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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Oneredshoe;1465813 wrote: truly was a magical moment for me. Over the past 16 days I have felt this shift in my attitude, I don't know how to explain it other than I feel freer each day, I didn't feel this way on my other attempts, something is very different this time and I can't put my finger on it.
    This is why it is said that we have to change our mind to be happily sober, when it happens there is no going back, nor fear of going forward.

    Feels good eh?

    For me it was the moment of realising that I had been drinking lighter fuel for 23 years......what the hell was I thinking?!? About as social as sitting around slitting our wrists and comparing cuts later.......what bloody idiots we have been!


      Newbies Nest

      Morning all! It is so nice to wake up to a sunny, fresh day. Makes you want to get things done.
      When you think back to all those lovely mornings we have missed because of drinking!!!!
      I have a lot of making up to do with the Universe!!!
      I am getting my hair done today. I am normally blonde and went dark a few months ago, and have enjoyed the change. My mum and dad want me to go back to normal (whats normal???), so I will try to compromise and see what I come up with - in for an interesting afternoon.....
      Have a great day everyone - check in laters!
      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


        Newbies Nest

        Yes, Daisy45.
        It's absolutely gorgeous here, and I'm going out right now to do my 10,000 steps up the hill behind our house. Full of gratitude for such a day. Seems the world is full of blondes who wanna be dark and full of darks who wanna be blonde. Curious creatures we are!
        Have a great day y'all.
        Sobriety is its own reward


          Newbies Nest

          DAY 8 - Sweet Dreams..

          I don't think anyone but a drunk can truly appreciate the gift of sleep! Only somebody who has been seriously deprived of something so simple can enjoy the true gift of it's MIRACULOUS REJUVENATION! I think all drunks should be thankful for sweet dream every night! It's a new world all can enter into and even fly.. You don't need to be an athlete or scientist to harness the POWER of this gift! All of us have access to it! Have any of you ever practiced lucid dreaming? :keyhole:


            Newbies Nest

            LUCID dreaming? Any kind of dreaming is good DD. I'm loving 5 hours-sometimes 6 uninterrpted sleep these days. I gotta be growing younger!!!
            Sobriety is its own reward


              Newbies Nest

              Kairos;1465944 wrote: LUCID dreaming? Any kind of dreaming is good DD. I'm loving 5 hours-sometimes 6 uninterrpted sleep these days. I gotta be growing younger!!!
              It's great your getting good sleep! You are growing younger Kairos.. Your cells are being reborn every night! I can in fact lucid dream and I do it often.. When I'm not drunk that is! You don't even go into REM when you sleep drunk! Your just unconscious and your cells are not being rebuilt properly.


                Newbies Nest

                I'm here again.

                Today is day one for me again. I spent most of the morning reading through all these posts and realized that I really never had a plan of action. I was able to do it for several weeks in the spring and summer and slipped over the holidays and get going. I received the all one powder yesterday and broke the book back out. I woke up at 3am this morning with my heart racing and shaky, slight nauseated and a slight headache. I have been in tears ever since and asking myself HOW I CAN BE SO SELFISH to my kids, my boyfriend and myself. I felt incredible when I stopped drinking and thought just one drink one hurt. It did hurt. It is now 7:30am here and I realize that I have to take this struggle minutes at a time, a day seems to big right now. I usually buy beer around 8am and drink all day until around 7:30pm I can't drive anywhere because I am hungover and my head is fuzzy. I have xanax prescribed for anxiety, but again today realized that I may not have anxiety at all, it was all alcohol induced. The xanax takes the edge off of the shakiness, but I know it will take me several hours to feel better or even tomorrow. I have no alcohol in the house so I would need to purposely go out to purchase more and for that reason, I have to stay focused on I don't drink anymore. My kids will be with me at 3pm this afternoon and I am hoping I feel somewhat normal by then. I will keep posting because it seems when I don't it allows for me to slip up again. I look at all of you who are sober and have several days, weeks, years and I feel like I will never be able to do it. I do have the topamax and I need to start it, but it makes my head feel a little fuzzy....ha, like this stinking hangover isn't doing the same thing? Thank you in advance for all your support.:thanks:


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning friends!

                  Ican, thanks!

                  Onered, I hope you can get some relief soon! You sound very positive lately, always a good thing.

                  Struggles, welcome back. Have you checked out the toolbox? Putting things down on paper is very helpful too. A plan can never be too good.

                  Have a great AF day!
                  "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
                  AF 11/12/11


                    Newbies Nest

                    Good morning Nesters!

                    Partly sunny in my part of the world but that's good enough

                    Struggles, you most definitely can do this!
                    DO NOT go buy beer today, break that bad habit today!
                    Spend this day taking care of yourself, look thru the Tool box & wirite that plan. Keep checking in here, we are your lifeline

                    I have lots of things to do today including a bit of work so off I go!
                    Wishing everyone a great AF Wednesday.
                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Happy Wednesday Nesters! Struggles, never quit quitting! :goodjob: You will find your way out. I know you will!

