Evening Nest members,
Wow! Busy day here, that's great!
Sunni - I love the picture, that's hysterical

Every time we have a new flock I always end up bringing a few hatchlings in the house. They are so nasty with each other I feel I have to separate the injured ones, give them a few days to heal their boo-boos before re-introducing them to the flock. Trying to keep them in the cardboard box is another story!
Right now we have 9 Buff Orpingtons and 9 Rhode Island Reds. They play nicely together & give us plenty of brown eggs

Raising chickens can be very entertaining at times

Speaking of chicken..........time for you to check in!!!
Hello to everyone yet to check in.
Well, I had a great day, a tiring one for sure. My grandson left tired but happy as well

Time to chill for a bit then call it a day.
Wishing everyone a safe, comfortable night in the nest.