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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Way to go Jenni glad you had a good time.


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters!

      Cloudy & chilly ~ typical February day I suppose

      MS, I'm glad you stopped right away, the power of a bottle of AL is incredible! There will be the time when you can look at it & feel indifferent. You have learned a lesson now just move forward.

      Jenni, glad your evening worked out in a positive way for you
      I know all about husbands causing extreme angst/anxiety - I could write a book!

      s1179, hope you are feeling better today as well

      Wishing everyone a great AF Saturday!
      I will be watching three grandkids today so I will be the busy granny. The oldest is 4, the next will be turning 2 on the 26th of this month & the third will be turning 2 in April. That's a lot of busy :H

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Morning Nesters!

        S1179...mood swings are normal as your brain chemistry is not sure which way is up right now. You've taken away a drug that it's adapted to, so now it has to readapt and you will feel the emotional ups and downs as a result. Try to think this is normal and WILL PASS. Yes, it feels awful, but it doesn't last. It's just like anything you have to make it through until it is over. :l

        MS...sometimes we need to learn another lesson before we are truly ready. Maybe you needed to learn another one so you'll be stronger and really ready to make it through to the other side. I started in August and was on my way to 60 days when I thought I have this under control. I can celebrate a late bd celebration with two. Well, that started my downfall. I jumped back on the wagon, but I had other issues that I started dealing with that completely broke me down mentally to my knees and I resorted to some nights out binging to try and not completely lose it. This time, I have and am dealing with my issue/issues and ready to do so. This quit feels different. Yes, I've had triggers and urges, but I've already done some test runs and found out I'm not a moderator and I really don't want that kind of life. So, go ahead a feel a bit of anger, then learn from it and use it for your future success. Every stumble is a learning experience. Ready, set, one...

        Kuya..."and then there were three" LOL!!!!

        Jenn...good job!!! There are two ways you can look at it. Our perspectives are colored by our own insecurities and sensitivities. One way is to see the girls not drinking in a defensive role because you are afraid of what they are thinking about you. The other is a positive way of thinking, 'wow, it's nice they would do this for me'. It's supportive and the girls were willing to not partake for you. You got a gift, you just couldn't see it from the defensive posture. I would have felt honored and thanked them for being supportive. You can tell them that you want to embark on a healthier lifestyle and that alcohol is not agreeing with you anymore and appreciate there consideration. Just some food for thought. Doesn't it feel great to get past that urge? Maybe the powers that be were giving you some leeway.

        Lav...I'll be your coauthor. No doubt about that...I'm sure we could corner the market together on that subject.

        Well wishes for peace and strength today. Slay those fears; Slay those urges. Tomorrow you will be so happy you did! Tomorrow doesn't get better until we make it better.:l:h



        P.S. - Today's encouragement thread post is about choosing the positive way of thinking.
        Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


          Newbies Nest

          Morning Nesters! I hope everyone had a nice evening. I'm waking up slowly this morning. I'll check in later when I've had some breakfast. Have a good day!
          Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


            Newbies Nest

            I completed reading the "You know .....if" posts. It was a few well spent hours, thanks for the bump-up when I joined MWO.


              Newbies Nest

              Thanks Slay......Feelin a bit more positive now


                Newbies Nest

                Great job, Jenni! Stick with it and remember how we want to feel on Monday!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  jenniech;1463759 wrote: hey No sugar!!!
                  hope you are hanging tough!!
                  I am thinking about you
                  Thank you!! I found this after I wrote a quick note congratulating you for last night's awesome accomplishment. (Sometimes these threads are like talking on a cell phone or Skype with those weird gaps!). Anyway, we can DO THIS!!!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Mein Sonnenschein;1463741 wrote: Well, I should be day 12, but instead I'm back at one. Last night I found a bottle of port that I had forgotten about. So I opened it and took a drink. Then another. Then realized what I was doing and poured the rest out. Tears, shame, guilt, worthlessness... That is how I'm feeling today. How could I have destroyed 11 days of hard work for a momentary buzz? Sometimes you just hate the thing you learn about yourself. So I'm back at day 1. I'm not giving up. Just so disappointed that I let myself down. I'm so sad today. Took my dog for a walk and just cried the entire time I was in the woods. Guess my addiction is worse than even I thought. I hate it, I hate it so much! Why can't I just be normal??? I'm off to the gym to sweat some of these feelings away. So day 1 and counting...

                    MS, I think you are heading to Florida in the next day or so, right? How about make a plan not to drink in this new environment (have fun, say Hi to Mickey Mouse, get a suntan, and all that!!). Then, when you get home (where you have already found and tossed out all of your 'stashes'), you will have a good running start on your count of days AF.

                    I hope you will be able to keep posting during your trip.

