doing this, that's the sad part.

      Mein: I'm taking your advice and getting a juicer. I always wanted to get one but was low carb etc. well if I cut down on the darn sweets and ice cream, I should have tons of free calories not used up by the AL. A good cold glass of fresh juice sounds wonderful!
      Thank you again, send pics if you can Really! I want to go back to Germany and Austria.

      Gotta run, I hope everyone has a wonderful, happy, safe AF Mardi Gras Day!


        Newbies Nest

        Ican!! Can you??? I am so sorry, Star is covered up in some work stuff and I am filling in (and NOT doing a very good job!).

        It is with great PRIDE that I award Icanwithoutacan the very coveted FULL MOON!!!:moon: I am soooooo happy for you! You marched in, saw the task, and DID it. There's nothing that the week can throw at you that you haven't already handled!!!

        Well done! And same question...which day was the hardest? I'm so sorry you didn't get mooned appropiately, THANK YOU for saying IS a big deal!!!
        XXOO, Byrdie
        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
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        Newbie's Nest


          Newbies Nest

          Slay, your post about being introspective was one I was going to comment on...but I got a little overwhelmed reading all the posts and forgot by the time I posted.

          I know that - like Byrdie said - I went through a (probably long) period of time of being pretty reclusive/serious....and sometimes I was trying so hard to figure out who I really was without alcohol. It was a chunk of "Me" that had been there as long as I could remember and I felt pretty strange without it. And honestly it hasn't even really been that long that I've kind of emerged from that 'phase' of being unsure of who I was...and sometimes I still am....but I was pretty surprised to pretty recently realize that I had kind of come full circle and ended up being the me that I kind of always thought I was. I went through the extremely reclusive stage...."leave me alone - I'm looking at my laptop or reading a book..." IN fact there were several of these stages. And there was a cleaning stage - and an organizing stage - and a painting stuff stage...I guess they all served to help me get to know myself better. :-)

          ican and all of those celebrating with moons - I salute you!

          I have a juicer but I much prefer a smoothie - as you're getting the fiber and stuff too....I use lots of kale in them....otherwise, I do think I have a hard time eating enough greens and veggies during the winter. I've burned out a couple blenders and am now really happy with my nutri bullet.

          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


            Newbies Nest

            lolab;1461537 wrote:

            I know that - like Byrdie said - I went through a (probably long) period of time of being pretty reclusive/serious....and sometimes I was trying so hard to figure out who I really was without alcohol. It was a chunk of "Me" that had been there as long as I could remember and I felt pretty strange without it. And honestly it hasn't even really been that long that I've kind of emerged from that 'phase' of being unsure of who I was...and sometimes I still am....but I was pretty surprised to pretty recently realize that I had kind of come full circle and ended up being the me that I kind of always thought I was. I went through the extremely reclusive stage...."leave me alone - I'm looking at my laptop or reading a book..." IN fact there were several of these stages. And there was a cleaning stage - and an organizing stage - and a painting stuff stage...I guess they all served to help me get to know myself better.
            Absolutely. And it all takes time. One of the things about giving up AL that I am still recognising/realising is that it aint over night - it aint even gonna take 30 days. Or 100 days. It's a long haul decision. It's not as if after 30 days we all suddenly go "By George, look! It's me! Look at me! Bloody hell, George, look what i've been hiding! Me!"

            It takes time. Introspection for some, simply time and a little reflection later on for others. Perhaps what we discover is less that there is a whole new "me" to be discovered, but as Lola says, perhaps we already know we are there, but it takes time to realise WHO we are - not just that we are - and WHAT we are capable of.


              Newbies Nest

              jIMMYDAMA, you can definitely enjoy juice without worrying too much about carbs. Make a juice with a veggie base (I prefer kale, romaine lettuce, cucumber and carrots) then add fruit (apple, blueberries, strawberries). I promise you won't even taste the "green" stuff and the juice will taste sweet with natural sugar. I know this is not necessarily "low carb" but it is so healthy and much better for you than drinking diet drinks, most store bought juices and of course... AL. LOL. I made a big pitcher of juice last night and had some with each meal today along with protein/dairy snacks. My motivation is to stay away from processes sugar snacks as that is what I'm totally craving right now. I'll update with more recipes as I experiment if you would like.

