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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    oh rednose, I am so sorry too. Byrdie and I have both experienced close personal loss since we quit drinking, and we will both attest to the fact that it was so much better dealt with without burying the emotions....It hurts, and we're not used to dealing with that without numbing it, but at least you'll deal with it....instead of saving it for later...

    Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.

    Sobriety date: Sept 26, 2011


      Newbies Nest

      Swooping in for a second. Big Congrats to Moni!!! And welcome running bird- and listen up- if you are really serious about quitting, there is no room in your home for that box of wine! Ditch it!!! Like k9 will end up down the drain anyway so why don't you do your liver the favor of not having to process it! If you have been on a run, what your body really wants is rehydration ( with water), not more dehydration ( with alcohol)- right??? You will feel much better in the morning if you just dump it!!

      Xoxox star



      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


        Newbies Nest

        Oh red nose!!! I am so sorry to hear about your step brother!!



        I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


          Newbies Nest

          So, I have a sad confession...4 full weeks does not add up to 30 days! It adds up to 28 ~ my bad :upset: I f'd up. However! I have no intention of drinking, so your kind HAT and warm well wishes will not be wasted...IN TWO DAYS! I promise! Apparently being sober has affected my math skills!

          So a sincere :thanks: for your EARLY Congrats to: Slay, Byrdie, Fallen Angel, Lav, NoSugar, Starfish, Pincone, Almost Free, LolaB and anyone I may have missed.

          Welcome Sober! Hang in there Halo, so glad you came on back!

          Rednose ~ So sorry to hear about your step~bro. My sincere condolences. Please take good care of yourself. :l

          Congrats on 100 days Moni!!! :wave:

          Welcome Runningbird, I personally think flushing it down the toilet can be very freeing. That's my hope for it's fate!
          "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


            Newbies Nest

            Well, Perse, there are no hats for poor math skills...if there were, I'd have one!
            How does it feel to be prematurely hatted? Bahahaha!
            I am confident that you will earn it rightfully...but stay close so's we can keep an eye on you!! *wink*

            Stay strong evabody! You will feel so good in the morning when you have said NO tonight! Byrdie
            All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
            Tool Box
            Newbie's Nest


              Newbies Nest

              CONGRATS moni :wd:

              Red, very sorry for your loss. Please do not usevthiscas an excuse to continue drinking. That behavior will only serve to hasten your own demise. Be fully present for your family.

              Persephone, what's two days between friends?

              Hello & welcome Runningbird. I hope you have dumped the wine by now. What's your plan?
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Newbies Nest

                I am going outside to empty the wine in the river - Thank you!!

                Thank you - THANK YOU - for your honest replies/ I went for a long run and then worked in the garden, I just came in and I am SO happy - I you all replied - you have given me the strength. I am going outside by the river and will empty the wine ion the river then bring the box in an burn it - then take a hot bath - thank you so much. I will be here often to get through these first few days - thank you!!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Yep Runningbird, for us, there is NO living with AL! The sooner you can move away from it the better. I am so proud of you for letting it are on a path to freedom! Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                  Tool Box
                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Byrdlady - I love your picture - you look so strong! The wine is gone the box is burning in a lovely fire and a hot bath is running. My heart is grateful for all the support and the voices of caring strength. I feel a flicker of hope. Thank you , Thank you. How did you get free, Byrdlady, you have been free more than 2 years! - is your story posted somewhere?


                      Newbies Nest

                      RB, my story is posted every day right here in the Newbie's Nest. I flew in 3 years ago and thought I could cut down and control I moderated for a year. I never drank harder. Finally, my hubs sat me down and said 'it's me or the booze'. It was a hard decision...but I chose him. I made up my mind to stick with it, and that was 2 years ago. I have never been happier with myself and who I am. All the lies and sneaking around and excuses are is simpler, and I love it.
                      Love glad you are with us....we can help! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        RB, spend some time in the Tool will find a wealth of information in there to get your head around all this. Bunches of tips and coping skills to try. Everything you need to succeed is in there have a look thru there. We are so glad you are with us...B
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Newbies Nest

                          Welcome Runningbird,

                          I can't tell you how much I admire your strength. I have never been able to pour liquor out. Bravo! Read back on the Newbie's Nest and get to know us. Keep posting so we can get to know you, too. There is so much support and encouragement here. You don't have to struggle alone. We are all here for you. Stay close and let us help you. It helps us, too. So glad you are here! As K9 always says: 'You will never wake up the next morning and wish that you had drank the night before'. So true.
                          AF since 12/2/12


                            Newbies Nest

                            If I can remember that if I don't have the strength I can find it here....

                            OOOh, Almost free - K9 is so right - what is it about evenings???
                            Okay so thank you so much for the congrats - but truly it goes to all of you!!!When I came in from there garden I was praying so hard that someone had answered me and said throw it out! Iam afraid I truly know that were it not for you I would not have had the strength = okay - why - I have NO IDEA - but maybe it doesn't matter - maybe - because all of yo are here and so if I can only remember that if I don't have the strength there is place I can go to get it.

                            I am headed over the tool box to see what treasures it holds. THANK YOU ALL!!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Byrdie ~ well, honestly it's a bit embarrassing to be prematurely hatted! I'm glad you and Lav were gentle. :l

                              Hey Runningbird ~ :goodjob: on pouring that box in the river. Stick close tonight if you need support. Holding you in thought/spirit...:h
                              "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good decision runningbird
                                I made a little ceremony of pouring the last of the wine down the drain while vowing to buy no more! That was nearly 4 years ago

                                Wishing everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest!
                                AF since 03/26/09
                                NF since 05/19/09
                                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:

