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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good morning dream!

    Congrats on day two! The first few days are the hardest... once you got a little momentum it gets easier! But, it really makes it a LOT easier with the support you'll find here.

    Not so unusual, your drinking habit. I was the same. I never over drank in social settings - but leave me alone at home for a couple of hours and access to booze... *shudder*

    See if your new name is available and go for it

    Wishing you unbridled success!
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      Newbies Nest

      Good morning!

      The menu sounds wonderful, but I'm with Lavande for the moment just having my first coffee.

      Dream, my drinking habit is when I'm at home alone also and it really is a HABIT.

      I (used to) drink when stressed, drink when happy, glug, glug, glug. After 25 years I'm sick of it! I'm on day 2 also and will not be drinking tonight, but you bet your buttski I will be back here reading tonight!

      Thanks to everyone for the welcomes. I doubt I would be giving it a go without the stories and encouragement I've read here on the boards.

      Have a great day.


        Newbies Nest

        Hi nesters, well we trudged for 2 hours or so up and down and here i am to tell the tale - boy am I tired! But its a good tired - off to evening class tonight so if I'm still awake later I'll see you all then.


          Newbies Nest

          Good evening Nesters,

          Hope you Monday was a good one

          Congrats to dreamplando & FindingMyself on day 2! After tomorrow (day 3) you both should start feeling much better, have a clearer head and start feeling some real strength & pride Keep going girls, you won't be sorry!

          Sunni, how are you? I keep missing you. Any bites on the house yet? I know it takes time.......... Everytime we put a house up for sale I went into some sort of overdrive! Couldn't eat or sleep well - just drove me nuts. I hope you are handling all this better than I did

          Sooty, I know you're tired after your long nature walk yesterday - rest up!

          My 10 month old grandson wore me the heck out today - I'm ready to hit the hay!!!!

          Wishing everyone a good, safe night in the nest, see you all in the AM.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Newbies Nest

            Good evening Fledgelings!

            Had a busy but good day... Lav, no bites yet.. and I'm not TOO worried yet - it's still not ready to 'show'.

            Ya know... it occurred to me tonight... I'm a slave to my animals.
            Miss Sophie was being rather cold-shouldered tonight and didn't touch her grain. Not even from my hand. Instead she was gently nudging the gate. Meaning: I wanna go eat out THERE! So, I go get a halter and sure enough, she sticks her head right in it. Here I am out in the rain, walking my damn horse around on the 'other side of the fence' and when I finally put her back in her pasture, she munched away on her grain. During the day working is now done in almost dark. Because the kitten likes to lay under my desk lamp. And, in order for her not to lay on my mouse, I had to move the lamp.

            Are they SPOILED, or what??? :H
            At least the dog behaved like a dog today. Geeeez.

            K.. enough ranting.. time for bed. Have a wonderful restful night, all!
            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              Newbies Nest

              Mmmm. Beagle, you sound like my kind of girl... You reminded me of a dinner I had in New Orleans (pre-Katrina), they opened with a super-hot-horseradish shrimp cocktail; the main course was a filet mignon stuffed with fried oysters. The sauce was indescribably fantastic. It was so good I had a tear in my eye - simply the best meal I'd ever had.

              But had some very good prime rib with my mates in the desert last night.

              I love oysters - usually raw, but there are good rockefellers to be had here - what are kilpatricks? Cheescake is one of my weaknesses -- real Key Lime Pie gets me down on my knees begging.

              Another great starter is grilled calamari -- if they know how to do it well.

              Beags are you insinuating I'm cheap??? Dutch indeed - order anything you like; it's on me. ;}

              Spun, Hi. There's a little area in Chicago called Greektown. All greek restaraunts - plenty of saginaki (sp?). I once had a steak salad there that was incredible once you get past the idea of steak on salad.

              Hey after this and all the good food on my vacation - I'm going on a diet! It's good to be home - can't wait to get back to work tomorrow - Ha - just kidding.

              To be continued...
              Good night all. Kisses to you Beagle. Take care.
              Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -


                Newbies Nest


                Hello all....bit of a different send off tonight......I'm gonna take some time away from the nest for a while. Nothing serious.....just the right thing for me presently. As I do, I know the nest is in great hands, and will continue to grow and prosper.
                When I 'rekindled' the nest back in January, it was a quiet place....right now it is booming due to the dedication all of you show each and every day with your posts. When I started this up a year and a half ago, I wanted the nest to be a safe, comforting place for people to share their journeys. I am proud to say it has maintained that vision.
                I will pop in on occasion, but not on a regular basis. You all mean a great deal to me and I will always wish you the best. I am proud of each of you.
                Pops.....and Gilligan


                  Newbies Nest

                  Hello The Nest!!!

                  Well things are rolling along here! If we are still placing orders can I have seafood linguine for the main and probably garlic prawns for an entree. I'll skip sweets cause I wont' have any room left after that lot anyways!

                  Sooty-the hike sounds like fun.something I would like to do one day! In the mean time I have started doing Wii fitness while it is wet outside and while on holidays..can't do my usual routine when the girls are not at school etc.

                  Dusty, the new puppy, is settling in and showing us his personality. Feels like having another newborn in the house though urgh!!!!!

                  Pops- don't be a stranger okay cause I am missing you already, and G of course! Hope all is well and that you will drop us a line when you can! Oh Great Sage!!!!!

                  That's it for me for now, sending you lots of zenergy!



                    Newbies Nest

                    Morning Chicken, the hike was fun but I'm paying the price today - the old legs and hips are really stiff! Guess that means I should get out and about again and get things moving.
                    Lovely day here so that shouldn't be difficult.
                    I've got a wii fit too - they're good fun aren't they? I love the step routine - I'm not very good at the slaloms and ski jumps and I keep getting hit in the face with football boots - and I am useless at the hoola hoop - that's probably why I like the step - its the only thing I can do!
                    Anyway to all who are to come, have a good Tuesday wherever you are and whatever you're doing.
                    Sunni - those horses sure are spoiled - but why not?
                    Lav lovely to see you as always
                    Tranq and Beagle and everyone else take care, see you later


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Tuesday morning Nesters!

                      It's cool, dry & sunny here - perfect! Makes you feel like you can do anything

                      Pops, goodness, we're going to miss you! The nest has been a safe & comfortble place for me & I thank you. We will do our best to keep your mission alive & well! Please stop in when you can

                      Tranq & beagle - what's going on with the two of you? Do I need to hire a chaperone
                      Just kidding..........
                      Glad you enjoyed your vacation in the desert Tranq, you sound happy! Don't let returning to work spoil that.
                      beagle, how are you doing besides drooling over the menu, ha ha???
                      Sunni, I have spoiled, controlling dogs here - drive me near crazy some days. I can't imagine going through all that with a horse
                      Sooty, I take Glucosamine & Chondroitin every day to keep my aching bones moving. If I skip it for a few days I feel crippled!
                      Chicken, give Dusty a scratch for me! A new pup in the house is almost exciting as having a newborn BUT they grow up so much faster

                      Not sure yet what I doing today - play it by ear I suppose.
                      Have a great day everyone, I'll check in later.
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hello Nestlings! Long time since I have posted. I wanted to just fly in and tell everyone hello. I have been reading the posts and keeping up with all of you. Things are going super great right now, and looks like everyone here is doing well also. This is great to see! I'll stop in from time to time to say hello. I am really focusing on finishing up the Associate's Degree and transitioning into my Bachelor's program. Oh, and the new guy and I are still going strong. We will be out of town this weekend as he has a race he is driving in. Should be interesting! Just know I am always here for all of you and thinking of you. PM any time you wish! Have a wonderful day everyone. Chat to you soon. Big Hugs to you all :l

                        P/S Lavande ~ BIG CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SIX MONTHS!!!! GREAT JOB!!! :l


                          Newbies Nest

                          Hi Lav! We cross-posted.


                            Newbies Nest

                            Love is in the air... *singing*

                            Hey, hey, hey everyone!

                            We got Tranq putting the moves on Beagle, and we got chops on trips out of town now ??!! It MUST be Spring SOMEWHERE! :H

                            PapaRenewal - just sent you an email.... I did NOT authorize a leave of absence! I hope all is well with you and we will miss you terribly.

                            Clucky one, I heard so much good about the Wii Fitness! (Although, envisioning a chicken do the hoola hoop does give me the giggles!)

                            Tranq, you New Orleans meal sounds positively scrumptious!

                            Lav, it was rather stormy here today.. not a good day to putter in the yard at all! And my raked walkways... errrrrrmmmm.. are under inches of leaves today

                            Sooty, sounds like you had a very nice hike yesterday! Good for you!

                            Ok, back to work for me... have a grand evening all!
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Newbies Nest

                              Heavens, where are my manners!? :blush:

                              Welcome and hello to all you new fledgelings! Wonderful to see you found your way into the nest.
                              Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                              Winning since October 24th, 2013


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hi Everyone.

                                Renewal, we haven't spent much time together here, but i just wanted to say thanks! This thread has played a huge part in helping me here. Take care and hoping to hear from you soon.

                                Sunni, yeah that meal was great. New Orleans has a cute slogan - "Come as you are, leave different." It's a special place - anyone been there recently? I haven't made it back since Katrina.

                                Hi Lav. My vacation smile hasn't worn off yet, except for the 60f temperature change. It was 50f here this morning. I did have a great time. I had a funny thought when I realized that I never would have survived a day in the desert heat with a hang-over. I had a lot of fun.

                                Mmmm. Chickers - seafood pasta! Awesome. I'm having ravioli with sun-dried tomato pesto tonite. It's almost done - time for dinner. There's plenty to go around...

                                Take care all.
                                Nobody asked for this; we're just stuck cleaning up the mess. -