              Check out the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" by Joe Cross. I first discovered this on Netflix and this was part of my motivation for juicing. I'm using this in conjunction with MWO to assist me moving forward to a healthy lifestyle away from AL. I found that on a day where I drink primarily juice and eat fresh veggies and lean protein, I don't crave as much AL. Partly because I feel like I've put so much good stuff in my body, why would I screw that up? Not saying I don't CRAVE AL, but at least I have one reason in my brain not so drink it.

              I will post some pics of Germany soon. This morning was very foggy so my front yard was not so photogenic. Hopefully tomorrow will be nicer and less cold! Brr! Good luck with the juicing!
              Would you like you, if you met you?


                Newbies Nest

                jIMMYDAMA;1461530 wrote: Happy Mardi Gras to all!

                I have a few O'Douls (NA) beer iced down, a sack of crawfish to boil with my family. I am in a great mood, I hope all goes well. I haven't seen my family in 5 days (sober time is way longer than drunk time) Feels like 2 weeks. I miss them very much. 7 weeks today since I've been apart, really starting too suck. When all this is done and I'm firmly on the right path I will be able to say I did it on my own and alone with no support from my family! Feels really good in a weird sorta way!

                (Of course I would never be able to make it without you guys, I really mean that! Y'all are my true second family, I appreciate and need y'all more than ever, Thanks for being there)

                Oh well, I am still in a great mood, come hell or high water I'm going to have a wonderful day! Starting Day 9 happy, holy, healthy, honest and void of any hostilities.

                Stacy luh: Welcome stay close this is a wonderful place full of caring fantastic people.:welcome:

                S1179: Hang tough Great job keep it going its gets better.

                Hippy man: NOLA has awesome coffee houses, awesome everything. I spent quite a bit of time there (and $$$ . ) dated a girl there a hundred years ago, don't know how we didn't kill ourselves!
                Neither one of us had an off switch, there are 1000's of bars & tried to visit everyone of them.
                Some of the most Excruciating pain I can ever remember was drivin back from NOLA!
                I'm with you, Hippy man, Coffee anyone!

                Lola's, Kuya, Last straw, Lavender, Elliesmom: Sugar cravings are really strong with me too!
                I was like WTF I'm a big low carber, watch the sugar, etc. I have clipped 3 double snicker bars, 1 quart of Duffs red velvet cake ice cream and 2 pints of Chunky Monkey -again WTF!
                I NEVER eat ice cream EVER. I wasn't even aware I was doing this, that's the sad part.

                Mein: I'm taking your advice and getting a juicer. I always wanted to get one but was low carb etc. well if I cut down on the darn sweets and ice cream, I should have tons of free calories not used up by the AL. A good cold glass of fresh juice sounds wonderful!
                Thank you again, send pics if you can Really! I want to go back to Germany and Austria.

                Gotta run, I hope everyone has a wonderful, happy, safe AF Mardi Gras Day!
                Jimmy, Let's share a couple cup's and thank's for making me!
                Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
       Newbies Nest
       Tool Box
       How to get a sobriety plan


                  Newbies Nest

                  MS your juice sounds good. I also forgot to say that I really do love seeing the thought that you give to your plan.

                  RC - thanks for letting me know that I at least kind of made sense - LOL! I just calculated and today is day 506....and I might be a slow one or stubborn or both - but I am STILL giving it time. I still don't have this all figured out, and I still have WTF moments of drinking thoughts. What time has given me is the ability to deal with them rationally. :-)

                  Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                  Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                    Newbies Nest

                    lolab;1461548 wrote: MS your juice sounds good. I also forgot to say that I really do love seeing the thought that you give to your plan.

