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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Happy Saturday Nesters. I'm off to do another living history event this morning. My "Doggers" know that somethings up and sit by the door with long faces. They love to go out and meet and great new people. It's such a pleasure to see how they put smiles on peoples faces, where ever we go. They are sorta goodwill ambassadors for the "Happy Tails" of the World. Today they will have to stay home. There's too much trouble they could get into at the event. There will be shooting of Brown Bess and Kentucky rifles. Abagail is gun shy and doesn't like loud noises. The other girls just take it in stride. I have the weaving looms packed. So I guess I shall weaving and others shall make loud noises with flintlocks. Hopefully the public will enjoy them both! I am living proof that life can be fun on the other side of the bottle and gladly cheer others on to join me in a life of sobriety! :yougo:inkele::yougo:inkele::yougo:inkele: Enjoy today and don't forget to be kind. It costs nothing but is priceless!
    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning Nesters!

      Have a fun living history day Hippy

      Hello & welcome Sober!
      Be sure to download the MWO book friom the Health store here on the site. That's how I got started

      Welcome back yogamom - what's your plan?

      Grateful for just a rain day here while 60% of the country has gotten snow this week. I am ready for Spring!
      Have a great AF Saturday!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        Newbies Nest

        Hi Lavande and RC, just started back here and there drinking and it us escalating. Plan is to stop it dead in its tracks. Thank youball for still being here....


          Newbies Nest

          Good Saturday morning everyone!
          I just have a minute to pop in this morning but want to welcome all the newbies from last night and to congratulate all on fighting off the beast!! Great job!!

          Also, I am looking for a certain lil lady named Dottie!

          Our dear, dear, Dot- you have accomplished your AF week - your SEVEN days of sobriety and we are SO VERY PROUD of you!!! You are fighting the beast and winning the battle, Dottie! Great work!! Keep it up!!!:moon:
          We love you, Dot!!!



          I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


            Newbies Nest

            DAY 11 - Friday Night!

            Friday Night, out and about.. meetings with many.. Lots of Chat! NO BOOZE! It's not that difficult! And you remember everything, don't lose your phone and no hangover!


              Newbies Nest

              [QUOTE=DimensionDrifter;1467754]Friday Night, out and about.. meetings with many.. Lots of Chat! NO BOOZE! It's not that difficult! And you remember everything, don't lose your phone and no hangover! :

              :goodjob: feels damn good doesn't it!! I love every moment I do not drink, but for some reason I always feel an extra good waking up hangover free on Saturdays. :H.
              "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
              ~Author Unknown
              AF since February 4, 2013


                Newbies Nest

                Goooooood Morning Nest!

                So lovely to wake up unhung and refreshed. I love a sober Saturday!
                I am cleaning and doing homework today. I will probably procrastinate about the homework and watch "Lie to Me" on Netflix until I absolutely have to finish my paper. But hey, I'm being honest! lol
                Does anyone want to do my homework for me? I kid...sorta
                Day 1 again 11/5/19
                Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                One day at a time.


                  Newbies Nest

                  [quote]Oneredshoe;1467760 wrote:
                  Originally posted by DimensionDrifter View Post
                  Friday Night, out and about.. meetings with many.. Lots of Chat! NO BOOZE! It's not that difficult! And you remember everything, don't lose your phone and no hangover! :

                  :goodjob: feels damn good doesn't it!! I love every moment I do not drink, but for some reason I always feel an extra good waking up hangover free on Saturdays. :H.
                  Yeah, it's extra good on the weekends.. You know 50% are in bed until 14:00 and start their day with an hour in the toilet! While you enjoy tea in morning, and relax.. hot bath, shopping etc. AND feel great!


                    Newbies Nest

                    WAY TO GO SLAY!!

                    Slay has 30 days AF TODAY!

                    You have contributed so much to NN and MWO in general on such a variety of topics, Slay.
                    I've learned from you and you've given me so many things to think about.

                    It has helped to have someone at the same stage as a daily reminder that this CAN BE DONE.

                    My overall goal is Forever but for now, am looking forward to taking the next 30 steps with you!
                    You mentioned that you have some big challenges during this time -- Please let us help you if we can.




                      Newbies Nest

             sure does feel good. Procrastination, I was the queen of it in college. :H. What subject is your paper on?

                      DD.....I surely don't miss the countless hours wasted away nursing hangovers, that's for sure. :H
                      "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                      ~Author Unknown
                      AF since February 4, 2013


                        Newbies Nest

                        DRAGON SLAYER!

                        Way to SLAY the DRAGON! SLAYER! 30 days of battle and not even a broken nail.. :goodjob:


                          Newbies Nest

                          jenniech;1467679 wrote: spider = my problem? I am now so excited that I am no longer hungover that I am too excited to sleep and seem to be getting out of bed too early. So, I am striving for some peace and temperance....I can't keep going through my days so tired! We all know what that could lead to.....Luckily, today is Saturday so I don't have to work. this means I can take a nice long nap this afternoon!!!! (that's another thing, when I was drinking, I couldn't take naps for the life of me no matter how hungover I was....but sober, I can shut my eyes and doze off peacefully and wake refreshed....)
                          So, off to get my first cup of coffee!!
                          Have a great Saturday everyone
                          I agree, Jennie! I've never taken it but I kind of feel like I think speed must feel like.
                          ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM!!
                          After slipping into a pattern of doin' nuthin' most of the evening and drifting off to bed,
                          I'm enjoying staying up late, reading, and still being raring to go early the next morning (like I was my entire life before I allowed AL in).

                          It is 8 a.m. here and I've been up for a couple of hours. What a fine Saturday!!

                          To the new people, please make yourself a plan and DO IT. Feeling alive again is worth whatever you have to go through to get AL out of your system!

                          Happy AF day to all in the nest.



                            Newbies Nest

                            . WHOYA slay......30 days!!!!!!!! Love it, love it! Ditto on what Nosugar said. Thank you for the morning songs as well. Do a little victory dance will ya.
                            "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                            ~Author Unknown
                            AF since February 4, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Oney, I work best under pressure! lol
                              I have to do a 20 page power point on a healthcare issue in my community.
                              I don't know if I am doing it on the flu, or maybe addiction! Or maybe obesity....idk
                              I'm finishing up my undergrad in Nursing, then onto grad school!
                              Day 1 again 11/5/19
                              Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                              Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                              Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                              11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                              12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                              One day at a time.


                                Newbies Nest

                                Nursie;1467779 wrote: Oney, I work best under pressure! lol
                                I have to do a 20 page power point on a healthcare issue in my community.
                                I don't know if I am doing it on the flu, or maybe addiction! Or maybe obesity....idk
                                I'm finishing up my undergrad in Nursing, then onto grad school!
                                I like the idea of writing a paper on addiction. I think it is something that is so looked over, and "stigmatized". Like all addicts are bad people....we know better than that.:H you have all the tools at your finger tips and I am sure you would get an outpouring of happy helpers!
                                "Sometimes the strongest people are the ones who love beyond all faults, cry behind closed doors and fight battles that nobody knows about".
                                ~Author Unknown
                                AF since February 4, 2013

