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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    mimi911;1461822 wrote: ?..but because I would have to confess to all of you wonderful people I decided not
    Hi Mimi and the Nest,

    I find this one of the amazing and wonderful things about this forum because this has also gotten me past some tough periods:


    At first glance, how crazy is that??? Especially in light of lies I have told others but especially myself and the sneaking and hiding and avoiding... Yet I would not consider being dishonest here! It is evidence of what social beings we are and how we need a group that accept us. And although we would not know one another if we passed on the street, I feel like I do know and care about you and I have told you things about me that I have never before admitted. Thank you for being there.

    This is a great documentary about the interconnectedness of all of us and all living things:

    The Film | I AM The Documentary | Official Site

    It will give you many non-alcohol- related but important things to think about!


      Newbies Nest

      NoSugar;1461831 wrote: Hi Mimi and the Nest,

      I find this one of the amazing and wonderful things about this forum because this has also gotten me past some tough periods:


      At first glance, how crazy is that??? Especially in light of lies I have told others but especially myself and the sneaking and hiding and avoiding... Yet I would not consider being dishonest here! It is evidence of what social beings we are and how we need a group that accept us. And although we would not know one another if we passed on the street, I feel like I do know and care about you and I have told you things about me that I have never before admitted. Thank you for being there.

      This is a great documentary about the interconnectedness of all of us and all living things:

      The Film | I AM The Documentary | Official Site

      It will give you many non-alcohol- related but important things to think about!
      This is why I think this place is as powerful, or even more powerful, than face to face meetings. The way society is structured is to create exclusivity not inclusivity, competition rather than co-operation.

      Being online means we avoid the visual cues for comparison. Race, gender, creed, socioeconomic factors are almost erased, and can be volunteered when desired. Honesty is therefore easy, and honesty engenders commitment to self and to the group.

      For those trying to avoid alcohol ( and drugs in general) the benefits are huge, including an information resource unavailable at meetings where individual egos must be satisfied.

      Plus.... You don't have to leave the house and risk passing a liquor store. :H


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Kuya, I think you might be onto something with the tattoo-on-the-forehead idea -- "Kuya's Tattoo Service: We Deliver" That could be quite a boomin' business!

        The food thing really is huge, like you and Byrdie and everyone else have said. I haven't looked at the "you might be an alcoholic if" forum yet, but there definitely must be one that says "if your first instinct when you feel hunger pains is to want a drink". That's so totally twisted when you think about it. If my daughters told me they were hungry and I suggested they fill themselves up with root beer instead of food, they'd think I was insane.

        So Kuya and Byrdie, and anyone else who has been AL free for a year or two or more, do you ever get to a point where your brains re-circuit and hunger = food again? Or is this a long-term thing?

        Also, welcome to all the new folks - every day gets a little bit better, sort of. There are still really hard moments, but this board is fantastic. Post and rely on these amazing people! :h


        For supplement dosage/schedule go to:


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening nesters. I had a really fantastic day with my wife and family. I nailed the crawfish (crayfish if not from the south . ). I had a couple of O'Douls along with the mud bugs. I was wondering if anyone thought that was a problem. I have no desire or intention to drink a real beer or anything AL for that matter. I'm loving this AF life and sober thinking.

          I would appreciate y'all's take on NA beer, they were spicy and the O'douls sure quenched my thirst, my wife had a problem with it thinking that the 1/2% AL left in the liquid is a trigger and I'm doomed. Tomorrow is day 10 and I'm moving up to the 1st floor from the lobby and carrying my luggage up by myself no porters and no one and nothing is gonna stop my progress to the penthouse suite. I'm determined and committed to seeing this to the end of the journey.

          Hippy man: great a cup of coffee Yum!

          Welcome Halo, JeffyJeff and Revi this is a wonderful place with fantastic people here:welcome:

          Ican: we are both at 9, going on 10. Wow gumbo sounds good too. Chicken and sausage or Seafood ?

          Tess: I love short hair, I'm constantly asking my wife to cut hers shorter. Donating to locks of love is admirable. You are sure to make some kid happy!

          Mein: y'all sold me, I'm gonna go get me a juicer tomorrow and recommendations

          Congrats to all the full moons and continued milestones. And as Jenni said "Thank you Parents" as well. Y'all are showing us the way to freedom. Stay the course, keep the faith,
          Good night to all.

          P.S. I have a few real good friends giving up AL for lent, perfects timing, school baseball will be over and I will have had over 7 weeks AF and sober when they crank back up at Easter


            Newbies Nest


            I have a theory that many here are alcoholic as the result of unresolved eating disorders. This is why I 'bang on' about it, this is why we are constantly telling new folk to eat.

            The social pressure to be slim means dieting starts late teens and continues at some level for life.

            Large numbers come here suffering from a life threatening disease yet foremost in their minds is 'I also want to lose weight'. Within days of quitting a drug that is ruining their lives they are going to the gym to minimise the 'damage' done by their increased appetite.

            Disturbing, but true. As a recovering sufferer I understand.

            Can you imagine someone diagnosed with cancer still being consumed with body image? Going to the gym?

            I was anorexic from 14, not badly, just 'enough' :H, then when that became too difficult I was bulaemic, not badly, just 'enough'.

            It is a proven fact that those who suffer eating disorders progress to alcoholism. It is also a fact that both anorexics and alcoholics and smokers strip zinc from their bodies and I strongly urge everyone to supplement zinc and minerals in general.

            To answer your question, after nearly six months sober, I no longer confuse hunger with a desire to drink. I don't desire alcohol at all. I am still guilty of delaying eating as somewhere in my mind being hungry is 'good'. But I now laugh at myself as I embrace this part of me.

            The biggest part of quitting was learning to eat properly again.

            This is why men here quit easier than women. Their struggle is different, although eating disorders are rising for men also.


              Newbies Nest

              Been back a week now trying to get a decent start, so day 1 again! I normally run away and hide when I start and fail but not this time. I really want it!
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                Newbies Nest

                Thank You All

                Good Morning to All in the Newbies Nest,

                I’m just checking in to register myself for the start of my Day 3 AF.

                Thank you all so very much for the warm welcome you have given me in the NN, it is very much appreciated.

                So, start of Day 3 AF for me and the most beneficial thing so far for me for days 1 and 2 has been – my children telling me through cuddle after cuddle – “THANKS FOR NOT DRINKING TONIGHT MUM” – heart wrenching.

                Thinking of you all and thanking you all so much for all the posts that I read with a hunger for more and more knowledge on this illness/disease/addiction whatever it is; I also feel very privileged to be able to come back once again to a community which is filled with people such as yourselves who have so much wisdom and love in their hearts and are prepared to take the their precious time and effort again and again to share it throughout the community, to enable us all to understand and tackle this nasty drug we are all fighting.

                Have a nice day and wishing strength to all.

                If you don't know where you are going,
                you'll end up someplace else.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Snowflake, I know how you feel. My children breathe a sigh of relief when I tell them I am not drinking - pulls at the heartstrings! Well done on day 3!
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Well done Snowflake.

                    Hang tough

                    My children are also happy to have their mum back


                      Newbies Nest

                      Happy Wednesday Nesters! :welcome: to all our new people. Stay close and get yourself a sobriety plan. Together we can heal!
                      Today is Market day at the Pier. I love the energy of the Ocean and so many people shopping to buy local goods from local people, listening to live local musicians. I guess I'm hooked on "LOCAL"! This week I'm thinking of getting some herb plants. It's too early to leave them outside but I could plant them in a window box so they can come inside on cold nights. I think fresh herbs would be a great addition to my new healthier way of cooking and would enhance my fresh juices (if I can ever decide which juice machine to purchase. Suggestions on this are welcome! Life is exciting now that I no longer HAVE TO drink!!! :l
                      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
             Newbies Nest
             Tool Box
             How to get a sobriety plan


                        Newbies Nest

                        daisy45;1461933 wrote: Been back a week now trying to get a decent start, so day 1 again! I normally run away and hide when I start and fail but not this time. I really want it!
                        :happy::yay::wings::applaud::angelgirl:You can do it. I know you can! Angels watch over. This time 4 sure!
                        Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
               Newbies Nest
               Tool Box
               How to get a sobriety plan


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning Nesters!

                          Happy Hump Day already
                          Sunny & below freezing here at the moment, rain & snow coming tonight - oh joy!

                          I have a busy day lined up for myself including a bit of work, exercise & lunch with some very good friends (old coworkers). Staying busy has been key for me - helps keep my mind out of the negativity zone

                          Jimmy, some people seem to really like AF beer, wine, etc.
                          I have avoided all that myself, concerned it might trigger the desire for the real stuff. I guess we each need to make that decision since we are all different.

                          Have a terrific AF Wednesday everyone!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thank you Hippyman - that made me smile and I can tell you I needed it.
                            I love your happy, positive posts. I have a Phillips juicer and it is great - very quick and easy to assemble after cleaning. I make fruit juices for my dad.
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning friends,

                              Hippyman, I grew sage once in a pot by my window and it did pretty well. It is a pretty cool plant, used a lot in Native American medicine. I don't use it for medicine per se, but some polenta with sage and Parmesan makes me feel pretty good!

                              Daisy, I'm glad you're still here.

                              Elliesmom, I think the more we take care of our body after quitting, the easier it will be to make good changes. Proper sleep, hydration, good nutrition and excercise are fundamental to me. Figuring that our sooner rather than later helped me out quite a bit.

                              Great to be here today. Have a great AF day friends!
                              "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                              AF 11/12/11


                                Newbies Nest

                                I also wondered about AF beer. On very special occasions, I have Becks A AF on Super Bowl Sunday when we were eating wings and ribs.....or if I am at a party....

                                However, beer was never my drink of choice. I enjoyed it but never drank it to get drunk....I always switched to wine.....if they made a decent AF wine, I would not drink it....that would be way too hard....and the AF beer is just for very special occasions
                                I just won't anymore

