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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Last, that's so funny, I thought the same thing. Longest menopause in history! The AL was causing it, because as soon as I quit drinking, I quit the night sweats! Badda Bing! My BP is also down, I'm off all that medication, too. The less meds I take the better I feel...go figure!

    I'ma call it a long as you just feel shitty, you're ok. Try and get some rest. This has been a big day for you!! Your rebirthday!

    Night LastStraw! hugs to you, B
    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
    Tool Box
    Newbie's Nest


      Newbies Nest

      I was referring to Charlie Sheen, about how cool it would be to have him come to the nest and help people. cross posts made it look like I was referring to someone else, I see now. Good grief. Sorry BYRDLADY. my bad sorry.

      The sorry -S-


        Newbies Nest

        Hey Bobbie,

        I know it's late in the day and I don't know where you are, but do you have any access to a doctor who could give you something to get you through the withdrawals and the anxiety? Many doctors will give you enough valium (10mg is best) to get through two or three days. This would help immeasurably with what you are going through. I've almost always had to detox cold turkey, but the couple of times I was able to get some medical help, it made a HUGE difference.

        If you can't get medical help, I've found that lots of water, with fresh lemon juice squeezed in, along with some GABA (a formula with B6 added for absorption) helped to calm things down quite a bit. They are available at any health food store. (It is Gamma Amino Butyric Acid). Amino acids should be taken on an empty stomach (the lemon juice is ok). The GABA calms you and the lemon water rehydrates, helps the liver and alkalinizes the system, which also makes you feel better. (The GABA costs about $13).

        I would do this first thing in the morning and it would help with that shaky, anxious feeling. The slow, deep breathing was actually surprisingly calming, too. Drink the lemon water all day long and take the GABA between meals, if you can tolerate some small healthy snacks during the day.

        Hang in there. You will be so proud of yourself and begin to feel good about yourself. Make a decision to be the best 'you' you can be. Take care of yourself and get yourself back in shape. You will be so glad, looking and feeling your best, when you ever run into this woman again. You sure don't want her to find you sick, drunk, demoralized and non-functional, do you? You can do it and we are here to help you. You are not alone in this.
        AF since 12/2/12


          Newbies Nest

          Ahhh BYRDLADY u r awesome. The sweats are the pits. So glad to not have them anymore - after only 20 days...yippie



            Newbies Nest

            Dropping back in to wish everyone a safe & cozy night in the nest

            Bobbies, hope you stay safe tonight & please call someone if you need medical help.

            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Newbies Nest

              You mean to tell me that I am not the only one that had the nightly AL sweats and thought it was menopause?????? I used to have to change my clothes in the middle of the night. I mean, even my wrists were sweating!!! Now that I have stopped drinking, no more sweats. I can be cozy and warm in my bed without my body turning it into a furnace.
              Too funny!! I had no idea!:H

              For all the newbies struggling, stay strong! My thoughts are with you. You can do it...and with each day it gets easier and easier....You just have to believe that!!
              I just won't anymore


                Newbies Nest

                jenniech;1469352 wrote: You mean to tell me that I am not the only one that had the nightly AL sweats and thought it was menopause?????? I used to have to change my clothes in the middle of the night. I mean, even my wrists were sweating!!! Now that I have stopped drinking, no more sweats. I can be cozy and warm in my bed without my body turning it into a furnace.
                Too funny!! I had no idea!:H

                For all the newbies struggling, stay strong! My thoughts are with you. You can do it...and with each day it gets easier and easier....You just have to believe that!!
                Furnace - I thought I WAS the only thing keeping my house heated!!!!!! LOL ankles sweating, good grief. I thought it was only me. Thank s for this nest. Seriously. whimper



                  Newbies Nest

                  Good evening Nesters! I had an on-line class last night and couldn't check in until just now. Slay, Perse, Byrd, and LolaB, thanks for your understanding about my vent last night about my husband. He's an awesome guy...the trouble is he's a guy. And Pinecone -- you are absolutely right, I get pissed when he can't read my mind, so it helps to know other men don't have that gift either. But I'm taking all of your advice and will talk to him at some point, although I might wait until Day 30 to do it. I only have 7 days left, but I have no plans of ever going back and want this to be permanent more than anything. And you're right I totally need to make sure I'm doing this for me and not anyone else.

                  As far as the NIGHT SWEATS go....holy crap, I had no idea that was AL!! My husband would have the electric blankets on high and I'd be like a furnace with the window open (even in below zero weather) with just a sheet on. I also thought it was menopause -- -It never even occurred to me that for the past 3 weeks I've actually been using blankets!!

                  If it wasn't the AL, the only other explanation is we all happened to break world records for going through menopause :H

                  Welcome to everyone who's new -- this is a really amazing place with beautiful, kind people who understand. I hope you feel at home and are taking all the great advice that's being offered to heart and putting it into practice.




