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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Hi all from the Sahara, or whatever silly place I'm in. I've started to realize how delerious things get around 2pm at 108f. Hot in this part of the nest - coming back to the 70f's tomorrow.

    Queen - You are doing great. Yes, the parties are very weird when you're among the few who are not drinking. But it's funny how people look when they get drunk, isn't it? Glad I never looked like that ;] Hmmm.

    Sunni - It is amazing what I'll endure for golf. I've even set my alarm to 4am to play. Sick huh. Getting toasty here in the desert. No one is on the street after 10am. 'cept us golfers. And I've managed the al pretty well - not perfect, but I've chosen less over more. Big plus. And my hydration level and golf game thank me for that.

    Beag'ues - I'm never shy about dating, but not sure how to work out the distance factor... Yeah, golf is a little tough - I've been playing for a long time and get frustrated at times chasing that white ball around the planet. Another silly addiction I guess - or a passion. I wish I could get down-under to meet you for dinner or something, but until then, maybe we could share a branch in the nest for a bit. Enjoy!

    Lav - Nice avatar! I feel the Lavand-titude shining through! Six months is simply superb. But you already know that!

    Chooks - Border collies are fabulous hounds. Take care of that little sweety. And you sound like you're rockin'. Keep it up girl!

    YaY! spun and Trix and Flossy. Welcome!

    Hey Sooty! Gotta love those fresh-air 'highs'.

    *** Flutters into the nest with a can of worms to share with the fledglings ***
    Anyone like ants? I got attacked by a swarm of fire-ants here in the desert yesterday. Talkin' 'bout hot pants here huh.

    Dreamplando, FindingMyself, this place was a great find for me just a few months ago. MWO and all the great family have made a huge difference in my life. Things can be good here!

    Hello from the desert to anyone I've missed. I've been out in the sun way too long.

    Good night all.
    Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


      Newbies Nest

      OK TW if we're going out for dinner I'll choose for tonight....let's see....I reckon 4 star,as I'd like to dress up but not absolutely to the 9's
      Then the restaurant itself would be Modern Contempory - just a nice balance of finer cuisine.
      Entree: mmm,big fan of entrees....I'd like a dozen oysters kilpatrick,or maybe the deep fried camembert,or some smooth as silk pate maison.
      Mains : a beautiful fillet mignon (done medium-rare),with a creamy potato mash & steamed asparagus & Diane sauce on the side. Or Cajun style Tiger prawns set on a creamy rice timbale.
      Dessert : no thanks,I'm trying to watch my waistline! Better have the cheese platter to share...
      And you TW?
      Tomorrow night,how about we go Thai?
      Or Spanish - I love tapas!


        Newbies Nest

        I think there are about three of us on broomstick's arn't there?


          Newbies Nest

          Hey tawnywitch it's the middle of the day here in Oz.So wide awake here.
          tranqWilly asked me out on a date & I've been seated at the dinner table & ordered from this fantastic menu.
          If you're ready to order madam?....


            Newbies Nest

            mmm, I'll have a smoked salmon starter, followed bythe beef and definitely a pudding for me I'm afraid, something really suety and with custard, well it is autumn here!!


              Newbies Nest

              Morning lovely nesters, welcome all newbies and big hi to Tranq and Sunni - missed you guys.
              Going on a bit of an adventure this morning - Mr S and I are going to take the local bus to the next village and then walk back home over the cliffs! Think it'll be about 4 or 5 miles or so.
              Hope its not too much of a scramble but I've got my walking poles for stability. (goodness knows I need them)
              I'll report back later
              your intrepid traveller, Sooty :H


                Newbies Nest

                what's suety tawnywitch?
                nice choice the salmon - which I believe is fresh from Tasmania & house cured.
                I would have some chicken (ChickenNumber3 better not read this!!) but it's a bit too filling - whole breast stuffed with semi-dried tomato,goat's fetta & fresh basil,then pan grilled & served with a beurre blanc.....oh the choices.
                Anyone else made up their minds yet?


                  Newbies Nest

                  ok suet is a kind of grated lard, animal fat, actually when I write it down it soun'd fairly disgusting, but it makes the most delicious, fattening treacle or jam steamed pudding's,yummy, maybe it's an English thing lol, great when it's cold.The weather that is not the pudding!


                    Newbies Nest

                    haha tawnywitch I get you!!!
                    we're heading into spring/summer here but with still some cold nights it could well be the dessert of choice....that or really the good old warm choc pudding....drool drool.
                    If I'm still peckish after dinner then I can always order that....
                    btw TranqWilly are we going Dutch on this date???!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone!

                      I'm in Oz also (great to know there's Aussie's here too), and having just been past dinner time I'm far too full to consider anything outlandish from the virtual menu. But ... I think a large piece of cheesecake would not be out of the question :P

                      I had grilled garlic and herb lamb with greek salad for dinner. If I can say one thing for my bad drinking habits, they've never interrupted my love of great food! It was a bit strange to indulge without the usual wine, but day 2 is nearing a close and I have a tonne of movies I rented to occupy me, so it's off to bed. Man am I tired!


                        Newbies Nest

                        wow Spun the lamb sounds great - pm me the recipe would you?
                        Yes cheesecake is a winner,so could fit that it also if TranqWilly is paying....hope you've been paid this week TW the bill's gettin' high!!!
                        I'm having macaroni & cheese a la LookingtoGrow's recipe - cheeesssse.
                        God,I sound like one of the characters from Wallace & Grommit


                          Newbies Nest

                          I love cheese!! just made myself cheese pudding for lunch, can you smell it?


                            Newbies Nest

                            cheese pud? mmmm....
                            hey do you reckon Monteray jack cheese is the same as cheddar? Strong cheddar?
                            Hey read your thread in help sect & don't feel down tawns - in fact will go there now & reply...


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good Monday morning Nesters,

                              Just waking up here, all that talk of food is a bit overwhelming right now............I'll just have coffee
                              Glad to see everyone alive & chirping well here.

                              I have a Dental appt. this morning, then a bit of work, then an afternoon of babysitting my grandson while his Mom is in class. Not a bad day at all

                              Wishing everyone a great Monday, will check in later.
                              AF since 03/26/09
                              NF since 05/19/09
                              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning to All!!

                                I want to thank you for the warm welcome to the nest. Amazing how the teachers arrive when the student is ready... even though the student was not looking for this resource. Amazingly, I find that I am already connected to this group without even thinking about being so! What a wonderful feeling of support and being with those on a path to the same goals.

                                Yesterday was my first day and I discovered you by accident through another sources recommendation for Kudzu Rescue. Quite frankly I was a bit lost with all the areas for info and new terminology... but I am learning. I have read others posts thoughout the website and am comforted by not being alone in my final drive to kick AL in his over-rated glut.max.! I am one who will be checking in at least twice a day for the connection and support. Today is Day Two. For me, drinking socially is not an issue... I gave that one up ten years ago. It is the stress from work and being alone that gives me the excuse to have something when I am at home. Dumb, huh?? Now I am DETERMINED to break that crutch.

                                Also wondering if I can change my user name to "DETERMINED!!"... seems more committed than "dreamplando".

                                Again, thanks for being there.

