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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Evening Nesters,

    Tranq, can you fax me a portion of that ravioli - sounds gooood Hopefully the ravioli will fax better than the pizzas did. So glad you enjoyed your trip, think I'm about ready for one!

    Sunni, hope you have lots of firewood ready to use - sounds like you're gonna need it soon up there! Leave the leaves where they are - maybe they'll just blow away, ha ha.

    Hey chops! Great to see you.........still studying hard huh? Good to hear the new guy is still around too! Is he still behaving like a gentleman or shouldn't we ask
    Yeah, I managed to get my first 6 AF months under my belt now I'm working on months 7-12. I'm feeling confident but not too cocky if you know what I mean!!

    Sooty & chicken must be worn out, they haven't checked in again today.

    Where's all the new nestlings????????? Hope we didn't scare anyone!

    Well, saying good night all, closing up this end of the nest.
    Have a safe one!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Newbies Nest

      Evening all!
      Ah TW that was a lovely kiss the other night & I'm pleased you respected the 1st date rule of "no tongue".So another date yes?
      Do you like Thai food? I LOVE it!!
      Also,what about an action date? Can you take me camping? I'm good at roughing it....don't need no TV,spa,Wii sports here baby just the moon & the stars & a campfire &....hey,can you play the guitar & sing? Cos I really find that attractive in a man....
      To answer your query - oysters kilpatrick are oysters (doh!) splashed with Worcestershire sauce (us Aussies pronounce it Woosh-der-sheer,don't ask me why!) & topped with fried bacon & then grilled lightly - very very nice.But I do love 'em a la natural also.One can never have enough oysters,I reckon - so much zinc!!
      Hello to Lav & Sunni & Sooty & Chops & Chooky & & & ....everyone!!!


        Newbies Nest

        Didn't scare ME Lavande!

        AF for 10 days and I've been busier than I have been ever doing all the things I didn't do before due to being chained to my computer chair with a couple of bottles of wine for company!
        I've been knitting, painting, cleaning, taking the dog for walks, playing with my son Alfie, cooking great food and seeing friends I haven't seen for a while.

        I've also spent a disproportionate amount of time on the lav - a consequence of downing several pints of lemon water every few hours! It's costing me a fortune in loo roll.

        I bought myself a watch yesterday so I can watch every minute and not waste it.

        I've been seething with regrets about the past and feeling guilty about the last 10 years. I nearly wrote my EXTREMELY long list on the 'What I hate/loathe about alcohol' but after going through it in my head I realised that a retrospective look at what I'd done would only give my subconscious another reason to beat myself with a big stick and I really need to focus on future and not past. I read the whole thread and saw every single regret posted by other people and I've got a crick in my neck from nodding in agreement!

        The only thing that I think no-one mentioned was regretting not picking partners who weren't alcohol - dependant (safety in similarity) Hence, I've been a single mum twice over and never found a soul mate who shared my values & other interests. The biggest thing .... never had the chance to have more beautiful children to bring up in a joyful and stable home.

        Gave up drinking on holiday on my 44th birthday. My last drink was a VERY expensive bottle of champagne. If I do anything, I do it in STYLE!

        I'll be posting more when I can find the time! In the early evenings I can be found at the local pub with my best friends - drinking lemonade and not being tempted by the bottles of wine stacked behind the bar

        Pleased to meet you all




          Newbies Nest

          Hi Witchytrix,
          Nice to meet you too!
          Just think - what you'll save in wine will be spent on dunny paper!! Priceless substitute & i know what I'd rather be stranded on a desert island with!!!!
          It is a great place here,full to the brim of incredible people who honestly understand,like no-one else does.


            Newbies Nest

            Thanks Beagle!

            Just off to my allotment to feed my chickens!

            Back soon! X


              Newbies Nest

              morning nesters, sorry I didn't come on again last night - i thought that I had but now realise I didn't ....
              Hope everyone has a good day, I've got some housework to do and I will be back this evening!


                Newbies Nest

                hi everyone, I'm another witch that keep's hen's Witchytrix, mine have stopped laying for the winter now, does that happen in cloud cuckoo land? hope everyone is having a good day.


