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Newbies Nest

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    Newbies Nest

    Good evening nesters!

    Been running around all afternoon.

    Welcome to Ljeanner and Mailbaby. So glad you found us. This is a wonderful place where you can find sobriety. So many caring and supportive people here. We are here to help, so please read back a bit, get to know us and post, so that we can get to know you, too.

    Just wanted to give a shout out of encouragement to Boozer and Rednose, at day 2 and 3. It usually isn't quite as hellish as day 1, but it is still damn hard. Well done, both of you!

    Bobby, I think it's important for a man/woman to have and keep their self-respect. Alcohol has robbed us of this and more. You can start building it again by not drowning your troubles in booze and by not responding to their childish games. Just ignore them. Focus on getting through the rest of the night and turn your ringer off if you have to. Eat something good, watch something on tv and just get through until bedtime. You will feel proud of yourself in the morning and will be starting on the road to a better life. Maintaining your dignity is important in building self-esteem. Don't let them rob you of that by engaging with them in these childish games. You can do it!
    AF since 12/2/12


      Newbies Nest

      Maibaby I did the same thing.
      Almost free such good advice!!

      day 4 and I have not been sleeping soundly, Just very tired right now and will go to bed early. Today was so much better than yesterday - for those of you hat have followed my brother was moved from intensive care to Special care at the hospital this evening. He sounded pretty encouraged on the phone. I said I would post my blood pressure but haven't yet - I will tomorrow morning - just to keep me honest.

      It is like an alcohol thermometer. It usually takes about 30 days for mine to get down consistently in the healthy range.

      Thanks to all for being here I thougt about you all day!


        Newbies Nest

        Bobby can you change your phone #? And then ask the company to unlist it?
        Jennie- gooooo girl! 30 day shout out
        Welcome ljean and mailbaby
        Day 2 ...but like k9 said I'm not back on the bottom floor just fell a few steps so today is 20/26 days in feb sober which is as many as I've seen in years AND I'm learning some things:

        I don't have to drink at people or situations to get through
        I am really a calm and happy person when alcohol not making me anxious and depressed
        I am quite strong


          Newbies Nest

          We all can... together

          :dancin:Good evening Ican, I really like your attitude and your affirmations at the end of your post.

          i think sometimes AA can make us afraid to start again with the emphasis on birthdays and not "having a good program" if we slip

          I truly mean there are many good an inspiring people in AA and the fellowship can be very supportive and helps many many people - but for me anyway - I have felt intimidated to go back because - I am grateful to have a place that welcomes the forward momentum, I am rambling - but thank you Ican, you can - and I can and we all can... together.


            Newbies Nest

            Bobbyslife;1469623 wrote: I am trying so hard , wow what a wonderful amount of people that I can share my feelings with.
            Its been day one so I thought I would clean my house and get rid of anything that reminded me of her. So it must be she is staying with this other man since the phone calls are either coming from him or her, yes they are all triggers , sometimes make me want to do stupid but not trying to get into any trouble, so I ignore the phone calls. I am almost 36 years old never been through I know what would be some form of some verbal harassment by either him or her. All these years I ask myself what did I do wrong, I did the manly thing and provided and she deceided to go out many weekends and as soon as I asked her about it , things went downhill, who calls their girlfriend of almost 5 years at night and she had her phone on vibrate but I noticed the vibration and saw the name. and she was just shocked. that just wants me to drink to relieve the thought of that. she claimed it was just a good friend of one of her friends. She always used to have her phone on and then silent . that should have been my clue. Thank You all for even reading this. Just hating what is going on and those cravings are calling .
            I blew 16 days over the exact same thing.
            She let and was with another guy right away.
            It hurts like hell I know.
            Try to keep your mind off of her and more on not taking
            That drink. Believe me I know first hand.

            All things in time if I am Alcohol free


              Newbies Nest

              Hi all and thanks for the support. Day two is almost behind
              Me. Worked out real hard today so maybe I won't wake
              At 3:04 am.
              Looking forward to day three AF.

