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    Newbies Nest

    Day 3 - The River of toxic sludge!

    Well I don't work on an oil rig, so why I'am I covered in toxic oil sludge??!! For some reason during every detox my sweat is rather thick and very oily! Also smells putrid! I usually need to just throw away the clothes I was wear during this period! Seems to have mostly stopped today. (I owe that to the fact I carry very good liver cleansers with me at all times) However I still feel very weak and without energy, a bit shaky! But I holding down good food and should sleep good tonight. Maybe 7 more days and my mind will be alert and my body to about 80% full strength! But it's a exhausting process that drains you physical mental and spiritual energy! In fact I was just thinking! I have been around the world and (partied) in the (main party places) but the #1 thing I remember from all these places is not party,culture or people, but the horrifying detox I went through afterword! Often in a place where I did not have easy access to the supplements, and tried to think of anything to help. Usually at night my phone would ring with some person I had met at some local party saying "hey remember me? We were at ____ together, that was wild!, tonight were at______club! Come join us!!" But NO I don't remember them! I don't remember the club or party or people! But I vividly recall the detox!


      Newbies Nest


      Keep going bro, your doing great. What liver cleanser's do you use?

      Thanks Fin as well for the encouraging words!


        Newbies Nest

        Super Liver Cleanser!

        Thanks Jeff! The best liver cleanser in the world is ornithine aspartate, buy anything that contains this! I think you will need to order it online from overseas. (Depending on where you live) ! It is miraculous and heals faster than anything! Believe me, I have tested them ALL! **But don't let it think your superman! Your body will still need to detox! But this is the best help!


          Newbies Nest


          Lola...I threw some kale in the freezer a half hour before making my smoothie and it was frozen. It worked as it broke down very easily like crumbling crackers, so no chewy pieces this time. I ground down some flax and pumpkin sees and added them to it today. Thanks for the tip.

          I did my yoga for the third day today. I LOVE IT!!! I have to tell you, this is the best exercise I have ever tried in so many ways. I feel good after that and my smoothie. I don't even have my sugar cravings...the junk sounds awful to me right now. I think I've found something that works well for slay as the yoga isn't only for the body but the mind, too.

          Good job guys. We all have it in us to succeed and your life is a gift that deserves to be lived with joy and peace of mind. Hang tough...we can all claim victory. We often have to battle for things that are worthwhile, but conquering is such a great feeling. Don't miss out!:l


          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Newbies Nest

            Slay, I'm so happy to hear you are getting the pleasure out of yoga that I do. I've just gotten back into my routine of doing it and now my daughter needs me to babysit for her for the next month and a half when she returns to work. ( the daycare she had set up for those days was a disaster....she did a trial run there last week, so I've decided to take him myself until the other daycare person can take him those days). I will have to find a program that I can do on my own at home in the meantime.

            There are so many different types, that there is a style that is suited to
            may take a bit of self education to find the right fit.


              Newbies Nest

              for a number of reasons, I am full of anxiety and my head is too full to concentrate on anything.....too stressed out....waiting for husband to come home so we can leave for the weekend. he drives me crazy keeping me waiting all the time.
              I just won't anymore


                Newbies Nest

                jenniech;1463499 wrote: for a number of reasons, I am full of anxiety and my head is too full to concentrate on anything.....too stressed out....waiting for husband to come home so we can leave for the weekend. he drives me crazy keeping me waiting all the time.
                HI, Jenni
                Yesterday I encouraged you to be strong with your drinking friends this weekend and now at the last minute, my sister in law and brother in law are coming to town tomorrow -- she and I are big time wine-buddies -- so I am going to have a challenge, too.
                Maybe we'll both be on here chattering this weekend and getting support!
                Anyway, I've been stressed since I found out she was coming and feel like drinking right now and just GETTING IT OVER WITH! This is the worst mental craving I've had since I began this AF path.
                I'm trying to take my own advice (and that of so many others here!) and think about how happy and proud both of us will be WHEN we accomplish these looming challenges.
                Good luck, Jenni. I will be thinking of you and it will help me not drink.


