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    Newbies Nest

    The Permafrost Monster!!

    Well for sure I would rather walk around walmart than be wasted out of my mind who knows where.. so I concur.. I will be posting when the permafrost starts to thaw and that monster wakes from his hyphenation! I will need all your support to put him back on ice! Thanks to all!


      Newbies Nest

      Setting sail!

      :new: Hi fellow voyagers,
      Next Monday is my birthday - I will be 57. I am going to give myself a birthday gift: one AF week! My mother and sister both died of liver failure when they were 61 - only 4 years away for me ... but I am determined to live way longer than that, and to be around for my children and grandchildren. My older daughter is expecting her first baby (and my first grandchild) in July, and I want to be a truly and permanently present grandmother.
      I never thought that I would succumb to alcohol. As a little girl, I found my mother's drinking so hard to cope with. As a child brought up by African nannies, I actually believed that when the sun went down and darkness came, an evil spirit would enter my mother and turn her into a cold, uncaring, nasty monster. I don't want to be like her. I often think of Bono's (of U2) lyrics: 'They say that what you mock (for me, 'fear' is better here) will some day overtake you, and you become a monster, so the monster will not break you'.
      I am going to set sail today on my journey away from the land of monsters. I know that there will be rough weather, huge waves and menacing whirlpools ahead, but I'm going to trim the sails and keep going. I am so glad to have this forum - it will provide shelter from the worst storms and, even if I begin to sink or if my boat crashes into rocks, I know that you are all here, reaching out to pull me back to the surface, so that I can repair my boat and set sail once again.
      I am so grateful to have chanced upon this place of reassurance, encouragement and kindness.
      Love to you all,
      Cally (aka Talisman)


        Newbies Nest

        Talisman;1464582 wrote: :new: Hi fellow voyagers,
        Next Monday is my birthday - I will be 57. I am going to give myself a birthday gift: one AF week! My mother and sister both died of liver failure when they were 61 - only 4 years away for me ... but I am determined to live way longer than that, and to be around for my children and grandchildren. My older daughter is expecting her first baby (and my first grandchild) in July, and I want to be a truly and permanently present grandmother.
        I never thought that I would succumb to alcohol. As a little girl, I found my mother's drinking so hard to cope with. As a child brought up by African nannies, I actually believed that when the sun went down and darkness came, an evil spirit would enter my mother and turn her into a cold, uncaring, nasty monster. I don't want to be like her. I often think of Bono's (of U2) lyrics: 'They say that what you mock (for me, 'fear' is better here) will some day overtake you, and you become a monster, so the monster will not break you'.
        I am going to set sail today on my journey away from the land of monsters. I know that there will be rough weather, huge waves and menacing whirlpools ahead, but I'm going to trim the sails and keep going. I am so glad to have this forum - it will provide shelter from the worst storms and, even if I begin to sink or if my boat crashes into rocks, I know that you are all here, reaching out to pull me back to the surface, so that I can repair my boat and set sail once again.
        I am so grateful to have chanced upon this place of reassurance, encouragement and kindness.
        Love to you all,
        Cally (aka Talisman)
        Yes, talking about it is healing indeed! I'm new here to.. but not new to this battle.. I would encourage you not just to stop, but to immediately start to clean and heal your liver with herbal supplements and a proper diet. There are many available.. I have my favorites if you want to know..


          Newbies Nest

          It is happy hour so I am going to hang out here for a while...

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            Newbies Nest

            Dottie Belle;1464601 wrote: Evening,
            It is happy hour so I am going to hang out here for a while...
            Well Howdy do Dottie!!!


              Newbies Nest

              Today is my day 12 AF. Never thought I'd actually go so many days in a row AF. This nest REALLY helped through the postings, encouraging words, and educational posts. Really helpful.


                Newbies Nest

                Today was the first time, in a long time, I felt like I didn't have to hide or cover my breath with mint lip gloss or cough drops at church. I wouldn't drink Sat. & Sun. but felt like I had "AL" breath. Yuck.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Am I glad I came here tonight. I feel you are all reading my mind! It takes so little to set off the drinking thinking. So bright and positive this morning, went to mass, cooked dinner, went for a lovely family walk by the lake, then visited my dad. I was heading downtown to get fuel for my car and my cousin asked me to give her a lift to the off-licence to buy wine.
                  I hear of people taking 'Sunday off' during Lent and that along with this little trip found me walking into the store with her and buying a bottle of red wine.
                  When I got home, I thought about going to get the second as 1 is never enough. I ate a pie, had a smoke and got up and put the bottle away.
                  I did go through the whole scenario of fast-forwarding to the next day and the next and it did not look or feel good! Then I came here and see we are all feeling the same way and if you can get through it then I can too! Thank you all! You have helped put my brain back in gear.
                  Sober day 6 here I come!!!!
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Newbies Nest

                    Folks, I'm out of here for a week with a mother emergency. Be confindant that I am staying strong and taking my pills with me.

                    Take care everyone!

                    AF since 12/26/13

                    "...........just put one foot in front of the other and move forward. One step at a time." Chris McCombs



                      Newbies Nest

                      daisy45;1464612 wrote: Am I glad I came here tonight. I feel you are all reading my mind! It takes so little to set off the drinking thinking. So bright and positive this morning, went to mass, cooked dinner, went for a lovely family walk by the lake, then visited my dad. I was heading downtown to get fuel for my car and my cousin asked me to give her a lift to the off-licence to buy wine.
                      I hear of people taking 'Sunday off' during Lent and that along with this little trip found me walking into the store with her and buying a bottle of red wine.
                      When I got home, I thought about going to get the second as 1 is never enough. I ate a pie, had a smoke and got up and put the bottle away.
                      I did go through the whole scenario of fast-forwarding to the next day and the next and it did not look or feel good! Then I came here and see we are all feeling the same way and if you can get through it then I can too! Thank you all! You have helped put my brain back in gear.
                      Sober day 6 here I come!!!!
                      Good job Daisy, you used a tool from the tool box...thinking of the consequences. Way to go!!!!:goodjob:



                        Newbies Nest

                        Overit44;1464613 wrote: Folks, I'm out of here for a week with a mother emergency. Be confindant that I am staying strong and taking my pills with me.

                        Take care everyone!
                        OK, hope Mom gets better. Being strong is good for you.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Thank you Laststraw!
                          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Overit...we will send you our strongest sober vibes...I hope that your Mother will be ok...reach out for help if you need us!

                            Stay strong everyone...dig your heels in and do not give matter what and no matter who. You will never regret a day you spend sober! Hugs all...Byrdie
                            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                            Tool Box
                            Newbie's Nest


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good luck Overit. We'll miss you. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Hugs!
                              AF since 12/2/12


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hello everyone.

                                I am back from my little holiday in Spain, visiting my parents. Last time I was sober for this long they really encouraged me to drink (relax it’s your holiday...) This time around I am more sure of where I am heading with my quit and how to get there. Only two weeks away from six months milestone!!!

                                Finding myself falling asleep everywhere, due to my working/study schedule and daily training regime. Silverstone half marathon is only 2 weeks away and then London marathon at the end of April. Woop Woop!

                                I see a lot of new faces here and some regulars here. However, it seems that some people I started this journey with are very silent. I hope it’s because they are busy leading their new and better lives. If you are reading this please check in just to let everyone know that you are doing OK.

                                AF since 1st Sep 2012
                                NF since 1st Sep 2012

                                If you want to feel better visit

