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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Morning Nesters! It's been so great to see all the Newbies coming in and watching the progress.

    Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I had a big deliverable due last week and a big presentation this morning and then things should settle down for me. I'm so glad I found this place a little more than a month ago or I would have never been able to finish all this work. I was in a place where I was starting to drink during the day more days than not, then sleeping it off in the afternoon, then starting back up again in the evening until I passed out at night. What a life!

    I can't say I have been completely AF these past weeks. I had about 16 days AF and then blew it - I can't really say why. Insert any of the usual reasons - weakness, cockiness, unpreparedness, etc. My last quit date was Jan 16. Before then I was drinking a bottle of wine and maybe half a liter of vodka more days than not. Yesterday I had one small drink, after 1-2 weeks of tapering. Today is shaping up to be my next quit date as 1-1 = 0. I have no AL in the house and I have my spin class tonight which will keep me out of the house until nearly 9PM. I'll check in then as one of my triggers is when my husband goes to bed and I'm by myself.

    I hope everyone has a lovely day!
    Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


      Newbies Nest

      Hey Siren,
      Enjoy that spin class.
      I have a vision of you spinning into sobriety.
      Now that's a whirl!
      Sobriety is its own reward


        Newbies Nest

        Good morning Nesters!

        Happy Thursday to one & all
        Glad to see the nest is thriving & serving it's purpose as a safe place for newbies just getting started.
        Hello & welcome Cuddles! Stick around, there's lots of support here for you.

        Wishing everyone a terrific AF Thursday!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Newbies Nest

          Happy Thursday Nesters! It looks like alot of success is happening in our nest and that warms my heart! :h I am so excited. I was asked to be involved with a local Historic Railroad group. Of course I jumped aboard. :H It's amazing to think what the coming of the trains meant to the expansion of our world! It took men with great courage and strong conviction to make it happen. The same is true today to resurrect this treasure from a by~gone era!
          Being involved in my community has helped so much in keeping my mind busy. When I first stopped drinking I was at a loss as what to do with all the extra time I had. Now my life is so full that I'm wishing for extra hours in the day. You can get sober and stay sober! Together we can make it a reality. I KNOW WE CAN!
          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
 Newbies Nest
 Tool Box
 How to get a sobriety plan


            Newbies Nest

            good morning. Just a quick check in....looks like I should go out and shovel...:-(

            siren, way to go at getting right back to it.

            Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

            Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


              Newbies Nest

              Good Morning Nesters!

              Stop and smell the roses today. Even if it's your first few days, find something positive and/or beautiful to observe and be thankful for it. Every morning now, I open up all the blinds and look outside and think how great it is to have a new and wonderful day to step into. Of course, things can go wrong, but each day is like a brand new fresh start to have a great day.

              Oneredshoe, maybe...? LOL! AL holds many of us hostage for awhile for the same reasons or should I say we choose to go to AL's hideout?

              Kuya's quote.
              they were all 'little birds with broken wings', they had 'potential'.
              Kuya, you just joined hipster in my quote book. Maybe you'll be famous some day? :sup: That will be you. :H Seriously, that is stated so perfectly, no more explanation is needed. Now, SLAY, you imprint this lesson so deeply, you never do this again!!! It's something I REALLY realized with this present marriage/situation and it is helping me to heal from it and do what I need to do. It's the same argument we have with AL; the two sides in opposition, but realizing this particular point has helped to shut up the opposition to making the proper choice and executing it. Quotes have a way of bringing facts to light with just a few words spoken. I use them a lot.:l

              Cuddle Demon, settle in. Plenty of souls here can often put things into words for you. We have commonalities as AL abusers. As your body clears the alcohol, your head will begin to function more clearly. In the very beginning we often have to just take it on faith because we know where we are isn't working and is very damaging, so fake it till you make it. The clarity will come.

              Jenn, the action vs. wishing is so valuable. I've been really working on that this time around in several areas of my life and it's the only way to fly. I just sent an email to someone this morning about that exact subject. Here is a piece of the email.

              " Mangoes are so good for us. I haven't eaten healthy like this in quite some time, so I'm happy with myself. I'll continue to add to the equation and work to make it stick as a way of life and not just temporary. Action is what makes us feel better and more confident. There's no time like the present, right? If we don't like something and only berate ourselves or worry in the situation, we are never going to feel better. I know being proactive is my best friend in this fight and other areas. Many times fear keeps me locked up or as simple as just being lazy about it (procrastination). lol It really feels good to be proactive in so many areas at once. At least we are doing what we can about our issues. By the end of 2013, we will be so much further along in good mental and physical shape."

              A good day or night to all. Hang tough because AL doesn't bring us to a place of peace, joy or contentment. It is not the solution, but will forever keep you in bondage if you don't escape its grip and send it packing.


              Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                Newbies Nest

                Good day/evening Nesters. Today my daughter returns to work after her maternity leave. Grandson has gone to daycare for 1/2 day and I'm picking him up at babysitting begins.
                I'm just so thankful I've been AF.....can you imagine what it would be like taking care of an 10 month old when you've got a foggy brain and no energy?
                So today I am doubly thankful I'm feeling great (even with little sleep!).

                Got to get myself and dinner organized for tonight before I get him....but I'll check in later on!

                Hope everyone has a great AF day!........even if its a rough day, it is better than with AL.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good Morning, Friends- Just saying "hi"- I have a work meeting all morning and need to prepare! Have a great day! Everyone looks great! And Welcome, Cuddles- yes please stay! We would love to get to know you better!



                  I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                    Newbies Nest

                    Has anyone heard from Tess lately? I know she could probably be busy with her dad visiting her and her studies, but it's unusual for her to be gone for so long. Just a little worried about her.
                    Tess....if you are reading,,please post and let us know u are ok.


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning all,
                      Day 5 and feeling antsy...I know this is normal since all the AL should be out of my system by now. Drinking tons of water and eating well. I know I can do this!!!!!!!!!

                      Newbie's Nest

                      Tool Box
                      AF 9.1.2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        New Day- I send Tess a pm yesterday but have not heard back from her.

                        Dottie- Day 5 was always a challenge for me. Please get a solid plan for the day. Stick close. Yes, you CAN do it!



                        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Slaythefear;1466535 wrote: Good Morning Nesters!

                          Stop and smell the roses today. Even if it's your first few days, find something positive and/or beautiful to observe and be thankful for it. Every morning now, I open up all the blinds and look outside and think how great it is to have a new and wonderful day to step into. Of course, things can go wrong, but each day is like a brand new fresh start to have a great day.

                          Oneredshoe, maybe...? LOL! AL holds many of us hostage for awhile for the same reasons or should I say we choose to go to AL's hideout?

                          Kuya's quote.

                          Kuya, you just joined hipster in my quote book. Maybe you'll be famous some day? :sup: That will be you. :H Seriously, that is stated so perfectly, no more explanation is needed. Now, SLAY, you imprint this lesson so deeply, you never do this again!!! It's something I REALLY realized with this present marriage/situation and it is helping me to heal from it and do what I need to do. It's the same argument we have with AL; the two sides in opposition, but realizing this particular point has helped to shut up the opposition to making the proper choice and executing it. Quotes have a way of bringing facts to light with just a few words spoken. I use them a lot.:l

                          Cuddle Demon, settle in. Plenty of souls here can often put things into words for you. We have commonalities as AL abusers. As your body clears the alcohol, your head will begin to function more clearly. In the very beginning we often have to just take it on faith because we know where we are isn't working and is very damaging, so fake it till you make it. The clarity will come.

                          Jenn, the action vs. wishing is so valuable. I've been really working on that this time around in several areas of my life and it's the only way to fly. I just sent an email to someone this morning about that exact subject. Here is a piece of the email.

                          " Mangoes are so good for us. I haven't eaten healthy like this in quite some time, so I'm happy with myself. I'll continue to add to the equation and work to make it stick as a way of life and not just temporary. Action is what makes us feel better and more confident. There's no time like the present, right? If we don't like something and only berate ourselves or worry in the situation, we are never going to feel better. I know being proactive is my best friend in this fight and other areas. Many times fear keeps me locked up or as simple as just being lazy about it (procrastination). lol It really feels good to be proactive in so many areas at once. At least we are doing what we can about our issues. By the end of 2013, we will be so much further along in good mental and physical shape."

                          A good day or night to all. Hang tough because AL doesn't bring us to a place of peace, joy or contentment. It is not the solution, but will forever keep you in bondage if you don't escape its grip and send it packing.


                          I read somewhere that mangoes are the go to fruit for ascites. I hope that's not what I have? I prefer to think it's just a beer belly but maybe they're the same thing?
                          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                 Newbies Nest
                 Tool Box
                 How to get a sobriety plan


                            Newbies Nest

                            Hey Star I am at work so that is the day plan and dh and I are going to a vacation presentation. By that time I should be too tired to think about anything but least I hope so...

                            Newbie's Nest

                            Tool Box
                            AF 9.1.2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              DAY 9 - Feelin Fine!

                              WOW! What a difference 9 days makes! I did 50 push-ups today without a problem! Really getting into Dream travel and research these days.. Lot's of fun! And much better than a BOOZE HAZE! Enough said!
                              P.S. Hippie, your dream was amazing and has MUCH meaning to it.. I'm posting more about it now on Dream Warrior Thread! Congratulations! Obviously your mind is now at 100% and you are spiritually evolving fast!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Lo lab thanks for the advice, I am on my way from work to purchase nutri-calm, I never even thought of the fact I was possibly searching out stressful situations to justify the reasons I needed a drink, after you mentioned it , my immediate response was, Oh my god I definitely do that!! Alot of insight being revealed from the nest... :l

                                Hope everyone has a great day!!!!
                                On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h

