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    Newbies Nest

    Persephone1;1468257 wrote: Hiya Hippy, I am sorry your 'pot of beans' didn't turn out for you...I know your good medicine is to nurture with food (it's a lovely quality BTW ) What kind are/were they? Can you salvage them in a crock?

    Your pups must feel so lucky to have a whole day devoted to them! I'm only gonna be in MI for the summer (I believe) so I'm not able to commit to a pup long term just yet...what do you think about fostering? Our humane society has a program for those wishing to foster pups who have gone through surgery/trauma so they don't have to be in a kennel while recuperating. I love this idea...

    So happy that your shopping with no intent on buying beer for your picnic. Life is SO MUCH BETTER like this :l
    Thanks for caring. There were black beans and I just read that you shouldn't add any acidic foods until the beans are tender...Opps. I guess the tomatoes were the beads downfall? :H PS...Fostering is a gift from the heart and I think it's wonderful and so are you!
    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


      Newbies Nest

      Persephone1;1468163 wrote: Hiya Runningbird,

      Hypno cd's sound wonderful! I'm gonna zone to a Netflix movie I glad you found this site. Stay close, K? Take good care of yourself. P
      Good morning, Persephone.

      Here is my insomnia trick: I turn on BBC overnight, which is broadcast on several NPR stations, at very low volume. The voices are very modulated, calm, and soothing and not interrupted by loud commercials. I love British accents and if I'm not lulled back to sleep, I at least learn interesting things that rarely are covered in the US media.

      Your 4 week vs 30 day story was so funny. Heck, we should all give ourselves a reward of some kind EVERY DAY because each day AF really is an amazing victory over a powerful drug! After repeated failures, each day of success merits a celebration. I'm working on the Attitude of Gratitude that Lav and others encourage - right now I have so many things to be grateful for including all of you in the nest.



        Newbies Nest

        Good Morning Nest!
        I had the worst dream last night! In my dream I forgot that I was sober and I drank. All hell broke loose and I remembered I was supposed to be sober. It seemed so real. I knew my 6 days was down the tube, and I was just about to post on MWO about what I did when I WOKE UP!!!
        Woke up to 7 days sober, and so glad it was just a dream.
        I finished my paper, I did some cleaning.
        Yesterday we found out a dear friend of ours passed away suddenly. We don't know what happened, but he had a long history of drugs. Poor hubby is so sad. I'm going to work on making him comfortable as possible today with home cooked foods and a clean and cozy house.
        Day 1 again 11/5/19
        Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
        Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
        Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
        11/27/19: messed up but back on track
        12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

        One day at a time.


          Newbies Nest

          4 Beers.

          Well I need to be honest with all here.. Some old friends of mine showed up unexpectedly and had a pack of Imported beer.. I did not want to get into my personal alcohol delima with them. (Like I said, this is the only place I ever talked about it) So I ended up drinking 4 beers last night. It did not really have an effect on me.. I did feel relaxed.. I do feel a bit more tired today.. But the after effects are not strong, and I have no urge to drink tonight. (My MAIN problem is I'm a binge drinker) I can go 30-60 days without a drink, and then.. a few drinks one night.. (no problem) under control.. but then I drink the next night more.. and the third night MORE.. And the 4th night I don't even remember and the fifth night I'm a total mess! I just keep going until I'm to sick to get out of bed! This is what I want to avoid and never to happen again! So right now I feel fine and don't want to drink the 2nd night! I think I owe this to the fact that I'm expressing myself on this website and have the support of other (Like me).. So please give me a stomach punch, and make sure I don't have even 1 beer again tonight! :thanks:


            Newbies Nest

            DimensionDrifter;1468294 wrote: Well I need to be honest with all here.. Some old friends of mine showed up unexpectedly and had a pack of Imported beer.. I did not want to get into my personal alcohol delima with them. (Like I said, this is the only place I ever talked about it) So I ended up drinking 4 beers last night. It did not really have an effect on me.. I did feel relaxed.. I do feel a bit more tired today.. But the after effects are not strong, and I have no urge to drink tonight. (My MAIN problem is I'm a binge drinker) I can go 30-60 days without a drink, and then.. a few drinks one night.. (no problem) under control.. but then I drink the next night more.. and the third night MORE.. And the 4th night I don't even remember and the fifth night I'm a total mess! I just keep going until I'm to sick to get out of bed! This is what I want to avoid and never to happen again! So right now I feel fine and don't want to drink the 2nd night! I think I owe this to the fact that I'm expressing myself on this website and have the support of other (Like me).. So please give me a stomach punch, and make sure I don't have even 1 beer again tonight! :thanks:

            Stay in close touch today and especially tonight AND BREAK THE PATTERN! So much of what we do is habit that rewires our brains. You have a chance to do some rewiring what AL has messed up TODAY and you know there are people here who will help you.

