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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    day 7

    Hello Everyone!

    Thanks for the welcome! Last night, nights sweats again, but way better and slept longer. Funny last night SO was out at work and I had all 4 kids to work with. Dinner, homework etc. I was defitnely on edge around the 5 to 6 o'clock mark making dinner (usually drinks time) but I got though it and felt better.

    Afterwards, I was prepping my son on his Science test and the subject was the digestive system (is it a sign?lol). I am sitting there thinking of all the damage I have done to my liver and understanding why it hurt before. I really just got pissed and had NO desire to drink.

    So SO comes home as I am putting the last one to bed and goes off on me for not doing the sheets in the dryer etc.................arrrrrgghhhh..........I need a drink. Well, I thought it through and said to myself, "are you crazy?". The drink isn't the answer it's just another problem. I then had no desire to drink, I am done.

    Got through it pretty easily and was very happy this am. SO doesn't even know I quit because I am not setting expectations. She will realize one day I am not drinking and my answer will be, ehhh just don't want to. Whatever

    Thanks for listening to the rant! lol:upset:


      Newbies Nest

      Morning to old and new nesters! Wow, this place is hopping busy lately.

      Lolab, I'm with you on the smoothie with all the fiber, etc. included in the drink. I used to juice and then make bread with the leftovers, but it's a lot of work. It's easier just to throw it all in one unit and drink it getting everything fresh and raw at once. Thanks for the recommendation on the Nutri Bullet. I've been looking at ordering the new green formulas that come in a container, but now I'm thinking I like the smoothie ideas better. I'm surprised the Kale doesn't overpower the taste as Kale is so bitter but so good for you.

      I started reading a yoga book the other day, and I've decided to give it a try. The whole body, mind, and spirit approach to wholeness and peace is just what the doctor ordered, me thinks. This book blends the different yoga approaches and seeks to bring you to a place where you are no longer escaping to AL, food or whatever you are using to fill the unmet need or stress coping mechanism. I'm hoping it is something beneficial that I will keep using in my life because I enjoy it and feel its healthy effects as whole instead of just a part.

      One step at a time, I'm working toward a healthier life of taking care of myself. I'm hoping the yoga will bring some patience to my being as well.

      I've stepped onto the second floor today...hmmm...adding one new behavior or change to my life on each floor I enter? Sounds like a good plan and a nice visual.

      Keep marching forward all and learn how to enjoy life on your terms as as we only get one shot at it.


      Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


        Newbies Nest

        lolab;1462116 wrote: Fin, great job on getting back to the practicing without AL. It's gotta be different - just can't let Mr. you know who tell you that it'd be better if you did. :-)

        Are you interested in juicing or smoothies? I have a juicer - but not a great one - so others can tell you more about that...When I turned to smoothies, I burned out a couple of blenders - just by using frozen fruit. Now, I'm having lots of success with the nutribullet. It's really powerful and does a good job. But it's LOUD! I actually put headphones on when I run it. LOL.
        Thanks, Lolab - I want to be able to grind up 2X4's...industrial strength blender. And yeah, felt great once again to have a clear head while playing last night. I just don't know how a lot of rock stars get away with being completely wasted on stage.
        Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
        Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

        Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

        Go forward boldly and unafraid


          Newbies Nest

          :welcome:Welcome Jeff. Stay close and we can heal together!
          JeffyJeff;1462118 wrote: Hello Everyone!

          Thanks for the welcome! Last night, nights sweats again, but way better and slept longer. Funny last night SO was out at work and I had all 4 kids to work with. Dinner, homework etc. I was defitnely on edge around the 5 to 6 o'clock mark making dinner (usually drinks time) but I got though it and felt better.

          Afterwards, I was prepping my son on his Science test and the subject was the digestive system (is it a sign?lol). I am sitting there thinking of all the damage I have done to my liver and understanding why it hurt before. I really just got pissed and had NO desire to drink.

          So SO comes home as I am putting the last one to bed and goes off on me for not doing the sheets in the dryer etc.................arrrrrgghhhh..........I need a drink. Well, I thought it through and said to myself, "are you crazy?". The drink isn't the answer it's just another problem. I then had no desire to drink, I am done.

          Got through it pretty easily and was very happy this am. SO doesn't even know I quit because I am not setting expectations. She will realize one day I am not drinking and my answer will be, ehhh just don't want to. Whatever

          Thanks for listening to the rant! lol:upset:
          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
 Newbies Nest
 Tool Box
 How to get a sobriety plan


            Newbies Nest

            JeffyJeff;1462118 wrote: Hello Everyone!

            Thanks for the welcome! Last night, nights sweats again, but way better and slept longer. Funny last night SO was out at work and I had all 4 kids to work with. Dinner, homework etc. I was defitnely on edge around the 5 to 6 o'clock mark making dinner (usually drinks time) but I got though it and felt better.

