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    Newbies Nest

    Slaythefear;1466092 wrote: Morning Nesters!

    I haven't read the nest today nor much yesterday, so I can't comment on anything presently. I'll try to get to that later today or tonight, but I hope everyone is staying strong.

    When I lie down in bed at night, I often try to read something before I doze off. Last night I made it through two pages of a book before I fell asleep. I thought I'd include the first paragraph and it's certainly something I'm presently working hard on in my life.

    "If I make one point in this book, I hope it is that the surest way to make ourselves crazy is to get involved in other people's business, and the quickest way to become sane and happy is to tend to our own affairs."

    I CAN ATTEST TO THE ACCURACY OF THAT STATEMENT! I can imagine there are others here who have struggled with AL because they have carried burdens and responsibilities of others while ignoring caring for their own needs. It's is similar to the serenity prayer.

    "God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference. "

    We can change ourselves and take responsibility and control for our own lives and decisions while letting others carry the responsibility and control over their own lives and decisions and all resulting consequences. We make ourselves crazy when we try to control outcomes and responsibilities that aren't ours to control.

    Be strong and take control over your addiction or alcohol abuse. It's something that is your responsibility and something that is within your control.


    Slay (Day 27...kick it to the curb.)
    Thank you for this post Slay. This speaks to me. I can sometimes physically take on there pain. I have tried to stop that in the last few months. These things that we take on from other people's lives are really out of our control. The outcomes are 100% based on their decisions and choices in life. Lack of control is one reason for frustration and frustration is one reason to drink. Take away frustration and lack of control and we take away some anger, disappointment, anxiety, the need to scream (if the frustration gets bad enough) and feelings of inability. These feelings are all very powerful feelings that are brought on by frustration caused by lack of control of things..

    If you do not have control over any part of your life (like me) you may have drank to have control over something. So we thought. It turns out we do not have control over that either. Then we drank to numb the feelings of inadequacy. Arghhhhhhh.

    I am actually learning to take control of some of my life. It feels good.

    I read this in a book (Until Today! by: Iyanla Vanzant) years ago and it helped me at the time:

    (If God is not your life choice fill in with your belief, Creator, Universe etc)

    "Today I am loving and supporting others without interfering in their lives!

    ........................When you decide what is right for someone, what is best for them, or how they should go about doing what you feel is right and best in their life, you are getting between that person and what God has in store for that person............"

    Well I did not see that post coming. All I wanted to do was say Thank you to Slay for the great post.
    AF Since 11/02/12 :wings::bananacomputer::lilangel:


      Newbies Nest

      NoSugar;1466059 wrote: Thanks, JingleJo!

      Posts like yours really inspire those of us at much earlier stages.

      To my ears, "chuffed" sounds like something negative but from your post, I can tell it is positive. What is a synonym for that word? Excited? Happy? THRILLED???

      Congratulations on your success - it sounds like you will be happily keeping on with your much better AF life!!

      haha - yeah chuffed means pleased and proud I guess



        Newbies Nest

        daisy45;1466030 wrote: Cool boat Fin! Good to 'see' you again...
        DDrifter, I love the idea of a dream thread - something so different and impossible to log unless we are sober.
        Struggles, welcome! Hopefully the struggles will be few!
        Just been checking out a home-made cancer cure developed by a Franciscan monk who believes this will clean all toxins from the bloodstream allowing your body to heal. It is made up of aloe vera leaves, pure bee honey and a few spoonfuls of distilled alcohol. Got all the ingredients and will make it up later today.
        At this stage, with my dad, anything is worth a try and he is happy to do it. It is a spoonful after meals for 10 days, then 5 days off and start again. Wish me luck!
        Hair getting done in half an hour. Mum and dad think I am going to walk in looking like some blonde bombshell - told them it takes a couple of months to go from dark to light and face-lifts are not included!!!! Haha..
        Daisy....I am sure you have posted it some where, what type of cancer does your Dad have? My Dad had cancer, I did a ton of research, I would love to chat perhaps compare notes. I also have a friend that is going to a naturopathic school in order to help her Dad with blood cancer......I maybe able to offer some tips, that is if you would like.
        "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
        ~Author Unknown
        AF since February 4, 2013


          Newbies Nest

          Slaythefear;1466092 wrote: Morning Nesters!

