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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    I always say that it takes an alcoholic to help an alcoholic and you guys are great examples of that!!! :goodjob:
    NoSugar;1469544 wrote: Wonderful work, Jennie!

    - and it IS work!

    I have thought about you, Persephone, and Slay often this month. We started together and often I would think "THEY can do it so there is no reason you can't do it, too". And when each of you posted during what seemed like the long days of Febrary, I would be so happy to see we all were hanging in there. I also would think about how if I failed, it would really be hard to see my quit-pals move on without me. I would be glad for you but so regretful and frankly, I am really sick of regrets!

    You may have been to day 30 before but this can be the last one! Let's all of us stick together!
    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


      Newbies Nest

      BOBBIESLIFE, ohh thanks for your post.

      I'm going off to the gym, now, but stick on the nest.

      So glad for your night AF - so glad.



        Newbies Nest

        Happy Tuesday Nesters! The weather outside is frightful but a lap full of dogs is delightful....if they would just stop drinking all my coffee! :H I'm taking another load of excess treasure up to the auction house today. It feels so good to clear the clutter and way room for new treasures. It doesn't hurt that I have been getting great results at the auction. $$$ I guess the dealers really like my taste in "STUFF"! I have had some luck with on~line selling but it's only practical for small stuff because of shipping costs. I have always been a Yard sale/thrift store junkie. I call it treasure hunting and over the years I've made some good finds. I recently found a Navajo rug for $1. and sold it for over $380 at auction. It was probably worth 3x that but the dealer who bought it needs to make money too. Anyway at least now I have found an honest auction house that is glad to sell my stuff! It truly is like my dreams have all come true. I'm sober. I'm happy and I'm in love! :l
        Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


          Newbies Nest

          Good morning Nesters, have a wonderful day feeling like a King today! I know it's gonna be a great day, I can feel it, this would have been "one of those days" if AL was still in my life.
          I am so grateful to have found this community of friends when I did, Thank You Again!

          Bobby, hang in there, I'm separated after 20 years of marriage, a 19 yo and twins 14, i miss them so much, this is killing me, but if I ever needed and wanted a drink its been the last few weeks, it's been tough, but AL would have made it even worse. I'm with you Bobby you can do this, that feeling when you just regain consciousness in the AM and say Oh God why did I do it again, has to be the worst feeling in the world, at least it is for me. You have to take a good shower, get dressed, and go outside and do anything. I find myself walking around big box grocery stores. I am a really good cook and get so many good ideas. I have very little support outside of my business and when I'm where I want and need to be, I will be able to say I did it alone and with these great caring people on MWO. We are all pulling for you, AL covers up and delays real progress, trust me I'm relying on 30+ years of drinking and poisoning my body.

          Jenni, WOW what a great job on your 30 What color Is your hat, sorry if I missed it.
          We have a few cruising past the 1 month mark and a few more just behind.
          Thank y'all for helping everyone, I so appreciate knowing y'all are there!

          Take care Nesters, have a wonderful, happy, productive day! j


            Newbies Nest

            Hello Nesters......just popping in to say hello. Day 3 for me. Looking after an 11 month old is strong incentive not to drink the night before, but by the end of the day there is still that urge to pour a glass of wine to relax. I rode through it though last night. It only lasted for a couple of hours and then I went up to bed early. This morning I'm so glad I did of course.

            Jenni....many congratulations on your day 30!

   glad to see you are back.....we can do this!

   really does get better.....and by the sounds of the childish phone calls you are should probably be happy she is out of your day soon you will probably see that yourself Hang in there!

            .....well if just took me 45 minutes to get the little guy down for his nap......I'm breaking his mothers rules and rocked him to sleep in my arms. I can't stand to hear him cry. And what can be wrong with comforting him? I know it's not a habit she wants him to get into, but really,mit only takes 10 minutes and feels so good for the 2 of us. I grid her way to start, but he was having none of it!

            Better get some chores done while I have a chance now.......

            Have a good day everyone.....AF of course!


              Newbies Nest

              Jenni, on behalf of the entire Newbie's Nest, I hope you will accept this small token of a BIG JOB!!! My (no longer sweaty) Lady.....your HAT!


              30 Days is enormous in our world! 30 days and nights of mindgames and voices...tricks and tips...30 days of BEATING THIS BEAST! Well done to you....and here's to a lifetime of sobriety!!! Well done! Byrdie
              All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
              Tool Box
              Newbie's Nest


                Newbies Nest

                Pinecone, Thanks for reminding me - I will never wake up and wish that I drank he night before, so true and her eI am awake and happy -

                Bobby hang in there - You;re amazing - iy will get better - don't answer those phone calls.

                Thank you for HALT, I will carry a ready stash of food. Can't wait to check in tonight - thanks so much for the support.

                Jenni hurrah! I love your hat - it is green - perfect color for you I wish I could see it one you!!!