            Afterwards, I was prepping my son on his Science test and the subject was the digestive system (is it a sign?lol). I am sitting there thinking of all the damage I have done to my liver and understanding why it hurt before. I really just got pissed and had NO desire to drink.

            So SO comes home as I am putting the last one to bed and goes off on me for not doing the sheets in the dryer etc.................arrrrrgghhhh..........I need a drink. Well, I thought it through and said to myself, "are you crazy?". The drink isn't the answer it's just another problem. I then had no desire to drink, I am done.

            Got through it pretty easily and was very happy this am. SO doesn't even know I quit because I am not setting expectations. She will realize one day I am not drinking and my answer will be, ehhh just don't want to. Whatever

            Thanks for listening to the rant! lol:upset:
            Way to hang strong, dude. This shit ain't easy with all the little triggers in our lives but by smashing them one by one, you will become stronger and's a GREAT feeling.
            Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
            Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

            Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

            Go forward boldly and unafraid


              Newbies Nest

              JeffyJeff, first things first....
              Around here, we APPRECIATE the work that goes in to having 7 AF days! Therefore, we award major prizes! Please accept this FULL MOON :moon: on behalf of your fellow Newbie's for kicking AL's Arse for 7 days! You have successfully mastered each day that a week can throw you! Well OUR world, this is big doings!!!

              Elliesmom...yes, there will be a day when hunger means hunger...when your first thought of coping isn't 'DRINK'. I declare, it took me longer than most...Nelz (you may have seen him on other threads) was several months behind me, but he was 'getting it' quicker than I was. I tend to hold on to things and ruminate about them. For me, letting go was a hard thing to do. But the interesting thing is, that you don't realize something that isn't there...for example, you'll be getting ready for bed and think...dang..I got thru this whole evening and didn't think about drinking at all. THIS is the big win. It took me a couple months to reach that point, but again...I am a SLOW learner (or hardheaded, take your pick).

              Jimmy, I have seen many people drink the AF stuff and they are fine. Here's how twisted my thinking was/is. I bought a bottle of AF wine...poured it...and wanted to chug it???? Dam! Then I realized it tasted like syrup, looked at the credentials and it was loaded with calories. It wasn't worth it. Moral of the story...I was only after the buzz... taste, calories didn't matter then, but then when the AL wasn't there, I was concerned??? I was chasing the buzz, not the taste. I remind myself of that sometimes when I see people out drinking a glass of wine. That's fine for them. I cannot do that. I am not a normal drinker. I will not become a normal drinker... that ship has sailed. I already drank my share and there is no more for me. That's JUST fine. This takes some time....but we have time, right? We just extended our lifespans by many, many years!!!

              Notice I'm not participating in the juicing conversation...I went the other route: Cookies.

              What can I say?:huh: (that's what we did back then) Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Byrdlady;1462135 wrote: JeffyJeff, first things first....
                Around here, we APPRECIATE the work that goes in to having 7 AF days! Therefore, we award major prizes! Please accept this FULL MOON :moon: on behalf of your fellow Newbie's for kicking AL's Arse for 7 days! You have successfully mastered each day that a week can throw you! Well OUR world, this is big doings!!!

                Elliesmom...yes, there will be a day when hunger means hunger...when your first thought of coping isn't 'DRINK'. I declare, it took me longer than most...Nelz (you may have seen him on other threads) was several months behind me, but he was 'getting it' quicker than I was. I tend to hold on to things and ruminate about them. For me, letting go was a hard thing to do. But the interesting thing is, that you don't realize something that isn't there...for example, you'll be getting ready for bed and think...dang..I got thru this whole evening and didn't think about drinking at all. THIS is the big win. It took me a couple months to reach that point, but again...I am a SLOW learner (or hardheaded, take your pick).

                Jimmy, I have seen many people drink the AF stuff and they are fine. Here's how twisted my thinking was/is. I bought a bottle of AF wine...poured it...and wanted to chug it???? Dam! Then I realized it tasted like syrup, looked at the credentials and it was loaded with calories. It wasn't worth it. Moral of the story...I was only after the buzz... taste, calories didn't matter then, but then when the AL wasn't there, I was concerned??? I was chasing the buzz, not the taste. I remind myself of that sometimes when I see people out drinking a glass of wine. That's fine for them. I cannot do that. I am not a normal drinker. I will not become a normal drinker... that ship has sailed. I already drank my share and there is no more for me. That's JUST fine. This takes some time....but we have time, right? We just extended our lifespans by many, many years!!!

                Notice I'm not participating in the juicing conversation...I went the other route: Cookies.

                What can I say?:huh: (that's what we did back then) Byrdie
                Thank you. Also your second comment sums it up for me exactley. I will never be a guy thats want one glass of wine or one scotch. I don't drink that way anymore, never will. Therefore I accept that and don't drink to start. Just can't, I know the deal if I think it through.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Well I was not going to post just read but you all inspire me! Love y'all!!!!!

