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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Checking in

    Hi everyone! Been a while since I've checked in. Today marks two weeks sober. It also marks something else very special for me - my first 100% alcohol-free vacation!

    I've been traveling through sunny Southern California for over a week now, and can you believe that I have not had one drop of alcohol?? I mean, usually my vacations are spent drinking, planning my next bar, being hungover, thinking about drinking, etc. Every waking minute revolves around my next drink.....

    But this vacation is different. I wake up feeling refreshed. I remember every detail of every day. I can spend money on events and shopping without feeling guilty because of all the money I'm spending on bar tabs. I can drive when and wherever I want. The guilt/shame/remorse brothers are trying to catch up with me, but I'm always one step ahead. They are so disappointed that I won't let them tag along with me and see all the gorgeous sites!

    I am free!!!!

    I am so sick of how society makes you think drinking is so glamorous and romantic. It's NOT!! It's a waste of money and time. It's a way to get fat. It's a way to destroy your life!

    Hoping everyone has a sober weekend, and remember, alcohol is not worth it!!


      Newbies Nest

      New Day, on behalf of the Newbie's Nest please accept this Full Moon award!! :moon:
      This is for kicking @$$ for 7 full days and nights. Big doings in our neck of the woods! Well done!! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Thanks Byrdie and everyone in the Nest and elsewhere on MWO. This site has been wonderful. sound so great! Glad you are having a terrific vacation....AF is making it even better. I'm looking forward to doing the same in April

        It's snowing like crazy here and for a very rare couple of hours, I have the house to myself...peace and quiet reigns and instead of going out, I decided to skip the gym and just enjoy the solitude! ....not going to last long....oops, here comes the first one back!


          Newbies Nest

          Jenni!!!!! Way to go .... I agree w other poster that you have amazing friends who are supporting you ....
          MS idk what it was about day 12 but I was so close to slipping ... Just get back up and start again cl it 11/12 if you have to!
          Byrdie n kuya as always great advice


            Newbies Nest

            Any one else on day 1 today 2/16?

            I guess maybe I should post here? I put this in a new thread this morning...

            Today is a new day one for me. I was here in 2007, did Topamax and the MWO supps, managed to moderate quite well for about a year. Slipped back into AL. Tried again with Bac in 2010, never hit the Switch, but got too much dizziness, so quit quitting. Found out my liver enzymes are up in late December. .. after which the Dr. said my eyes are jaundiced?. I can see it now. I then started taking Bac again, and am up to 85 mg/day, going slowly. I got the MWO starter pack again, have been listening to some of the hypo tapes, reread MWO and Dr OA?s book, and have been here reading a lot.
            I am so grateful for the MWO community & all of the cumulative info and support I read.
            Figured I?d be best off to post now and then walk my talk?
            Be Well,

            The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes....Marcel Proust


              Newbies Nest

              Welcome back Jennifire.....settle in Hun, sounds like this time is a must so I wish you courage to stay at it.

              Slay so good to hear how positive you are feeling, and relaxed. This time is for you, which is the ONLY way IMO.
              On wards and upwards :h

              Well done Rooni on the vacation success, that is a hard one to crack, be proud......and keep up your guard.


                Newbies Nest

                witching hour has begun. I am in a ski house with good friends who know I am not drinking but the have poured their first glass of wine. Sticking close to the nest, to my sponsor and my book....after dinner, I will retire to my bedroom and watch something on netflix. I will feign a headache.
                I am doing this for my family....and I love to ski, but now is the big test for me.....:argh:
                I just won't anymore


                  Newbies Nest

                  Jennifire;1463938 wrote: I guess maybe I should post here? I put this in a new thread this morning...

                  Today is a new day one for me. I was here in 2007, did Topamax and the MWO supps, managed to moderate quite well for about a year. Slipped back into AL. Tried again with Bac in 2010, never hit the Switch, but got too much dizziness, so quit quitting. Found out my liver enzymes are up in late December. .. after which the Dr. said my eyes are jaundiced?. I can see it now. I then started taking Bac again, and am up to 85 mg/day, going slowly. I got the MWO starter pack again, have been listening to some of the hypo tapes, reread MWO and Dr OA?s book, and have been here reading a lot.
                  I am so grateful for the MWO community & all of the cumulative info and support I read.
                  Figured I?d be best off to post now and then walk my talk?
                  Hi there, don't worry.. The liver can heal it's self.. but you got to give it a chance! Start taking the best liver cleanser in the world is ornithine aspartate, buy anything that contains this! I think you will need to order it online from overseas. I tried them ALL! This one works great and much faster than others! I'm on it right now after another slip or I will say DIVE! I'm new here.. Just started talking about it.. Seems to help!


                    Newbies Nest

                    jenniech;1463947 wrote: witching hour has begun. I am in a ski house with good friends who know I am not drinking but the have poured their first glass of wine. Sticking close to the nest, to my sponsor and my book....after dinner, I will retire to my bedroom and watch something on netflix. I will feign a headache.
                    I am doing this for my family....and I love to ski, but now is the big test for me.....:argh:
                    Eat loads Jenni, you are missing nothing!

                    I went to a wedding yesterday, danced.....heaps more than anyone, chatted loads and made new friends....when they were leaving the bride and groom hugged me and the bride said ' YOU made this party GREAT ! , thank you ' they didn't know I was sober.

                    Right now you are struggling and your friends are wondering WHY you are doing this.

                    In a few months it will be THEM envying YOU, and asking you how you did it.

                    Hang tough GF, the prize is in sight.


                      Newbies Nest

                      jenniech;1463947 wrote: witching hour has begun. I am in a ski house with good friends who know I am not drinking but the have poured their first glass of wine. Sticking close to the nest, to my sponsor and my book....after dinner, I will retire to my bedroom and watch something on netflix. I will feign a headache.
                      I am doing this for my family....and I love to ski, but now is the big test for me.....:argh:
                      I'll keep a watch for you today, tonight, and tomorrow before I go to church/ potato feed/ gym and then check back for you Sunday afternoon.

                      You are determined.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Thank you for responding and the wish for courage, Kuya. You are right that I have to really change this time, or I'll run out of time. I am here in an effort to keep my perpective positive.

                        And thank you too, DD. I will check into ornithine aspartate. Started milk thistle & detox tea a few weeks ago, but since I hadn't quit drinkng wine yet haven't seen any changes. And jaundiced eyes just are not pretty. I am glad you found MWO.

                        Jenniech, wishing you emotional strength & a peaceful night. I admire your bravery!

                        Be Well All,
                        Be Well,

                        The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes....Marcel Proust


                          Newbies Nest

                          Welcome Jenn, this is a good place to be.


                            Newbies Nest

                            jenniech;1463947 wrote: witching hour has begun. I am in a ski house with good friends who know I am not drinking but the have poured their first glass of wine. Sticking close to the nest, to my sponsor and my book....after dinner, I will retire to my bedroom and watch something on netflix. I will feign a headache.
                            I am doing this for my family....and I love to ski, but now is the big test for me.....:argh:
                            Jenni -- I am (and others are) mentally right there with you right can totally do this. Our closest friends are also drinkers but I haven't had that test yet. If you can do this I know I can do this -- am sending you tons of positive mental energy to fight the witch. Can you get yourself a giant ice cream sundae or something really decadent to enjoy and fill you up? In fact, I think I'll have an ice cream sandwich right this minute in solidarity with you. Hang in there!

                            Day 15


                            For supplement dosage/schedule go to:


                              Newbies Nest

                              Welcome, Jennifire! Be sure to check out the Tool Box, the link is in my signature line below. I just went thru it again last week and I am amazed at the wealth of knowledge there. Really, there is everything you need to know to get sober....except the ongoing support and that's where we come in! Every one of our quits start with Day 1, so we've ALL been where you are...and tomorrow when you come back on Day 2 there will be someone else beginning his/her you will always be in good company here.

                              Jenn, hold on to your quit as if your life depends on it!!! Don't worry about what everyone else is doing, this is about you! After this trip is over you are going to be thrilled with yourself for maintaining your quit! Keep your eyes on the goal....all you gotta do is get thru this day!! We are pulling for you!

                              Stay strong everyone! Remember, we cause most of our own storms. Byrdie
                              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                              Tool Box
                              Newbie's Nest


                                Newbies Nest

                                jenniech;1463947 wrote: witching hour has begun. I am in a ski house with good friends who know I am not drinking but the have poured their first glass of wine. Sticking close to the nest, to my sponsor and my book....after dinner, I will retire to my bedroom and watch something on netflix. I will feign a headache.
                                I am doing this for my family....and I love to ski, but now is the big test for me.....:argh:
                                Good job, jenni! The wine has been poured here, too, but not for me! Believe it or not the movie we are renting tonight is Flight. I had not really planned to watch that in a group but in any case I know I don't want to be drinking while I watch it. Actually, I know I don't want to be drinking at all!! Keep hanging in there Jenni and I will, too.

                                PS how was the skiing?