                  Newbies Nest

                  day 1 for me. Fed up with being hungover,depressed and self loathing.
                  Bring it on.:new:


                    Newbies Nest

                    Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

                    Jagman;1469563 wrote: day 1 for me. Fed up with being hungover,depressed and self loathing.
                    Bring it on.:new:
                    Welcome Jagman! Many of us here that are "Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired"!!
                    You will find great support here!:welcome:


                      Newbies Nest

                      Good Morning, nest :l

                      :welcome: Jagman. Hang out in this wonderfully supportive nest and you will learn the "tricks of the trade". We are all sick and tired of being sick and tired, as DD says. Please read, post, and visit the toolbox (see link below).

                      I am so sorry that I don't have time to respond to all the posts, but I just spent a few minutes catching up from yesterday. My heart is full of pride for all you our newbies who are struggling to make it through these first few days and also with thanks for all of the fellow nesters who are lending so much support. This is such an AWESOME place!

                      Jennie!!! Congratulations on your hat!!!! You are such a great addition to our group and we really love you!!!

                      Sorry I am out so much these days, guys, but there have been some changes in my work load and I am finding it almost impossible to keep up :upset: Please know that I love and care for each and every one and am checking in as much as possible. Hopefully things will slow down a bit after March is over.



                      I am only one drink away from never being sober again.


                        Newbies Nest

                        Open the Dream Flood Gates!

                        Redshoe.. I replied to your dream on dream warriors thread.. It's fantastic that your mind starts to open up the flood gates after years of being shut! :goodjob:


                          Newbies Nest

                          Morning Nesters...I haven't read the nest since yesterday's post, so I'm not up to speed. I may not be posting much this week as Thursday is the Criminal Trial for Domestic Violence I am a witness to against my husband. You can imagine the range of emotions I'm going through including feeling nervous. It's not easy to testify against someone you have been protecting and loved, but I have to stop the harm and protect myself (a new concept for me). It may seem easy under the circumstances but it's not. He is unwilling to admit guilt as it will damage his ability to get a permanent green card and can get him deported, so he is going to play dirty. My mind is very heavy and I have to prepare mentally for this challenge. Of course his lawyer will be grilling me and trying to turn everything around and manipulate the truth as that is how he makes his living defending the guilty and not guilty. Guilty people get away with things everyday. In conclusion he needs to be held accountable, face the consequences for his actions for once in his life, and get help. Whether the jury finds him guilty or not guilty I will be dealing with a range of emotions on both sides of the coin. This will mark the final end to this marriage and it will end with bad feelings that are hard to get closure on. Depending on the verdict it could lead to an even worse situation, but he has left me with no choice. This is not my way of dealing with things and I am very unhappy I am being forced to do it by someone I have loved.

                          It looks like there is plenty of support here and a busy nest. I wish you all well. I wanted to check in to stay accountable and to let you know I plan on staying AF and I am on day 33. I just don't know how much I will post with so much on my mind and heart.

                          Be strong everyone. AL can't change things for the better, but it can make things worse.


                          Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                            Newbies Nest

                            CONGRATS, JENNIECH!!!!

                            :goodjob: on 30 days!
                            Rule your mind or it will rule you. It is from a thought that an action grows. :bat


                              Newbies Nest

                              Good morning Nesters.

                              Congratulations Jenni on your 30 days! Way to go!

                              Welcome Jagman, we are so glad you have joined us. Read back and get to know us. Post, and let us get to know you. You will find so much support, encouragement and friendship here. Jump in, stay close, and let us help you during the difficult early days.

                              Bobby, so proud of you that you made it through day 1. That is usually the worst day. Be glad you are through it and you will start to feel better by the day. Just ignore these childish phone calls. Not only childish, but cruel. Do you really need these kinds of people in your life. Don't let them win. You will feel so proud of yourself when you are feeling fit and good again. Stay close to the nest so that you can continue to draw on the strength and friendship we offer. You are on your way a new and better life. Her loss!

                              I have read everyone's posts and I am amazed and in awe of the strength eveyone has been able to gather from being in the nest. What an awesome place! People have been able to get through some really difficult situations thanks to the support we find here. I love this place!

                              Slay, I so feel for what you are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I can onlly imagine the emotional and mental torment you are going through. The competing emotions. We will all be thinking of you this week. Let us know how it is going. We love you!
                              AF since 12/2/12


                                Newbies Nest

                                Slay, I really feel for you - I will say a wee prayer that you have the strength and confidence to make yourself heard and you can go home in peace knowing you never chose this.....
                                Jenniech, brilliant! 30 days is 30 days! I have been there before as well but I can tell you when I get 30 days again I will be jumping up and down, showing off, because I didn't think I would see it again. Go on - treat yourself! You earned it!
                                Just back from my dads. Worked my ass off, along with my 2 daughters. We completely cleared a 20ft x 2ft flowerbed. Removed plants, soil, tree trunks and surrounding beams. Must have taken away 15 wheelbarrows of soil. Girl Power!!!! Weeded 2 others and hosed the yard - looks top class and dad is happy.
                                It is like a Summers day here in Ireland - now for a hot bath......
                                IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO BE WHAT YOU MIGHT HAVE BEEN
                                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!