                    Hang in there and know you have friends. Love, NS

                    P.S. Losing 11 days does sound awful right now when we are down here at rather low numbers but think what a small percentage that is of what will be our AF free days when we meet our goals!! Like some of the nest minders, our counts will be in the hundreds!!! (Actually, I am looking forward to the time when a day isn't a big deal and the exact number doesn't even matter anymore --- AF will be just my way of life!).


                      Newbies Nest

                      Byrdlady;1463571 wrote: DD, it's called Euphoric Recall...there's a great post around here somewhere about it...until I can lay my hands on it...
                      We just are remembering the laughter and great times we had while sitting around sipping a few drinks with our friends. Maybe a sunset, or a really cold ____ after a job well done. What we don't remember is the hell it put us thru in our relationships, jobs and self. It destroyed our hopes, self esteem, our drive. When I think how nice it'd be to have a glass of wine...I quickly jerk myself back into reality....that's not how I drank...I drank in desperate gulps from a hidden bottle in my closet. I drank like an addict...not like I am remembering so fondly. I haven't been THAT kind of joyful drinker in decades, and I am only fooling myself to remember it that's a bitch, but it is what it is...and ONE glass ain't gonna do me any good.
                      You are doing great, and you will continue to! You have a secret weapon now....US! Byrdie
                      Thanks Byrdie! I agree with your post 100%! And in about 30 days I will need you to beat me over the head with (EUPHORIC RECALL REALITY)!!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Morning Nesters! MS, boy do I know how you feel....I had 12 days TWICE! Third time was the charm. Perhaps this will be the story YOU tell in several months to the newbies then!! My lesson, and prolly yours, too....GET ALL THE AL OUT OF THE HOUSE! Be like The EX-OR-CIST of AL....Otherwise, a bottle will sprout heads and begin to speak in tongue...a language only WE can hear....yes, Dick Head! His 'come hither' words are soooo soothing and luring. It's a trick...and it's not funny. Dam him! I learned from my mistakes and was better for it, so back up you go! Here's the butt velcro!!!

                        Remember when you get a craving....EAT!!!!!!!!!!! Eat until you are FULL! Don't hold back on the food just like you wouldn't hold back if it were the booze! You have a hall pass on this one....EAT!

                        Everyone is doing great....we didn't get here overnight, and it takes a bit to fix...but we have the time (cause we just added years to our lives!!) Have a great Sattidy (as we say in The South) Byrdie
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          DAY 4 - Heart to the Races!

                          Well another day another litter of toxins gone! Last night started off bad with heart racing. And when the heart is racing forget about sleep! Nothing helped for hours.. However very late in the night things calmed down and I did get maybe 4 hours of REM! Sweet REM! been dreaming of your love! Now I hope to get 6 to 8 hours of REM tonight! After that I'm well on the way to becoming a (FUNCTIONING) human again! Days of Waste! What a Waste!


                            Newbies Nest

                            DD, HOT DAM! I'm so happy for you!!! Glorious SLEEP! This is the last time you will have to do this! You got us now!!! Hang close! B
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Byrdlady;1463834 wrote: Morning Nesters! MS, boy do I know how you feel....I had 12 days TWICE! Third time was the charm. Perhaps this will be the story YOU tell in several months to the newbies then!! My lesson, and prolly yours, too....GET ALL THE AL OUT OF THE HOUSE! Be like The EX-OR-CIST of AL....Otherwise, a bottle will sprout heads and begin to speak in tongue...a language only WE can hear....yes, Dick Head! His 'come hither' words are soooo soothing and luring. It's a trick...and it's not funny. Dam him! I learned from my mistakes and was better for it, so back up you go! Here's the butt velcro!!!

                              Remember when you get a craving....EAT!!!!!!!!!!! Eat until you are FULL! Don't hold back on the food just like you wouldn't hold back if it were the booze! You have a hall pass on this one....EAT!

                              Everyone is doing great....we didn't get here overnight, and it takes a bit to fix...but we have the time (cause we just added years to our lives!!) Have a great Sattidy (as we say in The South) Byrdie
                              Well put!
                              "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                              ~Author Unknown
                              AF since February 4, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Totally Drained and Listless!

                                The body is pushed to it's limits in detox! It is literally more work than a 3 day shift in a coal mine!! Now totally drained and listless!! Now comes the part for Hydro super packing excellent food, vitamins and minerals into all your depleted exhausted cells! Which takes a VERY long time to do.. DESTROY/REBUILD! There is actually about 50 to 75 Trillion cells in the average human body, and they are constantly being destroyed and huge amounts of energy going into rebuilding new ones! So Imagine the herculean feat your ravaged body is undertaking! It's like you decided to build your own space program without any help from anyone! Good Luck with that!