                  Newbies Nest

                  DimensionDrifter;1463295 wrote: Stay strong Jeff! Hang with your kids not the papas for now.. when your stronger, I think u could maybe sit with them and just laugh at the stupid jokes and not drink. The weird thing is with me.. When I'm in total detox and feel like sh*t! (That's when i don't want to drink) in fact it disgust me! But after a month or so.. eating right and working out etc.. I start to hear the call.. Yeah, lets go party! So you see Im most weak when I'm strong, which is ironic indeed! I will need the most support in about 30 days, when I feel like I can run like a deer but don't know where to run to!
                  What a lovely way to put the flat feeling many encounter when they hit a decent period of sobriety ...... They feel like they can run like a deer, but don't know where to run to......some run back to the bottle cos its familiar.

                  We will be here for you DD to steady you when the time comes

                  Congrats to $1179 on your week


                    Newbies Nest

                    jenni and NoSugar...You got this!!! All these reasons are just excuses coming to mind..guess who's putting them there? Addiction Head (Dick Head)...he is making you think that being with friends is a reason to drink. These things are going to happen and you will have to get thru them eventually...why not make it THIS time? Both of you have all the tools you need, just put them to practice. Try not to stress...try and enjoy your time. Drinking causes the stress...not being sober! Take the choice OFF the table and you will have peace! I promise!
                    NO drink tastes better than being sober feels! Dig your heels in and say NO, HELL NO, AL is not going to take ONE MORE DAY of my life!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      hiya!!! Jennie - don't let your own self set you up sound a little like me, where I have my mind set on being annoyed and then look for things to support that. Remember your goal for the weekend. Did you envision yourself making it through AF? How were you going to do that?

                      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                        Newbies Nest

                        :h Byrdie

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          kuya;1463515 wrote: What a lovely way to put the flat feeling many encounter when they hit a decent period of sobriety ...... They feel like they can run like a deer, but don't know where to run to......some run back to the bottle cos its familiar.

                          We will be here for you DD to steady you when the time comes

                          Congrats to $1179 on your week
                          Thanks allot Kuya! When I feel the call of the wild again I will be posting often! Because the truth is When I'm strong is when I'm the most weak! I think it's that way for many even if they don't admit it! It's easy for me to listen when I'm weak, it's easy for me to care when I'm weak, it's easy for me to stop when I'm weak! But when your strong! Hey then you can fight those demons! No worries! haha! It's when you should be the MOST worried! I have proven that again and again! I will not drink for 30 days EASY! After that it gets HARD!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Love you, Lola B!!!
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Dimension, that is an awesome post. It's so true that often the most insightful words come from within the trenches.... After being AF for a time, we can make ourselves remember how it was, (and I do on a REGULAR basis ) but sometimes for something to hit home, it has to come from someone who is really there, too. The newbies nest is awesome and I love the role I play in it occasionally, but the true magic of it is from the camaraderie of those who are experiencing it firsthand. So please keep sharing your experiences in detail....and believe that it might be helping someone out in internet space....while in reality, it's probably helping YOU the most.

                              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                                Newbies Nest

                                Thanks for the pep-talk Byrd. I am feeling ok for tonight and am psyching up for tomorrow. As a start I will edit my own words:

                                NoSugar;1463510 wrote:
                                ... my sister in law and brother in law are coming to town tomorrow -- she and I WERE big time wine-buddies -- so I am going to MEET a challenge, too.
                                I WILL BE on here this weekend getting support!
                                Anyway, I've been stressed since I found out she was coming and feel like drinking right now BUT I'M NOT GOING TO.
                                It is amazing how powerful a message directed to an individual (me!) can be and writing plans / goals makes them seem possible.
                                Thanks again.