                  Jeffyjeff- I find drinking AT someone is a big trigger for me and I just have to sit with the frustration of others sometimes and ride out the urge. I'm NEVER hurting them or solving a problem by drinking....just screwing myself over.... Good job on your resisting that urge after the sheets incident.

                  Hippy and Fin- if you look on Reboot with Joe on google there is a great tutorial on selection of juicers, etc. I ordered the Breville Plus and love it... You can do whole fruits etc and its fast....

                  Snowflake good job checking in

                  Lola's- I have trouble keeping up with posts too,

                  Jennie or last straw can't see who posted but smoothie sounds delicious

                  Jimmy- I can't imagine crawfish w/o beer so maybe af is option .... But beer my drink of choice so hmmmm.... Probably only try on very special occasions myself

                  Gosh so many new friends ... Signing out Day 10!!!! What? Double digits,

                  Oh, what's 2nd floor.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Day 5...

                    Feeling very anxious 2day...but have had a stressful day so suppose that's normal...

                    Love reading all your stories on here....Very inspirational and keep me feeling positive...
                    Here's to day 6 tommorow :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      s1179;1462147 wrote: Day 5...

                      Feeling very anxious 2day...but have had a stressful day so suppose that's normal...

                      Love reading all your stories on here....Very inspirational and keep me feeling positive...
                      Here's to day 6 tommorow :thumbs:
                      Try to find things to keep yourself busy that also make you feel good. I had a basket with my favorite movies, music, book, candy etc. and I went and got something to make me feel good everytime I felt anxious! :goodjob:
                      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
             Newbies Nest
             Tool Box
             How to get a sobriety plan


                        Newbies Nest

                        Fin;1462111 wrote: Mornin' folks,

                        I couldn't handle the AF beer as beer was absolutely my thing -- strong India Pale Ales. The AF stuff still has AL in 2% or something and that was enough for me to start chasing the buzz again. So lame.

                        Now I'm compelled to get into juicing. That I could handle. Are there industrial strength blenders out there that you guys particularly like?

                        Be good today and welcome newbies and not so new newbies giving it another go.
                        H Fin:

                        I juice all the time. If you have NETFLIX, then you must see Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead- Joe's journey to health thru travel and Juicing. Joe is the guy ICan suggested you google because after he made that Documentary, he developed a web site there was SO much interest in the benefits of juicing. :l

                        PS : I am also looking into the Vitamix blender as it is super powerful and you can use less fruits and Veggies (saves $) and you get more fiber.... But it runs 300-400 dollars... Costco demos them in the store every couple of months.
                        Good luck
                        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
               tool box
               newbie nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Icanwithoutacan;1462145 wrote: Well I was not going to post just read but you all inspire me! Love y'all!!!!!

                          Jeffyjeff- I find drinking AT someone is a big trigger for me and I just have to sit with the frustration of others sometimes and ride out the urge. I'm NEVER hurting them or solving a problem by drinking....just screwing myself over.... Good job on your resisting that urge after the sheets incident.

                          Hippy and Fin- if you look on Reboot with Joe on google there is a great tutorial on selection of juicers, etc. I ordered the Breville Plus and love it... You can do whole fruits etc and its fast....

                          Snowflake good job checking in

                          Lola's- I have trouble keeping up with posts too,

                          Jennie or last straw can't see who posted but smoothie sounds delicious

                          Jimmy- I can't imagine crawfish w/o beer so maybe af is option .... But beer my drink of choice so hmmmm.... Probably only try on very special occasions myself

                          Gosh so many new friends ... Signing out Day 10!!!! What? Double digits,

                          Oh, what's 2nd floor.
                          Cool! Thanks for the recommendations. And Kradle, I have seen that documentary - Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. Next, get me a juicer.

                          The floors concept was my idea -- I think. I'm on my way to the penthouse on the 10th floor -- that's 100 days AF. I'm almost to the first floor after hanging around in the lobby the first week trying to decide if I was truly committed. Silly, I know...but like the Roll Call, it provides a sense of pride and value that makes me think twice about destroying what I've built.
                          Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                          Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                          Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                          Go forward boldly and unafraid


                            Newbies Nest

                            Good morning all, just have a minute to post. Really getting busy here in the nest, welcome to all our new nesters and thank you all of our seasoned veterans. I am so happy and fortunate to have landed here.

                            Fin: I want to grind 2x4's I love it , I haven't laughed so hard in a while, I busted out loud at my office and my staff was looking at me like, okay what's so funny. 2x4's totally awesome!

                            As I am understanding things, when you get to 10 days = 1st floor, 20 days = 2nd floor
                            Please correct me if I have this wrong, (On the 1st floor today)

                            Take care everyone ill check in tonite, later


                              Newbies Nest

                              The Penthouse - Meet Me Here in 100 Days

                              Patrick, Happy Hippy, Byrd, Lola, K9 are already here enjoying the view. See y'all soon enough

                              Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                              Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                              Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                              Go forward boldly and unafraid


                                Newbies Nest

                                I just adore a penthouse view..... Green acres lol ....