                      Well I was up past midnight last night working on Period Garb for this weekends adventure. It's an early 18th century event and I have little gear from that time period. I'm trying to learn to make a leather scabbard for my sword. This morning I have sore hands! I guess I'm gonna have to face defeat. My hands where just not meant to sew leather. Maybe it has something to do with the 27 years of holding a clipper while grooming countless doggers? Anyways, the leather sewing machine is looking like a better idea, all the time! Not period correct but much easier!!! I may accept defeat on things when I find an easier solution. Maybe taking Baclofen was the easy way out of alcoholism? If I wanted to plant a tree it would make more sense to get a shovel than digging the hole with my bare hands. I'm all in favor of using the right tool to get the job done and that's what baclofen is to me. THE RIGHT TOOL!
                      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
             Newbies Nest
             Tool Box
             How to get a sobriety plan


                        Newbies Nest

                        Fight don't Struggle!

                        struggles;1465948 wrote: Today is day one for me again. I spent most of the morning reading through all these posts and realized that I really never had a plan of action. I was able to do it for several weeks in the spring and summer and slipped over the holidays and get going. I received the all one powder yesterday and broke the book back out. I woke up at 3am this morning with my heart racing and shaky, slight nauseated and a slight headache. I have been in tears ever since and asking myself HOW I CAN BE SO SELFISH to my kids, my boyfriend and myself. I felt incredible when I stopped drinking and thought just one drink one hurt. It did hurt. It is now 7:30am here and I realize that I have to take this struggle minutes at a time, a day seems to big right now. I usually buy beer around 8am and drink all day until around 7:30pm I can't drive anywhere because I am hungover and my head is fuzzy. I have xanax prescribed for anxiety, but again today realized that I may not have anxiety at all, it was all alcohol induced. The xanax takes the edge off of the shakiness, but I know it will take me several hours to feel better or even tomorrow. I have no alcohol in the house so I would need to purposely go out to purchase more and for that reason, I have to stay focused on I don't drink anymore. My kids will be with me at 3pm this afternoon and I am hoping I feel somewhat normal by then. I will keep posting because it seems when I don't it allows for me to slip up again. I look at all of you who are sober and have several days, weeks, years and I feel like I will never be able to do it. I do have the topamax and I need to start it, but it makes my head feel a little fuzzy....ha, like this stinking hangover isn't doing the same thing? Thank you in advance for all your support.:thanks:
                        Struggles, don't worry.. you will have this racing heart and not sleep right for maybe 4 nights.. Please get all the liver cleaners you can!! Take them with lots of water and eat some salads.. Also get some of those magnesium tablets that dissolve in water because your magnesium levels have been depleted for sure! Take melatonin to help you sleep. Once you cleaned out and get a few nights REAL sleep! You will feel MUCH better! Suffer a little now, but a BIG pay off later! hang in there!


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Nesters!
                          I have always had a passion for dreaming. Had a few lucid dreams. I am desperately trying to dream about my brother but have only had a few.
                          Someone should start a dream thread!

                          I'm glad to be back in the saddle. Im glad you are all here.
                          Day 1 again 11/5/19
                          Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                          Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                          Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                          11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                          12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                          One day at a time.


                            Newbies Nest

                            struggles;1465948 wrote: Today is day one for me again. I spent most of the morning reading through all these posts and realized that I really never had a plan of action. I was able to do it for several weeks in the spring and summer and slipped over the holidays and get going. I received the all one powder yesterday and broke the book back out. I woke up at 3am this morning with my heart racing and shaky, slight nauseated and a slight headache. I have been in tears ever since and asking myself HOW I CAN BE SO SELFISH to my kids, my boyfriend and myself. I felt incredible when I stopped drinking and thought just one drink one hurt. It did hurt. It is now 7:30am here and I realize that I have to take this struggle minutes at a time, a day seems to big right now. I usually buy beer around 8am and drink all day until around 7:30pm I can't drive anywhere because I am hungover and my head is fuzzy. I have xanax prescribed for anxiety, but again today realized that I may not have anxiety at all, it was all alcohol induced. The xanax takes the edge off of the shakiness, but I know it will take me several hours to feel better or even tomorrow. I have no alcohol in the house so I would need to purposely go out to purchase more and for that reason, I have to stay focused on I don't drink anymore. My kids will be with me at 3pm this afternoon and I am hoping I feel somewhat normal by then. I will keep posting because it seems when I don't it allows for me to slip up again. I look at all of you who are sober and have several days, weeks, years and I feel like I will never be able to do it. I do have the topamax and I need to start it, but it makes my head feel a little fuzzy....ha, like this stinking hangover isn't doing the same thing? Thank you in advance for all your support.:thanks:
                            Good Morning Struggles...:welcome: you have found an amazing place! There is a wealth of knowledge and support here. Take it easy and be kind to yourself today, have you checked out the tool box? It's a great have got this one, and we have your back, so lets get on with our journeys to becoming and staying AF
                            "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                            ~Author Unknown
                            AF since February 4, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Nursie;1465979 wrote: Morning Nesters!
                              I have always had a passion for dreaming. Had a few lucid dreams. I am desperately trying to dream about my brother but have only had a few.
                              Someone should start a dream thread!

                              I'm glad to be back in the saddle. Im glad you are all here.
                              Great idea Nursie! I will start a thread called "Dream Warriors" Everyone tells us last nights dreams and lucid dreams etc.


                                Newbies Nest


                                Here is the new thread I started to share our last nights dreams and discuss lucid dreaming etc.


