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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Well, darn! I didn't finish my post a few minutes ago- I told y'all I didn't have my brain back!

    Meant to add to

    Siren- please check in if you feel like drinking and lean on us. Drinking will ONLY make the problem and the stress worse. You can do this!

    Hi Lolab, and Hippy :l

    Spider- Thanks for posting! You sound great!

    New Day- "Sober is the new cool"!!! I like that. I actually have used that sometimes to get me thru tough spots!

    I know others have cross posted since it take me so long to type all this out. I am sorry if I have left anyone out!

    Carry on, all!




    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


      Newbies Nest

      Jennifire;1465255 wrote: Just checking in to say I am doing just fine getting to the end of day 3. Spent some time this evening trying to catch up on reading NN. You're all just awesome! So positiveand persistent. Iended up cleaning everything in sight on Sunday and work plus visiting a dear friend today... we made & ate a great big meal! Somethng I've hardly ever done in years.
      Tomorrow is a really early wake up as I have to go some distance to the work site, and we are expecting snow tonight and tomorrow.
      Thanks for being here!
      Jenni - Eating is something that I enjoy now also. I would drink and then not feel like eating. I also enjoy the sweets served at outings now. When I drank I didn't want the desserts. You would think that I would put on weight but I haven't. I guess I have just traded one type of calorie for another.

      Enjoy your new love for food. I do.
      AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


        Newbies Nest


        Starfish1;1465487 wrote:
        New Day- "Sober is the new cool"!!! I like that. I actually have used that sometimes to get me thru tough spots!

        "Big names" who don't (or didn't) drink but who run (ran) in circles where it is common have always impressed me. Who wouldn't want to be in a clique with

        Nancy Pelosi
        Joe Biden
        (ok, now you know my political leanings...) but also:

        Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins, Sarah Silverman, Abraham Lincoln, Albert Pujols, Bruce Lee, Bruce Willis, David Bowie, Elton John, Eric Clapton, Mr. Rogers, Gary Oldman, Thoreau, Jennifer Lopez, Jim Carrey, Lord Faulkner of Worcester (I have no idea who that is but I realize this is an international forum), Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Naomi Campbell, Prince Andrew Duke of York (I DO know who he is!), Rob Lowe, Samuel L. Jackson, Shania Twain, Batman, Tobey Maguire, Tom Cruise, Vladimir Putin, Warren Buffett, David Beckham, Cory Booker, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Faye Dunaway, Dr. Phil, Eddie Murphy, Ringo Starr, Kuya, Byrd, Lav, K9, Lolab, and all of the other Nest Minders,

        and despite his behavior in Flight: Denzel Washington

        Some don't drink because they recognized their problem and quit. Others never drank in the first place. The point is, they don't drink alcohol despite several of them living lives with easy access to it and social scenes that encourage it and THEY ARE DEFINITELY COOL (well maybe not George B. and Mitt R. given my above politics...)

        If you want to see even more of the cool kids we could be hanging around with, go to:
        List of teetotalers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        C'mon Newbies, let's join them!


          Newbies Nest

          Hello all,
          I would love it if not drinking was the cook thing...I smoked for many my desk, home, bars, car so anywhere i wanted to. Quit 28 or so years ago. That was really hard too..but drinking is acceptable so it makes quitting a little need to admit that I CAN NOT drink....
          Slept better last night..using the hypnosis CD's again and i know that will help...
          Day 3 and feeling pretty good.

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            Newbies Nest

            Starfish1;1465478 wrote: Good Morning, Everyone :l It's good to be back in the nest. I really missed you guys!

            Jennifire- Hello, and you are sounding well yourself! Good luck on Day 4. Your full moon award is just around the corner. Stay warm today!

            Hi ICan- great job on getting back in the saddle! Keep up the good work! Youcan, Ican!

            No Sugar - Terrific work on pouring that wine out. I believe you are correct in saying that letting go of the idea that we can not drink is something that must be accepted by each one of us on a deeper level. It is not easy, but eventually, we all must do it. Lav has the best advice about not trying to "force" the idea, but just to ACCEPT it! Things definitely are much simpler that way! (Thanks, Lav!)

            Pinecone :l- You are so thoughtful! Thanks for your welcome back! That made me smile!

            Dottie- My friend- Huge congrats on 2 days! You got this girl! This is YOUR time! Let's go!

            Welcome, Drape!- I have to agree with the others. We are all at different stages of this disease, but something tells me that if you found us, you may have a problem. Stick around - it couldn't hurt!

            Hi Jimmy- I am so happy to hear that you are doing well with your "living in the moment". I am working on that myself. I do better at some times than others, but it is something I strive for. I am working on that during Lent!