                    RC - thanks for letting me know that I at least kind of made sense - LOL! I just calculated and today is day 506....and I might be a slow one or stubborn or both - but I am STILL giving it time
                    . I still don't have this all figured out, and I still have WTF moments of drinking thoughts. What time has given me is the ability to deal with them rationally. :-)
                    This is realism in action. I think it's also very wise. I'm only 2.5 months in - you are 1.5 years. From what I have heard, those in recovery oughta give it 2 years minimum - and that's simply to reduce the relapse rate to a level that means it's way more unlikely.

                    Still, if i get to day 506, I reckon I'll still be giving it time. And still figuring it out!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Mein Sonnenschein;1461544 wrote: jIMMYDAMA, you can definitely enjoy juice without worrying too much about carbs. Make a juice with a veggie base (I prefer kale, romaine lettuce, cucumber and carrots) then add fruit (apple, blueberries, strawberries). I promise you won't even taste the "green" stuff and the juice will taste sweet with natural sugar. I know this is not necessarily "low carb" but it is so healthy and much better for you than drinking diet drinks, most store bought juices and of course... AL. LOL. I made a big pitcher of juice last night and had some with each meal today along with protein/dairy snacks. My motivation is to stay away from processes sugar snacks as that is what I'm totally craving right now. I'll update with more recipes as I experiment if you would like.

                      Check out the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" by Joe Cross. I first discovered this on Netflix and this was part of my motivation for juicing. I'm using this in conjunction with MWO to assist me moving forward to a healthy lifestyle away from AL. I found that on a day where I drink primarily juice and eat fresh veggies and lean protein, I don't crave as much AL. Partly because I feel like I've put so much good stuff in my body, why would I screw that up? Not saying I don't CRAVE AL, but at least I have one reason in my brain not so drink it.

                      I will post some pics of Germany soon. This morning was very foggy so my front yard was not so photogenic. Hopefully tomorrow will be nicer and less cold! Brr! Good luck with the juicing!
                      Many months ago I was nursed back from a nearly fatal relapse by a good friend. He made just the kind of juices that you're talking about. It took me a few weeks to come back to life but during that time I lived on that juice. It was the only thing that my body would keep down. He is in Tucson now and took his fab juicing machine with him. :upset: I may just have to invest in one myself?
                      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
             Newbies Nest
             Tool Box
             How to get a sobriety plan


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thanks, Lolab...I hear you! I think I'm talking out loud to myself. I think many of us do that here for a sounding board. I could talk to my mirror, but I think she'd give me too much sass. :new: LOL!!!

                        I just pulled up a song I attached to a little while back. I think it is fitting to the subject material. I forgot about it until I just found the lyrics while cleaning through a pile of stuff...what was that about the cleaning/organizing stage? I'm doing them all at once. I'm even contemplating the color for a kitchen wall. :wazup:

              [/video]]Alanis Morissette You Learn official Video - YouTube

                        "You Learn"

                        I recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyone
                        I recommend walking around naked in your living room
                        Swallow it down (what a jagged little pill)
                        It feels so good (swimming in your stomach)
                        Wait until the dust settles

                        You live you learn
                        You love you learn
                        You cry you learn
                        You lose you learn
                        You bleed you learn
                        You scream you learn

                        I recommend biting off more then you can chew to anyone
                        I certainly do
                        I recommend sticking your foot in your mouth at any time
                        Feel free
                        Throw it down (the caution blocks you from the wind)
                        Hold it up (to the rays)
                        You wait and see when the smoke clears

                        You live you learn
                        You love you learn
                        You cry you learn
                        You lose you learn
                        You bleed you learn
                        You scream you learn

                        Wear it out (the way a three-year-old would do)
                        Melt it down (you're gonna have to eventually anyway)
                        The fire trucks are coming up around the bend

                        You live you learn
                        You love you learn
                        You cry you learn
                        You lose you learn
                        You bleed you learn
                        You scream you learn

                        You grieve you learn
                        You choke you learn
                        You laugh you learn
                        You choose you learn
                        You pray you learn
                        You ask you learn
                        You live you learn

                        Everyone have a day of strength...We are learning.