                  For supplement dosage/schedule go to:


                    Newbies Nest

                    thelaststraw;1469361 wrote: Furnace - I thought I WAS the only thing keeping my house heated!!!!!! LOL ankles sweating, good grief. I thought it was only me. Thank s for this nest. Seriously. whimper

                    FURNACE! The radiator in our bedroom hasn't worked for years, and I actually convinced my husbnad that we shouldn't fix it because of my "menopausal" "night sweats"! This wasn't a scam, I really believed that's why I was 1000 degrees at night. Instead I bought him an electric blanket with separate controls for each side of the bed so he can have it on high while I lay there with the window open in the middle of winter. Damn, this means I owe him an apology at some point, huh?


                    For supplement dosage/schedule go to:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Elliesmom;1469366 wrote: FURNACE! The radiator in our bedroom hasn't worked for years, and I actually convinced my husbnad that we shouldn't fix it because of my "menopausal" "night sweats"! This wasn't a scam, I really believed that's why I was 1000 degrees at night. Instead I bought him an electric blanket with separate controls for each side of the bed so he can have it on high while I lay there with the window open in the middle of winter. Damn, this means I owe him an apology at some point, huh?
                      Yes. m Night sweats kept me alive during that winter camping excursion. It was freezing out there. Good reason to invite AL? .....NOT SO MUCH. The creep.



                        Newbies Nest

                        Wow just read so much I can't poss comment on all... Y'all are wonderful!

                        Dayum- so glad my post gave u courage to try again. Lets stick together
                        No sugar- beautiful advice about your plan
                        K9. - thx for encouragement
                        Almost free- thx to u as well

                        Ellie's- my husband offered me a beer earlier bc he really doesn't see my problem ... Ugh but I love him me he's awesome just not an ALkie (Thk god)

                        Bobby- hang in there - th anxiety is horrible .... I have been on anxiety meds for years but after 7 days AF a few weeks ago I was amazed at my calmness and clarity .... Also don't drink AT your ex ... Drinking at a person or situation never hurts them or affects the situation - YOU are the only casualty


                          Newbies Nest

                          Where's kuya? Oh and thx Fin! Congrats youre almost on floor !!!??? What? Whoop whoop


                            Newbies Nest

                            Made it!

                            hey guys, I am SO glad to be here now in the nest after my third day AF.

                            my ex emailed and said not to call him again - i have not called him - he calls 2 or 3 times a night and I never pick up the phone. I email back - "okay" He send three more emails saying how he can't live without me.

                            Work was great but the family thing got crazy after work. My sister was going to meet at my mom's - I was going to stop by after work -my brother is still in the ICU with heart monitors and every kind of monitor possible... I get to my mom's - she knows I need to leave early - she hands me a glass of wine and says my sister will be late. I put the wine down on the table and ask why she will be late. she got to the hospital late to see my brother and needs to ask the doctor some questions.

                            My Mom is old, tired, sore - worried about my brother and grouchy. I sit and knit and talk to her - i don't want to leave until my sister gets there - My mom has set dinner on the back burner - if I miss the last express bus i have a 2 hour commute. My mom finally calls the hospital my sister is too tired to come to mom's and is going home. My mom is hurt and depressed, i have to leave her - she is continually urging me to drink the wine. I have to get up at 5 am. I leave and I have missed the last express bus. I want a glass of cold champagne - I even almost wish I had not poured out the awful box wine. I want to call my ex (CRAZY!!!) he will bring a gallon of champagne . An Indian woman on the bus admires my knitting - distracting me from my insanity. I have not eaten and try to focus on what I will make for dinner

                            I keep thinking about the nest - about three days and how long it takes to get three days - much much longer than 72 hour!!

                            I think about your love and the hope and support you have given me in the last 72 hours. I almost cry I want to be in the nest so badly. I get to the park- and ride, drive home past the stores- microwave a potato and make a cup of tea - and here I am with you wonderful people - thank you so much - tomorrow will be a day I will wake up and say - i am glad I did not drink

                            Which of you says .. I can't remember the exact words - there is not a morning aI wake up and say i wish i drank last night?

                            Anyway - thank you - thank you for another day!


                              Newbies Nest

                              Runningbird, Well done on resisting all those temptations to drink. It takes real willpower. Its 7.30pm in OZ and my second day AF. I could have easily caved a few minutes ago with the pressures of life that today has handed me. I work with kids who have massive behavioral problems. Some take drugs and all the other crap thats around. Some are abused and neglected! Still, I resisted. It did flash through my mind though: " is it any wonder I drink!!" Good Luck for tomorrow. It will be day 3 for me.: And, forgot congrates on 3 days!!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Hey Nesties,

                                I have not had internet access all day/night, until now. It made me realize that this forum is like family to me. I've grown accustomed to starting my day (at least) with you all. Even if I don't post, I've read EVERY DAY for the last month. Today was the first day that I was unable to, not out of choice. I missed yous!!!

                                I've not had a chance to read through the pages of posts since my last to catch up on what's been going on, but will asap...I do see there are New Nesties and want to :welcome: you! As no doubt you've realized, this is a special place. This nest and the toolbox are INVALUABLE to your first steps in this journey. Please stay close :l

                                Had a bizarre day, grateful as all hell that it was a sober one. I haven't regretted this decision once.

                                "People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone."
? Audrey Hepburn, Actress and Philanthropist :heart:

