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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening all! I didn't get a chance to go back from this mornings post, but I took a quick scan since then. Looks like everyone is doing pretty good.

    I assumed that post/point would resonate with some here. I think so many of us have tended to loved ones' needs and situations they've found themselves in and to others out of a fear we will be rejected or moral obligation if we don't while ignoring our own needs . This has led to an invitation to AL as a way to cope with our self neglect and over extension. As I was reading Nanette's response I am reminded of what I wrote in my journal yesterday. Fear can be so damaging to us and is often behind many behaviors we exhibit. We want to control things because we are afraid of the outcome or the pain we may feel from watching those loved ones suffer or any possible rejection we may have to face by saying no. Here is a small insert of my entry:

    "I shrugged (a reference to Atlas Shrugged title meaning shrugging the weight of the world off the shoulders). No longer will I carry the responsibility or consequences of the actions and choices of others. They now answer for their own choices. If they get hurt, I will not carry that pain. It it their consequence. I've been afraid of feeling the emotional pain of watching them suffer, so I do everything to save them from the repercussions of their actions."

    There is more, but you get the idea. We are afraid (fear) of feeling hurt, so we involve ourselves deeply in the business of others trying to control the outcome so we don't feel the pain or hurt. Inevitably we wind up feeling the pain anyway as the life gets sucked out of us taking on what is not ours to take on. We lose focus on taking care of ourselves and our lives unravel. When you decide to stop picking up the pieces and let others take care of their own messes, you may just well have some serious backlash, lose or discard some people in your life and feel the pain from that action. However, you will be free from the burden and shrugged that tremendous weight off of your shoulders. This is something I have been working through. I have felt the backlash, experienced loss and pain, but I would not change what I am doing. I should have already done this, but I wasn't ready. My first two AF periods failed first because I hadn't dealt or addressed my issues properly and the second time because it was so painful to do so. BUT, through all that darkness, I am now starting to see sunshine and get back to taking care of me. I'm still in the process of cleaning up this issue and the consequences to myself, but I really am beginning to feel like the weight of the world is slipping away...

    As I approach my 30 day mark and head to my next goal of 60 days which I have not achieved yet, I wanted to state how it is different this time for me. I'm digging deeper and implementing real change with actions and it's for me, not someone else. In other words, the motivation is internal, not coming from an external source.

    Oneredshoe...that song just popped into my head that morning loud and clear. I felt it should be in the NN. Did you know there 'is' a listening thread? Fallen Angel and I post some beautiful music that is great for yoga or meditation under the Lisa Gerrard thread. It's not that perky piece, but maybe you will enjoy it.:l

    You're welcome Star. Already mentioned Nanette and Lola, yes it is nice to remember. I look forward to even more clearing of the fog. It is truly good to be free and feeling healthier as the days progress.

    Change the wish to action...productivity and implementing solutions is really key.imo

    Everyone hang tough and know it gets better. I have my ups and downs, but the ups are so worth it. Escaping is misery with no action toward solving the problem.



    Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


      Newbies Nest

      Slay, the shift to allowing others to feel their own stuff will help you enormously. I understand where you are coming from. It used to be me. I have had to let go and focus on me.

      You will be fine now. It isn't being unkind or selfish, it is accepting our limitations. When you are stronger and more confident in your quit you will have extra energy. But I will be there for you if I think you are giving too much.:h


        Newbies Nest

        oneredshoe I have eaten them frozen too. mmmmm good,


        Newbie's Nest

        Tool Box
        AF 9.1.2013


          Newbies Nest

          Awwww, Kuya, that is so sweet!:l:h

          You remember the advice you gave me this time around. I really had to tackle this problem I've had for so long. Even when I was young I was this way. I used to think it was my gift, my asset, but now I realize it comes under a different name.

          I've had to face and walk through what I was fearing to be free of it and it is the only way I can heal. Drinking alcohol was no solution. Much of it has been inevitable from the start...I just postponed the inevitable.

          Love ya,

          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


            Newbies Nest

            halo, the irritability is very normal. And it will likely come and go for awhile. It was definitely something that made me want to drink...and I started to realize that I often actually sought out stressful situations or escalated them worse than they were - just so I could justify my drinking. I actually took an herbal supplement called nutri-calm (I think even calms forte or nerve tonic - both by Hyland's) would work also) when I started feeling the anxiety start to increase. yep, sometimes they made me feel a little tired but that was so much better than the anxiety and temptation to drink. And I actually took them less and less as time went on.

            goodnight friends.....:l

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              oops....good job Dottie. I have to say that something seems like it's shifted for seem so much more you're more at peace with yourself and your decision to be AF....:-) Sometimes I think we have to just stop beating our heads against the wall and just go with it...

              Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

              Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


                Newbies Nest

                Slay....thank you so much for the post! You put into words, some of the things I have been feeling and taking action on but couldn't explain. Kuya, slays post really hit on what I meant about the shift in my is still a work in progress but the shift is well under way. Slay I think you might be a mind reader.
                "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                ~Author Unknown
                AF since February 4, 2013


                  Newbies Nest

                  Oh me a favor and eat one in my honor. May be tomorrow I will look for and find a chocolate mint flavored lip gloss for old times sake.
                  "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                  ~Author Unknown
                  AF since February 4, 2013


                    Newbies Nest

                    Slaythefear;1466381 wrote: Awwww, Kuya, that is so sweet!:l:h

                    You remember the advice you gave me this time around. I really had to tackle this problem I've had for so long. Even when I was young I was this way. I used to think it was my gift, my asset, but now I realize it comes under a different name.

                    I've had to face and walk through what I was fearing to be free of it and it is the only way I can heal. Drinking alcohol was no solution. Much of it has been inevitable from the start...I just postponed the inevitable.

                    Love ya,

                    It was the same trait in me that chose all my men ......they were all 'little birds with broken wings', they had 'potential'. This is fine for real little birds, doesn't work for people


                      Newbies Nest

                      I've been on here a few months now and I dont think I've properly introduced myself. I'm Jacki and I only really tend to post on here when things are going really bad and I have no one else to talk to. I'm going to spend more time on here I think it will help. I'm not very good at saying how I feel but its worth a try.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hey cuddle, posted on your other thread. Good to see you in the Newbies Nest. How many of those really bad episodes are you willing to let into your life? Can you tolerate another one? I would guess you don't want to - what will the outcome be next time?
                        Do yourself a huge favour and get 30 days alcohol-free under your belt....
                        Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                          Newbies Nest

                          :welcome: cuddle demon

                          Glad you've jumped threads!

                          Well, all you can do is take it moment by moment. I am pretty good at bottling things up and not talking, but this year have resolved to open up more. I'm so glad your here with us. There are some great guys on this thread just now, so I would advise reading as much as you can. There are also some folk posting outside the nest - snowflake for one and it is worth reading her thread.

                          Be kind to yourself xxx


                            Newbies Nest

                            Oneredshoe;1466326 wrote: Daisy.....I am actually glad I asked and I love that you responded! . I will definitely check out the book you suggested. My Dad unfortunately passed, 3 years ago. He had stage 4 lung cancer that metastasized to his brain and other areas. We had no idea, he went into the emergency room complaining of rib pain, they honestly thought it was perhaps a broken or fractured rib. So they sent him in for x-rays...then biopsy's and further testing. It was one blow after another.
                            My Dad went the traditional chemo route, which I honestly feel he did for my Mom's sake as she is a skeptic when it comes to alternative care. He did incorporate some alternative methods; such as juicing and the use of essential oils to help with minor pain relief and relaxation, as well as hydrogen peroxide baths. Some alternative methods could not be used because of the concern for the growth of the tumors on his brain. I will go through my handy dandy note book and talk to my friend and get back to you with other information as far as natural remedies.
                            I hear you as far as your life revolving around your Dad right now, as it should, but make sure that you also take a little time for yourself as well. :l. My life revolved around my Dad for 17 months and 14 days, I gave him end of life care at home when the time had come, I don't regret a moment of it! But I always made sure that I took a little bit of time for myself as well. You stay strong Daisy....I will be in touch.
                            Oneredshoe, only getting to see this post now. Sorry your dad passed. It is good to hear from someone who understands. I don't want to have any regrets about my dad and what we could have done, although I'm sure I'll always think of something!!!
                            It is only in this past 2 weeks that I feel I have been able to relax a bit. Of course, being AF is a vacation in itself! Looking forward to notes from your 'handy dandy notebook'!!! You can PM me if you find anything.
                            IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                            Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning!!
                              Got up at 4:45am to get ready for a gym class from 5:30 to 6:30. It is now 5:11 am and it takes me about 15 minutes to get there. So, why am I posting on here instead of heading out the door? Because I don't want to go. I got up early, I am sitting here in my gym clothes, I have had coffee.....I am all set. But a big part of me is lazy and just doesn't want to do it. It would be SO EASY to just stay seated here and read posts, the news, etc. Instead, I am going to FORCE myself to go because I know that afterwards, I will feel better and will be all the more healthy for it.

                              Hmmmmmm....reminds me of doing something else I am in the midst of right now. FORCING myself not to drink because I still have the urges. It would be SO EASY to pick up a glass of wine but I know that if I do, I will feel awful and will be more UNhealthy for it.

                              What is the word for analogous but in an opposite way? Still brushing the cobwebs out of my brain so this might not make sense at all.....but it is my thought process right now.

                              OFF TO THE GYM!!!
                              I just won't anymore


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Jenniech,
                                Good choice!!!! Don't worry about the brain fog. That's nothing.The exercise will help it to abate in due course.
                                I'm off up the hill on another gorgeous morning for my third lot of 10,000 steps this week. Not drinking AND losing weight??
                                Could life be any better??
                                Sobriety is its own reward