                        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good Morning All,

                          I had decided some months ago, long before I stumbled across the MWO site, to cut my hair prior to graduation and donate it to Locks of Love. The minimum requirement is a 10" ponytail. I have 12- 14" to donate, so I'm good to go.

                          Last night I had a dream that someone grabbed my hair and cut bangs to one inch. The remainder of my hair was left long. I was upset with the bangs because I have a cowlick at my forehead that causes bangs to shoot straight out. I've haven't had bangs since the second grade.

                          Funny how such a simple act, donating one's hair, can cause such emotion.

                          My husband supports all of my charitable acts -- except for this one. I understand. It is a loss of something that he loves. He will make a fine adjustment, I expect. Many men find short hair to be gorgeous (or so I am told).

                          My daily calendar reads: Contentment is happiness that has matured.

                          I like that!!

                          Bye for Now ~
                          Tess in The Nest ~ Sober since January 1, 2013

                          The man pulling radishes
                          pointed the way
                          with a radish. ISSA


                            Newbies Nest

                            Just checking in, still around and doing FAB!

                            AF since 12/26/13

                            "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                              Newbies Nest

                              stacyluh;1461307 wrote: I did get rid of all the alcohol in my house. I am trying not to go to the store and get a bottle.
                              Welcome Stacyluh! If you read the newbies' nest posts for the last couple weeks (a good activity for getting fired up and motivated!!), you'll see several about steeling yourself for dealing with stores and advice such as not going to the stores where you routinely buy wine.

                              Anyway, I am on day 20 of being free from a wine addiction and found that for me the trick to this initial success was spending an enormous amount of time here reading and posting -- especially for the first ~ 10 days. It seemed to really help me focus and commit. I don't want to risk a relapse and so dutifully read and at a minimum, post to the newbie's nest roll call.

                              Good luck and you have come to a place to total acceptance and support. YOU CAN DO IT!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Mein Sonnenschein;1461544 wrote:
                                Check out the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead" by Joe Cross. I first discovered this on Netflix and this was part of my motivation for juicing. I'm using this in conjunction with MWO to assist me moving forward to a healthy lifestyle away from AL. I found that on a day where I drink primarily juice and eat fresh veggies and lean protein, I don't crave as much AL. Partly because I feel like I've put so much good stuff in my body, why would I screw that up? Not saying I don't CRAVE AL, but at least I have one reason in my brain not so drink it.
                                There is a great deal of evidence that ethanol and sugar metabolism are very similar -- both are carbohydrates with specific features that make them different from starch. Ethanol and the fructose part of sugar (sucrose or glucose-fructose) are handled differently by our bodies than other carbohydrates. Excess of either can be toxic, particularly to the liver. The fatty liver of alcoholism is well-recognized but of growing concern is NAFLD (nonalcoholic fatty liver disease) which is increasing in incidence and being found even in children who are obese.

                                But aside from the toxic effects, both sugar and ethanol elicit similar positive effects in the brain. So, when one is given up, consuming the other provides the familiar relief. This does not require the carb to be sugar -- any carbohydrate source is very rapidly converted to glucose in the body. So, it is not surprising that people who are giving up alcohol start craving sweets and starches. As a tool to give up alcohol, eating what you want in the early days is probably a good idea. But in the long run, breaking the positive feedback signal to the brain that comes from both is a good idea since overconsumption of both alcohol and sugar can be so detrimental and by keeping that pathway available, it is harder to get away from craving any of the things that activate it.

                                Anyway, I gave up sugar first and found that it was helpful in reducing the alcohol cravings. It was not enough for success, though, until I found MWO and had social support, also. I'm keeping the sugar as low as possible and the alcohol at ZERO as I continue on this path.

                                Another movie you might consider watching is Fat Head by Tom McNaughton: Fat Head ยป New Year, New Fat Head DVD

                                I won't go on and on here. My degrees are in nutrition and unfortunately, that was not enough to stop me from taking this destructive path so I don't want to sound like a big know-it-all here. Feel free to PM me if you are interested in other information regarding the topic. Or - search the web - a great deal of the information, both scientific reports and popular press articles, are available.

                                Here's to another AF day in the Nest!

