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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Avatar Update

    Howdy Nesters,

    I've finally got my boat out of its jig and it's actually starting to look like a dory. See new avatar. I also sort of feel like I have been personally lifted from the safety of a surrounding jig that has been holding me together the last 15 AF days. I now certainly feel a great sense of freedom and commitment to this quit - my 4th attempt. Onward and upward...

    PS: Made it through a second band practice last night AF - hoo-ha!

    Have a great AF day everyone and of course, be good -
    The Fin
    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

    Go forward boldly and unafraid


      Newbies Nest

      Good stuff going on here, nesters! Each person helping the next one...that's what this community is all about....helping each other to the next level. It is worth the struggles (sorry, Struggles) to break the chains of addiction. It is a small price to pay for the rewards. One drink or even one night of drinking is not worth the sense of loathing it brings. Lead yourself NOT into temptation. Right now we are in recovery, and anything that includes AL is not on the menu for us. THIS TIME, say no and fight thru whatever challenge you are having. Get thru this day AF no matter what and no matter who. If I can do it...I KNOW you can!! Have a happy day! Byrdie
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        Newbies Nest

        Cool boat Fin! Good to 'see' you again...
        DDrifter, I love the idea of a dream thread - something so different and impossible to log unless we are sober.
        Struggles, welcome! Hopefully the struggles will be few!
        Just been checking out a home-made cancer cure developed by a Franciscan monk who believes this will clean all toxins from the bloodstream allowing your body to heal. It is made up of aloe vera leaves, pure bee honey and a few spoonfuls of distilled alcohol. Got all the ingredients and will make it up later today.
        At this stage, with my dad, anything is worth a try and he is happy to do it. It is a spoonful after meals for 10 days, then 5 days off and start again. Wish me luck!
        Hair getting done in half an hour. Mum and dad think I am going to walk in looking like some blonde bombshell - told them it takes a couple of months to go from dark to light and face-lifts are not included!!!! Haha..
        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


          Newbies Nest

          Morning all,
          Slept well last helps i think and so does using the hypnosis CD's. All the AL is out of my system by today so now the mental stuff begins...I just to say NO....NO to AL...NO NO NO.....

          Newbie's Nest

          Tool Box
          AF 9.1.2013


            Newbies Nest

            Good Morning, Loves :l

            New Day- I hope you got some good sleep last night! Insomnia is not one of the problems I have, but just wanted to ask- are you using much caffeine? I know if I drink coffee or iced tea too late in the day it keeps me wired. It also causes my restless legs to cut up. I think i have mentioned this before, New Day, but antihistamines, like those in some otc sleep aids also cause the restless legs to worsen. Did you know that?

            Pinecone- I love you "apples and alcohol" analogy. That pretty much sums it up for me and my addiction. That was great. Hope you have an awesome day, PC and thanks for being a part of our nest!

            Daisy and Kuya- that's brilliant about us having to face all those triggers as we go thru the process of dealing with our newfound sobriety. I will have to keep watch. I wonder if that's what happened to me after my 3 year period of sobriety and horrid relapse? Also, MS Daisy- you sound Delightful! You sound like a totally different person these day. I am so happy for you! Keep up the great work! Hey, send us a pic of your new "do"

            Onered- (I love your name!)- Thanks so much for sharing your story about Mrs C (hippyKu). I loved it and I too, believe God puts people in our lives at just the right times. Fantastic job of turning down that drink! And your tooth (OUCH). Hope you get some relief today!

            Mornin' Ican- You are doin' GREAT! Keep up the good work. I know that days 4 and 5 were always tough for me. Stick close, youcan, ican!

            Nosugar- love your statement about projecting to the time when all of us are just "living the AL-free life"- sounds great, doesn't it! I picture us all in that penthouse together- feeling great, looking great, acting great- well you get the picture!

            Hiya Drape- I too enjoyed Carr's book. Glad to see you doing so well. Keep it up!

            Happy Fin- We are SO HAPPY you are back with us! Boat looks great and you sound great! Be good!

            Good Morning, Lav- Thanks for checking in and keeping us all straight today. Hope your day is awesome!

            Nanette- Hey- I have missed you! BASEMENTS- UGGHHH!!! We have one too, although it's rare to have one in this part of the country. It has been nothing but problems. Good luck on getting your new carpet. I also hope your few days of cravings have passed. I had that happen to me for a while after the 100 day mark. It has gotten better though. Please stay strong!

            Hi Kradle- so glad to see you!

            Kuya- boy, did I ever shut out the world when i was drinking all the time. So sad. Now it surprises me when I realize I am actually dealing with problems I used to just escape from. Got me big girl panties on now!

            Hi Kairos- so happy you have a lovely day and are able to take a walk. I wish I could do that today. Funny what you said about us all wanting different hair. I highlight mine and enjoy the fake color, but I still wish it weren't so thick. I have TOO MUCH hair. Gee, ya just can't please some folks (namely me!)

            Dimension- I LOVE to sleep. I think that's my favorite pastime. I joke sometimes that my favorite body part is my eyelids. I mean, could you imagine if we couldn't close our eyes!! Horrid!! I don't know what lucid dreaming is. Unfortunately, I have trouble remembering my dreams. I am looking forward to the dream thread. Thanks!

            Oh Struggles- You CAN do it. Follow all the advice that has been given here and you will lick this problem. You just have to want it more than anything else and them work at it a little at a time. We are here for you!

            Hi happy hippy- I just love your posts. Ouch!! trying to sew leather!!! you should have known better than that!!! Get the machine, kiddo!!! Good luck on the costume!

            Nursie- sorry it's under the circumstances, but I am glad you are back here with us. We will keep you safe, just stick close- we love you!

            I am sure others have cross posted in the time it took me to type this all out so: Hi lolab, byrdie and whoever else stops by this morning. And yes, WHERE is Tess??? We miss you, hon!



            I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


              Newbies Nest

              Yep, Hi, Dottie! You are doing great and I am so proud of you!



              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                Newbies Nest

                Afternoon all I've not been popping in much at all recently due to being crazy busy and I also had some Internet issues for a while.

                Hope you are all doing ok.

                I'm really chuffed at now being over the 100 day mark without AL - 3 whole months AF - wow! No way did I think that could be possible at the start. At the beginning I braced myself for a miserable uphill struggle that was gonna get worse as time progressed in terms of the cravings/thoughts of alcohol; fending off the desire to drink all the time and feeling deprived; being miserable at social events or avoiding them altogether; turning into a bore; missing out in all the fun etc etc.

                Didn't believe it when people would tell me it would be the best decision I ever made and that life after alcohol can and would be sooo much better.

                But, it couldn't be more true. It hasn't all been plain sailing and I have had off days and moments where thoughts of drinking have played heavily on my mind, but the more time goes on, the more free and happier I have become. And, my life couldn't be more busy, fun and stimulating now.

                There's been so many surprises throughout my sober journey so far starting with how quickly the physical symptoms passed when I stopped (on reflection, if I had have known this maybe I would've tried to seriously stop long before now! doh!) to how much fun and confidence you can have stone cold sober and how much better you look when alcohol is out of your system for a while. Also some shocks along the way, eg realising just how much alcohol controlled my life and interfered with EVERYTHING!

                Anyway, totally rambling on here, but for anyone at the very start of the journey, keep going, it really can get better and better. I'm living proof and I was one of the biggest sceptics and doubters out at the start!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hey Jingle- I am so happy you are doing so well! It does just get better and better. Thanks for the encouraging words!



                  I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                    Newbies Nest

                    JingleJo;1466042 wrote: Afternoon all I've not been popping in much at all recently due to being crazy busy and I also had some Internet issues for a while.

                    Hope you are all doing ok.

                    I'm really chuffed at now being over the 100 day mark without AL - 3 whole months AF - wow! No way did I think that could be possible at the start. At the beginning I braced myself for a miserable uphill struggle that was gonna get worse as time progressed in terms of the cravings/thoughts of alcohol; fending off the desire to drink all the time and feeling deprived; being miserable at social events or avoiding them altogether; turning into a bore; missing out in all the fun etc etc.

                    Didn't believe it when people would tell me it would be the best decision I ever made and that life after alcohol can and would be sooo much better.

                    But, it couldn't be more true. It hasn't all been plain sailing and I have had off days and moments where thoughts of drinking have played heavily on my mind, but the more time goes on, the more free and happier I have become. And, my life couldn't be more busy, fun and stimulating now.

                    There's been so many surprises throughout my sober journey so far starting with how quickly the physical symptoms passed when I stopped (on reflection, if I had have known this maybe I would've tried to seriously stop long before now! doh!) to how much fun and confidence you can have stone cold sober and how much better you look when alcohol is out of your system for a while. Also some shocks along the way, eg realising just how much alcohol controlled my life and interfered with EVERYTHING!

                    Anyway, totally rambling on here, but for anyone at the very start of the journey, keep going, it really can get better and better. I'm living proof and I was one of the biggest sceptics and doubters out at the start!!
                    Thank you so much for this post. I'm gunning for the 100 day mark as I think when I get there I'll have an unprecedented sense of commitment to go all the way. Anyway, your recent summit to this new height is super inspiring -- as is Patrick's, Star's and the old timers around here who keep us pushing upward. Anyway, great job and thanks again for the post!
                    Achieved Goals: Getting Back to Working on This Project!
                    Goal In Progress...1 YEAR

                    Instructions on posting to Roll Call:

                    Go forward boldly and unafraid


                      Newbies Nest

                      daisy45;1465904 wrote: Morning all! It is so nice to wake up to a sunny, fresh day. Makes you want to get things done.
                      When you think back to all those lovely mornings we have missed because of drinking!!!!
                      I have a lot of making up to do with the Universe!!!
                      I am getting my hair done today. I am normally blonde and went dark a few months ago, and have enjoyed the change. My mum and dad want me to go back to normal (whats normal???), so I will try to compromise and see what I come up with - in for an interesting afternoon.....
                      Have a great day everyone - check in laters!
                      One I have done it a few times and it is really fun! If not all red, then red and blonde chunky streaks! Whatever you choose will be great. It always lifts your spirits to get your hair done. Have fun! Let us know what you did.
                      AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


                        Newbies Nest

                        JingleJo;1466042 wrote: Afternoon all I've not been popping in much at all recently due to being crazy busy and I also had some Internet issues for a while.

                        Hope you are all doing ok.

                        I'm really chuffed
                        at now being over the 100 day mark without AL - 3 whole months AF - wow! No way did I think that could be possible at the start. ...
                        Anyway, totally rambling on here, but for anyone at the very start of the journey, keep going, it really can get better and better. I'm living proof and I was one of the biggest sceptics and doubters out at the start!!
                        Thanks, JingleJo!

                        Posts like yours really inspire those of us at much earlier stages.

                        To my ears, "chuffed" sounds like something negative but from your post, I can tell it is positive. What is a synonym for that word? Excited? Happy? THRILLED???

                        Congratulations on your success - it sounds like you will be happily keeping on with your much better AF life!!



                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning! Full steam ahead - that's what it feels like here. :-) I love to read posts like jinglejo's - from people who can verify that i'm not off my rocker as I keep saying that this is so worth it - LOL.

                          If we could all "see" ourselves the way that others here "see" would just be sooo apparent. The night/day difference in our outlook on life when alcohol isn't clouding our vision.

                          when I first came, I was sure I was not going all out. I could not imagine living without alcohol completely. ANd for anyone to suggest that kind of annoyed in the early days, keep an open mind - try to get at least 30 days AF - so you have the benefit of a clear mind and positive outlook. :-)

                          Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                          Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                            Newbies Nest

                            Morning Nesters!

                            I haven't read the nest today nor much yesterday, so I can't comment on anything presently. I'll try to get to that later today or tonight, but I hope everyone is staying strong.

                            When I lie down in bed at night, I often try to read something before I doze off. Last night I made it through two pages of a book before I fell asleep. I thought I'd include the first paragraph and it's certainly something I'm presently working hard on in my life.

                            "If I make one point in this book, I hope it is that the surest way to make ourselves crazy is to get involved in other people's business, and the quickest way to become sane and happy is to tend to our own affairs."

                            I CAN ATTEST TO THE ACCURACY OF THAT STATEMENT! I can imagine there are others here who have struggled with AL because they have carried burdens and responsibilities of others while ignoring caring for their own needs. It's is similar to the serenity prayer.

                            "God grant me the serenity
                            to accept the things I cannot change;
                            courage to change the things I can;
                            and wisdom to know the difference. "

                            We can change ourselves and take responsibility and control for our own lives and decisions while letting others carry the responsibility and control over their own lives and decisions and all resulting consequences. We make ourselves crazy when we try to control outcomes and responsibilities that aren't ours to control.

                            Be strong and take control over your addiction or alcohol abuse. It's something that is your responsibility and something that is within your control.


                            Slay (Day 27...kick it to the curb.)
                            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                              Newbies Nest

                              Great post, Slay- Thanks!



                              I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                                Newbies Nest

                                slay - and to me the most amazing thing would be remembering what I read! That was really a cool thing when I got sober. :-) Look at you! 3 days away, baby. :-)

                                Hi Star. :-)

                                And NS, I have had the same thoughts about "chuffed"...we learn so much here! LOL!

                                Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

                                Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011

