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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning Nesters!

    Good job jennie

    Hello & welcome dinnysis!
    Make yourself comfortable & strap yourself in for safety. Staying close to the nest is a great tool. What else is on your plan?

    Hippy, I hope you always stay as happy as your are right now

    Hello to everyone, wishing a great AF Sunday for one & all!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      just a sec to post as I hear the crew stirring....Great job to jennie...we're in the same company this AM. I hosted a party last night and am up feeling fine this AM. It still gets me a little nervous, but each time you accomplish something like this without drinking, it builds your confidence.

      Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

      Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Lavande, Thanks, I've been drinking lots of tea, juice and water, have retrieved some supplements and vitamins I bought for last half hearted attempt and my plan is to avoid triggers tonight by recording my favorite shows and going upstairs to re read one of my recovery story biographies, or listen to cd. I will log on in the early hours if I cannot sleep, which I know I wont cause I will be burning up. Will re read thread I've just been looking at about playing the drinking story through to the end, powerful stuff. That's the plan and I am going to do it. I think I am depressed but know that's the drink, and will fight through it to carry out this plan, with the help of the nest (please? thanks).


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning everybody,

          Jenni, nice job. You made yourself so much stronger by accomplishing what you did. I liked the quick exit to buy socks and escape temporarily! Good stuff.

          Welcome Dinnysis, good to see you here.

          Daisy, I'm glad for you that you sound very positive.

          Have a great AF day folks, see you later.
          "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
          AF 11/12/11


            Newbies Nest

            Good Sunday Morning to All!
            I was planning to post this yesterday, when I got word that my only sister left out of three is getting divorced because of her husband’s alcoholism. I also had to lend my knife with corkscrew to my niece when I took medications over for her dog…
            I DID NOT DRINK!!
            Last Straw, Thanks for the welcome! This IS a good place!
            Byrdlady, Thanks for your welcome and encouragement! I have been reading and copying several posts from the tool box. I may well print them or email them to myself so I can carry them
            around with me. Excellent and heartening info. I have been mostly a closet drinker the past 9 years, no one of my family and friends realizes or that I am seriously working on it. Yes, my life does depend on it!

            Daisy, I agree! Lets make our intention a reality! Thanks for the well wishing & Congratulations on your 4 days AF.

            Slay, Thanks for the encouragement & the hug!

            jIMMYDAMMA, Thanks for the welcome! I searched ornithine aspartate, and a reasonable source, IMHO, is L-Ornithine powder & capsules.
            Be Well,

            The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes....Marcel Proust


              Newbies Nest

              Well, I slipped I'm going to head over to the slip thread.... Funny thing was the AHhhh I was expecting never came, the first few sips were terrible but I kept drinking anyway....I was tempted since Friday as y'all know and I had EVERY opportunity to say no ... So why didn't I?


                Newbies Nest

                Morning Nesters! Some great success and happiness here mixed with some struggles. So it goes...

                Hipster...You have another little gem in your post today. "I survived and the AL lived." That's so true. We only survive while we are giving AL a life. Only taking it back for ourselves do we get to really live.

                Something struck me as I was having a conversation with someone this weekend on a particular topic. It reminded me of a quote I had read in a book several years back called 'A Clean Slate'. The topic of finding oneself again is often on the menu here. Some people struggle with that concept, others find it very applicable. Yesterday, I was listening to a story a wonderful friend purchased for me to hear. It's called 'The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane'. Yes, it's a children's story, but it speaks to the child in us and the adult we are today. It's the journey back to home or we could relate that to our journey back to self. While reading an email about it this morning, I was typing in the 'My Way Out' forum in my search, but hit 'My Way Home' which is a song about maybe he shouldn't go home. The two messages were different which triggered the memory of the quote in the book. Some of us may want to go home and some of us may not, so food for thought.

                "Life isn't about finding yourself; life is about creating yourself." ~George Bernard Shaw~

                If you are here on this forum, you are either trying to get back home or you don't want to go back home and you want a new start. Either way, AL won't get you to either of those options. You will rot away stagnant and lifeless.

                Just today's food for thought. I don't know if it will make any sense to anyone, but it's resonating with me in my introspective phase.

                Good job, Jenn. I know what that confident proud feeling is to have within when we make it past a tough spot! You done good!

                Ican...analyze what triggered you. It's a learning experience so you can go on to succeed with you next attempt. Don't wear failure, wear the learning badge.:l

                Hang tough everyone. It's worth it!!!


                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning Nesters, Day 14 feeling good. Having lunch with my wife today, really looking forward to our afternoon.
                  Great job Jenni, that's awesome! How's things going No Sugar?

                  Welcome Dinnysis, this is a wonderful place full of terrific people.

                  Thanks Jennifire, I'll look it up.

                  Hippy, you always sound so cheerful and happy. I'm looking forward to the day that I get there too. It's gonna happen I can feel it

                  Lolab, I am looking forward to hosting parties again. We have a really nice pool area and used to have people over often before the Beast took over and we had to stop the craziness.
                  I am feeling really encouraged that this will happen.

                  Ican, we're with you 100%, we believe in you, you have to believe in you, hang tough!

                  Have a great Sunday everyone it's a beautiful day!!! j


                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning, Nesters! Welcome Dinn and welcome back, Nursie!