              All things in time if I am Alcohol free


                Newbies Nest

                Hello Everyone, Just checking in after a difficult day at work. Nearly drove into the bottle shop on may way home,but thought of all you guys and the support/advice you give and somehow I resisted the temptation!!! DAY 3 down and dusted! Jumping straight onto MWO when I got home helped heaps.I know tommorow will be another tough one; Day 4 allways is for me. Thanks everyone! Hope you are all doing well. I am off for a walk. Welcome Maibaby and Ljeanna, Look fwd to hearing from you!


                  Newbies Nest

                  Wow, was gone for a bit, and came back to find all you newbie's back and forth, encouraging each wonderful to see. Love you guys!

                  Where to start?

                  Runningbird, congrats on day 4. I agree with you about AA, although every meeting is different and many people get a lot from meetings. I know just what you mean about coming back after a slip and having to put your hand up as a newcomer. I would always try to get to 30 days on my own, just to avoid that. Wasn't very successful at it........

                  Ican, way to go on day 2! I, too, love K9's way of looking at slipping. So much more positive and encouraging. Makes so much more sense. Don't we beat ourselves up enough as it is? I love your positive affirmations, too. I think I'll write them down and post them up on the wall in front of me.

                  Hey Rednose, good going on day 2! So sorry that you had a similar experience to Bobby. Man, love can be a bitch! It's so nice of you to reach out. It really helps to talk to someone who has been there. Hopefully Bobby is fast asleep in his neck of the nest and will see it when he wakes up.

                  Boozer, you are doing great! Three days down! Glad you were able to by-pass the bottle shop. You are doing all the right the booze, going home, posting here, encouraging others, going for a walk and preparing yourself for what might be a difficult day, tomorrow. Hopefully you will be surprised with a great day, instead. Byrdie alway says that you won't have two bad days in a row!

                  Man, you guys are like old timers! So much wisdom and support! And given in such a kind and encouraging way. It warms my heart to see all of you, with only a few days each, just being there for each other. This is the magic of mwo and particularly the Nest. I think that there is always a special bond between those who start together here on mwo. Hugs to all of you!
                  AF since 12/2/12


                    Newbies Nest

                    Well, have an early day tomorrow, so think I will call it a night. Good night everyone. Had a pretty strong craving this afternoon, but it only lasted for a short time. Thank God cravings have become very few and far between. And I have somewhere to go now when they do hit. Thank you all for being here! See you all in the morning.
                    AF since 12/2/12


                      Newbies Nest

                      Morning Nesters - hope you all have a great day!
                      Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                        Newbies Nest

                        Hi Everyone,
                        Thanks again for the welcomes & welcome Miababy, forgive me for being so basic on a comp.
                        I have no idea about smiley faces etc, i am still waiting on starter pack to officially begin my journey with my new friends. Story- long time drinker 30 years my wife of 26 years left on the week-end (had enough)
                        ordered Kudzu 8 weeks ago & arrived on Monday, so I've taken them for 3 days & can't believe it, tonight at home alone i would likely have 15 stubs but over past 2 nights have had only 5,(3 tonight),can't wait to start my new life sober.
                        Thanks (I'll stop rambling)


                          Newbies Nest

                          welcome john60!!
                          Check out the are off to a good start...keep coming and keep posting......
                          I just won't anymore


                            Newbies Nest

                            If I get through today (which I plan to), I will be at three weeks AF. Been a pretty smooth ride - but every day at 4pm.... The craving starts. Some days it is a passing thing and as long as I get home - I am in the clear. But other days it sticks around a fights me right until bed. My wife is a near tea totaller - she might have 4 glasses of wine a year - but we keep wine in the house for company. I am fine with that most of the time - but sometimes it calls to me!


                              Newbies Nest

                              It's day 10 and I'm feeling so much more together.
                              Feels like the time I stopped smoking. I'm no longer a slave!


                                Newbies Nest

                                Good morning! Welcome John, Mai, and L.
                                I'm rooting for you! And for red nose and boozer too, lets have a great day today to everyone in our cozy nest.
                                Icy and rainy here. Possibly an interesting ride to work.
                                I will check in later!
                                Day 1 again 11/5/19
                                Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
                                Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
                                Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
                                11/27/19: messed up but back on track
                                12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

                                One day at a time.