            You can do this!



              Newbies Nest

              Thanks guys!

              I will be in close touch all day! Thanks NS and everyone!


                Newbies Nest

                Good morning - Hippy man I just learned something - about beans I did not know heat about adding acid foods. Did you soak them over night before cooking/ Just curious. It sounds as though you are cooking with fire full time right ow - that's awesome.

                Persephone, Fostering is a wonderful experience, I have done it a coupe of times and the only thing is getting attached to your foster animal.

                Dreary here, but a Sunday, always nice to have time off!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning everyone, actuall needed and wanted a drink bad last night, chose the Tylenol PM instead. Was at the grocery, wine displays everywhere, knees hurt being on my feet all day at a baseball tournament ( we won it all) cooked a cheese burger and a diet and to bed.

                  It was tough,DD hang in there, get right back up!
                  I find habits and associations are my biggest problem!
                  All the dad as we're knocking back beer and vodka after our big win, it was really tough.

                  Wife and I not getting along really tough, just glad to have y'all all here pulling for each other
                  Off to mass ill check in later! j


                    Newbies Nest

                    Mick, Thank you I found drink tracker - I started a chart but cannot figure out how to turn the square yellow - I tried clicking different things but nothing happened.
                    Thank you!


                      Newbies Nest

                      Hippy, sorry about yer beans...I don't suppose the Pioneer Folk had Beano, either!!! Yikes!
                      DD, I can resist anything, except temptation. This is a real lifestyle change, and saying NO is a big part of that (unfortunately...I like to say YES to me at all times!). If you are sick and tired of the hampster wheel...NO is the word! NO, HELL NO! AL will NOT take one more day of my life! Dig your heels in, and do NOT give in no matter what and no matter who. There will be a day that you won't miss it at all and wonder WHY you had such a hell of a time getting rid of it!! The freedom is worth the initial struggles!!!

                      Moni, like Lav, I wonder who is encouraging you to test the waters! Your relationship with AL is as good as it's ever gonna get...I say, 'as good' because it can sure get worse. If you didn't catch it, search this site under 'Kindling' to find out what happens to us when we go back to drinking and then catch my post of the 4 stages of goes downhill, I can tell you from bitter experience. Don't lose your quit for anybody!!! Whoever is telling you it's ok obviously doesn't know the ALCO-HELL (thanks 199) we do!

                      Running...stick with us....we can get you thru this! If an old hag like me can get sober, I know you can, too! :H

                      Have a happy and sober Sunday! Byrdie
                      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                      Tool Box
                      Newbie's Nest


                        Newbies Nest

                        DimensionDrifter;1468294 wrote: Well I need to be honest with all here.. Some old friends of mine showed up unexpectedly and had a pack of Imported beer.. I did not want to get into my personal alcohol delima with them. (Like I said, this is the only place I ever talked about it) So I ended up drinking 4 beers last night. It did not really have an effect on me.. I did feel relaxed.. I do feel a bit more tired today.. But the after effects are not strong, and I have no urge to drink tonight. (My MAIN problem is I'm a binge drinker) I can go 30-60 days without a drink, and then.. a few drinks one night.. (no problem) under control.. but then I drink the next night more.. and the third night MORE.. And the 4th night I don't even remember and the fifth night I'm a total mess! I just keep going until I'm to sick to get out of bed! This is what I want to avoid and never to happen again! So right now I feel fine and don't want to drink the 2nd night! I think I owe this to the fact that I'm expressing myself on this website and have the support of other (Like me).. So please give me a stomach punch, and make sure I don't have even 1 beer again tonight! :thanks:
                        DD, consider yourself punched in the stomach! I hope that helps.