          I haven't read the nest today nor much yesterday, so I can't comment on anything presently. I'll try to get to that later today or tonight, but I hope everyone is staying strong.

          When I lie down in bed at night, I often try to read something before I doze off. Last night I made it through two pages of a book before I fell asleep. I thought I'd include the first paragraph and it's certainly something I'm presently working hard on in my life.

          "If I make one point in this book, I hope it is that the surest way to make ourselves crazy is to get involved in other people's business, and the quickest way to become sane and happy is to tend to our own affairs."

          I CAN ATTEST TO THE ACCURACY OF THAT STATEMENT! I can imagine there are others here who have struggled with AL because they have carried burdens and responsibilities of others while ignoring caring for their own needs. It's is similar to the serenity prayer.

          "God grant me the serenity
          to accept the things I cannot change;
          courage to change the things I can;
          and wisdom to know the difference. "

          We can change ourselves and take responsibility and control for our own lives and decisions while letting others carry the responsibility and control over their own lives and decisions and all resulting consequences. We make ourselves crazy when we try to control outcomes and responsibilities that aren't ours to control.

          Be strong and take control over your addiction or alcohol abuse. It's something that is your responsibility and something that is within your control.


          Slay (Day 27...kick it to the curb.)
          So true true. I missed the morning song....I was full prepared to be humming a tune chosen by you all day. Maybe tomorrow.
          "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
          ~Author Unknown
          AF since February 4, 2013


            Newbies Nest

            naturopathic school - I like the sound of this on line?

            Newbie's Nest

            Tool Box
            AF 9.1.2013


              Newbies Nest

              Starfish1;1466039 wrote:

              Hiya Drape- I too enjoyed Carr's book. Glad to see you doing so well. Keep it up!
              Hi Star! Thanks for the positive energy today. It added to my already good day


                Newbies Nest


                Hi everyone,

                Having decided to give myself a birthday present of an AF week, I didn't even make one day I even avoided checking in here - probably out of shame, a sense of failure, reluctance to acknowledge that failure etc. It's all too easy to slip into that 'Oh what the hell, I may as well, who cares anyway?' state of mind. So I've been back here now, reading and appreciating all your encouraging and empathic words, trying to summon up some will power and courage to NOT drink any wine this evening.

                I'm worried about Dinnyssis (sp?) - hope you are ok.



                  Newbies Nest

                  I made almost 90 days from 8/12 to 10/31....the hurricane hit and it was all too much too soon. When I started drinking again, it wasn't a little here and there. It was immediately back to a bottle of wine a night. So those new here, try the 30 days and then if you go back to drinking, really look at how you are doing it objectively.....I know that I need to just stay away. My shut off valve is permanently broken.
                  I just won't anymore


                    Newbies Nest

                    JingleJo;1466042 wrote: Afternoon all I've not been popping in much at all recently due to being crazy busy and I also had some Internet issues for a while.

                    Hope you are all doing ok.

                    I'm really chuffed at now being over the 100 day mark without AL - 3 whole months AF - wow! No way did I think that could be possible at the start. At the beginning I braced myself for a miserable uphill struggle that was gonna get worse as time progressed in terms of the cravings/thoughts of alcohol; fending off the desire to drink all the time and feeling deprived; being miserable at social events or avoiding them altogether; turning into a bore; missing out in all the fun etc etc.

                    Didn't believe it when people would tell me it would be the best decision I ever made and that life after alcohol can and would be sooo much better.

                    But, it couldn't be more true. It hasn't all been plain sailing and I have had off days and moments where thoughts of drinking have played heavily on my mind, but the more time goes on, the more free and happier I have become. And, my life couldn't be more busy, fun and stimulating now.