                  Newbies Nest

                  Good morning Nesters!

                  beagle - ouch, your knees look so tender! Nice to hear you in such good spirits Tranq is a good nestling, isn't he??

                  Witchy Trix, congrats on your 10 days!! You must be feeling terrific
                  Good for you keeping yourself so busy - it's a wonder, isn't it? Very, very brave of you hanging at the pub with your friends at this stage............I don't know if I could have handled that. I happen to have 18 hens myself - I call them 'The Girls'. Egg production does drop when the weather gets too hot or too cold. During those times I feel like they're just pets!!

                  Tawnywitch, good to see you too Hang in there with us & we'll help get you into double digit AF days as well!

                  Sooty, tired & busy? Sounds OK to me friend!!

                  I have to get moving, have some work to get to this morning, then a trip to the supermarket then another busy afternoon watching my grandson. I'll check in later - tired & happy I'm sure

                  Have a great day everyone!
                  AF since 03/26/09
                  NF since 05/19/09
                  Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                    Newbies Nest

                    tawnywitch;725943 wrote: hi everyone, I'm another witch that keep's hen's Witchytrix, mine have stopped laying for the winter now, does that happen in cloud cuckoo land? hope everyone is having a good day.
                    Hi Tawny Witch-twin! My chooks are still laying but not so often. I'm thinking of knitting them some winter knickers!

                    Lavande yes, I AM feeling great and excited about the future. And my chickens are called 'The Ladies'!



                      Newbies Nest

                      my hens are the girls too, i have some very ugly guinea fowl too and some cute little quail, just have to get use to buying eggs again until the spring


                        Newbies Nest

                        I quite like their winter break. I've run out of egg recipes! Are yours little brown layers? I've got 4 of those, a Cuckoo Cochin and a Buff Orpington.


                          Newbies Nest

                          Good morning nesters!

                          Brrrrrrr.... getting rather cool on this side of the nest!

                          Oh, you girls make me miss my chickens :upset: I used to call them 'ladies' as well I have one pic of two of them in the house:

                          Every flock we had always had one real character. *sigh* I miss having my morning coffee outside and hear them yelling at me "Let us OUT, Mom!" In the last flock the odd one out was 'Ginger' (a shaver red hen)... she truly believed she was a pet and therefore was meant to be in the house. Whenever someone forgot to close a door, she'd be inside. After a while she learned, too, that she had to be quiet or else she'd be found out. So, I'd come into my office and find a chicken sitting on my office chair in front of the computer, or at the dinner table, on the toilet (closed lid) in the powder room... :H And when she was the lone survivor (all the others got eaten by local wildlife) she really didn't want to go in the chicken coop at night.. so she'd 'HIDE' in the garage EVERY NIGHT. In the SAME SPOT. Behind a tarp. She'd even duck down low, but her butt was still sticking up in the air! :H Speaking of chickens... where's our chook?

                          Lav, have a wonderful afternoon with your grand son... work that upper body, girl!
                          Sooty, would you do my housework, too please? It's really getting outta hand here.
                          WhitchyTrix... :H One way or the other... the money is gone, eh?! Congrats on your double digits - fabulous!
                          Good morning beagle! Good to see you in such good spirits! And, hello to Tawny, Tranq, and all to come!

                          I'm hoping to make a big dent today work wise. Had a hugely frustrating day yesterday - hoping to make up for that today. Right then.. off I go!
                          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                          Winning since October 24th, 2013


                            Newbies Nest

                            We ought to start a chicken thread!:H


                              Newbies Nest

                              Morning. I'm just checking in before work. Running late, but at least it's not because I'm hungover!

                              I don't have any chickens but I did grow up on a farm and we had a couple of polish roosters that used to chase me when I was a kid.

                              ta ta must run


                                Newbies Nest

                                Sunni your story about the chicken was great and I love the photo.
                                This thread is turning into a chicken appreciation society - talking of which where is our chicken? Speak to us Number 3 or I'll have to come and find you -
                                Had a good day - hope everyone else has. Tired now and ready to watch something easy on tv.
                                See you all in the October nest -
                                take care
                                :l to all x