                          Newbies Nest

                          runningbird;1468090 wrote: Thank you - THANK YOU - for your honest replies/ I went for a long run and then worked in the garden, I just came in and I am SO happy - I you all replied - you have given me the strength. I am going outside by the river and will empty the wine ion the river then bring the box in an burn it - then take a hot bath - thank you so much. I will be here often to get through these first few days - thank you!!!
                          RB, ooooo, nice touch to empty AL (the creep) in the river. Good. Good job.



                            Newbies Nest

                            runningbird;1468322 wrote: Good morning - Hippy man I just learned something - about beans I did not know heat about adding acid foods. Did you soak them over night before cooking/ Just curious. It sounds as though you are cooking with fire full time right ow - that's awesome.

                            Persephone, Fostering is a wonderful experience, I have done it a coupe of times and the only thing is getting attached to your foster animal.

                            Dreary here, but a Sunday, always nice to have time off!
                            Yep, I soaked them for almost 12 hours but then I drained them and put them in a tomato base sauce I made and put the pot to cook. 5...6...7...8.. hrs. later the beans where still tough. :upset: AND, the rice was soggy! AND the biscuits were burned! There goes my reputation for being a great cook. :new: Next time I'll cook it at home and warm it by the fire. That way I know it'll be good! PS, anyone know how to make sassafras tea? I have the dried herb and I guess I HAVE to do some experimenting to find the right strength???
                            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                   Newbies Nest
                   Tool Box
                   How to get a sobriety plan


                              Newbies Nest

                              Thanks a lot guys! Great support from all! I'm VERY sure I will not drink tonight! And that means there will be NO horrifying binge! I spent a lot of time replying to a recurring dreams post on the dream warriors thread.. Keep your mind focused on positive things to keep you busy really helps! And also a good punch in the tummy! Thanks again! :goodjob:


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good Morning Sunday, Nesters! I like Sunday mornings. In fact, I like mornings in general now that I'm getting healthier!

                                Perse, look at it this way, now YOU HAVE TO STAY AF! Ha.

                                :goodjob: Runningbird, you might as well start the race now! Procrastination is our enemy to results. Action brings about the change we seek.

                                No Sugar, hi five girl! I know it feels so good to wake up the next morning feeling good and knowing you didn't scrape your knees falling in a pot hole, or dance with the devil.

                                Rednose, hugs to you as loss is always such a heavy burden for our hearts/emotions to handle. AL will only peck at your already sad heart. Pain can be so hard to endure at times, but AL does nothing to heal that pain.

                                Lolab, thank you. It feels so good this morning to know I fought that battle and won. Yay, to a great Sunday.

                                Almost Free, I hope things are going alright for you, or at least you are handling them well.:l

                                DD, I didn't have the problem of drinking everyday, but I can relate to having a few and being alright and then the next time more and then BINGE! I'm drunk on my behind and regretting it. I am a different person when I drink and I don't much like her or what I hear about her afterwards, so the fact that you know this about your effort to moderate is key to staying away from the stuff. If you don't want to get into a drinking battle with friends, can you use another excuse until you are ready? A health kick, perhaps? A diet? Some other said you need to cut back for now?

                                Hipster, yep no tomatoes or acidic foods until those beans are done.

                                Lav, sending you some sunshine. I use an antihistamine along with other as well for sleeping.

                                Moni, don't listen to others. I've made that mistake in plenty of areas in my life and no one knows you like you know yourself if you are being honest with yourself. Old habits need to be replaced with healthier options. We all have to do that and not just with AL. Our brains really associate certain things with certain conditions and emotions. We have to retrain those associations.

                                Jimmy, I was at the store in the beauty/personal care section and they had set up an end cap with alcohol. Geeze, now they even try to associate health with having a drink. I just shook my head at the scam they are running on people. WAKE UP! They do this with so many things all for a profit. Our world is built on an economic system that is destructive to lives in so many ways. It's a shame, but if you don't wake up and quit being a robot, they will shove plenty of programs into your upstairs computer.

                                As far as the relationship problems, many of us have them. Some of our own making and some have driven us to a bottle. The bottle doesn't solve a thing. Do this for you. Then you can start to work out the other issues in a logical and reasoned fashion with a clear head.

                                A big Sunday hello to all and a wish for strength today. Day 31 and I can still hear the 'I Feel Good' song playing in my wait, it just changed to 'It's a Beautiful Morning". la lalala...


                                Slay Attached files [img]/converted_files/2061308=7431-attachment.jpg[/img]
                                Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat

