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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Dimension, I missed the bit about the beans, but depending on the bean I soak them overnight and then simmer in a crock pot with water or broth for several hours.
    Or I boil them for a few minutes, and then simmer for a few hours. Keep adding water
    I would not add the tomato until after they are cooked...

    As we speak, I am making lentils...those you don't have to soak at all, so that's easy!
    Day 1 again 11/5/19
    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

    One day at a time.


      Newbies Nest

      Hi everyone! Wanted to check in to say I'm still here. However, an odd thing happened to me. My mom was put into the hospital from a fall outside. Her hip gave out and she laid in the snow for almost 45 minutes in a tee shirt and shorts. She lives in a trailer park and a neighbor heard her yelling for help....she went to let out the stray cats she keeps feeding ;( Anyway, they took her by ambulance and I get a call on valentines day at 7 am to tell me my mother has to have surgery and someone needs to be there for the resucitation (sp). My younger sister knew all about this and NEVER called me because she didn't want to disturb me and my kids...WTF? She ended up having the surgery, an intestine was herniated and broke through the abdominal wall....that explains her stomach pain all week, but she still drank and she smokes heavily. Long story, they could not put her under for the surgery so they gave her a spinal and kept her heavily "out of it". They may dishcharge tomorrow. Here is the odd part...while I was in there, I began to have anxiety and sweats and just nervous. The dr. asked me if I was okay and I told him I was having anxiety and for some reason told him I just stopped drinking. WELL...he had the nurse bring me BEER! I drank some of it and then she brought another! Now mind you, I just SAID I STOPPED and her response was the doc thinks you are going through withdrawal and this will stop it for you until you can get back home. WHAT???? It's almost an hour drive and they are serving me beer to send me home so I stop the anxiety? I came to my senses, refused anymore of the beer and told them I would be fine. I had my xanax in my purse and took one. I left a few hours later and still had the anxiety that night. It could be from withdrawal or worrying about my mom. So, sadly, today is my day one AGAIN! I spent yesterday with the man I love with all my heart and was at his parents house and then his so no alcohol yesterday, so maybe today is my day two? I don't know because I go by from the last drink I had and what the time was and if I make it the next day past that time...I did day one. Either way, I know my mom will not stop drinking. They had to keep her on some pain medication and feed her nutrients through and IV and rehydrate her and at the same time give her the nicotine patch so she did not withdraw from that as well. I SOOOO wanted to stop this morning on my way back home a grab a six pack, but I know what that does. My boyfriend is coming over later and he does not drink so that's no an option...he somehow always knows even if I shower and look really pretty and smell really nice and brush my teeth and use the original listerine and yes I have even swallowed peppermint gum because he said he can still smell it on my breath. I don't want to lose him. He may not be the thinnest, most fit and attractive man, but he's my rock and we have an incredible connection, except the the drinking. I started the topamax and still am taking the xanax when needed...I hope that's not cheating, but I noticed I needed more this time than the last time I quit over the summer. I don't like to take it and it's usually in the middle of the night when I awake hot as hell and my heart starting to race. Sorry to disappoint everyone. So, it's 1pm here and I am making a mixture of peppers, onions, hot italian sausage, onions and oddly, I put celery in it and oh, chicken...all in big chunks and then I will add a little pasta sauce and that's for dinner, with broccoli on the side. I use this garlic paste that is found here by me and you only need a little and add some salt, parm cheese and it's great....I'm also going back to lower carb diet..that helped me before.

      Okay, now, I have read some of the posts, but because I have been out of it for a while and my bf lives where there is NO INTERNET OR A COMPUTER...I am trying to catch up. I do love that man, but he has satelite tv so he gets quite a bit, and I'm not much of a tv watcher, until I get to his trailer, which by the way, he keeps at 85 degrees and I keep my house around 67....I sweat crazy LOL.

      @HippyMan....I LOVE BLACK BEANS and I also cook them from dried ones. However, I love all beans, but I have never soaked mine. The black beans I put in a big pot with beef broth and water and cook it until it starts to boil, then I simmer them, well it's a little more than simmer, but not a full them and keep adding water, watch again and add more beef usually takes me around 3 hours to get them somewhat soft and then I add some salsa and go another hour....but they have been cooking for a while. If they are not as tender as I like, I go another hour and then add celery, carrots, tomatoes and I NEVER add the rice. I cook the rice separate and then spoon it into it. Call me crazy, but I'm polish and my mom made the best chicken soup she's totally incapable because of alcohol, but I remember that she NEVER put any past in it. When I asked her about it in my early twenties, she told me that the rice and pasta will either break down or soak up all your broth. A good broth you can keep for days or even freeze and reheat...the pasta and rice will not hold up and it will totally change the taste. I will never forget that. The first time I took my homemade chicken soup to bf's parents house, his mother said; "Where the hell is the f'n pasta?" I just giggled and said its right here, add as much or as little as you like and the broth will be the same tomorrow.

      To everyone else, thank you so much for the support and thank you for listening and caring.



        Newbies Nest

        'Tis such a lovely place to wake to on a Sunday morinin', 'er afternoon! LOL...insomnia!

        Hi Slay ~ I LOVE your 30 day song! I'll have to borrow it?TOMORROW!

        Moni ~ Such a great accomplishment 101 days! :woot:

        Nursie ~ So sorry to hear about your friend?Good that you are pampering your honey

        Thanks NSug for the tips ~ I never considered listening to CNN. I usually read. I nod off I don't know how many times, LOL! . I think part of this is that I'm happy to be sober and like a little kid, I don't wanna miss anything! I too am super grateful for ALL of you folks. Isn't it amazing how even after 28 ~ 31 days you can feel such a difference? I agree, we should reward ourselves daily, I guess in NOT taking poison into our bodies, we already ARE! :l

        How's going today Runningbird? Glad you made it through the rough night. It's true about giving up the booze, your body heals from all the many ill effects! RE: fostering a pet: I know the hard part will be letting the critter go, but at least I can feel good knowing I loved it through a tough time. And if I'm able, I'll keep it! So glad you're here, stay close.

        Hi LastStraw ~ Looking forward to getting to know you!

        Jimmy ~ it really is lovely having a support group right here anytime you have a need! Love it!!

        Hey Mick ~ every time I read a post of yours I read it in a Scottish accent, lol! It's always a joy to read them, esp. your jokes

        DD ~ How great is it that you're breaking the binge cycle? I'm glad you're back on track and you shared with your crew, it makes such a difference having a support circle. We're always loved & restored.

        I wanted to share something?I'm reading the book 'Unwasted' right now. I can very much relate to the author. She decided to go to AA (something I am NOT interested in, long story) and her sponsor is constantly telling her 'IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU'. So, as I'm reading, It's like?.Clever anecdotes, witting prose, relatable story?.IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!?charming description, amusing comparison, hilarious joke?IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU!?If i'm honest, about 95% (at least) of what trips me up, causes me to question myself, makes me uncomfortable, yatta ~ yatta?Is me MAKING SOMETHING ABOUT ME that HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME! I decided to apply this every time I'm miffed about something/anything?it's almost always applicable! Just a a little treasure I found and wanted to share wit 'chas.

        Hope you're having a peace-filled sober day. XOXO P :h
        "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


          Newbies Nest

          Struggles, I am so sorry about your mom but Are you Shitting me?

          The Dr. gave you Beer!! :wow: At the hospital ?! :egad:

          That is beyond insane!! Was this a Real hospital or like an Urgent care??

          I am completely freaked by that!! My parents were physicians. God I wish they were still here. I would love to tell this!!

          On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
          *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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            Newbies Nest

            PS- please forgive me. I don't mean top sound insensitive to your mom...but I now I wonder about the care she would be getting from these people....

            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
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              Newbies Nest


              this Friday will be six months sobriety for Kuya and I. Its funny how you think its an unreachable goal at the beginning but it totall is. Another misconception is that aftter 6 months you are completely healed or fixed. This is definitely not the case. I often have nightmares about drinking... I am still afraid of slipping even after all this time. Not sure if this will ever go away.

              On a positive note I will be running a half marathon next week in preparation for the London Marathon in April. I am very excited and a little nervous. 13.1 miles is a long distance to run. Went out to get specialised running gear but ended up buying Roger Feder Nike range as it was the most comfortable even though it was desinged for tennis. LOL

              Have a good Sunday everybody

              AF since 1st Sep 2012
              NF since 1st Sep 2012

              If you want to feel better visit


                Newbies Nest

                Feeling the blues, need some sun shine, has anyone ever been diagnosed with SAD, seasonal affective disorder?? Did it ever affect your drinking patterns. I wonder if more people tend to drink when in hibernation from the cold or celebrating when the sunshine and warm weather arises, or does it even matter???

                Going to pull back on socialization, don't know when I will feel the strength to be able to go out and not be so tempted, am definitely committed to achieve day 30.
                On a mission, and the only option is success. My family and I deserve a better life, an AF life.:h


                  Newbies Nest

                  Allan! So good to see you!!! I know what you mean about how impossible the journey seems at times. I still can't believe it's been 2 years for just adds up!
                  I am not as paranoid about someone slipping me something as I was before. So I will tell you that I am vigilant, and I get my own drinks, and I hold on them. So I have eased up a lot when it comes to that fear, so I will tell you that it gets better and better in that regard. I am so proud of all your accomplishments, but mostly proud of the AF one!! Well done, dear man! Your fan, Byrdie
                  All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
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                  Newbie's Nest


                    Newbies Nest

                    Hey Halo. I think I am affected by SAD. But having said that, we can ALWAYS find a reason to drink. Try not to use that as an excuse, but let it reinforce your plan of action to counteract it! Surround yourself with things you love to eat and do!
                    Remember, we have a wine maker on this site...who tastes the wine and spits it out, so if he can do his job and stay sober, well, I know I can do it, too.
                    Stay strong!! No matter what (the weather) and no matter who!!! Byrdie
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Newbies Nest

                      Well, it just seems that everybody refers to it as a temporary thing. Somebody recently asked me how long more I'm going to stay off drink. I've resigned myself to the fact it's forever and I've no problem with that. If I didn't have to interact with anybody else again in my life, then it would be just fine but I constantly find myself defending my position or having to re-iterate my lifestyle. It just gets me down. I also found out that the dude who I was supposed to go on the date with today completely lied to me about why we couldn't meet and that he was actually out last night and just lazy today. Sometimes life just sucks.

                      Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.


                        Newbies Nest

                        No booze tonight!

                        Well no booze tonight! Seems like things are smooth and I'm breaking this pattern..
                        Moni, seek out people that are like you.. Then it won't be such a problem.


                          Newbies Nest

                          YAY!!!! DD

                          Good to break the pattern, YaHooo!!!


                            Newbies Nest

                            Moni ~ I'm sorry that you're down...sounds to me like this guy isn't worth worrying about. We ALL DESERVE to be with someone excited about us and who we feel the same about! Feck him, his loss...:l
                            Seriously, he's doing YOU a favor showing you what an A~hole he is front and center. Good Riddance....
                            "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:


                              Newbies Nest

                              I bought foods for juicing.

                              I have a Champion Juicer bought years ago for carrot juice. Now will use it for other juices.

                              The juice I just tried was goooood.



                                Newbies Nest

                                FOOD! mmmmmmmmmmmmm.

                                thelaststraw;1468451 wrote: I bought foods for juicing.

                                I have a Champion Juicer bought years ago for carrot juice. Now will use it for other juices.

                                The juice I just tried was goooood.

                                Think I will go out to eat as a pig now!

                                P.S. RedShoe, I posted about your dream on the dream warriors thread.