                    There's been so many surprises throughout my sober journey so far starting with how quickly the physical symptoms passed when I stopped (on reflection, if I had have known this maybe I would've tried to seriously stop long before now! doh!) to how much fun and confidence you can have stone cold sober and how much better you look when alcohol is out of your system for a while. Also some shocks along the way, eg realising just how much alcohol controlled my life and interfered with EVERYTHING!

                    Anyway, totally rambling on here, but for anyone at the very start of the journey, keep going, it really can get better and better. I'm living proof and I was one of the biggest sceptics and doubters out at the start!!
                    This is very inspiring!!!!!! Thank you for taking the time to post this.
                    "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                    ~Author Unknown
                    AF since February 4, 2013


                      Newbies Nest

                      Talisman;1466204 wrote: Hi everyone,

                      Having decided to give myself a birthday present of an AF week, I didn't even make one day I even avoided checking in here - probably out of shame, a sense of failure, reluctance to acknowledge that failure etc. It's all too easy to slip into that 'Oh what the hell, I may as well, who cares anyway?' state of mind. So I've been back here now, reading and appreciating all your encouraging and empathic words, trying to summon up some will power and courage to NOT drink any wine this evening.

                      I'm worried about Dinnyssis (sp?) - hope you are ok.

                      That first week is a battle, Talisman. One that I lost for more than twenty years. I lost all those years because I lacked the courage and support to get through the first few days.

                      YOU NOW HAVE SUPPORT, US !

                      Lacking the courage to stop for SEVEN hard days COST ME 8000 DAYS OF MY LIFE



                        Newbies Nest

                        Dottie Belle;1466160 wrote: naturopathic school - I like the sound of this on line?
                        They may have something online....but my friend actually attends a school. She does study's all kinds of interesting alternative "medicine". I love listening to her, she has helped me with my nutrition, cleansing, etc. I hate taking prescription drugs......I really always try to take an alternative natural route when dealing with my health, which is crazy coming from a girl who used to drink a bottle of wine or a 6 pack + of beer 4-5 nights a week, oh and I smoke as well, but they are organic cigs. I want to get a good 3 months AF under my belt before I attempt that quit.
                        "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                        ~Author Unknown
                        AF since February 4, 2013


                          Newbies Nest

                          Talisman;1466204 wrote: Hi everyone,

                          Having decided to give myself a birthday present of an AF week, I didn't even make one day I even avoided checking in here - probably out of shame, a sense of failure, reluctance to acknowledge that failure etc. It's all too easy to slip into that 'Oh what the hell, I may as well, who cares anyway?' state of mind. So I've been back here now, reading and appreciating all your encouraging and empathic words, trying to summon up some will power and courage to NOT drink any wine this evening.

                          I'm worried about Dinnyssis (sp?) - hope you are ok.

                 have nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving up alcohol. Give yourself a break and try it! You have a wonderful support system, right here. Saddle up for the journey of a lifetime.
                          "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                          ~Author Unknown
                          AF since February 4, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hi All,
                            Just wanted to check in. Last week I was out with bronchitis/sinus infection, and so far this week I've been trying to catch up at work. I'm soooo far behind on posts. I promise to do better and read/post from home more. My daughter and I joined the gym together, so now we're either up at 5am or going to a class at 7pm....either way, I'm pooped and ready for bed by 8pm. LOL
                            I hope you are all well, and if anyone needs me, I am still here :h
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Newbies Nest

                              Checking in....I survived my root canal. I love love love my new dentist, and his assistants! I have a true deep seeded fear of the dentist, I had a bad experience with my previous dentist. My new dentist and his assistants pretty much rock. Mrs P. ( the assistant) could tell I was extremely nervous.....couldn't have been my shaking feet that gave me away......she was so kind that she held my hand with her free hand. I guess it is that opening myself up and being vulnerable feeling that is making me a target for random acts of know what, I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                              ~Author Unknown
                              AF since February 4, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Boy the AL gremlins attacked me when I go home..cable guy is here then I am going to take a shower....distraction, distraction....

                                Newbie's Nest

                                Tool Box
                                AF 9.1.2013