            Onered- So good to see you again. Big Congrats on 15 days!

            Kuya! Thank you, so much for spending time with us here in the nest. You have the absolute BEST advice. We love you here!

            Hey Dimension- I am still waiting on my mind to join back up with me. :nutso: I look forward to that. Glad you are enjoying having yours back!

            Paisley- that's the way to do it! One step at a time! Keep up the great work!

            Welcome back, Struggles- stay close! All you gotta do is get through this day-

            Hi Jenniech- Great job on getting thru that long weekend and your ski trip. Every achievement like that makes you MUCH STRONGER. You are doing Great!

            Hi my sweet Byrdie and thanks again for all you hard work here! We love you! :heartsnflowers:

            Have a great AF day, Everyone!
            Thanks for saying Hi to everyone StarFish.. That is very kind of you indeed! I was reading a lot of talk about (functioning alcoholics).. How does this work???? Really I don't understand it at all! I'm either SOBER and functioning OR DRUNK and totally dysfunctional! I mean I wear the same clothes for 3 days!


              Newbies Nest




              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                Newbies Nest

                Wow Byrdie! Thanks for that powerful post. I was definitely dipping my toes in the Stage 3 pool when I found MWO. I was definitely going there.
                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Aw, thanks for the support Starfish. You have certainly made yourself known today......really good to have you on board - your words carry great energy!
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Newbies Nest

                    DimensionDrifter;1465527 wrote: Thanks for saying Hi to everyone StarFish.. That is very kind of you indeed! I was reading a lot of talk about (functioning alcoholics).. How does this work???? Really I don't understand it at all! I'm either SOBER and functioning OR DRUNK and totally dysfunctional! I mean I wear the same clothes for 3 days!
                    Dimension- I think (with that lil bit of a brain I have)- that I just THOUGHT I was a functioning alcoholic. I went to work. I kept my household fed, clothed and relatively clean, etc. BUT I was not as functional as I thought I was. In other words, I missed out on a lot of life, just getting from one drinking session to the next (and they weren't that far apart). What I am trying to say here is that the alcoholic haze I lived in did not let me see myself as I really was and I was not functioning as well as I thought I was. Just my 2 cents about my own experience.



                    I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                      Newbies Nest

                      I used to think of it as the chronic hangover Star - always the same....never went away

                      It's something I do not miss & I am happy & proud to say that I will never invite that miserableness back into my life. I'm starting to plan my 4 year AF party for next month ~ you are all invited

                      Daisy - CONGRATS to you today
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        exactly lav.... when you get so used to functioning at 50% get used to it. Its only when you start going full capacity again, that you see how sad it really was...:-)

                        Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                        Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                          Newbies Nest

                          I am a newbie, not looking to go af, just looking to cut down. I have used alc to sleep, for about 10yrs so I don't start dirinking until 10pm, now on bac and have cut down, but really struggling with insomnia. Does anybody on bac take sleepers?


                            Newbies Nest

                            Thanks Lav; every milestone gives a little nudge to push ahead. Had those drinking thoughts this afternoonn/evening. It was so strong and I got past it, and yet I feel totally alright now. It is wierd that a craving is like going through something tough and when you are past it and feel ok again, you can't imagine where it came from.
                            Jcnewbie, good to see you here! Get yourself 30 AF days under your belt before you even think of making your decision. as much as you can around here; there is lots of inspiration - see the Toolbox to help you on your way.
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              Newbies Nest

                              I have been reading posts and they help me so much....for some reason (emotional hangover from the weekend I'm sure) I have been wanting to drink the past couple of hours. It is the AL nemesis that I have not yet been able to kill yet. I won't drink, but I just wanted to put out there that I want to.
                              I just won't anymore


                                Newbies Nest

                                daisy45;1465705 wrote: Thanks Lav; every milestone gives a little nudge to push ahead. Had those drinking thoughts this afternoonn/evening. It was so strong and I got past it, and yet I feel totally alright now. It is wierd that a craving is like going through something tough and when you are past it and feel ok again, you can't imagine where it came from.
                                Jcnewbie, good to see you here! Get yourself 30 AF days under your belt before you even think of making your decision. as much as you can around here; there is lots of inspiration - see the Toolbox to help you on your way.
                                At the beginning those thoughts seem to be hourly but they fade and fade. I haven't had a drinking thought for seven weeks and that was triggered by having my first swim of the summer because I would always drink after a swim. The association remained. The next day I swam and no such thought crossed my mind. I had said NO! Firmly and the association was broken.