                    Ican....Why, you ask? All I can say is that is the POWER of ADDICTION! We KNOW that drinking is the LAST thing we should do, but the PULL of the dam thing seems so strong sometimes. I'd wake up on the couch and see half glass of wine there...I was going to bed for pete's sake, why would I gulp that down? God forbid I pour it out. It is a baffling disease, but I hope that this was a turning point for you. The only way I know to control it is to starve it. The more consecutive days of AF'ness you have, the weaker The Voice gets. That's NOT to say it goes away, sometimes It has a fierce Last Gasp! It is STRONG! But this is when you become smarter than IT. Starve it and you will eventually kill it. Feed it, and it's yours! It took me a year to figure this out...I hope you are a quicker study than I was!! You WILL get there, you've seen how much better being AF is...once you've tasted the freedom, it's a real goal to attain again.

                    Jenn, I am really happy for you...those 'firsts' are tough, but once they are behind gets easier. It's just like the muscles you use get stronger and the ones you don't get weaker. Well done!!

                    Need to go check the roll call, I think we have a Moon today!!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks guys I'm going to check I'm at roll call.... Accountability to y'all helps me .... Jimmy, I agree believing in myself! Thx .... Have a great day and congrats to all of y'all winning this battle... I'm going to win too


                        Newbies Nest

                        jenniech;1464266 wrote: :thumbs::happy::yay:
                        I not only did it, but last night I actually had an ok time. Who would have thunk it? It was so interesting watching my friends slowly but surely get drunk. At first it was so hard. My girlfriend was sitting at the kitchen table with my all time favorite enemy, a cold glass of chardonnay. Then two, then three. Everyone else was downstairs showering, etc. Anyway, instead of letting it build up, I told her I wanted to run out to the ski shop and buy a new pair of ski socks. So smart of me!!! I did go to the ski shop just to get away and spent about 45 minutes just looking at stuff. Came back to house and then spent next hour preparing the dinner for everyone. ONce I ate dinner, the cravings went away. I mean, I still wanted to drink, but the anxiety level had completely dissipated. After dinner, while the men were drinking bourbon and the women were drinking wine I treated myself to a nice big slice of red velvet cake and camomile tea. At 10, went to bed while everyone else stayed up.

                        Now this morning I am awake while everyone else sleeps. The bottle of bourbon is empty. I feel great and I know they wont once they roll out of bed.

                        I have to be totally honest and say that this is one of the proudest moments I have ever had and I woke up this morning so completely psyched that I did not drink. I mean, really, what is all the fuss about? (j/k)
                        Amazing !!!!!!!!


                          Newbies Nest

                          jenniech;1464266 wrote: :thumbs::happy::yay:
                          I not only did it, but last night I actually had an ok time. Who would have thunk it? It was so interesting watching my friends slowly but surely get drunk. At first it was so hard. My girlfriend was sitting at the kitchen table with my all time favorite enemy, a cold glass of chardonnay. Then two, then three. Everyone else was downstairs showering, etc. Anyway, instead of letting it build up, I told her I wanted to run out to the ski shop and buy a new pair of ski socks. So smart of me!!! I did go to the ski shop just to get away and spent about 45 minutes just looking at stuff. Came back to house and then spent next hour preparing the dinner for everyone. ONce I ate dinner, the cravings went away. I mean, I still wanted to drink, but the anxiety level had completely dissipated. After dinner, while the men were drinking bourbon and the women were drinking wine I treated myself to a nice big slice of red velvet cake and camomile tea. At 10, went to bed while everyone else stayed up.

                          Now this morning I am awake while everyone else sleeps. The bottle of bourbon is empty. I feel great and I know they wont once they roll out of bed.

                          I have to be totally honest and say that this is one of the proudest moments I have ever had and I woke up this morning so completely psyched that I did not drink. I mean, really, what is all the fuss about? (j/k)
                 honestly just made me well up with tears.

                          When you finally realise you don't need this poison everything slots into place.

                          Well done you, it still takes courage in the early days :h


                            Newbies Nest

                            Icanwithoutacan;1464358 wrote: Well, I slipped I'm going to head over to the slip thread.... Funny thing was the AHhhh I was expecting never came, the first few sips were terrible but I kept drinking anyway....I was tempted since Friday as y'all know and I had EVERY opportunity to say no ... So why didn't I?
                            Once the first swallow is taken all the receptors in the brain fire and it is all over. Not drinking does not take these receptors away, only your liver recovers.

                            I am so sorry you drank, but start again straight away, don't wait like I did the first time and wasted another EIGHT months of my life.


                              Newbies Nest

                              A much better today, after the drunken debacle that was Friday. My daughter came home from her dad's yesterday, we went to a 'princess disco' party,caught up with friends, watched some TV with crumpets and Maltesers and had a good sleep. Today, she had a swimming lesson, then we watched a Chinese New Year parade,came home and baked a cake and she is currently playing so happily that I have actually had an hour to read and check stuff online. Feeling much more positive, I have a game plan all written down, just got to actually follow through! I know exactly what I have to do and how great I can feel as I've done it before, I haven't even got an excuse for slipping except for I was socially very anxious on Friday. But in the past, I'd drink at homealone so couldn't use the same excuse then. Anyhow, onwards and upwards, no point keep looking back and beating myself up. Happy Sunday y'all!


                                Newbies Nest

                                thelaststraw;1464083 wrote: Ya Oneredshoe, I was like that with cigarettes, too. Can't stand the smell after I quit 25-30 years ago. I guess it's a built in help to keep us AF and NF.

                                Quitting the next on my list. I have quit before, but just like giving up alcohol it is a process.
                                "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                                ~Author Unknown
                                AF since February 4, 2013

